Until Tia

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Until Tia Page 14

by K. L. Humphreys

  His bottom lip trembles. "Okay, Daddy," he whispers. "Please bring Mommy home."

  "I will," I vow. There's no other choice. She has to come home.

  I run out of the house, hop into my car, and drive like a madman. I know that I've broken the speed limits, ran a few stop signs, and who knows what other infractions I’m made, but I don't care. I just need to get to my woman.

  I'm out of the car as soon as I shove the car into park, heck it wasn’t even fully stopped. The guys are right behind me as I rush into Gabby's apartment complex. I take the stairs two at a time, trying to keep my mind from wandering. I know what that bastard has done to her before and I won't let him do it again.

  The front door is slightly ajar and I burst through it to find that motherfucking asshole straddling a lifeless Tia, his hands around her neck. I don't even realize I'm moving until I'm pulling him off her. My fists fly, I don't hold back. Everything he's done to her, all the anger I felt when she recounted what he did to her, I let it all out.

  "Chris, man, you've got to stop, the cops and EMTs are on their way," Clive says, his arms around my chest as he pulls me off the piece of shit lying at my feet.

  "Tia?" I croak out, I don't even recognize my own voice.

  "She's unconscious, as is Gabby. They've both been beaten but are breathing. It's over now, that asshole isn't going to get away with this again," he assures me.

  I stumble over to Tia, her body so still, my heart stutters at the sight. Fuck. I could have lost her. Thank God for Clive. I collapse on my knees beside her, my hand brushing her hair from her face. I ignore the redness around her neck, otherwise I'm going to go back over to that motherfucker and end him.

  The sound of sirens cuts through the silence, I haven't even checked on Gabby. "Did someone call Zeke?" I ask, my voice hoarse but stronger than it was.

  "Yeah, Derek did, he's on his way," Sully informs me.

  The EMTs and cops burst into the apartment and I sigh a little in relief, she's going to be okay. She's going to be fine.

  The EMTs do their thing all the while I continue to stroke her hair, needing to touch her. I throw my car keys to Sully as I follow the paramedics out of the apartment. There's no way that I'm not going with her.

  "Call Marcus, I want him with me," I tell them as I leave.

  God, I just want her to open those beautiful blue eyes of hers.

  I can't lose her. She has to be okay.



  "I'm surprised he's even let you up for air?" Gabby grins at me and I roll my eyes. "Seriously, T, it's good to see you look so happy. I never thought you'd get to this stage, he's really it for you, isn't he?"

  I've been here for hours, we had planned to go shopping for the day, but when I got here she wanted to have breakfast, I had a coffee. Then when I got a message from November asking how I was. We ended up video calling and spent over an hour on the phone, talking about our plans for November's baby shower next month when they find out the gender of the baby.

  Asher, the big softie, made us cry when we laughed about naming the baby after another month. He told us that November had a shitty upbringing and that he loves her name. He wants her to as well and having his children share the uniqueness of the name brings love to it.

  There wasn't a dry fucking eye after that. I can't deny that the man is perfect for my best friend. Always has been. As soon as she told me about him, I knew he was different. The way she talked about him, it made me realize that this was more than what she had with the asshole ex-fiancé of hers. I was wary, but all the worry left me the moment I saw him look at her. I was jealous. I had never had anyone look at me the way that Asher looks at November.

  Until Christopher.

  "Yeah he is. You know how we are, we'd rather take on the world ourselves. We grew up relying on each other or no one at all. But Chris, he makes me want to lean on him, to share my burdens with him." I shake my head, not sure if I'm making any sense to her. "He's like this ray of light that's constantly shining. I'm safe with him, Gabs, I know that deep in my bones. I've never felt like this before..."

  Her eyes are wide and full of curiosity. "Like what?"

  "Like it's where I'm meant to be. That I've finally found him. The one that I'm supposed to be with. I don't feel dirty or ashamed of what happened, because of the love that Chris has freely given. I feel normal, safe, and loved."

  Tears tumble down her face. "I hate that I wasn't able to help you. That I wasn't enough..."

  My heart constricts, "Gabs, you did everything you could. You gave me a place where I could pick up the pieces of my shattered heart and rebuild my life. You gave me something I had missed so much. A home. Without you, I doubt I'd be where I am now."

  She sucks in a sharp breath, her bottom lip trembling. "You don't get it, T. You're my sister, I'd do whatever the hell it takes to make sure that you're safe and happy."

  "I am so happy, Gabs. I love him, I love them both."

  Her face splits into a smile, "I know, girl, I know. They both love you too. God, I can't believe that I have a nephew."

  "I have a son," I whisper, sometimes I wonder how this happened, but no matter what I wouldn't have it any other way. Marcus is mine. I didn't give birth to him, but he's mine. I love him just as I'd love any other child I may have.

  She nods, "Yeah, it's amazing. I always knew you'd be an amazing mom."

  "So will you," I tell her. I love the way she is with Marcus, she's so at ease as though she's been around him every day of his life.

  "I need to butter him up a bit more, though. Does he want a puppy?"

  I blink and stare at her. A puppy? "What?"

  She pouts, "Yeah, maybe a cat might be better."

  "Um, Gabs, what are you talking about?" I wonder if she's lost her mind?

  She scrunches up her nose. "November has July and she'll have another one soon, I don't have kids which puts me at a disadvantage."

  "Disadvantage? Seriously, Gabby, stop talking in circles and spit it out."

  She sticks out her tongue like a child and huffs as she sits back in her seat. "As his favorite aunt. November's already ahead, she's got the child, the cool as fuck husband, and they had a sleep over."

  Jealousy. Damn, I didn't think she'd be jealous. "Sis," I whisper, "he loves you, he hugs you all the time. He doesn't hug November that much, nor does he ask about her all the time. When he found out we were going shopping he wanted me to bring him with us."

  She grins at me, "You should have let him."

  I shake my head, she's crazy. "Next time," I promise her.

  A knock at the door startles us, "Are you expecting someone?" I ask her.

  She frowns. "No," she sighs, "I bet this is your fiancé. The man can't bear to have you out of his sight."

  I laugh at her words, she's right. Chris hated that he wasn't going to be around me today. I'm not sure if it's his whole protective thing he has going on or if it's just that he's got used to me always being around him. But I put my foot down, I needed to see my sister and nothing he said was ever going to change that.

  "Tell him I'll be out in a minute," I tell her when I get to my feet. "I just need to use the bathroom."

  While I'm in the bathroom I hear a weird thumping sound, I quickly finish up and wash my hands. "Gabs?" I call out when I open the door.

  My heart shatters when I walk into the sitting room and see Gabby lying on the floor. "Gabby?" I cry, as I step toward her.

  "There you are, you fucking bitch," a voice hisses as a hand wraps around my neck. "You thought you could move on? That you could do this shit to me?"

  "Jamie," I gasp. What the hell is he doing here?

  "Of course it's me. Who else would it be?" He laughs, it's sinister and makes my skin crawl. "I've got you now, bitch, and this time I'm going to make sure that you don't escape again."

  "Please," I beg, my gaze never leaving Gabby's body. She's not moved since I walked back into the room.

  His fingers tig
hten on my neck, cutting off my air supply. "No, you don't get to plead with me. You've fucked everything up. You're mine, Tia. Fucking mine." He sneers at me. "So why the hell did you let that fucking bastard fuck you?"

  "Jamie..." I whisper, unable to make a louder nose.

  "No!" he roars, the hand around my neck shaking in rage. "No, you don't get to say my name. You whore. You're going to remember what it's like to be mine..." He runs his tongue along my jaw and I shudder, hating that he's touching me.

  He stills behind me. "You're repulsed..." he mutters astounded, as though he can't believe the concept. "You don't want me to touch you?" The calmness in his voice has my body bound in fear.

  His hand at my neck tightens even more, and I feel blood rushing to my head. "Answer me!" he yells as he shakes me, making my teeth rattle.

  He lashes out and throws me to the ground, my head smashing off the floor making stars explode in my eyes.

  "You always were an uppity bitch," he snarls as he straddles me, my body is too weak to fight him off. "You were the hottest fuck of my life, did you get off fucking me, babe?" He grins at me just as his fist smashes into my temple. "Huh? Was it just as good for you as it was for me?" He’s laughing hard.

  I try to dodge the next punch but I'm too sluggish and it lands against my temple once again, this time when he connects the world goes black.

  I hear a roar just as the weight is lifted off me. "Tia? Can you hear me?" The sound seems as though it's far away, almost muted, but I hear it faintly, although I can't make out whose voice it belongs to.

  I can feel my body being pulled in by the darkness once again, when I feel the softness of touches on my head I know that I'm safe, that Chris is here. Only then do I pass out.

  "Blue eyes," he says sternly as he glares at me and I sigh but continue to try and get out of the bed. "Try me," he dares and I glare right back at him before I sit back in the bed and get ready for him to lose his mind, once again. His fingers run through his hair for the fifth time in less than a minute before he stalks over to me in the bed and puts a fist either side of my hips and leans in so that we're face to face. "Baby," he says, his voice thick with emotion. "You were unconscious. You weren't moving. The doctor said to take it easy."


  He shakes his head. "Tia," he growls, his face red and eyes watery. "You weren't fucking moving," he says through clenched teeth. "Do you not understand what that means?"

  I nod and regret it instantly as pain radiates through my skull.

  He growls once again. "No more fucking moving," he tells me and I look at him, properly look at him and see the sheer worry and panic etched in his face.

  I raise my hand and touch his cheek, and he leans into my touch, as though he's seeking solace from it. "I'm okay," I whisper to him.

  I really am okay, while I was unconscious, it was due to the lack of oxygen that my body was getting thanks to the asshole's grip on my neck and then the blow to my temple. Yes, I have pain in my head from it, but I'm alive and there's no lasting damage. I just want to go home and be with my boys. Gabby stopped by, well, she was in a wheelchair and Zeke pushed her into my room. She, very much like me, has bruising on her head, but she's okay, and Zeke's staying close to her. Jamie has been arrested and I believe that he's somewhere in the hospital too; the beating Chris gave him was severe, and I can't say that I'm upset over that. I'm just pleased that Chris isn't going to get in trouble over it.

  I glance at Marcus who's fast asleep on the chair, his eyes much like his fathers are wet from crying. When I woke up, they both hugged me tightly as their tears soaked my neck.

  "I'm glad you're okay, blue eyes, but we're not," he says pointing at himself and Marcus. "It's going to take a while to get the image of you laying so fucking still out of our minds."

  "I'm okay," I repeat. "We're all going to be okay."

  He closes his eyes and drops his forehead against mine. "Love you, baby. So fucking much, I'm so sorry that he hurt you again."

  My hand on his cheek tightens, "It's not your fault, Chris. You saved me, before he could do anything else. You were there. I love you." The tears fall freely from my eyes. "Thank you so much for saving me."

  "Always, blue eyes, always," he promises me.

  I close my eyes and start to drift off but my eyes open when I hear him say, "You have three months to organize the wedding baby, I'm not waiting any longer."

  "Okay," I whisper and fall asleep with a smile on my face.




  "Nervous?" Sully asks with a laugh and I glare at him.

  Jameson smirks, "Nervous? The man is finally getting what he wants, I'd say he's proud as fuck right now."

  "Smug more like," Derek mutters, he's not been able to take his eyes of his own wife, Zara who's currently sitting beside Cleo, smiling at her husband.

  The opening notes to the wedding march begin and Sully claps a hand on my shoulder, "She's good for you, Chris. We fucking love her for you."

  I glance at him, unable to keep the smile from my face. "Wouldn't give a fuck if you didn't, but pleased as hell that you do."

  The door opens and my smile widens as July walks down the aisle throwing petals as she does. There was no doubt who'd be our flower girl, the best men and bridesmaids were also easy. Although, November and Gabby argued over who'd be maid of honor and Tia shocked the shit out of them by announcing they both would be. She also has Wendy as her bridesmaid, the two women have grown close over the past few months.

  The only problem was who was going to walk her down the aisle. Tia hasn't told me who or if anyone will be doing it. She didn't invite her parents to our wedding, for that I'm grateful. I called them when she and Gabby were attacked and to say that her mom didn't care was an understatement. The woman didn't say much and when I asked if she wanted to talk to the girls she said no. Hell, when I called and said I was Tia's man, she asked me who. That alone pissed me off.

  What's surprised me the most over the past three months is my own mother. She somehow found out about Tia and that she was in the hospital. When she arrived at the hospital, I immediately set about kicking her out. She actually apologized to me for the way she behaved. Of course both Tia and Marcus were awake at this stage and both launched into conversation with her. Which has led to her having dinner with us once a week. I'm not sure if I buy the whole 'she's changed' thing, but she's not once asked me for money and she does seem to be on a different path than she was. She's currently sitting in the front row with a megawatt smile on her face.

  November and Gabby walk arm in arm down the aisle, both with bright smiles on their faces, my gaze as always goes to Gabby's temple, the bruising is long gone now but I still remember it, the same as I remember the finger marks around Tia's neck and the bruising to her face. I kept my eyes on both girls, wanting to make sure that they were okay, I didn't want them to spiral or have the fear settle in, but they seemed to bounce back as though nothing happened and I hate that they act as though it was normal. I know for Tia it was her past. She was used to that motherfucker putting his hands on her.

  Zeke and I had a hard time coming to terms with it. While our women were okay and getting on with their lives, we were watching them like hawks. I know that I became overprotective and overbearing but Tia didn't once complain, although she did say she was getting lessons from the Alpha master. Whatever the fuck that meant, I have no idea. Seeing her everyday knowing that the bastard can't and won't touch her again has eased some of the anxiousness I had. I doubt I'll ever lose the overprotectiveness I have over her. She doesn't object to it and I know that she loves that I care so fucking much about her.

  I hear a hush go over the church and everyone's heads turn, I follow their gazes and my eyes collide with the most beautiful blue eyes. Ones that hold so much emotion that my throat clogs up. I let my eyes roam over her. God she's so fucking perfect, her dress clings to her body, her hair is pulled back and tied at t
he back of her head. It's when she glances down to her right that I finally realize who's walking her down the aisle. Asher and Marcus.

  Our son looks so fucking proud right now. He's in love with Tia, has been since the moment he met her. She has us Harlan guys wrapped around her little finger.

  Marcus had a hard time when Tia was in the hospital. It was a lot, losing his birth mom and then having Tia hurt. It caused a lot of sleepless nights and nightmares. But with Tia and I with him every step of the way and him seeing his counsellor, he's made great strides to be the fun, smart, caring boy that I've had the honor of raising. I'm proud of my boy. He's been through the worst and came out fighting. I'm in awe of him.

  Asher and Marcus walk Tia to me, both of them shaking my hand. I have to take a few deep breaths when Marcus shakes my hand, to stop myself from crying like a bitch. When Asher takes his seat beside July, he takes his newborn daughter, June, from his brother, Trevor's arms. The entire Mayson clan came out to celebrate our wedding. They all flew in three days ago, bringing their kids and all, and seeing the smile on Tia's face has made the women taking over my home talking about wedding's worth it.

  The entire time that the priest talks, I've not been able to tear my gaze away from the woman I love. I recite my vows after him and watch as a tear falls from her eye, a breathtaking smile on her face. My woman's happy and that is all I have ever wanted.

  "Tia has written her own vows," the priest says and I stare at her in shock. She never said a word.

  All the women collectively suck in a sharp breath, I glance at November and Gabby and see them both crying. Fuck.

  "I vow to love you," she begins, her voice shaky but not once has her smile left her face.

  "I vow to cherish you."

  "I promise to always let you be overprotective and overbearing."

  That gets some chuckles from the peanut gallery.


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