SEAL Together: Silver SEALs Series

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SEAL Together: Silver SEALs Series Page 12

by Jordan, Maryann

  His arms tightened once again, and his lips curved in a gentle smile. “I’m not embarrassed to think that I have any comparison to Tim. From all you’ve told me, he seemed like a very good man and a good husband to you. I’m sorry for his loss and that Caroline was never able to really know him. But I’m so impressed with what you’ve done for yourself. And,” he bent to kiss the tip of her nose, “I’ve had the same kind of thoughts about you. Being with you the last couple of days has been unexpected and is very welcome. I wish…well, I suppose wishes don’t really help at this point.”

  She sucked in a ragged breath and forced another smile on her lips. “I’ve got to get to work, so I’ll drag my arms away from you so that you can leave, too.”

  He bent and took her lips in another kiss before stepping away. Just as he was about to get into his car, he said, “Don’t forget about tonight. Reservation’s at six.”

  She watched him drive down the road and sighed at how short his time was left in Kansas. I knew what this was when I started it, she chided, walking to her car. Pulling out of the driveway, her thoughts in a whirl, she knew that even with the sadness of having him leave, she had no regrets about opening her heart up to him.

  Pain and heartache, as well as love and joy, often went hand-in-hand. I’ll take them all anytime over just being alone.

  * * *

  Arriving at his hotel, Eric went to his room to drop off his bag, then, not seeing Chris, headed down the hall. Knocking, Chris called out for him to come in. Stepping into the room, he grinned at the sight of Chris sprawled on the sofa. He had been impressed to learn that Chris had set up surveillance so that he would know who was outside his door, but now he had to wonder if it was just so he would not have to get up to answer it.

  Chris had a room that was identical to his, and he made his way over to the chair, taking the same position as they did in his own room. The anxiety from last night seemed to have left Chris, who greeted him with a wide smile.

  “Got anything for me this morning?”

  Nodding, Chris said, “Those guys at Lighthouse are freaking phenomenal. They must have gotten very little sleep, because they’re already working on things this morning. The data we got is encrypted, but they’re working through that and said they’d have no problem extrapolating the information. I told them that names were important, and we’d leave it up to DHS to decide what to do with it—hell, they probably want to share it with the FBI, ATF, even the CIA. But, I also told them what we were most interested in was any financial records that could be tied into activities against the facility here.”

  Impressed, he grinned. “Good job, man.”

  “And, that’s not all.”

  Eric lifted an eyebrow. “My, my, you’ve been busy this morning.”

  “Yeah, but not having as much fun as I’m sure you did this morning.”

  “Careful there,” he warned, not wanting Lydia to be part of any banter.

  Throwing his hands up in defense, Chris said, “Oh, no offense intended. She seems real nice, and I’m glad you got somebody in your life.”

  A wrinkle appeared in his forehead, and he admitted, “She’s in my life for now, but we both know it can’t go anywhere else.”

  Chris’ head jerked back, startled, and he asked, “Why the hell not? If you two like each other and seem to get along great, what’s the problem?”

  “I don’t live here. I live halfway across the country.”

  “People do long-distance all the time. You’ve got frequent flyer miles, time to travel, email, Skyping—”

  Throwing his hands up, he replied, “I know, I get you. I just don’t think that’s for me.” Thinking about how Lydia commented how much it meant to her to wake up to him, and how many years she had gone without that kind of closeness, he added, “I don’t think that’s fair to either one of us. That kind of relationship is hard.”

  Chris was silent for a moment, before adding softly, “Well, at least if you really like her, then you two can be friends.”

  A sudden pain hit him right in the upper left side of his chest. Friends. Would that be enough? For her? Hell, would it be enough for me? Uncertain of the answer, he shook his head, refocusing on the task at hand.

  Standing, he said, “I’m heading back over to the NBAF for the final day of the conference. This will be my last day to observe the journalists. I need you to work with Josh and Clay today, and try to come up with some kind of a connection that ties up all the loose ends we’re looking at. So far, right now, all I’ve got are two protesting groups that I’ve learned very little about beyond the information I was given before I came. I also know that I have my suspicions concerning the Chinese, Russian, and one of the South Korean journalists, but I have no evidence beyond my own instinct. Which means, so far on this mission, I’ve got a big, fat, fuckin’ nothing.”

  “Don’t worry, man. You go see what else you can find out and I’ll keep digging on this end.”

  With a nod, he pushed himself up from the chair and walked out of Chris’ room. Heading out of the hotel to his car, his thoughts wandered once more to his last days with Lydia. Pulling out his phone, he double checked the reservation, and a slight smile crossed his face at the thought of their evening together.


  Sitting near the back of the room afforded Eric the opportunity to observe all the players in the various scenarios acting out in front of him. Seo-yun appeared blissfully ignorant of her partner, Ji-Ho, as he sat next to Chang. While Egor seemed interested in Ji-Ho the other day, it appeared today he was firmly stuck to the Russian scientist who had come to the conference.

  In fact, with the exception of Ji-Ho and Chang, it appeared that all of the journalists were sitting with the scientist from their respective countries. After the morning break, he moved closer, unnoticed by the others, until he was almost directly behind Chang and Ji-Ho.

  Today was the last day and, so far, there had been no inkling of a disruption to the NBAF. He wondered if the chatter that Silas and Paul had referred to was nothing more than false information and, therefore, his mission a feckless exercise. Other than meeting Lydia.

  The afternoon hours seemed to move even more slowly as the conference was winding down. Just when Dr. Hughley began her final presentation on African Swine Fever, he felt a vibration in his pocket. His keychain had been fitted with a small transmitter that allowed Chris to let him know that he was needed.

  Standing, he left the auditorium and moved to the front of the building. Checking out with the guard, he commented, “Got plans to quit smoking, but it’s not happening right now.” The guard waved him on, and he headed out to the parking lot. Grabbing his phone, he dialed Chris. “What have you got?”

  “Still working with Josh and Clay, but they’ve already come up with some interesting information. I’m really calling because Mace wanted to talk to you.”

  “They’re finishing the lectures right now, so I’ll talk to Mace then go back in for my final look at everyone. After that, I’ll be back to the hotel. You can brief me before I take Lydia out this evening.”

  “You got it, boss.”

  Disconnecting with Chris, he called Mace. “What have you got?”

  “We’ve already run the fingerprints through all national databases and have a hit.”

  Surprised at how quick Mace was able to get that accomplished, he waited to hear what he would say.

  “I can see why the person who talked to you used a blindfold and a voice changer. Your John Doe is Robert Edger. He’s been arrested several times for petty vandalism but in recent years has stepped it up. He has an outstanding warrant in an arson case concerning a dog food manufacturing company. The FLA claimed that putting real meat in dog food should be illegal, so they attempted to bomb the factory.”

  Analyzing the information, he bit out, “So now he’s here in Kansas, getting ready to do whatever the fuck he wants to do with the NBAF?”

  “I know that your team member has been working with my
guys, but so far they haven’t been able to pull anything out of the computer. It almost looks like it’s been wiped clean. My guys are digging deeper to make sure that’s not just a cover. My guess is that when Robert left that building, he left the computer there as a diversion.”

  “And he didn’t think to completely wipe down the desk?”

  “May have been in a rush,” Mace surmised. “Or maybe he thought someone else did it. Hell, maybe he did it himself and just didn’t do a good enough job.”

  “Okay, Mace. You definitely get a marker for me on this. I’ll take this information and start running with it.” Disconnecting, he stood at his car for a moment, then placed a call to Chris.

  “Mace’s people have discovered the man I talked to was Robert Edger. His prints were the ones that I pulled up last night.”

  “No shit!”

  Trying to ignore Chris’ enthusiasm, he said, “Just listen. I need everything you can get on him. I also want to know what connection you can find between him, the Foundation for Liberating Animals, and any money he may have gotten from foreign sources. I hate to put pressure on you, but I need this information ASAP, because if he left that building quickly, then he may know somebody’s onto him, and that may cause him to escalate any plans.”

  “No worries, boss. I’m on it.”

  Disconnecting once again, he thought of the people inside. Heading back through the guard gate, he slipped inside the auditorium for the last part of the conference. Once again sitting near the back, he wondered if it would be possible to get the fingerprints from the other Asian male journalists. Noting where Zhang, Wang, and Ji-Ho were sitting, he watched carefully to see where they placed their hands.

  Finally, the last of the questions were answered and Dr. Hughley, Paul, and several of the other NBAF bigwigs thanked the scientist and journalists for their interest in disease prevention.

  Moving quickly to the side, he watched as Ji-Ho and Zhang put their papers into briefcases, and both men placed their hands on the back of the seat as they pushed themselves to a standing position. His eyes darted over to Wang and noted that he put his hands flat on the arms of the auditorium seat as he stood.

  Everyone began filing out of the room slowly, chatting as they said goodbye to each other. The Russians left first, followed by the Chinese. After a few more minutes of goodbyes with the rest of them, they all left the room, heading back to the front of the building to leave.

  Knowing time was of the essence, he jerked his head to the side at Paul, who was still standing on the stage with several of the other presenters. Giving a short nod, Paul ushered them off the stage and out of the room.

  With the small auditorium now empty, he rushed to Wang’s seat and, using his fingerprint tape, lifted prints from where Wang’s hands had been. Marking those, he shoved them into his briefcase before moving to Zhang’s chair and doing the same.

  Just as he got to Ji-Ho’s seat, he heard a noise and looked up as Paul walked back in, moving directly to him.

  “You got something?”

  “Possibly. I needed everyone out to grab some fingerprints.”

  With a nod, Paul said, “Thank you. I know we made it through the seminar without any incidents, so I realize this may have been all for naught. But, take what you need, because something may still come out of this.” With that, Paul left the auditorium, leaving Eric to finish his job.

  Taking prints from Ji-Ho’s chair, he slid those tapes into his briefcase as well. With one last look around, he walked out of the room. The last of the scientists and journalists were still at the guard counter, going through the process of checking out. Before moving to join them, he looked behind him, knowing that in the back of the building, probably walking among pigs, was Lydia. A woman he never expected to meet. And now, a woman that he could not imagine not being in his life.

  * * *

  “Hi, Mom.”

  “Caroline, baby! How are you?” Unable to keep from grinning widely, Lydia moved out of the bathroom and sat on the edge of her bed.

  “I’m fine. I had a late afternoon biology lab, and I’m walking back to the dorm, so I thought I’d give you a call.”

  “I’m glad you did. I’ve wanted to call you, but also wanted to make sure I let you get settled in without me hovering.”

  “Mom, you never hover. You can call me anytime you want, you know.”

  “I know you sent your schedule to me, but I don’t know when you might have study groups or are out with friends. I’ll probably keep doing what I’ve been doing, which is just text, and then you can give me a call when you’re free.”

  “That’ll work,” Caroline said easily. “So how are you doing since I’ve been gone?”

  “Missing you like crazy. I’ve learned firsthand that empty nest is real. But, I’m so glad you’re having a good time. Do you think you might get a chance to see your grandparents sometime soon?”

  “Actually, Mom, that’s one of the reasons I was calling. I talked to Grandma yesterday and she wanted to know if we wanted to have Thanksgiving at their place, and you fly in. If your work schedule doesn't allow it, then Grandma and Grandpa and I will fly to Kansas so that we can all be together.”

  “I haven’t even begun to look at the holiday schedule, but I think I can probably get off. What would you rather do? Spend it in Pennsylvania or come to Kansas?” She heard the hesitation, and said, “Honey, there’s no right or wrong answer to this. It doesn’t matter to me which table we’re at, as long as we're all together for the holidays. I know that one day we won’t all be together, so I cherish each one that we can.”

  Caroline sighed, and said, “I’d really like to come to Kansas, and I could see some of my friends from high school. I just don’t know that Grandpa would enjoy flying.”

  “You’re right, he probably wouldn’t. Tell you what, how about if we do Thanksgiving on the East Coast and then you can do Christmas here in Kansas.”

  “Perfect,” Caroline agreed. “So, what’s new with you, Mom?”

  She wondered if she should say anything, but then blurted, “I’m getting ready to go on a date tonight—”

  “A date! Oh, my God, Mom! A date!” Caroline repeated, her voice full of youthful exuberance.

  Laughing, she said, “Now don’t get excited. It’s with a man that I met here through a conference, and he’ll be leaving to go back home soon.”

  “So, it’s just a casual work thing?”

  She hesitated a few seconds too long, and Caroline jumped back in.

  “Mom? What’s going on? Why do I get the feeling that this isn’t just a casual work thing?”

  “It’s…complicated,” she replied, wondering how much to tell her daughter. “It’s nothing that’s going to last, but I have to admit I really like him. So, if nothing else, it’s made me realize that I still have a life to live.”

  Caroline’s voice softened. “Mom, I’m so glad. I mean, I hope your heart isn’t getting too involved considering that he’s going to be leaving soon. But I always felt like you were holding back because of me.”

  Caroline’s voice sounded more mature, leaving her in wonder at her daughter. “No, baby, that’s not true. I held back because of me. I wanted to be there for you, and I wasn’t willing to bring someone else into our lives unless I was sure. That may have been too cautious of me, but I have no regrets.”

  “Okay, okay,” Caroline acquiesced. “So, tell me what you’re wearing?”

  Laughing, she replied, “I’m pulling out that wrap dress that you so like. The red one with the little ruffled sleeves.”

  “Oooh, I love that one!”

  “Well, it’s been hanging in my closet for a long time, and I finally decided it was time to wear it. I don’t know what tonight will bring, but it feels like a little-red-dress kind of night.”

  They continued to chat and laugh for a few more minutes, before Caroline said that she was back at her dorm. Wishing her well and giving her love, they disconnected.

heart was trapped between a mix of heaviness and excitment, both for her daughter and, now, for herself. Glancing at the clock on her nightstand, she realized that they had been talking for fifteen minutes, and Eric would soon be showing at her door. Jumping up, she hurried into the bathroom to finish getting ready.

  Looking into the mirror, she sucked in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Thinking back to the words she just told her daughter, she knew they were true. She still had a life to live.


  Lydia’s eyes were dancing with delight as she walked into Harry’s in the old, downtown Wareham building. “I can’t believe you got reservations here. How did you know this was the nicest place in Manhattan to eat?”

  “I asked the receptionist at the hotel where I’m staying. I told her I was escorting a beautiful woman to dinner, and I wanted to take her to the nicest place in town. She said, no doubt, it would be Harry’s.”

  She looked around, the interior familiar although she had only eaten here a few times. “I brought Caroline here a few months ago, just before she left for college. I always thought it was one of the prettiest restaurants I’ve ever seen.”

  The bar was behind a partial wall of dark, warm wood topped with elegant glass panels, each with an etched W in the middle. The highly polished wood and dim lighting cast a warm glow over the inviting interior. The tile floor, cream with black squares in the middle of each tile, paired beautifully with the buttery cream wood wainscoting and dark wallpaper. Each table was covered with a cream cloth and surrounded by comfortable, padded chairs.


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