Man is an air animal and is constituted to live and sleep outdoors. Primitive man lived in the open air, and slept on some dry grass or leaves in the open under the trees. His bed was well aired every day.
The author in 1898-1901 while in the Philippines, emulated primitive man by living outdoors and sleeping under the trees. During all that time he never had a cough nor a cold, and when he came home it was hard at first for him to sleep indoors. He had to get used to it again.
This outdoor life in the Philippines was valuable experience. He often had to sleep in wet clothing and thought he would die of pneumonia during the night as he had been taught such things. As he rose next morning feeling as fit as a fiddle, he saw how wrong these teachings were. He found from whence came sneezes, coughs, colds, sore throat, bronchitis, tonsillitis, hay fever, influenza, pneumonia, asthma, tuberculosis—all disorders of the air organs.
He owes much to that lesson he learnt by living the outdoor life in Luzon, and has applied it through the years. He swears by the outside, pure air, and now in his 74th year he enjoys the health and vitality which that air has given him.
The press of March 2nd, 1943, said:
“Ensign P. G. Nolan, commanding a gun crew on a merchant vessel, spent 39 days at sea in an open boat after the vessel was torpedoed. Every minute of the 39 days he was soaking wet and badly chilled, but he reached a South American port in good health.”
One test case is sufficient to show that it is an error to put the cause of certain ailments on the weather.
Wild animals live out in the cold winter rains and snows, sleep in the snow, and no doubt become badly chilled; but no hunter ever saw one of these animals suffering from ailments of their air organs.
You cannot breathe filthy air and have good health. The environment, which includes the atmosphere, must be clean and pure.
Where shall I live to have good health? In this civilization that becomes the biggest of all problems.
In the words of the great Carrel, “Our civilization...has created certain conditions of existence which...render life itself impossible” (Man The Unknown, P. 28).
For several years certain scientists have been delving into the secret of a cosmic gas called Ozone, an allotropic form of oxygen.
There is a paucity of information on the subject. Some think Ozone is a filter of the sun’s rays as they pass to the earth. Its molecules are believed to contain three or more atoms of oxygen. For that reason it is referred to as 0/3.
Ozone may be prepared by passing a charge of electricity through molecular oxygen, forming a polyvalent, unstable form of oxygen. It is a colorless gas with a peculiar odor, from which its name is derived—Ozone, meaning “to smell.” It is claimed to be l/5th as heavy as oxygen, yet it resembles ordinary oxygen in its chemical content, although it registers a greater degree of activity.
Being in its polyvalent, unstable form, Ozone tends to disintegrate rapidly into molecular oxygen. If uncombined, the free atomic oxygen thus liberated is highly effective in promoting oxidation. In this sense, Ozone has several uses;
1. As a bleaching agent.
2. As a means of purifying water.
3. As an extremely active oxidizing agent.
4. As a powerful disinfectant and germicide.
5. As an effective agent in dissolving various abnormal deposits, as in cases of arthritis, nephrolithiasis (kidney gravel), and cholelthiasis (gravel in biliary ducts).
Oxygen unites with the iron faction of the hemoglobin, loosely forming oxyhemoglobin. Ozone has been found to increase this process, which means more of what the body needs.
Cell activity determines the amount of oxygen required. But the amount of Oxygen supplied does not determine the activity of the cells.
Cell function must always continue, and can continue in such a low oxygen content that even a match will not burn. But if a process be abnormal, more oxygen is needed. If the oxygen is not supplied, the condition is termed anoxia (deficient aeration of the blood). It can occur as a result of improper external respiration, or internal respiration, or transportation by the body fluids.
An acute inflammatory condition results in a demand for more oxygen. The body intelligence tries to compensate for the demand by increasing the respiratory late. Lack of oxygen results in a degenerative process that leads to calcification (hardening).
Ozone, in its unstable, polyvalent form, will readily break up and form a more stable molecular oxygen. For this reason, in instances where there is a process requiring more oxygen, ozone is the answer.
This was shown by the use of one of the largest ozonating systems in the Central London Railway. It was reported that during a severe influenza epidemic, the motor drivers who run through the tubes daily were free of the disorder.
Clinical evidence has shown favorable results in the use of Ozone in both acute and chronic inflammatory conditions. It has been known to dissipate certain calcifications in arthritis.
In the case of a chronic condition as arthritis, if additional oxygen is introduced into the abnormal, oxygen depleted tissue, the process would be a reversal, and result in the removal of the abnormal deposits.
In a small way, Ozone is being used in hospitals and in sterilizing water systems. But its use is still-in the embryonic stage of development.
Should the development of the use of natural agencies be successful it would interfere with the use of drugs, vaccines and serums. Then there would be the dilemma of presenting this drugless system and showing that the use of drugs, vaccines and serums are not only ineffective as remedies, but actually injurious.
As Ozone is only 1/5 as heavy as oxygen, it rises and the air of the higher regions is more heavily charged with it. Knowing this secret of Nature, the Ancient Masters dwelt in the ozonated air of high places. Good health and long life were the result.
It required radio-radar-television and the atomic bomb to get modern science interested in the wonders of the air we breathe. Previous to these inventions no one had believed there were mysteries in the air which we have now discovered.
The press on December 7th, 1938, stated that Dr. F. Behounek and Dr. J. Kletschka, two scientists of the University of Prague, issued a report disclosing some of the secrets of the atomic gases of the air. They said that “the mountain climate is characterized always by a greater ionization than that of the lowlands.”
By “ionization” is meant the presence in the air of “ions,” which are said to be electrified particles.
It appears that the atoms of the air gases, such as nitrogen, oxygen, ozone, carbon dioxide, are not electrical when they are whole. When ultra-violet rays, cosmic rays, radium, X-rays, and fast electrons smash the atoms, the broken bits become “ions,” or electrified particles.
According to Sir James Jeans, F.R.S., the air one inhales contains over 34,000 atoms per cubic foot that are broken up by cosmic rays, and thus become electrified particles. This is the source of Vital Force,” says one authority on the subject.
In a recent letter to us, the writer says:
“It is remarkable how many tribes and groups of people on the southern slope of the Himalaya mountains have been reported as extremely healthy and long lived.
“I wonder whether the elevation, plus the protection the high mountain must give against sudden severe cold spells from the north, plus a moderate climate as to temperature, don’t combine to prolong life there. I think we need a good book about those tribes, telling how they live, about their food, climate, habits, etc.”
Propaganda has made most health seekers so food conscious that they never think of air. They never ask whether the quality of the air has any effect on the body.
All mysteries fade out when the simple facts are known.
Scientists who have investigated the air of various regions, high and low, find “the mountain climate is characterized always by a greater ionization than that of th
e lowlands,” as above stated.
People so fortunate as to live in the higher regions and breathe the better air, highly charged with ozone and electrified ions, experience an electric rechargement of the vitalization of their body cells. As this increases, in the same ratio decreases the desire and need for food, and one’s health improves.
A certain work titled “The Prana of Yoga’ states that Prana is not merely cosmic rays of the atmosphere, but also ionized minerals that come from cosmic sources.
As we breathe the air we inhale these ionized minerals, as well as nitrogen, which is transformed into protein in the body. The protein we eat never becomes the protein of the body.
As previously stated, Behounek and Kletschka contended that “the mountain climate is characterized always by a greater ionization than that of the lowlands.”
When man changes from his low environment and moves to a higher one, say to 5,000 feet, he finds that at first he breathes deeper and harder. Those knowing so little of the function of respiration, would advise him to return to a lower level before he dropped dead of heart attack.
The body requires just so much air for its needs. The amount is supplied by shallow breathing in the dense air of low altitudes. Consequently, those born and reared in the low levels are made shallow breathers by the dense air of their environment. As a result, their lungs are never fully developed. Millions of air cells in their lungs remain dormant and inactive.
As such persons move into a higher region, they begin to breathe deeper and harder, with an increase in heart rate and a quickening of all body functions.
This is the first effect, the temporary disturbance as the body begins to adjust itself to the thinner air and lower atmospheric pressure of high levels.
A change in environment always causes a corresponding change in the body’s function. A slight change in environment causes a slight change in body function that is not noticeable at first, but shows up in time.
It requires more of the thinner air of high regions to supply the body’s needs. The result is that function changes as the body adapts itself to the new condition. At the same time the body also receives more of the ionized minerals that come from cosmic sources. The effect of this is to lessen and dull the appetite for physical food.
From a shallow breather at low levels one naturally becomes a deeper breather at high levels. Millions of dormant air cells in the deep regions of the lungs are resurrected from their dormancy and become active, as they should have been from the first.
This is another case of vital adjustment, but this time it is for the better. The lever is reversed, and the process of regeneration begins, being the secondary effect experienced by the body as man moves to higher elevations.
Few understand this secret of physiology. Carrel briefly noted body changes, but this is one that even he failed to find.
The general ignorance of this physiological secret of respiration is the reason people are advised to be careful and not exert themselves at high levels, and to return quickly to lower elevations when they notice these symptoms.
These symptoms are really the signs of the regenerative process going into action. Remain at the higher elevation until the body has time to adapt itself to the thinner air, and no disturbance in breathing will be felt. The lungs will gradually expand to meet the new condition, and improved health will result, provided that all the other rules of health are observed.
Here we find another secret of Nature. When man moves to higher elevations and breathes deeper and inhales more of the ionized minerals that come from cosmic sources, he will soon notice his desire for food waning as the regenerative adjustment proceeds. He eats less as he breathes deeper of the thinner air, and absorbs more of the ionized minerals in the atmosphere.
Usually it is considered as bad any waning, weakening of the appetite, by those who do not understand, and they are urged to take a tonic or something to whip up the appetite.
This reversal of the lever that changes degeneration to regeneration produces changes in the body that few can understand.
Conditions of regeneration are so rare that those who have no knowledge of accompanying symptoms, usually consider the symptoms as bad and do everything they can to eliminate them. The symptoms cannot be suppressed without stopping the regenerative process. Many persons who experience these symptoms become frightened and flee back to their accustomed lower levels.
We experience discomfort as the body changes under the law of degeneration. Hence we must experience discomfort as the body changes under the law of regeneration, and begins to rise to a higher level of health.
The fasting man experiences much discomfort as his body purges itself of clogging waste and improves its condition. Not understanding this secret of physiology, the fasting man is advised, by those who should know better, to eat or he will die.
We have a report in the case of a certain man who made the change from a low to a much higher altitude, and this is what he said:
“The longer I remained in the higher altitude, the less food I wanted, and food that had been delicious now became disgusting. My body, receiving more cosmic food from the atmosphere, had less need of the gross physical food of the earth.
“Then I changed back to a lower level, where the atmosphere is deficient in cosmic food, as a result of which a ravenous appetite appeared, as my body called for more physical food from earthly sources, in a second-hand form, to replace what I had formerly secured from cosmic minerals of the air at the higher level.
“Toward the latter part of my stay in the higher altitude, I lost my appetite for food to such extent, that I am convinced from my experience that Breatharianism in the higher regions must have been the original state of man.”
The answer to the above questions appears in the purer and better air of the remote, higher regions, and in the eating of less food—contrary to the theories of those who eat freely and often to keep up their strength and die early as a result.
According to Ancient Arcane Science, one of the highly beneficial effects of sustaining the body completely on the chemical elements of Cosmic Radiation and the consumption of no food, is the development of the higher powers that are now dormant in the man who eats...his marvelous unused powers.
The Ancient Masters taught that food in the alimentary tract interferes with the natural use by the body of the chemical elements of Cosmic Radiation. Food in the body insulates the body against the natural contact of Cosmic Radiation by corroding the poles of the cells. That obstruction causes the function of the body cells to decline below the higher level.
As this damaging condition of insulation is increased by much food and regular eating, Vital Force gradually decreases and decrepitude slowly appears. Then comes that time in due course when the function of the body cells declines more and falls below the Life Level of vibration, resulting in the condition called death.
This explains the secret and little known reason why man’s health and all his powers increase and grow more acute under a fast. During a fast, the alimentary tract becomes free of the insulating effect of food, and the cells are able to free themselves of the damaging corrosion. This permits the body to make more and better use of the chemical elements of Cosmic Radiation, produces an increase in cell vibration, and puts the condition of the body back nearer to the normal state in which it was before man fell to the level of the animal plane by forming the habit of eating.
Here is a true story which shows that Air is the Power of Life. A soldier on the western European front in World War II had a small cut in his throat caused by a sharp piece of steel from an exploded bomb. He fell in a heap and his buddy hurried to his aid.
An examination showed no injury but a slit cut in the windpipe just below the larynx, causing the windpipe to close so air could not enter the lungs.
Quickly the other soldier slipped his fountain pen into the
trachea (windpipe) to hold it open so air could enter the victim’s lungs. The wounded man immediately came to life, rose to his feet and walked as though nothing had happened.
Walking jarred the pen out and it fell to the ground, and so did the soldier. He could not move and appeared dead.
Again the pen was quickly inserted into the trachea, and again the dead man came back to life, rose to his feet and walked.
This time the wounded man held the pen in place until he reached a first aid station, where a surgeon sewed up the injury, which soon healed and the soldier’s life was saved.
The Living Stream that turns the Wheels of Life depends upon contrary, he knows that tobacco is poisonous and destroys him by the Breath of Life. The condition of the body depends upon the blood, and the condition of the blood depends upon the Breath of Life.
Pollute the blood and we plunge the body into degeneration. Pollute it more, and the body’s function becomes an appalling convulsion, which in due time ends in death.
You may be pale, weak, anemic; you may be suffering from some terrible ailment, but when you go on a fast and breathe pure air, your blood will soon become normal and all parts of your body will soon exhibit renewed life.
Professor J. S. Haldane, noted English astronomer, believed that Eternal Physical Life is possible. He wrote:
“In years to come, when man learns how to live, he will never know illness, and will live for thousands of years.
“We now sit as the men in Plato’s cave, with our backs to the light, seeing only shadows on the walls before us. Reality we never see.
“Living is actually a struggle for fresh air. Keep the vast lung surface of the organism supplied with fresh, unpolluted air, and also observe all other health rules, and there is no reason known to science why you should ever die.
“No matter how long you live, when you die your body will be young, and you will die for lack of oxygen. You will die because your blood cannot carry the required amount of Life-Sustaining Oxygen to the billions of cells in your body.”
Man’s Higher Consciousness Page 29