SEAL Together: Silver SEALs Series

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SEAL Together: Silver SEALs Series Page 10

by Jordan, Maryann

  After a moment’s respite, with his arms circled around her, he slowly climbed from the bed and headed to the bathroom. She rolled to one side, admiring his body both going and coming into the room. She threw back the covers, silently inviting him to stay. Her heart leaped as he grinned and joined her.

  “I know you have to go back to your hotel to change clothes tomorrow, but will you stay with me tonight? We can set the alarm, to give you plenty of time.”

  His hand lifted to brush damp tendrils of hair away from her face, and he smiled. “Yeah, babe, I’d like to stay. After all, I’ve got more condoms to use.”

  Laughing, she said, “Then I guess we’d better get busy.”

  * * *

  Lydia awoke with the feeling of warm heat at her back. It took no time for her to remember the reason for that warmth, considering the tingle she still felt between her legs. She wondered if it would be feasible for her to call in sick, shut off the alarm, and continue to lay wrapped in Eric’s arms. That thought was dangerous, though…he would be leaving soon.

  Refusing to give in to that idea, she took the time she did have to snuggle deeper. After a moment, she felt him shifting, his warm lips soft against her neck. “It’s not time to get up yet,” she said.

  His breath whispered by her ear. “That’s too bad, ‘cause I’m already up.”

  He pressed his hips forward, and she felt his morning wood against her ass. “Mmm,” she mumbled and lifted her leg, allowing him entrance.

  He thrust from the back, with one hand wrapped under, fondling her breast, and the other hand cupping her mound, fingering her clit. It only took a moment for her to cry out his name, and he soon followed with his own orgasm.

  Lying on the bed, feeling boneless, she gave voice to her earlier thought. “Think we can get away with calling in sick today and just stay here?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she hated hearing the neediness.

  He quickly set her mind at ease, nibbling on her shoulder and saying, “God, I wish we could. There’s nowhere I’d rather be than right here with you, spending the whole day in bed.”

  Lydia twisted around so that she could face him, her hand cupping his stubbled jaw and sleep-tousled hair. Leaning forward she kissed him, wanting to pour her emotions into the kiss, and yet holding back.

  “Does it have to end right now?” he asked.

  Her eyes widened, surprised to find that his train of thought was so similar to hers. “Not on my account,” she confessed. “As far as I’m concerned, we can continue to see each other as long as you’re in town.”

  Eric’s smile was wide, and she answered with one of her own. Just then, her alarm rang and they both fell onto their backs, groaning. She climbed out of bed first, saying, “Let me take a quick shower, and then you can have one while I’m getting ready. That way, you only have to change your clothes when you get back to your hotel. I can even fix some breakfast here.”

  He reached out and grabbed her hand, halting her progress. She looked down at him, curious, and he suggested, “How about we shower together, I’ll give you time to get ready, and then we can have breakfast at my hotel. Then you can leave for work, and I’ll have just enough time to change clothes.”

  She thought for just a moment, then decided she liked his plan. With a wink and a grin, she tugged him from the bed, and they headed to the shower.

  * * *

  An hour later, they had finished breakfast and said their goodbyes so that Eric could go to his room and Lydia could go to work. He watched her drive away after a gentle kiss in the parking lot. The morning had been one of the best he could remember. Waking up with a woman he cared about, morning sex, and then more fooling around in the shower together.

  Lydia had said he made her self-conscious while she put on her makeup and fixed her hair, but he found that he did not want to waste a moment with her. Even something so mundane seemed strangely comforting to him. Since his divorce many years ago, he had not considered his bachelorhood to be lonely. But now, it seemed as though Lydia filled an empty place deep inside of himself that he had not known existed.

  Jogging back to his room, he opened the door and spied Chris sitting on his couch wearing a T-shirt that proclaimed Geek: computer whisperer across the chest. He was munching a breakfast bagel, with his feet up on the coffee table, while balancing his laptop on his lap.

  “Do you always make yourself at home in other people’s rooms?” he quipped.

  Chewing and swallowing before answering, Chris said, “Well, hell, it’s not like you’re using your room. Saw you and the pretty veterinarian having breakfast. You were making such googly eyes at each other, you didn’t even see me come in to get my bagel.”

  In a good mood having spent the night with Lydia, Eric ignored Chris and grabbed clean clothes out of his closet. Heading into the bathroom, he took care of his business, changed clothes, and walked out, seeing Chris still there. Lifting his eyebrow, he asked, “You got anything new for me?”

  “I’ve figured out the coordinates of where the animal extremist group took you.” Wiggling his eyebrows, Chris added, “How’s that for a pop in your Rice Crispies?”

  Eyes already narrowed in thought, he turned around and nodded. “What’ll it take for us to get in there?”

  Chris’ smile drooped as he remarked, “That’s the part I don’t know how to do. I might can tinker enough with their security to be able to get you in, but I’m just not sure.”

  Hands on his hips, he ran through several scenarios in his mind. Finally, he pulled out his phone and placed a call. “Mace? It’s Eric Lopez. Think you’re up for little business from DHS through me?” Chuckling, he listened as Mace gave an unequivocal ‘hell yeah’. “I’ve got a building that’s undoubtedly secure that I need to get into. The people I’m investigating are seriously nasty customers, and I’m sure they’ve got security out the wazoo. If your computer and security gurus can get the information from my guy here, can they take a look and see if I can get in and out undetected?”

  He listened for another minute, and then said, “Got it. And thanks, man. You can bill us, or I’ll owe you a marker. Hell, even if you bill DHS, I’ll still owe you a marker and a bottle of the finest Scotch whiskey I can get.”

  Disconnecting, Eric looked at Chris who was now sitting up straight, eyes wide, obviously impressed.

  “Damn, man, you don’t fuck around. Can I even ask who that was, or would you have to kill me?” Chris asked.

  “Jesus,” he said, shaking his head, unable to keep from grinning at Chris’ antics. “A former SEAL buddy of mine now works for a security company based out of New England. Lighthouse Security Investigations. Mace is the boss, and I helped him out with a case recently. He said if I ever needed assistance to let them know, and I figured now was as good a time as any.”

  “You just tell me what I need to do, and I’ll get it done.”

  “Send everything you’ve got through this secure channel,” he instructed, handing him the information scribbled on a piece of paper. “They’ve got people who work for them that can shut down security systems, allowing someone to get in and do an investigation. They can even alter the security cameras so that the FLA will never know anything happened.”

  Eyes wide once again, Chris shook his head. “I’m good, but there’s a lot I’ve got to learn to be able to do that. But I’m young. Never fear, I’ll learn.”

  Laughing, he slipped his shoes on and shoved his wallet and keys into his pockets. “I don’t doubt it, Chris. But, for now, just keep getting me what I need.”


  It was Lydia’s last day with the journalists. Actually, last half day since they would be rejoining the scientists for the final day and a half of the seminar. The scientists, who had been to some of the research areas of the NBAF, would inform their own country’s journalists with what they deemed necessary for them to know and report on.

  She had been looking forward to getting back to her regular duties, but as Eric walked
into the room, she wished they had more time together. Jim had taken the group over to the bovine section, and they had a tour of the Veterinary Medical School at KSU. Now, they were back with her to finish their discussion about African Swine Fever and prevention. Attempting to ignore the heated look Eric was giving her from the back of the room, she turned to the others.

  “I know that you have been immersed in our discussions of healthy swine as well as some of the swine diseases, particularly focusing on African Swine Fever. Information is vital to protecting animals as well as humans. The articles that you write when you return to your individual countries will play a great role in dispersing such pivotal information.

  “Basic disease transmission prevention between animals and humans is very similar to what you would expect from human to human contact. For example, farmers should not have direct contact with their pigs if they have been in contact with someone else’s pigs within the previous twenty-four hours. Limit the access of rodents and wildlife where the swine are located. Quarantine is extremely important. New animals arriving on a farm should be quarantined for at least seven days.

  “The cleaning and disinfecting of all equipment between uses, is also highly effective in keeping down the transmission of diseases. That includes feeders, waterers, and certainly any veterinary equipment.”

  Nodding to Jim, he began handing out packets of information, telling them that they were allowed to use direct quotations from anything that was given to them.

  “Personal protective equipment is also needed. When you first met me, I was wearing rubber boots, gloves, and scrubs.” She paused, and then laughed, “Of course, I was also wearing some fashionable mud.”

  The others laughed with her, and she looked over as Eric winked at her. Trying to ignore the skip in her heartbeat, she walked back over to her computer, pulling up more information. “At this time, Jim and I will take individual questions.”

  * * *

  Eric watched as the others compared notes and chatted amongst themselves, as well as speaking to Lydia and Jim. After a few minutes, Ji-Ho cornered Lydia, monopolizing her attention. Any time one of the other journalists came by, Ji-Ho would shift his body, blocking them from Lydia and forcing them to move toward Jim to get their question answered.

  He watched this for several minutes, fighting the urge to walk over and shove the other man away, claiming Lydia for himself. Knowing he had to keep that emotion in check, he continued to watch the others as he pretended to listen to Jim.

  Egor and Wang had formed an interesting alliance, standing to the side of the lab area talking lowly between themselves. Anong made her way over to him and engaged him in conversation, shifting away when Bashiir came by.

  Looking back toward Lydia, he observed Ji-Ho leaning into her personal space as he continued to ply her with questions. Unable to take it anymore, he walked over, clapped his hand on Ji-Ho’s shoulder, and said, “You need to let someone else have a chance to get Dr. Hughes’ opinion.” Without giving Ji-Ho a chance to respond, he stepped forward, capturing Lydia’s attention.

  The next hour passed uneventfully, and he was glad when the group was called to break for lunch. Stepping out with the others, he made sure to be at the back of the line. Looking over his shoulder, he winked and grinned, seeing Lydia smile back in return.

  * * *

  After Eric closed the door, Lydia plopped into a chair. She was thrilled to be alone, since Jim was in charge of escorting them to the cafeteria and then he and Beth would have lunch. It had been interesting to host visitors, and she knew it was an honor to have been chosen as one of the NBAF employees tasked with guiding the journalists through the conference. But, at the same time, it was exhausting.

  Having eaten a large breakfast that morning with Eric, she quickly ate her yogurt before deciding to go back into the animal area. Donning her lab coat, boots, and gloves, she walked into the swine housing. Squeals and grunts met her ears, and she checked on the piglets first, before moving to the next pen of older sows. The animals came to her, grunting in pleasure as she scratched behind their ears.

  “You girls don’t have to worry about finding someone special, do you?” One large sow ambled closer, looking up at her as though she understood the question.

  She laughed, and said, “No, girl, you don’t. You find a mate easily and then have a litter of piglets.” She leaned down and scratched behind both ears at the same time, laughing at the grunts coming her way.

  “You always spend your lunch time talking to pigs?”

  Startled, she jumped at the deep, but familiar, voice coming from behind her. Twisting around, she spied Eric standing at the outside of the gate, a wide smile on his handsome face. “What are you doing in here?”

  “It was a choice between lunch with a diverse, interesting group of journalists who are now paired back with their corresponding scientists or come to find you with the pigs.”

  Laughing, she said, “And given those choices, you chose the pigs?”

  His smile deepened, but he did not laugh, as he replied, “No. I chose you.”

  She stood speechless, uncertain of his full meaning and not wanting to embarrass herself by making any assumptions.

  As though reading her mind, he added, “But, choosing you also means I choose the pigs.”

  She laughed again and walked toward the gate. He gallantly unlatched it for her, and she moved through, turning to secure the gate behind her. Looking up at him, her breath caught in her throat as his eyes bore straight into hers.

  “Should I be concerned?” he asked. At her quizzical expression, he explained further. “Concerned that you’re seeking the company of the pigs after being with all of us?”

  “Ah.” They fell in step together, walking back toward the lab, and she said, truthfully, “No. I just have to confess that, after the noise of so many people being around, I like my solitude. Or, at least the company of the pigs who are not constantly badgering me with scientific questions.”

  “I like the quiet also,” he admitted.

  “That must be hard for a journalist,” she surmised. “You must have to constantly be around people.”

  He cast a quick smile her way, but she noted it did not reach his eyes. Curious, she remained silent as they walked back into the lab area. She hosed down her boots and slid them off, pulling off the outer scrubs as well as the gloves and putting them in the disposal unit.

  “Is that what Ji-Ho was doing? Badgering you with scientific questions?”

  Her forehead scrunched in thought, and then she shook her head slowly. “Not necessarily. At first, he had several questions specific to swine and various diseases, but then his questions became more…varied.”

  “Varied?” he asked, his voice carrying an edge.

  Wondering if he was perhaps jealous, she assured, “Nothing personal. Just questions that were more about the security of the NBAF.”

  “They covered what we were supposed to know in the large meetings. I can’t imagine what else Ji-Ho wanted to know.”

  “He was asking about some of the employees with the higher security clearances. Questions like how they got them, what floors they worked on, if most of them lived in this area, if DHS brought them here.” She looked at him, and said, “They didn’t make any sense to me, and I told him several times that I could not answer those questions. That’s when I was glad you came over and elbowed him out of the way.”

  She watched Eric’s face transform with anger, but before they had a chance to speak further, Jim and Beth came back into the lab from lunch. Their gazes shot to Eric, before moving over to her.

  Eric grinned and held up the file in his hand. “Realized I got to lunch and had left this here.” Turning to her, he said, “Dr. Hughes, thanks for answering my questions. It’s been very enlightening being around you for the past several days.” With a nod to Beth and Jim, he moved out of the room.

  Jim held her gaze for a moment, but she said nothing. Hearing Beth sigh, she looked over an
d the young woman said, “Good God, that man is gorgeous. Don’t you agree, Lydia?”

  She stammered, caught off guard. “Sure…uh…yeah, sure.” Hoping her coworkers did not see the pink filling her cheeks, she turned back to her desk and began to work.

  * * *

  Unable to have his phone with him while in the NBAF, Eric walked immediately to his car and called Chris. “Focus your efforts on Ji-Ho,” he barked.

  “Righty-oh, boss,” Chris responded. “Anything special he’s been up to?”

  “Just found out he got very chatty with Dr. Hughes today, and his questions were not in line with what he should have been asking scientifically. He seemed to be drilling her about the security of this facility and those who have a high-level security clearance.”

  “Fuck. Okay, I’ve been focusing on him anyway, but I’ll double down. Since I’ve been in contact with Lighthouse Security’s computer people, you want me to get them to work on him as well?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely,” Eric replied. “I trust my instincts and your abilities, but I was told I could form my own team, and right now, I’m teaming up with Mace’s Lighthouse Security group.”

  “You got it.”

  “One last thing, Chris. If anything comes up tonight, you know how to get hold of me. I probably won’t be in my room.”

  “No worries,” Chris said, just before disconnecting.

  He was pleased that Chris did not feel like cracking a joke about him spending time with Lydia. While he knew his partner needed to know where he was, his relationship with her was too special to be bandied about by anyone.

  Locking his car and setting the security, he headed back into the building to keep an eye on the rest of the journalists, as they were now in the final phases of the seminar. But what he was really looking forward to, was the upcoming evening with Lydia.


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