The most priceless thing that my neighbors could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was an ecstatic spirit of never-dying unity; coalescing every benevolent
step of theirs with my; unflinchingly revolution towards righteousness,
The most priceless thing that my friends could ever have bequeathed upon me;
was an unprecedented ardor to gyrate in mesmerizing boisterousness; shrug
all tensions of the monotonously sweltering day; to wholeheartedly romance
with the winds of the ravishing night,
The most priceless thing that my children could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was profound whirlpools of immaculate newness; that led me to intransigently grope for fascinating enchantment; on every mesmerizing path that I tread,
The most priceless thing that my shadow could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was a cloud of voluptuously titillating excitement; enveloping me in a
whirlwind of seductively princely imagination; for decades unfathomable,
The most priceless thing that my echo could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was a bountifully ringing ebullience; an unassailable magnet of mysticism
that profusely entrenched each of my drearily bedraggled nerves,
The most priceless thing that my pet could ever have bequeathed upon me; was
an irrevocably sacerdotal feeling of timeless faith; a fortress of impregnable solidarity to believe forever; in all philanthropic living kind,
The most priceless thing that my dwelling could ever have bequeathed upon me; was enchantingly blissful support in my times of disastrously stagnating isolation; a synergistically placating vivaciousness; that kept me bereft of all debilitation and murderous disease,
The most priceless thing that my pen could ever have bequeathed upon me; was
ubiquitously enthralling words of candid humanity; an astoundingly amiable
fountain of gregarious relationships; which grew even more formidable in
times of dooming distress,
The most priceless thing that my eyes could ever have bequeathed upon me;
was the marvelous artistry on the canvas of the fathomless Universe; the gloriously Aristocratic beauty hidden in each tranquil particle; of the handsome atmosphere,
The most priceless thing that my ancestors could ever have bequeathed upon me; was such miraculously Omnipotent parents; whose fragrance of stupendously enlightening existence; is what I will always cherish in every diminutive birth of mine,
The most priceless thing that my God could ever have bequeathed upon me; was
an incessant river of boundless creativity; an unsurpassable energy to magically conceive; beyond the intriguingly extraordinary,
The most priceless thing that my conscience could ever have bequeathed upon
me; was the immutably unconquerable sword of divine truth; wholesomely extinguishing the very rudiments; of the chapter called lecherous lies,
The most priceless thing that my breath could ever have bequeathed upon me;
was a tireless ardor to holistically survive; sensuously fantasize beyond the realms of tantalizing paradise; as each puff of ravishing air entered into my famished nostrils,
The most priceless thing that my heart could ever have bequeathed upon me; was a thunderous obsession to chase the innermost voices lingering in my soul; indefatigably resonate in the beats of a majestically melodious existence,
And the most priceless thing that my beloved could ever have bequeathed upon me; was an unending ocean of immortal love; relentlessly teaching me to affably share and desire; relentlessly teaching me to be always helping humanity; and enthusiastically alive .
Till death do us apart; we will intransigently continue to harmoniously sing together; deluge every cranny of the gloomily frustrated atmosphere; with ebulliently euphoric sounds,
Till death do us apart; we will indefatigably continue to tantalizingly dance together; resplendently trigger the voluptuousness of the exotic night; with untamed fireballs of augmenting compassion,
Till death do us apart; we will irrevocably continue to wholeheartedly laugh together; endeavoring our bestto ignite the smiles of priceless humanity; on every lecherous face inundated with remorsefully debilitating disease,
Till death do us apart; we will relentlessly continue to uninhibitedly philander together; blissfully frolicking in the aisles of rhapsodic desire and benign happiness; for centuries immemorial,
Till death do us apart; we will unitedly continue to coalesce all mankind together; try our ultimate best to melange all religions; caste; creed and tribe alike; in the sea of glittering humanity,
Till death do us apart; we will sensuously continue to fantasize together; fabulously wander in the lanes of bountifully bequeathing paradise; romancing with every
element of the fathomlessly majestic beauty around,
Till death do us apart; we will immutably continue to discover together; evolving a fantastically new township of vivacious grace and incredulously astounding intrigue; on every step that we holistically tread,
Till death do us apart; we will irrefutably continue to bless together; bestowing an unfathomable whirlpool of philanthropic richness; upon every inexplicably
devastated counterpart of ours; whom we encountered in our way,
Till death do us apart; we will ardently continue to cry together; unequivocally sharing our triumph as well as ghastly sorrows alike; profusely entrenched in bonds of magically Omnipotent empathy,
Till death do us apart; we will relentlessly continue to fight together; assimilating every iota of our surreptitiously entrapped courage and solidarity; to forever drive the ominous traitors; gorily decimating our sacrosanct motherland,
Till death do us apart; we will unsurpassably continue to paint together; delectably capturing the entire beauty of this boundless planet; in the vivacious kaleidoscope of our piquant eyes,
Till death do us apart; we will miraculously continue to procreate together; spawning gloriously immaculate offsprings of our very own crimson blood; contributing
our very best in continuing God’s most holy chapter of blooming existence,
Till death do us apart; we will obsessively continue to learn together; celestially imbibing all the stupendously synergistic goodness that lingered bountifully in the atmosphere; and then disseminating its Omniscient essence to every household asphyxiated with gruesome darkness,
Till death do us apart; we will inexorably continue to fly together; exuberantly surge forward with the full fervor of life; to blossom the flower of our benevolently beautiful dreams; into a veritably sparkling reality,
Till death do us apart; we will indefatigably continue to march together; blend our innocuously righteous palms in the walls of unassailable solidarity; unflinchingly ready to tackle any diabolical devil; who dared stop us in our truthful way,
Till death do us apart; we will insatiably continue to err together; inadvertently ommit an unfathomable volley of mistakes; which would timelessly leave our
footprints on this earth as pure humans; every time it was given a chance to be born,
Till death do us apart; we will perennially continue to eat together; relishing the most gorgeously glorious fruits of Mother nature; cupped symbiotically in our palms and under the seductively milky moonlight,
Till death do us apart; we will perpetually continue to breathe together; surviving as a unconquerably single spirit; least bothered about what the acrimoniously tyrannical society; had to spuriously comment on our eternal relationship,
And till death do us apart; we will immortally continue to love together; impregnably bonding the beats of our passionately thundering hearts in flames of fulminating romance; drinking; eating; breathing; discovering; exploring and preaching; only the elixir of mankind; to ecstatically survive .
31. LOV
My proudest desire; was to be relentlessly desired by her mystically voluptuous eyes; whether they stared lamely into exotic space; or whether they shut themselves into a boundlessly celestial reverie,
My proudest possession; was to be intransigently possessed by her seductively enamoring arms; the compassionate whirlpools of fragrant moisture; that tumultuously encapsulated the inside of her palms,
My proudest fantasy; was to be insatiably fantasized by her intriguingly spell binding brain; become an integral part of her every sensuously titillating dream,
My proudest philosophy; was to be ardently philosophized by her philanthropically benign countenance; as she disseminated every element of goodness in my impoverished soul; to the most fathomless corners of this enchanting earth,
My proudest voice; was to be indefatigably voiced by her melodiously blissful throat; become the poignant rudiments of every sound; that emanated from her rubicund tongue,
My proudest certificate; was to be irrefutably certified by her impeccably majestic grace; as she not only made me feel the opulently blessed organism alive; but marvelously vanquished even the most inadvertently committed sins; of my past life,
My proudest symbol; was to be unequivocally symbolized by her piquantly perpetual senses; as she tirelessly traced every disastrously trembling contour of my body; till infinite kilometers beyond the land of; bountifully everlasting paradise,
My proudest charm; was to be miraculously charmed by her Omnipotent presence; blend every element of my staggeringly debilitated persona; with her magnetically sacrosanct; religion of humanity,
My proudest aspiration; was to be irrevocably aspired by her seductively dancing footsteps; become every silken path on which she tread her; fabulously fervent
My proudest poetry; was to be unrelentingly poeticized by her ecstatically gushing tears of unprecedented happiness; become every landscape of fantastically
flowering beauty; which she magnificently sketched on the; gloriously barren canvas,
My proudest obsession; was to be overwhelmingly obsessed by every droplet of Omnisciently crimson blood that traversed like thunderbolts of white lightening through her veins; become everything that she caressed in the tenure of her; blissfully endowed lifetime,
My proudest purification; was to be sagaciously purified by her patriotically marching stride; as she conquered even the most diminutive speck of evil in the atmosphere; with the unfathomable river of empathy; in her mesmerizing conscience,
My proudest feeling; was to be incessantly felt by her harmoniously godly fingers; escalate to the most eternal clouds of steaming romance; as she magically spun the web of her untamed yearning; around every famished pore of my dreary silhouette,
My proudest perception; was to be timelessly perceived by the unsurpassable flames of belonging in her redolent chest; gyrate as the only angel of her life; in the immaculate whites of her eyes,
My proudest teaching; was to be prudently taught by her magnanimously righteous grace; become every ubiquitously priceless principle of mankind; that she diffused like a Goddess; to the remotest corner of this colossal planet,
My proudest light; was to be magnetically lighted by the lamp of her perennially augmenting ebullience; as she uncontrollably fulminated into cloudbursts of
sheer euphoria; at the tiniest of my caress,
My proudest reflection; was to be emphatically reflected in every glimmer that marvelously radiated from her flamboyantly bedazzling sweat; become every
line of destiny wonderfully besieging her Omnipresent hands,
My proudest breath; was to be impregnably breathed by her ardently blazing nostrils; become every iota of ravishing air which she inhaled; into the realms of her innocuously heaving chest,
My proudest love; was to be immortally loved by her unassailably charismatic heart; perpetually live and die; with its handsomely palpitating beats; alike .
Food had never seemed better than it did today; when I was profusely famished to the last core of my bedraggled intestines; frantically dithering in dungeons of bizarre starvation,
The valley had never seemed so mesmerizing than it did today; when I found every cranny of my devastatingly monotonous countenance; wholeheartedly breaking free;
from chains of tyrannical deprivation,
Sleep had never seemed so grandiloquent than it did today; when I was indefatigably exhausted to the last bone of my treacherously withering spine; and every beleaguered bone of my body; intransigently refused to go even a step further,
Poetry had never seemed so sparkling than it did today; when I uninhibitedly unveiled the disastrously manipulative arenas of my commercially stringent brain; into a fathomless world of fantasy and tantalizingly never-ending desire,
Fur had never seemed so compassionate than it did today; when I uncontrollably trembled in the desolate chill; with nothing but ungainly solitariness; camouflaging me insidiously from all sides,
Roses had never seemed so exotic than they did today; when I pathetically staggered on every step I alighted; insurmountably asphyxiated by the winds of bizarre bloodshed and satanically vicious lechery,
Tears had never seemed so heartwarming than they did today; when I witnessed my long lost mate in robustly blissful form and resplendently bouncing; after centuries immemorial,
Artistry had never seemed so exquisite than it did today; when I frolicked in the garden of voluptuous enchantment; far away and wholesomely oblivious to the
parasitic vagaries; of this blood sucking planet,
The ocean had never seemed so reinvigorating than it did today; when I voraciously blended each pore of my disdainfully squalid body with the tangy waves; after
almost a decade of rotting in the viciously dilapidated gutters,
Speed had never seemed so exhilarating than it did today; when I reached the dwelling of my perniciously extinguishing kin; just flash seconds before they
could bid a royal adieu; to the overwhelming mysticism of this perpetual earth,
Light had never seemed so Omnipotent than it did today; when I despondently transgressed through a tunnel of gruesome blackness; with the lids of my eyes
savagely sealed by chains of dolorous prejudice,
The pen had never seemed so priceless than it did today; when I churned an unfathomable epic of poignant emotions with its embellished nib; candidly baring out
the inner most recesses of my aimlessly loitering soul,
Smiles had never seemed so gratifying than they did today; when I felt gorily constipated in a web of blatantly hideous lies; burying my face deep down in
dust; to chat with the remorsefully diminutive worms in black soil,
Rainbows had never seemed so vivacious than they did today; when I venomously stagnated in the aisles of insatiably penalizing depression; counting the last days of my life even in the absolute prime of; scintillating nubile youth,
Whistles had never seemed so replenishing than they did today; when I frenziedly groped for the right direction; wholesomely lost amidst the terrorizing maze of; stoically impersonal space age robots,
Mirrors had never seemed so congenial than they did today; when I ardently waited for an invincibly philanthropic friend to lean upon; amusing my impoverished senses with my very own minuscule reflection; for infinite more births of mine yet to
Butterflies had never seemed so frolicking than they did today; when I lay penuriously maimed in corridors of devilishly lambasting hell; irrevocably entrenched by a wall of invidious nothingness,
Breath had never seemed so Omnipotent than it did today; when I was miserably slithering on the ground without the most infinitesimal trace of heavenly air;
about to completely abnegate my senses forever; to disappear into non-existent wisps of tragic oblivion,
And love had never seemed so immorta
l than it did today; when my heart was tumultuously throbbing for the girl whom I had perennially desired; the soul mate
for which each beat intensely flaming in my chest; could die this very instant for .
Paint the fathomless kaleidoscope of barren sky; with resplendently ingratiating and vivid clouds,
Paint boundless kilometers of devastated land; with effulgent roses and bountifully blossoming seeds,
Paint countless expanses of lackadaisically dying deserts; with majestic oceans of gigantic cactus and insatiably passionate streams of golden water,
Paint pathetically withering and staggeringly leafless trees; with an unfathomable forest of sparkling fruit and melodiously exuberant cheer,
Paint uncouthly wastrel and brutally kicked stones; with enamoring charisma; and voluptuously tingling exoticism,
Paint acrimoniously ghastly and bloodsucking battlefields; with the miraculously philanthropic ointment of benign humanity,
Paint devastatingly orphaned and penuriously stumbling lives; with perennially unsurpassable blankets of compassionate love,
You die; I die - Love Poems - Part 3 Page 8