Forever Yours: Rage Ryders Templeton Chapter Book 2

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Forever Yours: Rage Ryders Templeton Chapter Book 2 Page 13

by Parker , Liberty

  “It’s the only place I long to be.” Her admitting that has my heart clutching in my chest. When it slams into me that I could’ve lost her, lost this, I want to cry like a little bitch.

  “It’s where you’ll forever stay and be. This is what life’s all about. Lovin’ and acceptin’ each other, faults and all.” As these words penetrate from my mouth, I remove my arms from around her waist and begin massaging her shoulders. Her muscles are tense, tight and unforgiving as I work furiously through each and every knot. I can literally feel her body give as I knead her muscles and whisper words of love into her ear. I’m not sure what all is leaving my mouth, but my words seem to make her happy and that’s all that matters to me in the grand scheme of things. I’m not sure how long my fingers work their magic, but she’s a limp noodle as I make my way down and rub her feet. She’s now laid out before me, her head resting on the edge and she’s got a look of dreams coming true resting on her face. “Feel good, baby?”

  “Um-hmm,” she murmurs and it sounds as if she’s just received the best orgasm of her life. I did this to her; my chest puffs out like a proud peacock. My dreams have changed from loving two women to enjoying one and knowing this is the way things were always meant to be. I had to go through all of the loss I did in order to not take for granted the woman before me. I solemnly believed I needed a partner to share what I wasn’t able to give to the other. In the long run, I’ve learned that it’s not true. I’m going to enjoy her for the gift that she is. Sharing her with another is no longer an option. Not another woman and most certainly not another man. I’ve become a possessive fuck where it pertains to her.

  “Open wide,” I command as I grab a cut up piece of strawberry and with a light touch, I run it along the crease of her lips. As soon as she parts her mouth, I place the chunk into her mouth. The juices flow down the sides of her chin. Not able to help myself, I lean over and clean the mess up with my tongue. “Hmm… tasty,” I whisper as I intake the deliciousness of her and strawberry.

  “Share with me,” she sultrily says as she leans over and takes my mouth with her own. “You, me and sweet nectar, so good.” Her foot that was in my hand, leaves and she uses it to travel down my torso. She lands on my dick and caresses it with the bottom of her foot and toes. He jumps to life under her ministrations; it almost feels as good as her mouth and hand. “Someone’s very happy,” she teases me.

  “He’s always happy when you’re in his proximity, baby,” I admit to her, although I’m pretty damn sure she is already aware of this fact.


  Releasing my foot from his endowment, I lean up and crawl my way into his lap. I make sure that it’s a slow progression, his eyes dilate as my tits sway, beckoning him to touch them. I feel sexy, wanton, a siren calling her mate to her. The hunger and lust in his eyes draws that diva part of me out. My hands run from the bottom of his abs and up his chest. The hitch in his breath lets me know he’s affected by me the way I want—no, the way I need him to be. I always give myself over to him when it comes to our sexual encounters; but this time, I long to be the one in charge. My hands wrap around the nape of his neck as I lower my head to where our lips line up perfectly. Sticking out my tongue, I start at his dimples and make my way over to his puckered, waiting mouth. “Touch me, Malibu.” He doesn’t utter one single syllable before lifting his hands up and cupping my breasts in his large, calloused hands. My eyes swing down and watch as his hands work their magic on my body. Once he reaches my nipples and pinches them, it’s like a string straight to my clit. A loud moan leaves my throat as my hips begin relentlessly grinding on his leg. I can feel my womanly wiles flowing and exiting my body, demanding I take his length inside of me. Spreading my legs wide, I straddle his hips, lifting my body up and line myself up with him. He continues to play with my nipples as I take his dick in hand and slowly lower myself down onto him. The stretch and burn of his girth spurs me on, I drop as far down as I can on the massive intrusion. I’ve never measured him, but I’m sure he’s bigger than the average man… at least those I’ve been with in the past. I have to lift myself up and lower myself a couple of times before he’s buried to the hilt.

  “Fuck!” he hisses as his balls rest on the cheeks of my ass.

  “So damn full,” I declare as I lift and lower myself on him—over and over again. The need and drive to own him, mate him, cause him to lose his mind seeps into me. One of his hands leaves my breasts and lands on my distended clit. He begins to rub tiny circles over it, causing me to completely lose control. The passion between us is overwhelming, blazing with so much intensity that I see and feel nothing but him. No one outside of the two of us exists in this world. It’s all ours, no one else can intrude and come between the bond we have formed. The room is filled with our moans and skin slapping against one another’s; it’s erotic. “More,” slips from my mouth. He grabs my hips with his hands and pounds into me from beneath. A few more strokes of his dick rubbing that special spot inside of me causes me to ignite; I see fireworks displayed behind my closed eyes. As my release takes hold, I feel him slam into me a few more times before he too growls out my name.

  I fall into his chest as he begins stroking my hair. In this moment, I’ve never felt more loved and cherished. He does this to me. We sit here for a few more moments before he lifts me up and pulls me out. Taking a towel off the heat rack, he begins drying me off and dressing me. I then sit in the corner of the room, admiring him as he then takes care of himself.

  “Come on, baby. I’ll make us an after workout protein shake and we’ll relax in our room until our guests arrive.” To be honest with you, I’d all but forgotten what tonight holds. I don’t want Granger to die, but I do want him to pay for the part he played in my torture and the murder of his sister. I may not feel love for Fern any longer, but even her life being taken from the land of the living the way she was deserves some payback. While he makes our shakes, I head up to our room and hop into the shower.

  * * *

  I’m sprawled out on the bed in my comfy clothes when Malibu makes his way up. It always manages to catch me off guard the love that I have for this man. I don’t even see other men anymore, no one else compares to him. “I know these shakes fill you up, but I wanted you to have something to accompany them with. I made some crackers, cheese, meat and added a few of those red grapes you love.”

  “That’s perfect, Malibu.” I reach out my hand and grab the plate from him.

  “I’m gonna grab a quick shower, why don’t you find one of those female shows you love and we’ll watch it while we rest and eat.”

  “You may regret that decision, Malibu.” I smirk. I love crime shows, watch them religiously and enjoy trying to solve the case as it plays out.

  “We’re solving cases… aren’t we?” he asks with a dramatic sigh.

  “Absofuckinglutely,” I respond with laughter dancing through my words.

  “Okay then.” He nods his head in acceptance and heads into the bathroom. I watch his ass as it sways back and forth as he leaves.

  Absolutely, mouthwateringly delicious.



  “I don’t care what those detectives think. There’s no way in fuck, one person could have managed to do all of that shit on their own. They had help, I guaranfuckingdamntee you that.” There’s no way in hell that a single man carried out that plan and executed it all by his lonesome self. It’s a fucking conspiracy… they needed someone to take the fall and chose that poor motherfucker.

  “Are you saying that you think and believe he’s innocent?” she questions me in an argumentative tone. She’s ready to fight me on my conclusion, and I love this, the way we debate these cases.

  “I’m saying that poor schmuck was set the fuck up by law enforcement. He had a fucking alibi, for Christ’s sake.” And he did, a good one at that.

  “His mother could’ve lied for him, Malibu.”

  “Not really. Let me take you back to a time when I was ten years old. I w
anted one damn piece of bubblegum and my mother refused to get it for me. Back then, they had those individual bins you could grab pieces and mix and match what you wanted. While my mom was purchasing our items, I went and grabbed one, just one damn piece and tucked it into my pocket. It was worth five cents… in my young mind, five damn cents wouldn’t make or break the store. We made it all the way home and I was feeling damn proud of myself that I hadn’t been caught. I helped put groceries away and ran off to my room. Thinkin’ I was a sly motherfucker, I popped that piece of gum into my mouth with a smile on my face. Mom had some sort of motherly intuition and snuck her ass into my room and saw the wrapper sitting next to me on the floor. She snatched that damn piece of paper up and dragged me by the nape of my neck and forced my ass back into the car. She went back into the house, grabbed my piggy bank, loose change I’d been collectin’ for over a year, and drove my ass back up to that store. When we made it inside, she asked the cashier for a manager and made my ass explain that I’d stolen that one piece of deliciousness. She made me break open my piggy bank and pay that fucker five cents plus interest. We hadn’t even been gone thirty minutes, you explain to me how in that timeframe, it garnered five bucks worth of interest? Anyways, then she drove me to the local church and made me donate the rest of my money to them. Embarrassed my ass good that day, I never stole a damn thing again, it wasn’t worth losin’ all of my hard earned funds. So, you see, I don’t believe that mothers are capable of lying in that capacity for their children.”

  Looking over at my woman, I see her clutching her stomach from the pain of the laughter that’s leaving her. “Th-that’s epic!” She howls out, the fuck is wrong with her? That shit ain’t funny, it still haunts me to this day when I walk into that particular store. I feel as if eyes are glued to me and I’m still labeled a fucking thief. Believe it or not, the store still to this day has the same manager it did in my youth.

  “You would find my misery funny, woman,” I groan, having a feeling deep inside my bones that everyone in the club will know my story soon. The men will give me shit and the women will snicker out in laughter every time I enter the same room as them. “Glad to see my fuckin’ life lessons are funny to ya.”

  “I’d do the same thing as your mom if we have kids and they do the same thing. Tell me you wouldn’t?” She all but demands an answer from me.

  “I’d come up with another way than embarassin’ the fuck out of our kid, Kassi. There’s different ways to teachin’ a lesson without makin’ them feel as if they’re lower than shit. There’s things I can do at home that’ll make them question their choices and decisions.”

  “I don’t even wanna know what’s running through your mind right now, Malibu. As parents, it’d be our job to teach them right from wrong and make them realize there’s consequences to their actions. Your mom had the right idea of things if you were to ask my opinion.” She drones on and I realize right here and right now, that I’m gonna have to take charge of disciplining our future children.

  “Why the fuck are we arguin’ about this? We haven’t even discussed havin’ a family.” Just a few days ago, this topic of conversation would have me running for the hills or admitting myself into a mental house. Kids scare the ever-loving fuck out of me.

  “Do you want kids someday, Malibu?” She lowers her head and begins playing with the bottom of her shirt. The uncertainty of my answer has her nervously wringing her hands together through the material.

  “Used to think there was no way in hell I wanted that. But recently, my feelin’s and thoughts on the subject have changed. With you, Kassi, I want it all.”

  “The white picket fence?” She lifts her head up as she asks this.

  “If that’s what you want, then yeah,” I honestly answer, not at all running scared from this knowledge that I’m no longer petrified to plan our future.


  Is that what I want? On one hand, I want it all with him, but on the other hand, I’m scared senseless. A subject that’s recently… as recently as yesterday, has come up in my therapy session. She’s made me think that I could actually do this, be a mother, and a good one at that. “I think I’d like that, one day. We’re not ready, I’m not ready, yet, but I’m getting there.”

  “Then we’ll take one thing at a time. When the day comes we’ll know it.”

  Before I can respond to Malibu’s words, there’s a knock on the bedroom door. “Incomin’,” Tumbler shouts through the wooden slab.

  “You ready for this?” Malibu asks me as he holds his hand out to assist me up from the bed.

  “As ready as I’ll ever be,” I admit, sticking my hand out so that it touches his. He clasps our hands together and hauls me up in one swoop.

  “Put on some old jeans and shirt, Kassi girl. Somethin’ you don’t mind tossin’ out. No chances.” He gives me a stern look while saying this. What exactly does he think I’m gonna do here? I just wanna slap him around a little, not cut off his fingers and toes. “No argument, just do as I ask please.”

  Well, he did say please, so I’ll give him what he wishes. “Okay, Malibu.”

  * * *

  As soon as we breach the clubhouse, I’m stopped by my big brother. “Sis, need a minute,” he says more to Malibu than myself. I give my Ol’ man a look letting him know I’m okay. He nods his head, gives Ryder a stern look then ambles away to join the other men where they’re huddled together, eyes stuck on me. “Don’t pay them no mind, look at me, Kassi.”

  My head shifts in his direction and I look him dead in the eyes, letting him know I really am okay. I knew out of everyone; he’d be the one to worry the most about my mental state of mind. “Have faith in me, Ryder. I can do this.”

  “I know you think you can, but, Kassi, after all you’ve been through, I can’t help but worry. You’re my baby sister, it’s my job to protect you from all things that could possibly come back to haunt you. Think about what you’re doing. Give yourself a second to come to terms with this, and make sure this is really what you wanna do.”

  “I’m doing this, Ryder. Either support me, or step aside. Your choice.” I plant my fists on my hips and give him my best glare. One I’ve perfected over my lifetime. “Well?” I ask, tapping my foot on the ground.

  “You know I’ve got your back, sis. Stop being dramatic, would ya?” He rolls his eyes at me as he states this.

  “Then stop stalling, Ryder,” I huff. I go to turn around and march my way over to Malibu.

  “Stop,” Ryder commands, grabbing me by my shoulder to halt my progression and turning me around to face him. “I love ya, sis. Please don’t be angry with me.” He pulls me into his chest and holds me tightly to him. “I didn’t have the opportunity to be there for ya when you were younger, all I wanna do is protect you while you’re here with me now. If you need to do this, I’ll be here afterward if you need someone to talk to. Okay?”

  “Okay, big brother,” I say, patting his back.

  “Y’all two ready?” Kid hollers out.

  I pull back and look up at Ryder, inquiring, “Are we ready, big brother?” He seems to need more time than I do, so I need to make sure he’s A-okay to go on.

  “Yeah,” he calls back, “we’re ready, brother.” He keeps his arm over my shoulder as he walks me to Malibu. He hesitantly releases me to my Ol’ man, who wraps me up in his arms before escorting me toward the back of the property.

  I’ve never travelled this far back before, so when we come upon a small shack I’m speechless. Color me surprised that this even exists and none of us women were the wiser. Kid stops his journey and turns around to face me. “I don’t want you blabbin’ to the other women that this is out here. I don’t need them explorin’ and puttin’ their noses into business that has nothin’ to do with them. We clear?”

  The seriousness in his tone has me nodding my head ‘yes’. “Yes, it’s clear,” I clear my throat and agree.

  “Good. If I find them out here snoopin’, I’m gonna hold you accountable. You
ready for this, Kassi?”

  “Yeah, Kid, I am,” I say as Malibu soothingly runs his hand up and down the spine of my back. His touch settles me and helps me compose myself. “Let’s get some answers.” Not realizing that my voice comes out firm and demanding, the men all begin laughing.

  Kid looks down at the ground and shakes his head. “That’s my line,” he teases. As he looks back up at me, I see the amusement dancing in his eyes. “As she said.” He points at the shack and the men all surround me as we walk inside. It’s sweet, the statement they’re making by surrounding me as we go in and come face to face with Granger.

  “Kass…” Granger begins, but Malibu walks up to him and bitch slaps him across his face.

  “You do not address her; you do not utter one word until she asks you the questions she needs answered. Nod your head if you understand,” Malibu forcefully issues. Seeing this side of him turns me the fuck on. Knowing this is a bad time for me to cream my panties, I turn my attention to Granger. He’s strung up like a Thanksgiving turkey. His arms are attached to chains from the ceiling and his feet are barely touching the ground. Looks painful… good. No less than what he deserves. Granger finally nods his head but keeps his stare solely on me. I can see the apology in his features, but I can’t accept it. Not yet anyways. Maybe one day, but today is not that day.



  Someone brings in a chair and sets it in front of Granger for me to sit on. I happily take it since my legs are shaking and I’m not sure how long they’ll hold me up. Crossing one leg over the other, I put pressure on the top leg to keep them from bouncing up and down. “I don’t know that I can ever forgive you for what you’ve done. Your actions had consequences that damaged my life.” I want him to feel pain, to know what his sister and I suffered that night. So, I tell him everything. I don’t hold back on his sister’s screams, begging them not to hurt her. I tell him every last gritty detail. By the time I get to the murder of his older sibling, tears are steadily streaming down his face. I should feel bad for making him live through this, but I don’t… not in the slightest. It should’ve been him that died that night, he should’ve reaped the benefits of his disastrous life and decisions. Hate consumes me when I repeat this story. My emotions come out full-force, I can’t pull it back or put out the fire in my gut. My body instantly reacts, I jump up and rush over to him and slap him across his face. The sound echoes around the room, the men have all stood up from their slumped positions against the wall. Ready to protect me from myself if the need arises. “I hate you, Granger. Your sister died protecting you, does that make you feel like a big man? Does it do your heart good to know that she was willing to sacrifice herself and me for you? Answer me!”


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