Paladin's Oath

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Paladin's Oath Page 4

by M. H. Johnson

  Glances of earlier admiration were turning to either fear or outright awe. Jess forced herself to relax. Started to ease her grip. Nodded. “Fine! I accept your yield. On the condition that I never have to see you nasty, sniveling, rat-faced countenance again!” She then dropped the broken man and he collapsed in a sobbing heap. Jess kicked his sword away and turned around, meeting the gaze of anyone who dared to look. “Are we done here?” Her eyes caught Armond. She grinned. “Any interest in a duel, Armond? It can be to first blood. I promise not to kill you.”

  Armond, face pale, eyes wide, slowly raised his hands and bowed low. “I would like to formally apologize for any offense I may have given you or your House. Please forgive my naïve foolishness and allow me to make amends. May I get you a plate of Lady Turnsby’s finest appetizers?”

  Jess grinned happily and nodded. “Apology accepted. A plate of her finest would be delightful! Mostly fish, though. My kitty is hungry."

  The young lord smiled and backed away, elegant and beautiful, the perfect picture of grace. "Maybe we can be friends after all," Jess jokingly mused to herself, heading back inside. She seemed suddenly to be the hero of the party, with many jovial cries complementing her prowess with the blade. As much as she loved the praise, she was absolutely dying for a drink.


  “Here is your plate of delights, my dear Jessica.” Armond quickly returned to the table Jess was seated at, presently surrounded by a small group of admirers animatedly discussing the merits of the longsword versus rapier and side-sword. Armond's smile was dazzling, and his warm, honey brown eyes made Jess’s heart skip a beat.

  “Thank you,” she said, feeling cocky and bold, so reminiscent of her life at Highrock, where awkward shyness had been replaced by fiercest bravado, admiration earned by dint of skill alone, innuendo and intrigue having almost no place among the rough and ready crowd of Squires and Aspirants Jess favored, everyone bonding in mild inebriation after a hard week's training.

  Jess took yet another sip of brandy, joining her new friends in laughter, basking in the admiration of the men around her.

  “And you will find this poached whitefish particularly delightful,” Armond's melodious voice soothed, and Jess felt a tingle even as she began to nibble the treat he fed to her with a knowing smile, before feeling a slight poke to her knee.


  Twilight gazed up at her, sapphire eyes looking a bit peeved. “First off, he’s no different than the noble who was charming the shirt off your sister, not so long ago. This isn't Highrock, Jess, and he isn't your sworn brother-in-arms, devoted to protecting your back, and your reputation. I never judged, because a Squire never tells. But Armond is no Squire. Secondly and most importantly, fishies are for me.”

  “Sorry, Twilight,” she mumbled, taking but a small nibble before offering the largest portion of the leaf wrapped treats to her now purring kitty, snug in her lap and happily eating from her hands. More than one lord gazed at where Twilight should be, Jess’s food laden hands seeming to empty into twisting space, and they blinked furiously, turning pale and all too happy to look away.

  “And this caviar is absolutely divine on toast, my dear lady. Please. No need to sully your fine fingers with it, allow me to serve you.” And Jess felt a curious tingly thrill as the salty eggs burst with flavor down the back of her throat, young Armond’s graceful hands caressing her lips as he fed her. Jess felt herself blushing. “Oh, I’m so sorry,” Armond apologized, his twinkling eyes indicating that he certainly wasn’t sorry, and he’d be happy to prove just how unsorry he was to Jess at a later time. He gave her a playful wink.

  "Enough with the fish already, Armond," one older lord said gruffly, before turning his grandfatherly countenance to Jess once more, his expression the picture of paternal concern and polite interest both. "In regards to optimal fencing techniques, would you agree that the longsword is by far the superior weapon, Lady Jess?"

  Jess smiled. “It’s a good question, Lord Dierter. In actuality, it depends. If both opponents are completely unarmored and the longsword is not equipped with a clamshell hilt or some such, then the rapier does have a distinct advantage with the lunge. It is long with a nimble point, and well able to strike otherwise vulnerable hands upon longswords lacking more exotic hilts. Further, the longsword has a harder time riposting against such an attack.” She raised her hand. “Yet save for the strengths of reach and protective hilt, the advantage is the longsword's, I think. For nothing prevents a savvy nobleman from equipping his civilian longsword with a specialized hilt, and once the rapiersman commits himself to the lunge, even should he score true, your counter strike can cleave his head from his body.”

  Jess took another sip of her brandy, warming up to one of her favorite topics. “Furthermore, if our longswordsman is intelligent enough to wear a mail shirt or similar protection as a matter of habit, perhaps lining his gloves with mail as well, and I can recommend a good smith and tailor if any of you are interested in such refinements, it puts the contest even more firmly in his favor. The rapier's slash couldn't slice more than a layer or two of linen, and against a mail shirt with a tight weave, the rapier is all but worthless. It cannot hack with sufficient power to bruise flesh or crack bone under armor, and you would risk damaging the blade with too hard a thrust against steel plates or properly made mail.”

  Jess smiled at an intent looking Lord Dierter. “So, to answer your question, the rapier is an excellent weapon for getting off a quick thrust, but it is best suited to an unarmored civilian duel, in my opinion. But in all fairness, I do favor the longsword, and was taught lessons specifically to counter the rapier’s strengths.”

  Lord Dierter beamed at Jess’s thoughtful answer, his bushy brown mustache lightening with his smile. “Well said, Lady Jess. Just as I’ve always thought myself!”

  “But what if the rapier is accompanied by buckler, lady Jess?” One young lord, obviously a student of that very school, inquired earnestly. Jess grinned and dove into her analysis, and the lords interested in swordplay spent an enjoyable evening conversing on arts martial with an animated Lady Jessica who was well on the way to making herself a few friendly acquaintances to balance her one new enemy.

  Twilight soothed Jess with his purrs as she stroked his glossy fur, no longer critiquing her flirting, so long as she fed him.

  "Jess!" Appolonia called to her sister excitedly sometime later, when talk of swordplay had turned to a friendly game of cards which Jess was losing quite handily, fortunately playing for nothing more serious than regaling the winners with embarrassing confessions of one sort or another. Somehow, Jess thought with some bemusement, she was the one doing all the confessing. And the constant supply of spicy apple brandy they kept filling her silver goblet with wasn't helping her concentration any. She was halfway tempted to ask if they were working as a team, but decided not to. She liked the camaraderie, the excuse to imbibe in her favorite tipple, and even if Twilight had made it clear that snuggling was out of the question, she was shamelessly happy to preen under their attentive gazes.

  “Jessica!” Her sister seemed a bit more perturbed.

  Jess gazed up at her, grinning. "I was just telling them about the time you and Geoffrey caught me swimming in the lake naked. And you two stole all my clothes." Jess chuckled throatily, feeling a certain warm glow from her favorite drink. "By the gods, that was embarrassing!" Her admirers laughed in good-natured sympathy even as one young lord began to regale his companions with similar awkward exploits that had left him naked to the mirth of his brothers, sharing a sympathetic smile with Jess who couldn't help but feel for the lad.

  Appolonia gazed at Jess and her new friends with eyes far wiser than her years.

  “And you worry about me,” Apple sighed. “Come, dear sister. Let us excuse ourselves from the nice gentlemen and go say happy birthday to Onnika. Shall we?” She flashed a winning smile at the lords fawning over Jess.

  “Indeed, Lady Jess. We were grateful for your company, an
d shall be the lesser to have lost you.” Armond was quick to gently grasp her hand and raise her knuckles to his lips even as he bowed a graceful goodnight to her.

  “Brilliant swordplay there, Lady Jessica. Most entertaining!” Lord Dierter nodded his head, beaming broadly. “Perhaps you can give us all some tips on the way of the blade tomorrow, after the morning repast!”

  “Perhaps,” Jess allowed, beaming happily at her admirers.

  “Come, Jess. No, leave your goblet behind. I can tell very well what you had to drink, and it sure as Hades wasn't pressed apple juice, so don't even start with me. And after we went to such trouble to assure that Lady Turnsby had fresh goat's milk chilled just for you, too.” Apple’s voice was curt, exasperated. As if she were the elder taking care of her wayward sibling. Jess was bemused to note the strength of her sister’s grip as she strode off to the hub of ladies surrounding the birthday girl Onnika, looking resplendent in her exquisitely tailored red dress, obviously savoring the attention and gifts many of the guests were granting her before it was time for all to retire for further festivities on the morrow.

  Before they reached the cluster of womenfolk surrounding the birthday girl Apple took an abrupt turn, leading Jess straight to the disapproving gaze of their mother, sitting imperiously by what must have been their table. The planter Jess had worked so carefully in preparing was beside her, and in brilliant full bloom, even now.

  Jess took a deep whiff of the blossoms, and was filled with warm pride at the beautiful waterfall of flowers, their scent made all the richer with the refreshing contrast of peppermint and basil.

  The delightful aroma of her herbs awakened her appetite once more, and Jess noted the heavy weight of entrees near overflowing from the table her mother sat at. Hmm… it appeared she hadn't needed to go to the buffet at all. Jess absently picked up a tender pork rib out of a large tureen and began gnawing on it ravenously. Apple brandy definitely worked up an appetite.

  Twilight purred. "May I, Jess?" Bemused, Jess nodded, and her cat gracefully leaped from shoulder to linen covered table and began lapping a large vat of whitefish stew.

  “You found her. Thank goodness.” Jess’s mother’s look of relief was replaced by an exasperated sigh as she took a good whiff of her eldest. “By Justice, Jessica. How much apple brandy did those men ply you with? Thank the gods your sister is here to chaperon you!” She shook her head in frank disapproval. “We are going to have a definite talk about gala decorum very soon, young lady. And it most definitely does not involve picking fights with other nobles and getting drunk with the men.”

  “Why not?” Jess pouted, lips coated with rib juice. “Much more fun than gossiping with a bunch of sniping harridans, everyone seeing who can wear the most uncomfortable dress.”

  Her mother just stared at her until Jess had the grace to blush slightly and look away.

  "You are, first and foremost, a daughter of Calenbry, and you will behave in a matter befitting your station. Is that understood?" Her mother's voice was cold, brooking no insubordination. A far different woman was gazing at her troubled daughter than the lighthearted socialite who was normally to the fore.

  “Fine,” Jess grumbled. “As long as I’m not bored.”

  "Enough!" her mother snapped. "You know well your father's views on abstinence, Jessica, for those soldiers who show even the slightest weakness for drink. And though I believe any lady of breeding should be allowed to imbibe in moderation, it is quite obvious that is something you are ill-equipped to handle." Agda took a deep breath and closed her eyes, composing herself, before favoring her wayward daughter with a quick, decisive nod. "At least your herbal talents will go some ways toward rectifying things with the Turnsbys. Come. It is only fitting you bring our gift, having gone to so much trouble to grow it."

  Jess nodded and put down her rib, readying the planter. “Enjoy the fish, kitty!” She grinned at her mother’s shocked expression.

  “Don’t tell me your familiar is eating right out of the tureen, Jessica!” her mother hissed as Jess wheeled the planter into the throng of ladies surrounding a blushing Onnika.

  “Why thank you, Lady Luvia, that is a most beautiful necklace!” This from a smiling birthday girl holding aloft a gold and silver filigreed affair with several sparkling sapphires and rubies in the center of the pendant. The lady in question smiled and nodded, before backing away to bump butt first into Jess’s planter. Lady Luvia gave a surprised huff, trying to regain her balance and near tripping over herself. Jess grinned.

  “Have a care, servant!” Lady Luvia snapped before spinning around, then she blinked, face turning strangely pale. “Oh, my apologies, Lady Jessica de Calenbry isn’t it? What a most… impressive duel you fought.”

  Jess smirked. “Against rat face? Hardly. The man was a fool and a buffoon. I was toying with him the whole time, you know.”

  "Of course, my lady." Lady Luvia forced a trembling smile and seemed to be breaking out in a shiver. "If you will excuse me? There is something I must see to." With that she forced her way through the throng of wide-eyed noble ladies openly gazing at Jess, all other conversation forgotten.

  Jess sighed, not sure how she felt about all those stares. “What? Duel’s been over for a full glass at least. Whatever talent rat face has, his ego far exceeds his skill, and a self-sword whittled down to being little more than a cutting rapier is a poor choice when dueling against a longsword, mind you. I had to work hard not to shatter the damn thing, and then where would the challenge have been?”

  “Lady Jessica.”

  Sissela Turnsby, the matron of the family uttered her name like it was a sentence.

  Jess grimaced, sensing, beneath the brandy fumes, that she was unlikely to be welcomed warmly to this House again, save as duty dictated, so badly had her duel and temper ruffled their hostess’s feathers.

  "Yes, um…" Jess stopped herself. There was no way in hell she was going to apologize for her duel. It would dishonor her college, herself, and her dignity. Right or wrong, Lord Nicolaus's insults had been unforgivable. Had Jess been a man, there would have been no social awkwardness after the fight. Men and women alike would have congratulated her. Jess forced herself to blink away her awkwardness, staring dead into the eyes of a suddenly cowed looking Lady Turnsby.

  "I refuse to apologize for my duel, Lady Sissela. Nicolaus was an ass, and he insulted my honor. Challenge was given and received. The justice of my assertions was proven by the strength of my blade, and is not subject to reprimand or censure for all that I am a lady, any more than it would be if I were a lord. For the honor of the duel transcends all other levels of etiquette, as declared by King John himself, some two hundred and seventy years ago!"

  Jess took a deep breath, pointedly ignoring her mother hissing at her back. “Jessica de Calenbry, you are making things worse!”

  “In any event,” Jess continued in a more conciliatory tone, “in honor of your daughter’s gala, I did want to present your family with this.” Jessica directed everyone’s eyes to the richly entwined globe of blooming flora before her. It was, in Jess’s own expert opinion, a beautiful display of blossoms, a riot of color and stimulating scents. “Angelica herb, begonia, daisies and blue lobelia are all blossoming for your pleasure, Lady Onnika. Please, step forward and take a sniff. Tell me if you’ve smelled a richer bouquet of flowers anywhere.”

  Jess grinned as with a reassuring smile to her mother, Onnika stepped forward and did just that, gazing up at Jess in wide-eyed wonder. "Oh by the angels, Jess. It smells divine! I've never seen such lush flowers! Mother, quit frowning and come over here and look at Jess's work!

  Taking a deep breath, Lady Turnsby did just that, nodding despite her frown as her fingers gently stroked some of the petals, before taking a deep whiff herself. Lady Turnsby gazed up at her with what Jess could only interpret as newfound respect. “Well done, Jessica. The stems are strong, the flowers quite healthy. The plants hardly look weakened from their forced bloom.”

nodded. She was pleased to find she had something in common with the lady, after all. "Indeed. The secret is to nurture them even as you encourage them to blossom and grow, so the root system is not overly stressed, but rather vibrant and tingling with life." She smiled confidently. "I do believe you will find these plants to be among the most vibrant in your garden, and I hope you will accept them as my gift to your family. If you were to allow them to cross-pollinate with your own cuttings, I think you will find the healing properties of your entire garden increase considerably."

  Karine, the eldest daughter, bent down to sniff as well. “Marvelous aroma, Lady Jess. I understand you are quite the herbalist. What are the healing properties of these plants, may I ask?”

  "Certainly," Jess smiled, happy to be instructing in her favorite topic besides swordplay. "Angelica herb can be infused in a tonic to help with cough and colds, as well as serve as an aid to digestion. The begonias can be infused in a tea to help with painful headaches, or the flowers can be crushed and placed on the skin to help with burns. Blue lobelia is also excellent for coughs and minor illness, and can aid the belly if one's meal is not sitting properly. Dandelion infusions are good for strengthening the blood in women during their red moon, and can help to relieve constipation." Jess smiled. "And the thyme, basil, and peppermint strands here you'll find as sharp and lively as any in the kingdom. Wonderful herbs to use for any meal, and the peppermint is also excellent for a queasy belly. Just plant them with love, and make sure their soil is rich and moist."

  Karine nodded. “Thank you, Jess. I’m sure our healer will be able to make excellent use of them.”

  "This is a divine gift, Jessica. Thank you so much!" Onnika's warm brown eyes seemed to glow as she gazed raptly into Jess's own. She smiled playfully. "Our noble knight and defender of a woman's honor is also a gifted herbalist. How fortunate we are to be under the care of your gracious family, Lady Jess! Thank you for making my birthday a special one." With that she seemed to flow next to Jess, never minding her food-stained doublet or the smell of sweat, steel, and blood that still lingered after her duel, Onnika rising up to kiss Jess gently on the cheek.


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