Chase's Teacher

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Chase's Teacher Page 12

by Angela Franklin

  “Thank you Chase. A shower will be great. I’m too tired for a long bath right now maybe another time.” Callie said and stepped back to grab her things. “Crap.” He heard her mutter to her self.

  “What’s wrong baby?” Chase asked her worried.

  “I forgot to bring something to sleep in.” Callie said annoyed.

  “I was rather looking forward to those slippers. They were so sexy. Be sure to bring them next time.” Chase said winking at her.

  “Ha ha ha. I will be sure to were flannel jammies with thermals underneath them.” Callie told him trying to look mad.

  “You would be adorable in anything you wear. You want one of my shirts for tonight and a pair of boxers.” He really liked the thought of her in his clothes.

  “That would be great if they will fit.” Callie told him shyly.

  “We know my shirts fit you.” Chase reminded her. “If the boxers don’t, you can sleep in just the shirt.” That sound like a great idea to him.

  “Um, okay.” Callie said and waited for him to get her what she needed.

  “Don’t worry about the water. I’ll run down to the other bathroom and take a quick shower so we can go to bed. Just take your time.” Chase told her grabbing sweatpants out of a drawer for himself.

  Chase watched her walk into the bathroom and close the door before he took off down the hall. He didn’t want to be away from her, but maybe a cool shower would help. He had his soap in all the bathrooms for guests, he didn’t see a reason to buy anything else. He stripped and jumped in quickly. He felt the stubble on his face and decided it would be fine till morning.

  He rushed through his shower in record time and almost fell out of the tub in his rush to dry off. Calm down your acting like a teenager on prom night, he told himself. He was so hard he felt like one. The cool shower hadn’t helped at all. He threw his clothes on and ran his fingers through his hair before going back to his room. He could still hear his shower and couldn’t stop the thoughts of the water running down her voluptuous body. That wasn’t helping anything. He turned on the tv hoping to drown out the sound and distract his thoughts. He was so focused he jumped when she opened the bathroom door. The scent of her shower gel filled the room and he bit back a groan.

  “The shorts wouldn’t fit.” Callie said stepping out of the bathroom slowly and chewing on her lip again.

  “Callie girl, you’re killing me.” Chase said his eyes laser focused on her. She gave him a confused look so he explained. “Those creamy thighs, the wet hair, the scent of your body wash, and then you bit your lip.” Chase said taking a deep breath.

  “I’m sorry, maybe I should just go home.” Callie said looking down and walking toward her suitcase.

  “No Callie, I will survive. Damn but you could tempt a saint.” Chase said wrapping his arms around her from behind. He didn’t have the willpower to stop himself.

  “Chase.” She said in a breathy voice as she leaned back into him.

  “Callie girl.” He whispered in her ear. She leaned her head to the side to give him better access. Chase groaned and kissed down the column of her throat.

  “Chase…” Callie whispered again, leaning all her body weight against him.

  “Callie, tell me to stop.” Chase said, his voice had gone gravely with his arousal.

  “More please.” Callie said softly.

  “Callie, I can’t. I won’t be able to stop. I want you too bad.” Chase said and pushed his erection into her. Callie moaned and wiggled against him. “Gotta stop that baby.” Chase said and pushed her forward keeping his hands on her hips till she had her balance. “Get in the bed.” Chase said moving to turn off the lights.

  “Do you want the tv on?” Chase asked her getting in on the opposite side of the bed.

  “You can turn it out, I’m fine.” Callie told him.

  Chase turned off the tv and scooted down in the bed. He couldn’t move any closer to her or he would do something he knew he shouldn’t. He felt the bed shifting and stayed perfectly still with his hands folded on his chest so he couldn’t reach for her. After he got himself under control he would go to her.

  “Chase, you said you wanted to hold me.” Callie said but her voice sounded unsure.

  “I do baby, but I have to get calmed down before I can.” Chase told her honestly.

  “Oh, okay.” Callie said and it sounded like she was almost in tears.

  “What’s wrong Callie?” Chase asked fighting the urge to reach for her.

  “No-nothing. I’m f-fine.” Callie replied, that broke Chase’s will to stay away. Her tears took away his reason for staying away.

  “Callie, please don’t cry. What’s wrong?” Chase asked her as he pulled her close, holding her tight to him.

  “It’s fine. You can go back to your side.” Callie told him pulling away.

  “Callie, I wasn’t keeping my distance because I didn’t want to touch you. I did it because I want you so bad and I promised I wouldn’t push you.” Chase said kissing her neck.

  “Then why are you over here now.” Callie asked as the tears stopped.

  “Hearing you cry makes me want to comfort you more than anything else. The need to fix it and protect you overrides the desire for everything else.” Chase told her honestly.

  “So you don’t want me anymore.” Callie ask in a whisper.

  “I will always want you Callie, but your tears break my heart.” Chase said then turned her to face him. “I hate to think that anything hurts you this bad, especially to think that I cause it.” Chase said wiping away her tears.

  “Chase I’m sorry. I don’t know why I’m crying, but sometimes I just can’t stop it. It did feel like you just didn’t want me at first, but then I just couldn’t stop it.” Callie said reaching a hand out to touch his chest.

  “It’s okay Callie girl. Maybe it’s the pregnancy. I’ve heard the hormones can mess with your emotions.” Chase said leaning forward to kiss her forehead.

  “Chase can I ask you something?” Callie said and bit her lip.

  “Anything baby.” Chase said looking into her eyes.

  “Will you kiss me before we go to sleep?” Callie asked him shyly.

  “Of course.” He said then kissed her cheek and hugged her close.

  “Chase I mean a real kiss please.” Callie said and God help him he couldn’t deny her.

  Giving in he leaned his forehead against hers and slowly moved his lips to hers. He hesitated before they met hoping she would change her mind, but she leaned in and crushed those luscious lips to his. Chase tried to keep it short and sweet, but she put her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Then the little minx opened her mouth and licked across his lips. He tried to resist but she applied more pressure and he gave in groaning. He took control of the kiss and put his hands on her hips pulling her against him.

  He heard her moan as her fingers tangled in his hair. She was driving him crazy and he didn’t know if he could actually stop. She felt like heaven against him. Without his conscious thought his hand reached down and grabbed her ass. Instead of pulling back like he thought she would, she ground herself against him. Chase slid his hand down and tugged at her thigh. She didn’t hesitate to hitch her thigh up over his hip and grind against him. Groaning Chase pulled back.

  “What’s wrong? Am I doing it wrong?” Callie asked him trying to pull him back down. “I am a quick learner if you will teach me what you want.” She told him.

  “Callie you’re driving me crazy.” Chase told her and put a hand on her hip to still her movements.

  “So what’s the problem?” Callie said and took his lips again.

  “Callie not tonight. I want to make sure this is what you want before we go any farther. If you think about it tomorrow and still want me, I will do whatever you want. But be sure, because if we do this, I won’t be able to turn back this time.” Chase said giving her a quick kiss before turning her away and pulling her back against his chest.

  “Okay. That’s fair. U
m Chase, I don’t think your, ah, body got the message.” Callie said and wiggled her hips to rub against him.

  “Ignore it. It will not be going away anytime soon.” When she continued to rub against him, he locked an arm around her hips stilling her. “That’s not fair Callie. Be good and go to sleep.” He growled into her ear.

  “Fine, but you’re taking away all my fun.” Callie said around a yawn.

  “Sleep my love.” Chase kissed the back of her head before laying his head on her pillow and going to sleep with her.

  Chapter 14

  Callie came awake slowly. She couldn’t remember the last time she had slept that good. Her body was relaxed and she was content just to lay here. Moving her hand she realized that it was touching warm, hard flesh. Yummy. She felt a hand moving on her bare thigh and felt the ridge of his erection against the inner part of her thigh. She remembered going to sleep with him behind her, they must have shifted and she had worked her hand under his shirt so that she could touch his bare skin.

  “Good morning love.” Chase said rubbing her back.

  “Good morning.” Callie responded looking up at his beautiful blue eyes.

  “How are you feeling?” Chase asked kissing her forehead.

  “I good right now.” Callie said tracing is face with her eyes while her hand traced his abs, then she realized he might not want her too. “Sorry, I don’t know how that happened.” Callie said moving her hand.

  “Callie, you can touch me anytime you want.” Chase told her reaching up and keeping her from removing her hand.

  “Um, okay.” Callie said blushing.

  “You don’t have to be ashamed. I really like it when you touch me. I am yours. I just wanted you to be sure before we went farther then simple touching.” Chase said moving his hand back to rub her thigh.

  “I wouldn’t have regretted it, but thank you for making sure I was ready before we took that step.” Callie told him moving her hand up to stroke his cheek.

  “I want you to be happy Callie. I hope to be a apart of that.” Chase told her squeezing her close.

  “You are a big part of it Chase.” Callie told him honestly. She leaned up, but the movement caused her to get sick.

  Callie jumped up and took off for the bathroom. She had hoped she wouldn’t be sick today, but maybe if she got it over with now she wouldn’t get sick later. She felt Chase pull her hair back and rub her back as she threw up. She hated this, but if you really thought about it, it was kinda his fault. When she had sat back for a minute, he got her a wet wash cloth and got her a glass of water.

  “I’m sorry.” Callie told him resting against his legs as he stood behind her holding the cloth to her head.

  “Callie, don’t apologize for this. It is partly my fault, but it means there is a part of both of us growing inside you.” Chase told her.

  “You’re right, this is your fault.” Callie said but smiled up at him.

  “Are you feeling better now?” Chase asked her.

  “Yeah, I just need to get cleaned up.” Callie told him as he helped her stand.

  “How about you take a relaxing bath and get ready. Take all the time you need.” Chase told her kissing her forehead.

  “Great. I’ll make breakfast when I get out. I’m sure I’ll be feeling good enough to eat then.” Callie told him as he walked out of the bathroom and shut the door.

  Callie started the tub so that it could be filling while she got undressed. Besides the morning sickness, this had been the best morning she could imagine. Chase had been great while she was sick. His touch was comforting when she had no control. When she sank into the water, she immediately felt her body relax. The hot water was soothing after the violent way she had been sick. Sighing she relaxed back to enjoy her time. She was so glad she had put her shower gel in as it filled. The bubbles just made it fun.

  When the water started to cool, she got out slowly and dried off. After brushing her teeth and hair, she looked for her clothes. Crap, she had forgotten to grab her clothes. Looking around she grabbed Chase’s shirt and put it back on. She couldn’t hear anything in the room so she opened the door only to find Chase sitting on the bed with breakfast.

  “Feel better.” Chase asked her smiling.

  “Yeah.” Callie said biting her lip.

  “What’s wrong?” Chase asked getting off the bed, coming to her.

  “Um, I kinda forgot to get clothes.” Callie told him fidgeting.

  “Oh, well just grab your clothes and change. I can wait.” Chase told her sweetly.

  “Okay.” Callie said leaning over to reach into her suitcase.

  “Oh damn,” Chase said in a low voice, rubbing his hands on her bare thighs.

  “What’s wrong?” Callie asked him confused.

  “Baby you didn’t put any panties on and the shirt rode up when you leaned over. You are so hot Callie.” Chase said sliding his hands up over her bare ass.

  “I told you I forgot clothes.” Callie said her breath coming fast.

  “I didn’t think you meant you didn’t have anything on but my shirt.” Chase said groaning in her ear.

  “S-s-sorry. They were dirty and I didn’t think you would be out here.” Callie told him wiggling against him.

  “Lucky for me, I was.” Chase said kissing her neck. “You’re driving me nuts baby.”

  “I really didn’t mean too.” Callie said moving her head to give him better access.

  “I know, that makes it even hotter.” Chase told her gently biting her ear.

  Callie was all kinds of turned on. His hands on her bare flesh felt hot and so tempting. He hadn’t raised the shirt any higher or moved his hands any farther than her butt and hips. His gentle squeezing, the hungry kisses on her neck, this was too much. She wasn’t sure she really wanted to stop. She could feel his erection rubbing against her.

  “We got to stop.” Chase whispered in her ear.

  “But I want you now.” Callie told him leaning closer into him.

  “I want you too Callie, so bad, but not yet.” Chase told her kissing her cheek.

  “Why not Chase? Is it because of my weight?” Callie asked him feeling so insecure she was ready to cry.

  “What? No Callie, I want to worship and lick every inch of your body. If you want this later today after you’ve thought about it, I won’t stop it again.” Chase told her pulling back. “For now, I will step outside till you change. Then we can sit on the bed and eat our breakfast as we plan our day.” He kissed her neck then turned and walked out shutting the door.

  Callie pulled out her clothes trying to calm herself back down. It wasn’t fair that he could walk away so easy. He said he wanted her, but he always pulled back. She dressed without paying much attention lost in her own little world. She was dressed all but her socks when he knocked to see if she was dressed yet.

  “I’m decent now.” She said sadly.

  “Are you ready to eat?” Chase asked and sat in the bed waiting for her.

  “Sure.” Callie answered sitting on the opposite side.

  He handed her a tray and she sat and ate quietly. She had alot on her mind and wasn’t really in the mood to eat, so after a few bites she just pushed her food around and starred at her plate. She would stay a couple hours like she promised and then have him take her home. She really didn’t want to be here anymore. He was confusing her and she didn’t like it.

  “Are you feeling sick again?” Chase asked her.

  “No I’m fine.” Callie said stiffly.

  “Why aren’t you eating? Is something wrong with the food?” Chase asked leaning closer to her.

  “No. I think I’ll go brush my teeth.” She said and walked to the bathroom.

  Callie shut the door behind her but just put the lid down on the toilet and sat there. She had already brushed her teeth, but she just needed the break. She was feeling more insecure now then ever. She turned the bath back on and stripped back down. She really needed to relax, because she was about to break again. She
slipped in and leaned back, closing her eyes to think for a while.

  “Callie, are you okay?” Chase said rubbing her cheek gently.

  “Sorry, I guess I dozed off.” Callie said sliding down in the tub.

  “What happened? Why did you shut yourself in here.” Chase asked her confused.

  “I think it’s best if I get dressed and go.” Callie told him honestly.

  “I thought things were going good. Why do you think you should go?” Chase asked her.

  “Look, I just think it’s best that we don’t force this. We can raise the baby together without being together.” Callie told him starring at the dwindling bubbles.

  “Callie, what has changed? When I walked out for you to change things were fine. I came back and things were completely different.” Chase asked tilting her chin back up to him.

  “Chase, it’s just best if we stop this now.” Callie told him pulling away again.

  “Nope, not this time.” Chase told her before taking off his shirt, putting it over her head, and pulling her out of the tub on to the floor with him. “You don’t get to walk away without an honest answer. Do you truly not want to be with me Callie?” Chase asked her keeping her gaze locked with his.

  “Chase, every time we get close you stop it. You are the one who doesn’t want me.” Callie told him trying to pull away.

  “Callie, I have told you repeatedly I want you. I need you to be sure before we get intimate again. If I get to be that intimate with you again, I won’t be able to let you walk away. I have enough trouble not following you like a lost puppy now.” Chase told her honestly.

  “Chase, you don’t have to lie to me. I know what I look like and it’s fine. Just let me go home.” Callie told him. She was starting to get cold being in a wet shirt and sitting there.

  “Baby you really don’t understand. I want you so bad. I just need you to be sure.” Chase told her trying to keep her attention.

  “Chase, please just…” Callie started but he cut her off.

  Chase suddenly kissed her. It wasn’t gentle or subtle. Callie was so off guard she gasped and Chase immediately took the opportunity to put his tongue in her mouth. His tongue slid sensually against hers and she moaned. Callie tried to stand but he pulled her to straddle his lap, then pulled her down on him. Chase wasn’t letting her pull away this time.


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