Colton 911: Temptation Undercover

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Colton 911: Temptation Undercover Page 21

by Jennifer Morey

  Ruby was speechless. Damon had professed marriage to strangers. Had he lost his mind? No. Drugs. That had to be it. Or was it...?

  “I don’t normally reveal things like that to those who aren’t my patients, but he told me about you and how he feared you’d never trust him.”

  When she turned shocked eyes to him, he said, “That’s all I can say. He told me a lot more, but I risk my medical license telling you what I have already. I did so because I believe it’s worth it.”

  Numbly, Ruby nodded. “I understand, and...thank you.” The doctor had clearly seen something special in Damon and his feelings for Ruby. Why else would he go out of his way to make her understand?

  He extended his arm.

  Ruby realized they were at the door of Damon’s room.

  She entered and heard the doctor close the door, no doubt for privacy. She admired his discretion as much as his compassionate and interactive insight. He must have seen something in Damon that made him subtly intervene.

  She stepped slowly toward Damon’s hospital bed. He was slightly inclined, and his arm was in a sling.

  Hearing her, he turned his head.

  Ruby stopped. Even sleepy and wounded he was still so gorgeous and strong.

  “The nurse taking care of me is completely inferior to you,” he said.

  She laughed, so glad he was all right. She went to the side of the bed, sitting on the edge and putting her hand on the side of his face.

  “Did you meet Doc?” he asked.


  “I think he is on my side.”

  “I think you have painkillers running through your veins. You told him too much.”

  She moved her hand to his chest, patting him a few gentle times.

  “I told him the truth.”

  “Drugs cloud minds. Stop.”

  He put his hand over hers on his chest, the one that didn’t have an IV in it. “Not when it comes to love, Ruby.”

  “You confided in a stranger,” she said. But inside, her soul rejoiced. Dare she believe?

  Damon sighed, tiredly. “I did.”

  His confession only dug deeper into her heart. He would be a permanent resident there if she wasn’t careful. “I should let you get some sleep. I just wanted to make sure you were going to be okay.”

  “Are you trying to run away again, Ruby? Because if you are, you don’t have to,” he said.

  Okay, he was being way too candid. “I should go.” She started to get up, but he grasped her hand.

  “Don’t go,” he said. “Stay with me.”

  “In the hospital?”

  “No, forever.”

  “Damon...” She felt so flustered. Did he mean this? “Why?”

  “Because you love me, too.”

  Unable to refute that, Ruby said nothing. And she was rescued when more visitors arrived.

  January and Sean brought flowers and hugs. Damon’s brothers visited for a bit. His cousins came as well.

  Ruby was about to tell them all to go away and let him sleep, but Damon’s spirits were so high she refrained. He loved family so much. It touched her heart in a way she had never experienced before.

  A few minutes later, Damon’s family began saying goodbye and filing out of the room. Next, in walked Damon’s commander, Brian McNatt, a big man with dark brown hair and eyes that had seen too much. Damon had a busy room.

  “Damon.” Brian walked over to the bed. “How are you feeling?”

  “They’ve got me comfortable. Keeping me overnight for observation.”

  “Good. You got lucky. It could have gone another way,” he said.

  Ruby was all too aware of that. If Santiago’s aim had been better, she might be dealing with never seeing Damon again. The thought of losing him filled her with an awful feeling.

  “Did you get all of Santiago’s men?” Damon asked.

  Not all of them had been present at the raid.

  “We’re rounding them up.” Brian looked at Ruby. “If you need a safe place to stay, I can arrange that for you.”

  “She’s going to stay with me,” Damon said, then looked at her. “At my real home.”

  The way he said that warmed her through and through. What he hadn’t said but she knew he meant for her to understand was he wanted her to know more about him, Damon Colton.

  “All right,” Brian said. “My main reason for coming here today is to commend you on a job well done. We couldn’t have taken down Mercer’s gang without you.” He looked at Ruby. “You, too. The DEA thanks you both.”

  You’re welcome didn’t seem appropriate to Ruby, so she said nothing.

  “Just doing my job,” Damon said.

  “I’ll leave you two. Get some rest.” Brian left.

  Unfortunately, Damon would not be able to get rest. His next visitor was Harry.

  “They said you were in Recovery,” Harry said. He walked to the bed and took Damon’s hand in a manly grasp. “How are you?”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Hey, you did great back there. I wanted to personally tell you that, friend.”

  “Thanks. It’s good to see you. Are you still with Narcotics?”


  “Maybe we could work together on a case sometime,” Damon said.

  “I’d be honored, but that won’t happen. I’ve been promoted to head of Homicide.”

  “Really? That’s great. Congratulations, man,” Damon said.

  Ruby listened to them talk about work. After about twenty minutes, Harry bade farewell and left.

  “I heard he dated Carly Colton and he’s a bit of a womanizer,” Ruby said.

  “He lost his wife and child to a murderer,” Damon said. “He’s got some issues from it.”

  That was terrible, but still, any woman who fell for him might lose her heart. Maybe that was Ruby talking from her own experiences, though.

  “Better watch Lila. The last thing another Colton woman needs is to fall for him too much.”

  Damon chuckled. “Ruby, come here.”

  She did, and he took her hand and drew her closer. She leaned over as he put his hand behind her head and kissed her, long and slow. When he finally released her she was breathless and hot.

  “You’re lucky you’re in this hospital bed,” she said.

  “More like unlucky,” he said.

  * * *

  By evening the next day, Ruby drove Damon to his house. He gave her directions on the way. In a modern neighborhood, he had an average house that was clean and well maintained. Inside the entry, he saw her look around. The six-by-six-foot tiled entry branched off to the living room on the left, family room on the right, and an L-shaped stairway led to the upper level. He wasn’t much of a decorator, so furniture and the modern architecture did the work for him.

  She wandered through all the rooms on the first level, then went upstairs. He had three bedrooms up there. Plenty for the three of them. He tried not to hope too much.

  Moments later she reappeared.

  “The basement is partially finished,” he said. “I want to make another master bedroom and a family room down there.”

  “It’s nice, Damon.”

  She seemed guarded again, as she always was when something struck her as genuine—when it came to him. Hope grew too strong, and she resisted.

  “We should get you settled in.” She put down her overnight bag.

  “I can sit on the couch.” His shoulder hurt, but he wasn’t an invalid. “Let’s order delivery.”

  “I can make dinner,” she said.

  “We’ve been through enough, don’t you think? Let’s relax tonight.”

  She smiled slightly. “Pizza and wings?”

  “Loaded?” he asked. “A Supreme with everything on it?”

  “Yes. Screw the
calorie counting worries tonight. I’m starving.”

  “No anchovies, though.”

  “Yuck. No. Meat and lots of peppers, onions and mushrooms.”

  “Extra cheese and tomatoes.”

  Ruby took out her cell phone. “A man after my heart.”

  They liked the same kind of pizza. What more of a sign did they need to be convinced they belonged together?

  Damon wasn’t under any illusions, however. Ruby wasn’t ready to give herself to him completely. He fully expected her to tell him they should take things slow. He had known that about her shortly after meeting her. Wasn’t that one of the reasons why he had taken so long to take her out on a date?

  He had to respect her for that. After his bout with a deceitful woman, he could take all the time necessary to secure a healthy relationship with Ruby. But that didn’t mean he wouldn’t try to convince her to live with him.

  She ordered their meal and then looked around as though uncertain what to do next.

  “There’s some chilled wine in the refrigerator,” he said.

  “Do you want a glass?”

  “My pain medication is enough. You should have one, though,” he said.

  “Is it that obvious that I don’t know what to do with myself?” she asked with a smile.

  “Yes, Ruby. I’ve told you before that you’re transparent. Get some wine, and come here and sit with me.”

  She looked at him a moment as though contemplating what sitting close to him would lead to. Sipping some wine.

  He chuckled. “There’s no way I’ll be able to make love. You’re safe.”

  She laughed lightly. “You seem to know me so well.”

  “I do.”

  Seeming a little bashful or uncertain, she went to rummage up a wineglass. While she proceeded to uncork the wine and pour herself a moderate helping, he found an old family movie, something calming. Then she came over to the couch and sat beside him on his uninjured side.

  Hiding a grimace, he put his arm across the back of the couch, and she snuggled in, curling up her legs.

  He remained with her like that a while, not really paying attention to the television. He suspected she wasn’t, either. This was the first time they were both truly free of Kid Mercer’s bad influence. He wanted to begin getting Ruby thinking about their future.

  “Now that our lives are back to normal, we can start fresh,” he said, waiting to see how she’d react.

  “Normal,” she murmured and took another sip. “I can’t remember what that is anymore.”

  Disenchantment had a way of doing that to a person. The bliss of innocence faded with life experiences. He used to have that attitude.

  “I couldn’t, either, before I met you,” he said. “Meeting you has given me a whole new outlook.”

  She tipped her head to look at him.

  He could see she was trying to gauge whether to believe him or not. “Don’t worry.” He rubbed her arm. “I know you need some time. But I would like you to stay here with me. You and Maya.”

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “I’m not sure about that, Damon.”

  “I know. All I’m asking is you give me a chance to earn your trust. The investigation is over. You have me to yourself now.”

  “Until your next investigation?” she said.

  “You won’t be involved in that. You’ll be safe.”

  After a while she sighed. “My lease is up at my house at the end of this month.”

  Damon felt that was a stroke of luck for him. “Then, it’s decided. You, Maya and your mother—if she wants to—can come and live here.”

  Ruby moved to sit up, putting her glass on the coffee table. Then she angled herself to face him, clasping her hands on her lap.

  He knew what she was going to say before she spoke.

  “I’m not quite ready for that. With all that’s happened, being reunited with Maya so recently, and surviving the aftermath of Kid. I...”

  Damon reached to put his hand over hers. “It’s all right, Ruby. I have a suggestion.”

  She met his eyes, listening and interested.

  “Nicole came to see me when you went down to the cafeteria before I was released. She asked about us, and I told her everything. She offered for you to come and stay with her. You, Maya and your mother. She has plenty of room, and she’d love the company. Apparently you made quite an impression on her.” His mother had told him if Ruby needed space after all she’d been through that she should stay with her. She wanted to help Damon keep her in his life.

  A soft smile emerged on Ruby’s beautiful face. She was more than physically beautiful. She had an inner glow, a purity about her. More than ever Damon wanted her in his life.

  “And we can date?” she asked.

  “You’ll see me every day, sweetheart. We just won’t be sleeping together. The DEA is going to give me a lot of time off.”

  He sensed her weighing her options. His no-pressure approach appeared to be working. He grew encouraged.

  “Nicole said she would help watch Maya while you went to school. She’s excited about having a child in her life. She’s a really great mother figure.”

  Again, he sensed Ruby contemplating all he said.

  “You won’t have to work anymore until you graduate,” he said.

  She turned to look at him again.

  “Just say yes, Ruby,” he said.

  With a big smile, she said, “Yes.”

  The ring of his cell phone interrupted. He winced as he moved to get it from his back pocket. Seeing it was Erik, he wasn’t surprised the man had ruined a good moment with Ruby.


  “Hello, son. I heard what happened and wanted to call and see how you were doing.”

  Erik never showed signs of concern toward him. This was highly unusual.

  “I’m recovering fine.”

  “Good. Good.” He cleared his throat. “I also wanted to apologize for barging in on you at the barbecue.”

  Erik Colton...apologizing?

  “That was a little dramatic. Are you sure you want to pursue that lawsuit?” Damon asked, wondering if the question would incite Erik’s notorious temper.

  Erik sighed. “It wasn’t my decision to dispute the will.”

  “No, it was Grandmother’s. That doesn’t mean you and Axel have to support it,” Damon said.

  “It’s too late to back down now. Can you just go along with it?”

  So, that was the real reason Erik had called. Maybe he had genuinely wanted to make sure his son was all right, but he’d used the opportunity to his advantage.

  “Why can’t you stand up to her? You and Axel both.”

  “It’s not about standing up to her, son. She does have a valid point that my brother and I deserve to at least be recognized as part of Dad’s family.”

  “You’ll destroy our cousins’ lives if you win the lawsuit,” Damon said.

  Erik didn’t respond. “I don’t want to destroy anyone’s life, Damon, but Mother has a right to claim what belongs to us. And like I said, Axel and I can’t back off now.”

  Then, there was nothing else he had to say to his father. “I get it. Thanks for calling.”

  “I wish you could understand,” Erik said.

  “I do.” More than he could possibly comprehend, having been molded from childhood by Carin.

  “I’ll check in on you in a few days,” Erik said.

  And Damon gladly ended the call.

  Chapter 17

  Ruby stayed with Damon until Brian told them all of Kid’s criminal associates were now in jail awaiting trial. Damon made it easy for her to agree to live with Nicole for a while. She had spoken with her mother, who had decided to live with Ruby’s sister. She missed Wisconsin and promised to come visit often. Ruby had been sa
ddened by the news. She had grown accustomed to having her mother around all the time, but she understood. There were things she missed about Wisconsin, too.

  Come to think of it, her mother had likely come to stay with her because of all she’d been through. In their last conversation, she told Ruby how happy she was for her, meaning that she had found Damon. Her mother felt all right about leaving her, returning to her hometown.

  She turned from the lovely view of manicured landscaping to find Nicole approaching.

  “Maya loves her room,” Nicole said.

  Nicole had told her she had redecorated one of the bedrooms, one right next to where Ruby would stay. And one of her help had taken Maya there.

  “You shouldn’t have done that. You’re spoiling her.”

  “Not that much.” Nicole took her hand. “You haven’t seen it yet. Come with me.”

  Ruby began to feel that familiar defense swell. “I’ll tuck my own daughter into bed.” She had spent too many years without hugs and I love yous. People needed affection. Kids needed that even more. In dysfunctional environments, kids didn’t get enough hugs and I love yous. Ruby would not tolerate anyone out of line with that.

  “Oh.” Nicole stopped. “Ruby, I meant no harm. Just come and see.”

  Ruby went with her, feeling a strange sense of trust, despite the fact that she didn’t really know the woman Damon called Mom.

  At the door of Maya’s room, Nicole stepped aside so Ruby could see inside.

  Soft lights and color took Ruby’s breath away. Stars rotated on the ceiling. Flowing, silky drapes covered tall windows, and there was a canopy bed befitting Cinderella.

  But what truly captured her was Maya in front of a lighted dollhouse. A huge one. She was immersed in a fairy-tale, dreamlike state.


  “Nope,” Nicole cut her off in a soft tone. “Let her.”

  Let her...

  Ruby’s entire being shifted and tingled with newfound love.

  “You deserve this,” Nicole said. “You deserve it like Damon and Nash deserved a real home.”

  Her words hit her on impact. Ruby turned before Maya could see her and went into her room, sitting on the bed and breaking down into a torrent of tears. It was as though all the trauma she’d endured flowed out of her now that the threat had vanished. An emotional release. Like a war veteran, only they were so fortunate to find their way to any kind of release.


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