Blue Bell

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by Sasha Fino

  My heart broke inside while I told him off. Running away with tears in eyes. I cried my heart out all night that night. I made a vow to myself, going on this crazy mission to expose

  what’s going on at Blue Bell Academy with my friends’ help.

  We had heard lots of odd things that some of the teachers were doing and had done to the girls there past and present. Still searching for answers to who the girl was on the VHS. We looked through the many editions of the yearbooks and eventually drew a circle around the name and picture of a girl of our class because the features of her face matched so closely. Lindsay, Chloe, Bryce, and I tried to become friends with the girl in our class, it was much harder than I thought. She was so closed off and didn’t want to talk to any of us. The boys Lionel, Matt, and Trent, tried to help.

  I vowed to myself to put a stop to all of the sexual abuse that had been kept within the school’s walls for years. Starting a group, named “BLOODLINE” in secret where girls could send us messages in secret, we began getting lots of girls coming to me whispering about things that happen to them. A few of the girls were nasty warning me to stop what I was doing in an almost defensive tone.

  Now I wonder why on earth I didn’t tell the cops, my Dad and Grandma, or even Ella or Riley. Did I enjoy playing with fire… I sure did, it is who I am.

  That summer I went home and began writing a full story on identifying the sexual abuse and prostitution ring I’ve discovered at the school using my many notes taken during the passing school year. I did not want Dad or Grandma to know what’s going to school because they might stop me from exposing the truth.

  One night alone with my grandma, we were cross stitching. I casually asked her to tell me more on her day’s at Blue Bell. without raising a red flag. She explained the joys of being at her beloved school. I’ve asked her if she ever witnesses anything unusual at Blue Bell like hearing of a prostitution ring and sex trafficking. Grandma gazes up from what she’s doing telling me with a panicked look on her face.

  “Audra for a sweet girl like you, you should not know a thing like sex trafficking and prostitution anywhere much less at your school. I never observed such things while I went there.” Immediately I have seen in grandma’s eye a knowing and that she’s hiding something from me while she changes the subject. Now wanting to know what my beloved grandma were hiding from me. I started snooping in my grandma’s belongings, always coming to dead ends.

  One afternoon, two men dressed in all black came to my home asking after me. While Dad happened to be at work. Only my grandma and I were home.

  The two men talked to me in a harsh tone of voice and warned me not to move forward talking to anyone much less writing an article about what I had discovered. Stopping and making me vow to not to dig anymore into the history of Blue Bell. I had no choice in the matter so they said; I’ve pretended that I dropped my mission to exposing Mr. Ashbrook and the goings on at my school.

  My grandma said we won’t breathe a word of this to my dad. I pondered “What the hell is my grandma hiding from me?” Grandma begins acting too odd around me. It made me nervous being under her watchful eyes. I tried to stay away from her for rest of the summer. It drove me to speculate that she must have known much more than she alluded to.

  Meanwhile my Dad was still dating Charlotte, Dad sure picked a winner. I have a feeling that he was going to marry her.

  Charlotte is the big sister that I always wanted she’s not much like a mom at all, she’s 32 and closer to my age than his, dad is robbing the cradle. Charlotte took me shopping. lunches with Riley and Ella and splurged on me enough to make me feel special. I didn’t dare to discuss the subject of my problems at school with Ella or Riley because I’ve known it would have been, “I told you so, Audra!’ for their first response when spending time with them.

  Lindsay called me and invite me to stay two weeks with her before school began for the new fall term. It was the end of summer and I flew south, and we had such a blast. Staying with Lindsay on her huge and beautiful working southern plantation. It’s something right out of a history book. Dressing up as southern belles, we went to a party and wound up sleeping in the old slave’s quarters one night. Lindsay and I were watching the people work the fields one day.

  Then, Lindsay told me, “History had an odd way, it has never changed. The people still work in the fields for paychecks and want freedom.” Lindsay goes on chatting and winds up confessing she had been romantic with our new History teacher, Mr. Corsair, who started teaching at Blue Bell during our Sophomore year, and she loves him. Lindsay explained to me that Mr. Corsair is on our side and knows more about what is going on within the dark school walls and wants to talk to me about Bloodline group. I agree to meet with Mr. Corsair as soon we got back. I’ve told her that my Grandma had had exhibited odd behavior since I asked her about her days at Blue Bell. Lindsay replied, “your grandma, she must have something or holds a major key to our school’s past. You got to find out what your grandma is keeping from you, Audra!”

  Junior Year: 2009

  Coming into my own power this year, my news column in the school’s paper has at last been approved. I chose to write about school life in my column titled “Bloodline.” I felt like I finally have a voice, AT LAST! I didn’t give a damn about those two men who showed their faces at my home trying to give me a word of warning, still not knowing if they were FBI or two goons sent by Mr. Ashbrook. But I am betting that devil Ashbrook was behind it. I’ve a voice now! Whether people like it or not.

  I talked to Mr. Corsair while we are walking across the school’s grounds. I learn that Ashbrook has an evil dark side to him, with loads of power. To believe I used to be in love with Mr. Ashbrook. I see how evil he truly is now and I learn that the sexually scandalous things have been going on at the school since the 1800’s. Mr. Corsair told me his theory of all the murders over the years, by someone and make it looked like they committed suicide. He told me that he stayed on at the school to see if he could help prevent more deaths and sexual trafficking because he didn’t have enough evidence to make the authorities believe him. I thought about what he said; there have been four suicides happen since I began there. I just had never connected the dots.

  I started to research more into the school’s past; I discovered Mr. Corsair is spot on every detail we had spoken about. One day, while Mr. Corsair was out sick, and Mr. Ashbrook took over teaching the class the day and wanted to show us a movie for the class hour. To my astonishment and with much disbelief he showed us the VHS tape. I was so shocked. Somehow that VHS tape went from being locked away under my bed, and had somehow made it to our classroom TV screen. I still don’t know how he found it. I was sick to my stomach the moment I saw what he had.

  Mr. Ashbrook made us all watch all of it to the end. He was using the tape to prove he had power over us. He told us not to tell a soul about this, or all of us would pay dearly. He looked so evil and sounded so scary to all of the students we just sat in disbelief terrified of him.

  After class, I stayed back to confront Mr. Ashbrook. We exchanged words; I was absolutely livid. At the end, he told me that in fact, he broke into my room looking for something to use against me, to get rid of me and my column at school. I cursed at him, telling him this establishes a war. I’ll see you caught for your crimes. He yells at me, “While you were a freshman, Audra, you wanted me to touch you that way like the men did in that video.” I’ve looked right at him to reply, “Go to fucking hell Ashbrook,” walking out on him.

  Leaving the classroom, shaking… I see Lindsay talking with the most popular girl, Britney, in our class. Now Britney has come forth to Lindsay and I, explaining she is terrified because

  she is the little girl in that movie and it’s her own grandpa with her. I hugged her feeling sorry for Britney and worried about what will happen next. I knew that her grandfather was on the school board, and she swears it’s filmed at our school.

  It is Halloween night and Mr. Corsair leads me, Lindsay,
Bryce, and Britney down to a level under the school. We were expecting to find storage rooms but instead, there were bedrooms and a film set where xxx porn movies were made. Britney reveals it is the same room where her grandpa used to take her. Stumbling on an enormous room filled with bondage toys and gear; we walk through an underground tunnel. We discover it leads right to a huge Victorian home, I thought it was in the direction of Ashbrook’s home.

  However, it turns out to be a brothel. We sneak into that house of sin. Hiding in the dark so no one could notice us. I know these girls we can see through the windows; I’ve seen before in the school’s hallways and such. Dressed in clothes, I’ve seen in a Victoria Secret catalog and talking to well-dressed older businessmen the girls still don’t notice us. I understand from the others and what they can see — a few of the girls happen to be nude or wearing only sexy short shorts.

  Unbelievably, Ms. Weaver was there, strutting around and acting like she owns the joint. “What the Hell? Is that what my own grandma did while she had been here?” I turn and hiss in Lindsay’s ear while looking back and forth until I couldn’t take anymore. I am disgusted with anger deep within me. It’s a Halloween that I can never forget.

  I’ve been sick for two weeks missing school classes and my news column. Even too ill to talk or walk. Ms. Santana took care of me nursing me back to health. Confessing to her about what we had seen on Halloween night, Ms. Santana advises she knows about but refuses to take part in that. Leading me to believed that she had trap here because she knows too much, and they will kill her if she ever leaves Blue Bell, that’s all she dares to say.

  “What power do they have over her? Why can she not move on?” I speculate.

  Christmas break came, I went back home, fighting with my grandma the whole time. We had a massive fight over the brothel. My grandma laughs it off after I asked her. I see a new side of my sweet and dear grandma that I never thought existed. I decide to keep away from her, staying close to Charlotte who has now moved in. I could drive by now, having gotten my license recently and it allow me to spend more time hanging with Riley and Ella. One day while visiting them I broke down when they took me into Victoria Secret to shop for a good bra. I told them everything I had discovered and spilled my guts about the suicide/murders at the school.

  “Good God, Audra, can you see that your own grandma was grooming you into going to Blue Bell your whole life?” Ella made me realized at last.

  Before I fly back to school, my grandma and I argue again, and I scream at her, “I vow to you; I will never be like you, opening your legs to any man just for money.”

  She smiles wickedly while looking at me “You shall if you want to save your life, sweetheart;” and I walk away from her with a vengeance in my mind.

  I wrote each column outlining details of what had been happening and displeasing Ashbrook, but I didn’t give a damn. The truth needed to be known and he fought to cover it up. Ashbrook and I were always fighting about my column because he was scared someone outside the school might see the details and investigate. It only fueled the war between us.

  Ms. Santana begs me to stop it, I didn’t listen. Being so headstrong to stop playing games with Mr. Ashbrook gave me a charge of power.

  I use my time at the school newspaper to look at the school’s archives to find articles with my grandma’s name. I saw lots of articles that mentioned her involvement in class activities over her class newspaper. She was the “It” girl of her class. Hearing about and now knowing these stories since I was young, I had proof of her accolades, but I kept wondering about her involvement in the dark side of the school.

  I found not a single hint of any stories that tied her romantically to anyone. Until one day, I strike pure gold with an article about my Dad’s own Grandpa on his father’s side. He happened to be on the school’s board. Suddenly, it all makes sense. My great-grandpa had been having sex with his son’s future wife and was caught. I am sure he didn’t want Dad to become familiar with that.

  However, the biggest blow to me was during my research I found an article identifying that my birth mother that I didn’t know, also went to Blue Bell. Dad had never told me; he had barely spoken her name to me as I was growing up. I was made so sick by this, I pulled away from my family and kept my calls to them super short. Being pissed at my Dad and Grandma; I did not wish to talk to them. I feel like a lamb led to the slaughter.

  All of the girls in my grade were made to go a mandatory class late one Saturday night. I have no choice but to attend. I walk in the classroom and there’s Mr. Ashbrook, Mr. Baxter, Weaver and Ms. Santana there. I question “what’s this all regarding,” speaking for all of us in attendance.

  Mr.Ashbrook snarled at me and began the lecture. He explained to us all how we were now of age and we would now become a part of our school prostitution ring, there was no choice— we join or we will be punished severely. He went on to explain what would happen and how to use this opportunity for us girls to get pay, ever get into a college of our dreams, as if it was really a choice. The money that one could make by selling your body or sleeping with someone, he told us would be much more than we could get working at any other job, however, it was well known that we were from wealthy families and shouldn’t have had to work at all. Mr. Ashbrook told us that they will pair us with special men during summer break to train us for jobs like an intern program, however, we would really be required to have sex with the men or be punished. He kept reiterating that traveling with them getting paid and all, like a school’s summer program was a privilege. But he made it clear, “If you don’t want to or you cause trouble, I will be choosing some of you for making money for myself.” he hissed, looking right at me.

  Ms. Weaver then confessed that she’s the madam and ask the girl to stand if they willing to join in rather than be required because it would be easier on those girls that made the choice.

  All the girls stood; I could not accept the truth with my own eyes. Britney, Bryce, Chole and even Lindsay gave in because of their fear and weakness.

  Sitting alone with a pissed off look on my face I couldn’t believe they were willingly going to be lambs to the slaughter.

  All of my friends had turned on me and what we’re fighting for. Mr. Ashbrook stares at me with a dirty look in his eyes. I remember shouting, “You are sure praying on these girl’s weakness and fear, Ashbrook! How dare you… all of you! I can’t believe this shit.”

  Being upset and hurt. I journal the details from what happened that night and published it in the paper, how all of my dear friends betray me. Double-crossing, sellout bitches that I have the misfortune to meet, how dare they let this continue to go on. They saw what had happened to those girls under the trapdoor; did they want to be next?

  I didn’t want anything to do with them. I began to spend more time hanging out on Facebook all the time chatting with Ella or Riley and avoiding Mr. Ashbrook along with the others. Ms. Santana tried to talk to me about what happened that night, yet, I didn’t say a word to them all. I knew I needed to do something, but what could I do? I was angry, frustrated, and honestly a little scared.

  I wanted nothing more to run off, to drop out of high school or go home to finish high school with my childhood friends. I came to comprehend that wanting to go to Blue Bell is the worst mistake that I’ve ever made of my life; thoughts of everything I witness there flooded my mind. Why did I want so badly to come to Blue Bell in the first place?

  I made the decision to stay and keep playing Ashbrook’s games. I felt it was up to me to shut down the school once and for all. I needed to put Ashbrook in jail where he belongs.

  I’ve thought back, my whole freshman year and half of sophomore year, I was in love with Ashbrook. Here I was hating Ashbrook, and yet, I wondered if a part of me was still love with him? Why didn’t I go to the authorities at some point before now? Something must be wrong with me.

  Now looking back, I wished I had to stopped playing my games with Mr. Ashbrook and could have been a no
rmal teenage girl, dating Lionel like he had wanted. But no, I shot him down every time he had to asked me on a date. I always ended up saying no to Lionel so many times and yet he stood by me. Helping me all the time. Lionel even took me to some of the school dances.

  I’ve received a birthday gift from my dad to go horseback riding in the mountains. I was set to go with Ms. Santana for a weekend away from Academy on my seventeenth birthday. To my disappointment, she got sick and I was left with the no choice but to have Ashbrook as my supervising chaperone. Happy birthday to me, a birthday alone with Ashbrook. Blue Ridge’s two-day horseback ride! Boy, this would be fun, I thought until Ashbrook saved my life.

  There was a bolt of lightning followed by a loud crack of thunder that spooked my horse and caused it to bolt. Although I had some experience riding horses, I could not cope with this sudden headlong rush. The horse was galloping too fast for safety and was uncontrollable. Badly frightened, I called out for help for dear life. The trail-master was too far out in front to hear me with the patter of the rain and the accompanying thunder.

  Ashbrook spurred his horse forward. “I’m right behind you. Just hold on tight as I get a hand on your reins, Audra. As I slow my horse down, yours will pace with mine,” Ashbrook told me.

  As my horse sped along, Ashbrook continued to talk calmly to me, telling me that the horse could sense my fear and that I had to calm down and communicate this to my horse by sitting deep in my saddle, talking to him, and sawing strongly on the bit in his mouth. The rain continued pounding down.

  I felt the soothing tone of Ashbrook’s voice and his lack of panic. As it communicated itself to me, I eased up on the racing horse and concentrated on hugging his sides with my legs and sitting deep in the saddle so that he could not throw or dislodge me. Gradually, he slowed down and stopped when confronted with a running stream. Ashbrook pulled up alongside and took my reins in his hand. As he did so, the rain began to die down. “That was some wild ride you set us off on. Audra, are you, all right?” Ashbrook asked as he dismounted, still holding my horse’s reins. “You have one fine gallop,” Ashbrook told me


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