Bitter Wars- Ashes

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Bitter Wars- Ashes Page 12

by Kerriann Burns

  ‘Where am I?’ she called out but received no answer. ‘Someone please help!’ she pulled on the chains that held her, the rattle of the chains echoed so loudly in her ears that it made her head hurt. She wept in fear as no one would come for her until a crow cawed from the window. ‘Spirit! Please help me out of here! I don’t want to die!’ her voice was different, younger, sweeter and as she looked down, she no longer wore her usual clothes, but rags. The crow hopped from the stone ledge and pecked at her shackles, but nothing would free her, until the wooden door opened with a sinister woman’s laugh. ‘Please help me!’ the crow flew at her, pushing her with its hysterical flapping as the door opened wider with nothing but red eyes glowing in the darkness.

  ‘Adonia!’ the crow yelled and continued to flap at her until her eyes shot open once again. Fenrir sat close by her as he had been trying to shake her awake from her nightmare. Adonia sat up as she panted and leant her head against her arm. ‘Do you usually get night terrors?’

  ‘They’re getting more and more frequent.’ She sighed as she kept her head lowered. ‘She’s getting close.’

  ‘Who?’ she looked at him slightly then looked away before standing up.

  ‘I’m cursed, that army in South Realm is here because the Mother wants me as a sacrifice, my father, Talin and Greymire all opposed it and died because of it…She let me live while I was pregnant with my son but I can just feel her…She haunts my nightmares.’

  ‘Legend of the Bitter War huh?’ he stood up next to her and looked onward for an exit.

  ‘You heard of it too?’

  ‘I may have grown up in Reckson but the story’s still there, I just figured it was a myth.’

  Adonia kept quiet as they carried on, still shaken from her dream. She tried to brush it off as just nerves, but something was different, she felt as if it was herself but in another’s body. It felt as if she had been trapped there for years.

  ‘So, when you kill Griffiths then what?’

  ‘I return home.’

  ‘Not doing the usual hero quest and fighting for your right as queen?’ she gave a slight snigger but kept behind him.

  ‘I never had any desire to be queen, even when Talin said it himself, I hoped that Iona would get better and they’d have this miracle child. Kinlan seems to be doing a better job than I ever could.’

  ‘Declaring war on Reckson sounds like a better job?’

  ‘…Kinlan has always hated Reckson and I still don’t agree with it, but I’m not cut out to be a queen.’

  ‘So, what about this “Mother” what do you plan to do with her?’

  ‘…I honestly don’t know.’ She sighed which made him look over his shoulder.

  ‘Maybe go to Kinlan or even the Reckson king.’

  ‘Hm, surprised you’re not suggesting for me to sacrifice myself.’

  ‘Like I said before, you’ve got a kid to get back to.’ The cave tunnels started to narrow again but they were relieved to see something familiar, sunlight. They rushed to the opening that led them out to the height of the mountains, Adonia took in a deep breath as she admired the beauty from above. She could see the snow in the surrounding higher mountains, the red and gold forests below and the clear blue skies above.

  ‘Look, you can see the college from here.’ Fenrir said as he stood on a rock and looked out further into the distance. She stood by his side and could see the structure hidden away by the mountains just out of humanity’s reach, perhaps one day she’ll visit for the magi assistance.

  ‘So beautiful yet this place will always be known as the Badlands.’ Fenrir gave a nod of acknowledgement. Adonia half expected him to make a comment on how it was the nobles’ fault, but he remained quiet before jumping down from the rock and began making his way down the mountain. ‘Fen wait a second.’ He looked over his shoulder. ‘About your family, your past, I had no idea…And I just wanted to thank you for telling me, you didn’t have to after all.’

  ‘Oh no I did.’ He continued walking which forced her to follow.

  ‘Care to tell me why?’

  ‘Because knowing you, you wouldn’t leave me alone until I did…However there is something I want to ask of you.’ Fenrir stopped in his tracks and turned to her once again. ‘I’m not saying we’re friends now but…I tolerate you, and for that I know in the past what I have said and done to you can’t be forgiven but…I’m sorry for it.’ He clenched his fist tightly then held out his hand. Adonia thought about it for a moment, how he nearly killed her, their fights, their arguments, yes such things shouldn’t be forgiven so easily, but her father always told her never to hold a grudge and offer kindness to those who seek it. She shook his hand. ‘I admit we got off on the wrong foot, when I first met you, you were a woman in danger and I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing, but when you told me your name, who you were…It brought up a lot of bad memories, not to mention your family being friends with the Dukans…And that night we fought, the crowd cheering it was just like being in the Strages, something inside took control, something I couldn’t contain, I should have asked sooner but, I didn’t deserve forgiveness.’

  ‘I forgive you. But try it again and I won’t be so kind.’

  ‘Better than nothing, besides I think we’ve both established if we ever fought again, I’d win.’ He said with a smile, it was the first time she’d ever seen him smile at her.

  Of course, he had to have such a beautiful smile, didn’t he? She was almost frustrated, but it wasn’t just his smile, his eyes were smouldering with such a smile, half open with his permanent fierceness, she couldn’t help but nervously swallow.

  ‘Just you wait until my hand gets better and I’ll prove you wrong.’

  ‘Do one better and learn with your other hand.’

  ‘How? I’ve always been right-handed.’

  ‘You’re right footed too.’ She raised her eyebrow and tried to get ahead of him.

  ‘What makes you say that?’

  ‘Whenever you attack first your right foot always moves first.’ Adonia gave him a bewildered stare how could he even notice such a small detail? ‘I have to pick up everything about my opponent, how they move, how they fight, but you, your moves are very predictable.’

  ‘I am not predicable!’

  ‘Come at me then.’ She looked down at her secured hand. ‘I won’t hurt you, just proving a point, come on.’ Frustrated at his words she went in for an attack, all he was able to dodge without barely breaking a sweat.

  ‘How?!’ he smiled again which made her charge at him in frustration, but he quickly dropped to the floor and swept his leg in front of hers which sent her flying forward but just as quick as he fell, he grabbed her tunic to save her from the fall.

  ‘Believe me yet?’

  ‘Fine you have skill I’ll admit that.’ She said as she brushed herself off with her functioning hand. ‘You’ll have to teach me that someday.’

  ‘It’s something you can’t teach, only way I learned is if you don’t pick it up fast you die, simple as.’

  ‘Greymire was nowhere near as brutal as you.’

  ‘He was a knight I was a slave, he had armour and I had rags, he had that sword and I had my fists, clear differences.’

  ‘…I guess you’re right.’ It was hard for her to imagine anyone being stronger than Greymire, especially someone like Fenrir, thinking about it made her miss him, but she always had to remember that she’d never see him again.

  ‘I’m not belittling him though; man could fight but…’

  ‘We were completely overwhelmed…There was nothing anyone could do.’

  ‘Why didn’t you run?’

  ‘…The gates were barricaded, I-I don’t know why he didn’t retreat…’ he could see the subject was upsetting her.

  ‘Well you’re here now, not the best place in the world, but you’re alive.’ She could see his mild attempt to cheer her up and gave a small acknowledging smile.

  ‘Fen?’ he slightly raised his eyebrow to acknowledge her.
‘Oarim.’ He stood there for a moment confused until he realised, he remembered their old conversation not long after they first met.

  ‘Barmic tell you that?’ he said with that same smile as he crossed his arms.

  ‘No actually, I came across an old sign, people from the village barely even know what it’s called so you hardly gave me a chance. So, all nobles still the same?’ she smiled as she crossed her arms, he gave a low chuckle as he shook his head.

  ‘Alright, you got me there. Come on.’

  Chapter 6

  Bright eyes

  ‘There ye are! Was aboot tae send oot a search party!’ Barmic exclaimed as the pair entered the inn.

  ‘Someone decided to get stuck in a cave.’ Fenrir said as he gave Adonia a light shove on her shoulder.

  ‘Well if someone told me where the exit was, I wouldn’t have looked in the wrong place.’ She gave a sarcastic smile as she returned the shove. Both Barmic and Arthur stared at them, they were usually at each other’s throats and just barely tolerating each other’s company, now they shared banter like friends.

  ‘Ye hit yer heed or something?’

  ‘No why?’

  ‘Eh, it’s nothin’, just glad tae see ye two alive.’ Fenrir gave an acknowledging nod before retreating upstairs. Adonia sat down at a table with Arthur who was already bursting with questions.

  ‘What happened to you?’

  ‘I got lost in a cave that was more of a trap, if it wasn’t for Fenrir finding me, I don’t know how long I would have been there for.’

  ‘And your wrist?’

  ‘I think it’s broken…Still hurts but Fenrir did an okay job securing it up.’ Arthur raised his eyebrow.

  ‘Fenrir did that?’ she gave a quick nod. ‘Wow, wouldn’t expect that from him, then again you seemed a bit buddy-buddy coming in.’

  ‘I think…We have a better understanding of each other, while we were searching for a way-out Fenrir did tell me some personal things that’s opened my eyes and he did apologise for the past.’

  ‘What did he say?’ Adonia gave a soft smile.

  ‘If he hasn’t told you then it’s not my place to say.’ A disappointing sigh came from the excited teenager, but he respected Fenrir’s privacy.

  As the evening came to, Adonia continued to sit with Arthur but this time was joined by a drink. She watched the women dance in more of a display of their bodies for their potential customers. Before she would have shied away at such a display but the more she looked the more she admired the women’s confidence in themselves. Adonia looked over at Jenny that danced on top of a table, her dress if it could barely be called that showed her midriff and a slit up her skirt that showed the entirety of her bare legs, yet she smiled and taunted the men close to her, calling them forward to buy. Adonia thought about her and the other girls, living here they didn’t have to be prostitutes but some of them genuinely seemed to enjoy it, the attention of men without the commitment. Something she personally couldn’t do herself, but the confidence the women showed intrigued Adonia. Jenny noticed her staring which made her smile and jump down from the table to approach her.

  ‘See something you like? I normally charge ten pieces of silver, but for you I’ll make it eight.’ She joked but the very thought made Adonia blush and back off. ‘I’m joking sweetheart.’ She said as she sat on the chair joining them. ‘But I couldn’t help but notice your looks.’

  ‘I admire your confidence.’

  ‘Why not dance with us?’

  ‘I…I can’t dance like that, people will think-.’ she suddenly grabbed Adonia’s healthy hand and pulled her to the other women.

  ‘J-Jenny what are you doing?!’ Jenny stood close behind her and held her hips.

  ‘Just move with the music, ignore all of them.’ Adonia wanted to ignore all the gawks and whistles but she couldn’t, it was getting too much so Jenny quickly turned her around and placed her arms on her shoulders and offered a comforting smile. ‘It’s just us here.’

  ‘But-.’ Adonia tried to look around but Jenny gently squeezed her chin and forced Adonia to look back at her.

  ‘You said you liked my confidence, what happened to yours, I thought you used to be a soldier?’ Jenny gently started to sway her again, encouraging her to move along with the music. ‘I could never do that, being in the middle of a battle, that’s terrifying.’

  ‘So is this.’

  ‘I know what you’re scared of.’ Jenny smiled. ‘You’re scared of others judgement, you are a beautiful woman Addie, flaunt it.’ Adonia gave a nervous smile and looked down at the floor.

  ‘I was always told that was wrong, it’s unladylike and immodest, save yourself for your husband kind of thing.’

  ‘Were you born to nobility? That’s sounds like something a noble would say.’ Adonia looked away sharply, still unsure whether or not to reveal her true identity to her friend. It was dangerous enough that Barmic, Arthur and Fenrir knew who she really was, if word got out that Adonia Hardgrave was here it could alert Griffiths.

  ‘My family were wealthy you could say that.’

  ‘There’s nothing wrong with showing a little skin Addie, if anyone thinks it’s wrong that’s their problem not yours.’

  ‘There’s a limit surely.’ Jenny laughed as she finally released her and spread her arms out wide.

  ‘You forgot who you’re talking to.’

  If there was one trick Jenny knew how to bring out Adonia’s confidence it was drink, she picked up her tankard of ale and gave it to Adonia, almost forcing her to drink. The pair joked and began to dance together with much more ease, Jenny instructed her on how she would dance, a lot of controlled movement in the hips and shoulders. As the drink began to flow easier Adonia took control of her own body which made her friend laugh and hold her again.

  ‘See Addie, you’re having fun.’

  ‘I think the drink counts as cheating.’ She laughed.

  ‘Loosens the lips, among other things.’ Jenny sniggered as she slung her arm around Adonia’s shoulder. ‘Answer me this, do you feel beautiful?’

  ‘What?’ Adonia laughed again.

  ‘Like I said, you’re a really pretty girl Addie, you should never feel otherwise.’

  ‘I never said I wasn’t.’ she nervously wiped her lips with the back of her hand. ‘It’s just all this, what you do I just…Personally I could only be with a man I love…Do you feel any less of me because of that?’ Jenny let out a sharp chuckle before squeezing her tighter.

  ‘Course not Addie! I just want to know that a fine thing like you could have any man you set your eyes on, doesn’t mean to say it has to be any of these lowlifes.’ She exclaimed in some drunken glee. ‘Just in this line of work it’s handy to be pretty here.’ She smiled as she gently poked Adonia on the tip of her nose. ‘But it’s so much more important to be pretty here.’ She poked Adonia’s chest in the general area where her heart would sit which made them both smile at each other. ‘Sometimes I just dance to feel good, and if a customer calls then that’s just a pay for me.’

  ‘Could you ever say no?’

  ‘It’s not good business but if there’s a man that looks particularly mean I just tell Barmic, he helps us where he can.’

  ‘Well.’ Adonia sniggered. ‘Barmic’s not busy and you don’t have any customers.’ Jenny eyed over at Barmic who tended his usual position behind the bar.

  ‘I could have Barmic if I wanted.’ She joked in her newfound intoxicated confidence, which just made Adonia give a sly smile. ‘You don’t believe me?’ Jenny released her grasp from Adonia and approached the bar, Adonia couldn’t believe it, she sat on the bar and smiled at Barmic.

  ‘A dinnae pay fae services.’ He chuckled.

  ‘And if it was free?’

  ‘A’d say ye was drunk.’ He whipped a tankard with a rag as he normally would until she leaned forward.

  ‘I like you Barmic.’ He chuckled again.

  ‘A like ye too Jen, but as ye were.’ He tried to brush her off
, but she took his hand.

  ‘So, you wouldn’t?’ Barmic put down the tankard and leaned his elbow on the bar.

  ‘Aye, A’d be lying if A said A was naw gatin fae ye but, whit’s a fine lass askin’ fae a dwarf fae?’

  ‘I don’t give two damns if you’re a dwarf, I still like you…My offer still stands.’ She smiled as she slid herself off from the bar.

  ‘Jen, A dae like ye lass. But ye been drinkin’ n A’m naw the type of man that takes advantage of that.’

  ‘Barmic love, we both know I can easily hold a drink to you, remember that one night we nearly went through a whole barrel of the family recipe?’ she giggled.

  ‘Aye.’ He chuckled. ‘Both a wreck, but this is a bit oot of the blue dinnae ye think?’

  ‘Last chance Barmic, you can talk all you want upstairs.’ She smiled as she slowly made her way to the stairs. Barmic shook his head in disbelief but all with a smile, the tavern wasn’t that busy and this was a once in a lifetime opportunity in his eyes.

  ‘Well if it’s still fae free.’ He laughed as he was quick to join her side and retreat upstairs.

  ‘No way.’ Arthur gawked as he watched them disappear together, Adonia laughed as she sat back down next to him.

  ‘She told me she liked him, so I told her to go for it.’

  ‘Wow, I mean I knew he liked her, but I never knew she liked him, not like that anyway.’

  ‘Maybe there’s a wedding on the way.’ She joked.

  ‘Maybe a new Ma.’ Arthur laughed with her which made her notice the fleck of green in his eyes. She tilted her head at the colour and knew it was familiar but a little more vibrant.


  ‘Your eyes…They look like-.’ Suddenly a hand grabbed Arthur’s shirt and pulled him from the chair.

  ‘Eyes off our women, fairy!’

  ‘I-I didn’t do anything!’ he cowered in the man’s grasp, Adonia threw herself from her chair and pushed the man, clearly not a fan of the elven kind as well but the stench of alcohol on his breath only fuelled his anger.


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