Until Tia

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Until Tia Page 10

by K. L. Humphreys

  He searches my face and he must find whatever it is that he's looking for as he leans forward and grazes his lips against mine. "Love you, baby. So fucking much."

  I lick my lips, tasting him on them. "Love you too."

  When I turn back, I see Gabby staring at us, a blissful look on her face. "I like him." She mouths.

  I grin, "I do too." I mouth back and she winks at me.

  Marcus rests his head against my arm and I can't help but lean down and kiss his head. I'm pleased that he doesn't flinch or move away, just glances up at me with a peaceful look on his face.

  This is it. Everything I've ever wanted. So much love around this table that it makes my heart full. Yet, I can't stop the gnawing in my gut that something bad is going to happen. I just pray that whatever is to come doesn't touch the beautiful innocence that is Marcus.



  I'm pissed. Beyond fucking pissed. "Chris, please, calm down," Tia implores me, her face pale and her body trembling.

  "Calm down? Tia, that woman shouldn't have your fucking private number. Let alone calling you." Fucking Layla, I swear to fuck, when I get my hands on her I'm going to snap her neck.

  A furrow appears in her brow, "What woman?"

  I glare at the woman that I love more than life itself, surely she's not this oblivious? "Layla," I can't help the growl that escapes my lips when I say her name.

  She narrows her eyes at my tone. It's been three days since the double date we went on with her sister and Zeke and things have changed dramatically in our relationship. We've yet to spend the night together and I'm okay with that, especially as she's more touchy-feely with me and she freely leans into me and lets me hold her without her flinching.

  "I don't think it's Layla, how would she have got my cell number? I think it's Jamie."

  Rage builds at hearing that asshole’s name. "Has he done this shit before?"

  She shakes her head. "He usually just texts or finds me while I'm out and about. This is different. The heavy breathing isn't his MO, nor is just staying on the line without saying a word."

  "It sounds more like a woman..." I'm certain it's Layla.

  We've not had any word from her since Marcus saw her outside his school. She's gone into hiding and no one can find her. But I have no doubt in my mind, she knows what's going on. It's hard to miss the adoration that Marcus has for Tia and vice versa. Anyone who sees them together isn't in any doubt that they're a family. Fuck, I'd love nothing more than to have Tia be his mom, but that's jumping the gun. She was right by saying we need to go at Marcus' pace. I don't want to fuck that boy up any more than his mom already has.

  Seeing the way Tia is around him is something that I've always wanted for him. It’s what I thought Layla would be for him. But I was sorely wrong. I watched how Tia acted around him and was shocked at how quickly they both took to one another. It's not an act with her, she really does care about him and when I overheard their conversation about Layla not wanting him, I wanted to track the bitch down but Tia's words soothed the anger. She didn't even hesitate in giving my son what he needed. The love she has for him is pure and free.

  I'm pulled back to the present when Tia gets up from her chair and walks over to me. I pull her into my lap and she doesn't protest. Her arms wrap around my neck and she buries her head into the side of my neck.

  "You okay, blue eyes?" I hate that she's the one that's being harassed.

  It started the day after our date and it hasn't let up since. She's getting calls on her cell and on the work phone. Gabby has said that no calls have come through to the apartment so I'm guessing whoever it is knows where she is. I'm having Clive trace the calls. I want this shit over with.

  "I'm okay." She pats my chest and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. She's trying to reassure me; she's calming me down. This right here is one of the many fucking reasons I love her. "Whoever it is thinks that they're going to come between us and split us up. But it's not happening. I'm sick to death of being scared, Chris. So damn tired of the nightmares that plague me. I'm finally happy and I'm not letting anyone take it away from me."

  There's so much I fucking don't know and it's coming to the time where we're going to sit down and talk. There's only so many secrets that I'll allow her to keep and only for a while. But that time is slowly ticking down. She knows it too, yet I wanted to give her that time so she could get used to us and trust me. She does, so the secrets need to come out. I know that asshole hurt her in ways that have fucked her up and in ways that will take me years to try and heal. It hurts to think about what that asshole did to her, and I've only got a glimpse of how bad it was. The way she freezes when things get too heated and the fear of sleeping in bed with me. If he hurt her that way, I'll kill him. I don't give a fuck, I'll happily do the time for it.

  "Please, Chris," she pleads with me. I hate that she's begging and I give her my full attention. "Please don't let this get to you. We'll keep Marcus safe. She won't get to him. But I still don't believe that this is her."

  I hold her tight against me and press a kiss to her head. "I'll keep you both safe," I vow and I pray to all that's holy that I can keep that promise. The thought of either of them being hurt makes me want to lose my mind. It's my worst fucking nightmare.

  We sit like this for a while. It's lunch and no one else is due into the office today as I have to collect Marcus at three. "You going to be okay getting to Gabby's?" I hate that she'll not be spending the night with us.

  "Yes," she sighs, as this is the fifth time I've asked her. "You and Marcus need some bonding time. Since I've practically moved in, you two don't get to spend as much time alone together. Besides Gabby and I need our girl time and I need to call November. I haven't Facetimed her in a while and she's going to be pissed that she's missing out on all the gossip."

  "What gossip?" I demand and she starts to giggle. Fuck, but I love that sound. I need to hear it more often.

  "Since November's married she makes out as though she doesn't have an exciting life. I mean, please. The woman's married to one of the sexiest men alive..."

  I'm sorry what? I stare at her. "Blue eyes..."

  Her giggles turn to laughter. "I mean, Asher's hot but he's nowhere near as hot as you."

  I capture her lips and she melts against me. I fucking love the reaction she has whenever I touch or kiss her. When my tongue sweeps into her mouth, she whimpers, her ass grinding against my cock. She's a wildcat, she has no idea how fucking sexy she is, how sensual she is when we kiss.

  She's soft and her eyes are filled with a lusty haze when I pull away. "November must be going crazy not knowing the details about what's happening between us." She sighs, "I know that she's worried about me, I just don't want the lecture about us moving too fast."

  I tense beneath her. Fuck. I never thought about her friend, the last thing we need is someone meddling in our relationship, especially when it's so new. "Babe, don't let anyone get into your head. What we have is real, and I'm not that asshole of an ex of yours. I would never hurt you."

  I blow out a breath when she runs her fingers through my hair. "You're nothing like Jamie. God, I know that deep in my bones. I love you, Chris, you make me feel safe. No matter what they say, it's not going to change what I feel for you. Even though I know November is going to be wary, she'll never get into my head. She loves me and wants the best for me."

  I kiss her head then glance to the clock that's on the wall and see that it's time for me to leave. I'm always early to pick Marcus up as I want to ensure that there's no way that Layla could get the drop on us and take him. "Okay, blue eyes. I'd better get moving."

  She nods. "Make sure he's eaten," she tells me. "He didn't eat lunch yesterday and he was hungry when he got here."

  I bite back the smile, she has no idea how perfect she really is. I give her one last kiss before leaving the office to pick up my son.

  "Daddy?" Marcus says hesitantly as he climbs up onto the stool in the kitchen.
  "Yeah, bud?" I ask, glancing over at him from the stove. I'm cooking us dinner, he wants spaghetti and meatballs. He's just like me, he'll eat anything.

  It's quiet in the house without Tia, we both hate having dinner without her but we understand that she has Gabby and needs to be with her sometime. She's already spoken to Marcus since she left the office and has promised to call him before bed.

  I’ve had my mother calling me this evening and I’m pissed. She still wants money even though she hasn’t seen Marcus or I in weeks. Hell, she must have spent the money I had given her the last time she called. But no more. I told her that she’s not getting a dime from me. Fuck that. I worked hard for my money, I’ve earned every single cent through hard work and preservation. I’m not giving it to her any more. She screamed and told me that she no longer has a son. I’m okay with that.

  "Are you and Tia going to get married?"

  I frown as I turn to face him fully, "You want us to?"

  He nods as he looks down at his hands. "Yeah, if you get married then she'll be my mom."

  It's not as though I haven't thought of marrying her. Tia is the woman I'm going to be with for the rest of my life. I can feel that in my soul. She's mine. Made for me. But she's been through a lot, she's not fully where I am and I'm okay with that. I knew that Marcus loved her, I just didn't realize he wanted her to be his mom.

  "It's a bit too soon for weddings, bud, but it's going in that direction," I tell him honestly. I try and be as open as I can with him, especially about what's happening with Tia and I. He's young but he's not stupid, and with what Layla put him through, I believe the best course of action is to be completely honest with him about the people that I bring into his life.

  He smiles at me, "Okay."

  "Okay? That's it?"

  His smile widens, "Yes, Daddy, I want Tia to be my mom and you'll marry her. So it'll happen."

  Not one bit of doubt in his mind. Damn. I'm fucking proud of him. "Love you, son."

  His smile softens and his eyes widen a little. "Love you too, Daddy."

  I finish cooking and I listen as he animatedly tells me about his day. Since Tia's come into our lives, he's come out of his shell just as she has; the two of them seem to help each other. Both have been abused and I know that I don't know half of what's happened to either of them. Marcus' counselor tells me that Marcus will open up when he's ready. I hate that he doesn't trust me fully but I won't push him.

  My cell rings just as Marcus heads toward his bedroom, I reach for it hoping that it's Tia. I can't keep the smile from my face when I see her name on the screen. "Hey, blue eyes."

  "Chris..." she breathes and I'm instantly on edge. "Someone sent a letter." She's panting and I can hear the tears in her words.

  "Tia, baby, talk to me." My voice is soft as I try and coax her away from her panic.

  "Hey, Christopher. It's Gabby."

  My gut clenches, what the fuck has happened? "Gabby, talk to me," I demand before I put Marcus in my car and go get Tia.

  "We were sitting on the sofa talking and we heard a knock at the door. When I opened the door, no one was there but I glanced down and saw a letter addressed to Tia." She sucks in a sharp breath as I hear Tia crying in the background. "It says 'Christopher isn't yours. Stay away or there will be hell to pay.' That's not the worst of it either," Gabby whispers.

  Fuck. What the hell? When I find Layla, I'm going to fucking kill her.

  Gabby's not finished and her next words spin my world on its axis. "It also says, ‘You think you'll be his mom? Just remember what happened the last time’."

  Black spots dance in my eyes as my rage starts to rise.

  "She wants to come to your house but she's scared that she'll get you and Marcus hurt," Gabby continues, her voice still soft as she whispers, it's as though she's trying not to spook Tia.

  "I'll come and get her. We'll be there in fifteen," I tell her and end the call, my feet already moving toward Marcus' room.

  No more secrets. Tonight I'll get Tia to tell me everything. It's the only way I'll be able to protect my family.



  "You okay? You're very quiet," Gabby comments as she sits down beside me. "What's wrong?"

  I shake my head, "Just thinking." It's crap. I'm more than thinking, I'm scared and worried. Whoever has been calling me has got what they wanted, I'm frightened that something's going to happen. I'm mostly concerned that if it is Layla, which I don't believe it is, that she's going to somehow get Marcus and hurt him, and that would break me. I'd do anything to ensure that he's safe. I love that little boy more than I thought could ever be possible.

  My cell starts to ring and I can't help but freeze. Gabby sees my reaction and snatches my cell from the coffee table before I can do anything.

  "Hello?" she answers, there's an edge to her tone. Her eyes narrow and her lips thin, God, it's that fucking caller again. I never wanted Gabby to know, she worries worse than I do and she'll be a wreck, constantly checking up on me. "Leave her alone you asshole. Haven't you done enough?"

  She, like me, believes that it's Jamie. It has to be him, I just don't think that Layla would do this.

  Tears fill Gabby's eyes. "Go to hell," she yells and sighs in defeat when whoever it was hangs up.

  "How long?" she demands as she sits down beside me again.

  "Not long, three maybe four days."

  Anger flashes through her eyes, "And you never told me?"

  I glance away, unable to bear the look of disappointment in her eyes. "Chris thinks it's Layla."

  I hear the sharp intake of breath, I've told Gabby all about that bitch. "What the hell? Why would she do this?"

  "I don't know." I don’t think it’s her, Chris believes that she wants money, but I'm not going to tell Gabby that. "I don't think it's her. I believe it's Jamie."

  Gabby takes my hand in hers, I turn to look at her. "It's someone, T, someone who's pissed and disguising their voice. What's with the creepy breathing? That doesn't seem like a woman?"

  "They never say anything. Just heavy breathing."

  She squeezes my hand, "Well today they did."

  I bite my lip and my heart pounds as I wait for her to tell me what was said.

  "One word, that was it, 'Mine’."

  I close my eyes. Fuck. It has to be Jamie, that's his favorite word. He's like a man child that never grew out of not sharing. I'm not his, he lost the right to call me that a long time ago. I hate this. I hate being scared all the time.

  "I knew it was too good to be true. I was finally happy," I tell her, hating that once again I'm on the verge of crying. I've cried so many tears over Jamie, I don't want to do it anymore. He doesn't deserve to have them.

  Her grip on my hand tightens even more. "He's not going to fucking do this to you again. We'll call the police, we'll let them know he's harassing you again."

  I shake my head as the tears freely fall. "And they do what? It's been three years, Gabs, three. I've called them and made statements every time he's harassed me and he's still out there, still gets to scare me. I'm never going to be free of him."

  "No," she says vehemently, "don't you dare say that. He doesn't get to rule your life. Not anymore. That bastard has taken enough. No more."

  I swallow back the emotion that's lodged in my throat. "What do I do?" I hate feeling this weak; it's like I'm back in that house with him berating me, belittling me, beating me into submission.

  "We'll keep you safe," she promises me.

  Before either of us are able to say anything else, my computer starts to ring, signalling that November's calling me. I quickly wipe away the tears but I know that it's useless, she'll see the puffiness, the redness, and know instantly that something is wrong.

  "Hey, about ti—" November says but cuts off when she takes in my face. "What happened?"

  I shake my head, "Just Gabby and I having a heart to heart. How are you?" The lie comes easily, but I hate that I'm doing it. November's m
y best friend, I'd do anything for her, including keeping her in the dark because I don't want to worry her, especially while she's pregnant.

  She narrows her eyes, not believing me but she leaves it alone, knowing me well enough to know that I won't say anything unless I want to.

  "Tell me about Christopher..."

  I resist the urge to roll my eyes. I knew it wouldn't take too long to get onto the topic of Chris, I just thought she'd have more finesse about it. "What do you want to know?"

  She glares at me, "Everything. What's he like?"

  "He's amazing." I can't help the love that bursts into my chest at the mere thought of him. "He's one of the best men that I know."

  I see her glance at Gabby, the question clear in her eyes. Is he what she says?

  "I like him. I really do," Gabby says instantly. "We had a double date with them, he brought along his son. They're good for her, she's happy and that's all that matters to me."

  God, I fucking love my big sister. She's the best.

  "I know you may think it's too fast, hell I do too, but I love him." There, I've said it. I have no qualms in telling anyone. Chris is the love of my life.

  I watch as November purses her lips. "I told Asher about him. From the little you said about him and how you feel, I think you should just go with the flow."

  There's something she's not saying. I've known her since we were kids, there's something else. I stay quiet and just glare at her until she spills.

  "Fine. Asher and I were worried, so we had Nico run a background check on him."

  Anger rushes through me. How dare she? My God, why would she?

  "Nov..." Gabby whispers, she's shaking her head.

  I can't even look at my best friend right now. I'm so freaking mad, they had no right to do that.


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