Paladin's Oath

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Paladin's Oath Page 19

by M. H. Johnson

  With a trusting nod Onnika breathed deeply of Jess's hair, even as Jess held her in her arms like a delicate child before leaving the keep, sprinting through the howling winds of hot sulfur-tinged fumes, racing for the rift that would send them home once more.


  “That makes no sense,” Malek muttered, even as Jess raced through toxic winds Malek was certain would have sent any normal man collapsing to the ground in choking death. “Sniffing Jess's hair shouldn't protect Onnika's lungs from burning to a crisp from all these toxic fumes, cat. The laws of nature don't work that way.”

  “It does if they both believe it, Hound,” Twilight quipped. “How many times did you and Jess break all the sensible laws of magic, this day? Squeezing blood from a building and forming a bridge out of it because you’ve decided enchantments make it a living thing? Ha! As if blood magic worked that way, any place but here! This is the realm of dreams, after all.”

  Malek smirked and nodded. “Point to you, great cat lord.”

  Twilight quirked an eyebrow as they all made their way to the entrance. “Cat lord?”

  Malek shrugged. "The way those creatures were deferring to you. Like they knew you. Like you were some great figure out of legend. And calling Jess a queen. I get the sense that there is a definite story here, and one of these days I'd like to hear it."

  Twilight flashed Malek a grin. "Perhaps you shall, dear Hound. Perhaps you shall. Do you want to hear the story of an overly enthusiastic dog who spent a thousand years as a shaggy mutt, before he was finally reborn as a human? Now that would be an interesting tale, would it not?"

  Malek shuddered. “On second thought, let’s just leave the past in the past, and I’ll pretend I didn’t hear you say that.”

  Twilight shrugged. “As you wish, dear Malek. Come, I do believe I see the entrance ahead. Jess! Hold Onnika’s soul closely as you pass through! We don’t know how well she would naturally survive the crossing!”

  “Of course,” Jess said to her cat, holding a happily smiling Onnika close as she carefully stepped through the pulsing green crack revealing gentle blue sky and wispy white clouds beyond. Onnika’s gentle expression was one of utter contentment, eyes closed, like a child sleeping safe and snug in the arms of her mother. In an odd kaleidoscopic flash they were through, safe in the realm of the living once more.

  Malek breathed a great sigh of relief upon seeing Jess step through, knowing that the girl he would die to protect was finally safe.

  Twilight fluidly scampered to Malek’s shoulder. “Very well then, Hound. Our turn.”

  “Only if you stop calling me Hound!” Malek grumbled, forcing his way through the invisible barrier between the realm of dreams and the realm of the living. After what seemed endless moments of forcing his way through a terrible storm of pressure, the resistance parted as if it had never been, and he was back in Erovering once more, delighting in the feel of a fresh breeze blowing across his cheeks with the rich fragrance of spring, the gentle call of birdsong emanating all around.

  “Ye gods I missed the smell of fresh air!” Malek declared as he took cleansing breaths of the crisp breeze blowing gently through the rich rolling grasses all about them, groves of trees rustling contentedly under the light of the warm midday sun, and Malek felt his heart lift with the beauty of the warm spring day after the dark horrors of the Shadowrealms. He turned around, pleased to note that with his passing, the rift was no more, only then giving the slightest rueful chuckle. “Well, there goes any chance of recovering that ruby throne of inconceivable wealth.”

  Twilight, still quite comfortably perched upon Malek's scales of pulsing red bloodarmor flicked the young man's ear in gentle reproof. "Really, Malek? Pull free an artifact used to tear free scores of souls from the bodies of children, all to fuel their mad father's quest for immortality, even though it was steadily pulling that pocket realm ever closer to Hell? Why do you think there was such resistance when you pulled us back through to the land of the living? Do you truly think such a dark artifact wouldn't form its own tear in the realm of our mistress, eventually sinking the entirety of the Turnsby Estates back into Shadow, should we have dared pull it out? Think before you speak, Hound. The game we play is far too dangerous for a child's carelessness."

  Malek grimaced. "You're right, Twilight. Bringing that thing through would have been a bad idea, when you put it that way. But still, I thought we agreed that you'd stop calling me Hound!"

  Twilight grinned. “Not when you say something stupid. Come now, Jess is getting far ahead of us, and if she were humming any more enthusiastically or off-key, the birds would be swooning with shock. As it is, I don’t think the trees are shaking from the wind alone.”

  Malek laughed. “My beloved shieldsister has many talents. Music, however, is not one of them. Nor is painting.” Malek looked thoughtful for a moment. “Nor is embroidery, for that matter, from what Jera told me. And I know she's only passing fair at most academic subjects, and that's because I let her cheat off my papers outrageously. Hmm… come to think about it… ow, Twilight, I'm only jesting!" Malek rubbed his slightly bloody cheek, still grinning however.

  “Our mistress is perfect in all things that matter. And if she has any questions about history or economics or anything else of an academic nature, she can always ask me. Or you. That’s the definition of delegation,” Twilight huffed. “Besides, when it comes to growing things or killing things, no one is her equal, and it is those two talents that were our salvation in the first place!”

  "All right, Twilight," Malek placated. "I don't care for her any less, just because I know she has flaws like everyone else." Malek yawned, suddenly feeling the slightest bit fatigued. "Wait up, Jess! I don't even know where we're going!"

  His shieldsister turned around, crimson hair seeming to sparkle as it was gently lit by the rays of the afternoon sun, and she flashed him her most playful grin. "Come on, shieldbrother! Can't you feel that power still coursing through us? Let's make a race of it! I'm carrying the damsel, you're just carrying the cat!" She laughed merrily then and began to sprint at a pace Malek was suddenly certain would match any warhorse.

  Malek sighed.

  “You know, Malek, you might feel just a tad bit more revitalized if you weren’t holding so tightly to your bloodarmor enchantment,” Twilight noted.

  Malek blinked. Look down upon himself. “By Justice, I’m covered in armor made of blood!”

  Twilight nodded. “Indeed, Hound, you are. Perfect armor, flexible and near indestructible against any blow not lashed out by a titan or demonlord, or derived from a Spear of Sorrow, of course. There is a cost to its use, however. Your power is considerable, Malek, but even you will find this spell grueling to maintain outside of the Shadowrealms, unless drenched in your enemy's blood.”

  Malek shuddered. “I suddenly feel kind of icky. Like I’m waking up, just a bit, from a very weird dream.”

  "That's fine," Twilight acknowledged. "In one sense, you are. But stay in the dream. You need the energy. You are racing after your shieldsister, after all."

  Malek sighed. “Okay then, how do I dispel the armor?”

  “Just imagine yourself relaxing your grip, your armor but a fist of protective power, clenched tightly about your body. Now it is time to relax your metaphoric palm, letting the power ease back into you.”

  Malek shuddered as his exquisitely crafted armor near instantly liquefied, coating him with crimson gore. “That is disgusting!”

  “That’s power,” Twilight snapped, unsympathetic. “Now you look a mess. Draw the essence of the blood back in. Keep your power and your kills close. Less waste, and your clothes won’t stink.”

  Repressing a shudder, Malek concentrated, and all the pooled blood seemed to seep right back inside him, now naked save for a perfectly clean pair of silken night-pants. Rather thin night-pants. And barefoot. Malek grimaced. “I feel better, now. Bursting with energy! But, um… I’m half naked.”

  “Well then, we’d best catch up,
shan't we? And quit shivering. You now have the power of scores of hellspawn fueling your Delver's soul. You could survive in a snow blizzard naked as the day you were born. Cold, at this point, is little more than an illusion of perception for you. But if it makes you feel any better, I have no doubt that fresh clothes and tasty morsels of deliciousness await us. The Turnsbys are some of the most successful fishmongers in all of Erovering, you know.” Twilight licked his teeth in anticipation, even as he hopped back on Malek’s shoulder. “Go forth, Hound, feasting awaits!”

  “Stop calling me Hound!” Malek scowled, before losing himself to the sheer joy of running, he and his shieldsister racing together, laughing with mad glee and energy, almost as if they were still lost within the Dreamrealms, so potent was their pace, so powerful their stride.

  Malek gazed fondly at Jess as they raced and she laughed. Her brilliant red eyes flashing like perfect rubies, hair as crimson as blood, and it changed how he felt for the once golden haired, blue eyed beauty not in the least. It pained him in ways his bloodarmor could never protect, how fierce and poignant his love for her truly was. A love he knew could never be.


  “And here we are, my brother. Back at the Turnsby Manor.” Jess gently put down a happily smiling Onnika, glowing with the rush of having raced with her friends at the speed of a charger, even as she was being gently held in the arms of her savior.

  “That was incredible, Jess! How did you run so fast? How mighty you are...” Onnika's gaze was one of naked adoration, and Jess blushed.

  “Malek and I are good runners, is all. And we fed well, of course!” She laughed at this, as did Malek.

  Malek then gazed at the great manor through the gap in the wall surrounding the immediate house’s estate. He could appreciate both the elegance of the beautifully constructed home, as well as see the devastation it had suffered, precious glass windows shattered, finely crafted doors of hardwood tossed and broken to scrap, as if they had been ripped off their hinges by fierce, inhuman beasts.

  Malek whistled. “It’s a beautiful home, Onnika, and is that a greenhouse I see on your second floor? Still, I’m sorry it's been the scene of such devastation.”

  Onnika nodded sadly. “Terrible things happened here, in the dead of night.” She shuddered. “But look, I see some of our guardsmen heading this way!”

  “Onnika! Lady Onnika, is all well?” Cried several guardsmen running to her at a full sprint that seemed almost lethargic considering how fast they had raced, but moments before.

  “I am quite all right, thanks to my champions!” Onnika’s grin was ebullient and the guardsmen seemed almost ready to collapse in relief.

  "Thank the angels above, my lady! The House has been in a panic for days. Your father was sent for, and Justice willing, he should arrive here within just a few short days. Now if you would please accompany us, my lady, I believe your sister Lady Karine wishes to be informed of your arrival right away! And your noble friends as well, of course." The guardsman serving as spokesperson did blink several times at Malek's choice of attire, wearing nothing but sleeping-pants with a massive serpentine bladed greatsword strapped upon his back, and a cat perfectly balanced upon his shoulder. All in all, it must have been a most curious sight, assuming he could even see the cat on Malek's shoulder.

  "Can they see you, Twilight?" Malek asked, and Twilight's bemused smile, as well as the guard's curious looks, let him know the answer to that question.

  The height of discretion, the guard forbore to comment, merely leading the three of them towards the house, the armsmen acting as an honor guard.

  Yet before they had made it to the hastily repaired main entrance, none other than Lady Karine herself stood to meet them, gazing upon her sister with tear-stained eyes, smiling tremulously even as Onnika started to cry and they ran into each other's arms, holding each other tightly and sobbing with mutual relief.

  “Oh gods, Onnika. I had been so worried, so terribly afraid I would never see you again! Thank all the angels that you have returned to us safely!”

  Onnika shuddered a laugh, smiling through the tears. “It was terrible, Karine! It was so… awful.” She shuddered and Karine crooned and held her tightly. “But it's okay! Jess, Jess and her friend Malek saved me. Oh by Justice, it was incredible!” With that she stepped back, clasping her sister’s hands, filled with fierce intensity. “Jess killed a prince of Hell, single-handedly! I saw her duel it with my own eyes. It was… horrific.” Onnika shuddered, her face suddenly pale. “It was also wonderful.” She gave a little laugh. “By all the gods, I’m so glad its over!”

  “It was also quite tasty!” Jess gave an evil little laugh, hiccuping in surprise when Twilight swiped her shin. “Ow!”

  "Behave," her familiar scolded.

  Lady Karine, looking truly resplendent in a belted dress of rich burgundy fabric of exquisitely fine cut, favored Jess and Malek both with a smile so warm and filled with love it was like gazing into the brilliance of Summer. “My champions,” she said softly. “Heroes of my House. We are grateful for your intervention. For saving the life of my beloved Onnika, and bringing her home to us once more.”

  She gracefully approached them, giving Jess and Malek both a tender kiss on the cheek. Jess started to blush. "Come, my champions. It has been three days and nights since the terrible struggle wherein my demesne was almost pulled completely into darkest nightmare, but thanks to swift and noble intervention of the highest order, it was spared." She squeezed Jess's hand with deepest gratitude, even as she gently led them into the great house, past whispering servitors and the guests who had elected to stay, leading them at last into the great dining hall, windows even at that moment being repaired by industrious craftsmen.

  The great room was filled still with noble guests, for all that the gala was long since over, some lords perhaps having felt this land was now anchored by ancient rites, and thus a safer place to be than other areas, Karine went on to explain, with rumors of towns and villas being lost to Shadow now looking far more plausible than anyone cared to admit out loud.

  Malek grinned, sensing that Karine was saying all of this for the benefit of whoever was listening, having particularly emphasized how remarkable it was that the Turnsby estates had survived the depredations of Shadow, serving as a bastion of safety in uncertain times. More savvy at the games of politics than his shieldsister, Malek understood suddenly that Karine herself was being given appraising glances near the equal of Malek and Jess herself, and Karine's anxiety was quite apparent to him. Almost as if he could smell her carefully controlled fears. He grimaced, hoping he wouldn't have to do any more fighting or killing for a while, for all that he sensed Jess would be the first to rush to Karine's aid, and he fighting by her side, should some of the more hostile looking lords turn feral, for all that most glanced at Karine with gazes of gratitude and awe.

  “And those fine looking gentlemen over there are our honored guests, bards, and scribes from the Adventurer's Guild, who heard of our near fatal encounter with Shadow and so came with all speed to record our tale and celebrate the return of the brave and beloved Delvers who have risked so much to bring my sister home.”

  Karine flashed Malek and Jess both a heartfelt smile, Malek nodding his appreciation even as he caught the warm gazes of the bards, seated at the largest of tables, servants eager to address their every need, and Malek gave a thoughtful nod, instantly understanding that somehow the Guild bards were aligned to Karine, and their good word was for some reason vitally important to her.

  Everyone's gazes rose up to meet those of Lady Karine, her sister, and the noble adventurers with something close to awe once they were formally announced, save those few lords Malek noted on the outskirts, their glares almost hostile, or, Malek fervently hoped, merely surly.

  "That's Agda's daughter, the one who slew those fell beasts," Whispered one noble to another in quiet awe, gazing at Jess.

  “Yes, I heard Lady Karine refer to her as a paladin. I thought they were lo
st to legend,” another whispered animatedly.

  “Well, she certainly beat the stuffing out of Nicolaus,” smirked a third.

  “Who is the half-naked boy with the Zweihander strapped to his back?” whispered a fourth.

  “No doubt another adventurer of some type. You know how they can be. King lets them carry whatever weapons they like, even in the capital!” murmured yet another.

  Malek felt himself flushing just as he could sense Jess naturally preening, modesty being yet another trait his shieldsister was sadly lacking in. “Could someone lend me some clothes?” he whispered, even as Karine’s gentle laughter instantly put him at ease, and he too smiled with the wonder of it all.

  “Of course, my dear friend.” With a single glance, Lady Karine caught the eyes of her seneschal, who had but to gaze once at Malek, nod his head solemnly, and was off with a single “At once, my lady.”

  Karine smiled. “Forgive my haste. I sensed how much Jess’s family would want to be reunited with her, before anything else is to commence. Allow me to introduce myself formally to you in the meantime. I am Lady Karine of House Turnsby. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, and may I say that my House owes you a great debt.”

  Malek bowed low, dark unruly hair flopping forward before he flipped it back as he lifted his head. “My name is Malek of House Sousel. But please don’t be misled by my family name. I’m something of a black sheep, I’m afraid.” He chuckled softly. “Let me instead say that it was an honor to engage in battle against all foes with my shieldsister beside me, for a prize no less precious than saving your beloved sister, and bringing her home to you.”

  “You fought well, shieldbrother!” Jess took that moment to enthusiastically commend him, giving him a tight squeeze and kissing his cheek, bronze helmet cast off, her luxurious mane of crimson hair running free.


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