Beauty and the beast: A Modern Day Fairytale Billionaire Mafia Romance

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Beauty and the beast: A Modern Day Fairytale Billionaire Mafia Romance Page 15

by Georgia Le Carre

  Suddenly, he turned around, and without a word, exited the greenhouse.

  I turned my head and I watched him walk through the snow. A black figure in a white landscape. He looked alone and somehow hurt, almost wounded. It was strange because of course, he wasn’t alone or wounded. I wanted to reach out and bring him back to me, but he soon disappeared from sight.

  Slowly, I sunk down to the floor, my head buried between my knees. I was in deep shit. I sat in that position for a long time. I felt dazed and stupid. It was only the sound of John returning that made me stir my stiff limbs.

  He looked at me on the floor and came rushing up to me. “Did you fall?”

  “No, no,” I whispered hoarsely.

  “Are you all right?” he asked, his voice concerned.

  “Yes, I am. I think I just felt a bit faint, but I’m okay now.”

  “Shall I bring you some hot tea?”

  “No, no, I’ll be fine. I’ll just go back to the house now, I think.”

  “Let me take you back in the truck.”

  I smiled at him gratefully, guiltily. “Thank you, John. Honestly, it was nothing. A walk in the fresh air will do me good.”

  He nodded and I quickly started walking towards the entrance. I knew he was watching me so I kept my pace brisk and sure so he would know that there was absolutely nothing wrong with me.

  Chapter 32


  I returned immediately to my room and got dressed. I needed the day out, away from Luca and this cocoon of crazed lust and the mental gymnastics I needed to undertake to pretend to myself that everything was still all right. That my heart wasn’t about to break into a thousand jagged pieces. I called Katie and we agreed to meet up at the mall where we usually met, and do lunch together afterwards.

  Once I was ready I called my father. He was taking a nap, but he roused himself and insisted on talking to me. He was in good spirits and it cheered me to know that in a couple of days he would be going in to start his treatments. I told him I would come by in the next couple of days as I didn’t want him to see me as I was today. Confused and disorientated about my future. We said goodbye and I put the phone into my purse and looked at my reflection before I left the room carrying my present for Katie.

  Obviously, I didn’t want to contact Luca again with the request to let me leave for the day so I headed towards the surveillance camera that was hidden in one corner. I looked up at it and waved, hoping that the home was indeed as tightly guarded as Mary Jane had implied it was, because thus far I’d only met one of the guards when he had found me ransacking the fridge in the middle of the night.

  Turning around, I leaned against the wall of my room and waited. For more than a minute that followed there was no response, then my phone began to ring. The number was of course, unidentifiable.

  “Miss Morrison,” a male voice came through the receiver. “Is there a problem?”

  I was impressed. The house really was even more tightly guarded than Mary Jane knew.

  “I need to meet up with a friend in the city,” I said with as much confidence as I could muster.

  He went silent.

  “Hello?” I said into the silence.

  “One moment please, Miss Morrison.”

  The line went quiet, and I guessed he was checking my request with his boss. I took a deep breath. There was nothing in the contract to say I couldn’t go meet my friends and I knew Luca wouldn’t say no, but even so I felt slightly nervous.

  There was a clicking sound before the male voice came back. “Certainly, Miss Morrison. If you want to come out now, a car will be waiting for you out front.”

  I headed down the stairs and out. Indeed, a tinted, black SUV with its engine idling was already waiting for me. The driver came out and opened the passenger door for me.

  I got in and settled down as he closed the car and slipped into the driver’s seat.

  “Where to?” he asked, as he shifted the gears into motion.

  “Starfield Mall.”

  “Okay,” he replied, and did not say another word until we arrived at our destination.

  As I waited for Katie outside the Japanese tea store we had agreed on, I spotted her come up the escalator in her sales manager attire of a striped dark pant suit, my mood immediately lifted. It had been three weeks since I last saw her so I couldn’t even remain still. I started waving and walking towards her.

  “Oh my God, Skye,” she screamed, her hazel eyes becoming as round as saucers. “Look at you. You look amazing. Where did you get that coat? It’s divine.”

  I grinned at her. “You look pretty hot yourself.”

  “You, crazy person, you. Of course, I don’t. I’m in my ugly old uniform,” she scolded as she slapped me across my arm.

  I pulled her into a tight hug. Her lavender bob smelt familiar and returned to me a sense of security and peace. I really had missed her and it felt so good to see and hold her again. The restaurant was only a couple of shops away so we strolled towards it while we chatted.

  “So are you going to tell me where you got the coat from?”

  “It was brought to me by a stylist Luca Messana hired to dress me.”

  She stopped mid-stride. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  I stopped too and nodded. “Yeah. They live in a completely different world from us, Katie.”

  “I bet they do. Come on. Let’s go sit down and you can tell me everything.”

  We were taken to our table by a friendly waitress. She gave us menus and hurried off. Instantly, Katie honed in on me. “Come on then. What’s going on. You look fabulous, but you sounded so strange and tense on the phone. Tell me what the hell is going on?” she asked.

  “I will once we order.” I passed her a sealed bottle of water and she accepted it.

  She lifted the bottle to her lips, and took a long drink. “I ran all the way over here, so this better be some sort of real emergency.”

  “It is,” I said with a smile.

  Her gaze narrowed as she searched in mine for any trace of mischief. Just then a waiter arrived at our table. I ordered a glass of white wine and she settled for a Coke since she had to get back to work. The waiter went away and I turned to Katie. She was staring at me. I pushed the menu at her.

  “Get whatever you want,” I told her. “It’s Luca Messana’s treat.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “What do you mean?”

  “Well, I found some extra dollars in my bank account yesterday.”

  Her eyes widened dramatically. “How much?”

  I lowered my voice. “Twenty freaking thousand.”


  “Yup, and this is also for you.” I pushed her present towards her.

  She grabbed the bag eagerly. “What is it?”

  I didn’t need to say anything. I just watched as she tore the wrapping paper with the eagerness of a child and gasped in wonder at her gift.

  “Oh, my God! I can’t believe it. It’s a classic Burberry jacket.” She pulled it out and gazed at it in disbelief. “It’s gorgeous, Skye. It’s exactly what I’ve been lusting after for years.”

  “Don’t I know it,” I agreed with a laugh.

  She looked up. “Oh, Skye. I can’t accept this. It must have cost thousands.”

  “Well, it didn’t cost me anything. As I mentioned Luca got a stylist to get me a whole designer wardrobe. One, I might add, I will hardly be able to use once I go back to my old life of being a waitress.”

  She looked down at the jacket again. “But wouldn’t you like to keep this for yourself though?”

  “No, not at all. As soon as I saw it hanging on the rack I decided it was yours. I’m not such a big fan of Burberry anyway.”

  “Yeah, you’re a fan of Target,” she said dryly.

  “What’s wrong with Target?”

  “If you have to ask that, there is no point.” Then she reached out and curled her hand around mine. “Thank you, Skye. It’s an amazing present.”

�I’m glad you like it. Now what are you going to eat? I’m having the spaghetti with lobster.”

  Katie’s eyes widened. The price of the meal at forty-eight dollars was absolutely extravagant by our standards. Then she grinned. “Twenty thousand, did you say?”

  I giggled. “I did.”

  “Alright, I’ll have the same. I’ve always wanted to try that dish.”

  “Forget me drinking by myself we should have a bottle of wine to go with it, shouldn’t we?”

  Her eyes twinkled mischievously. “Yes, lets. It’s not the end of the world if I go back a little sloshed. I don’t have anything too important to do today.”

  The waiter came and took our order.

  “Before I forget,” she said, as he went away. “I met Diana the other day and she said she was trying to reach you.”

  I was surprised at the mention of my stepsister. “She was trying to reach me?”

  “Yup. She was actually quite friendly. Tried to find out if I had seen you recently.”

  “What did you tell her?”

  “Relax. I didn’t tell her anything, but you should call her.”

  I sighed. I could feel my appetite leaving at the thought of calling her, so I pushed it out of mind, and refocused on Katie. I saw precious little of Katie and I wasn’t going to let Diana spoil my lunch with my bestie.

  The wine came and we toasted each other and took a sip. I had ordered their most expensive and it was delicious and cool on my tongue.

  “So… why did you sound so tense and unhappy this morning?” Katie asked over the rim of her glass.

  “I think I’m falling for Luca, Katie.”

  “What?” she blurted out, spraying wine all over the tablecloth.

  I couldn’t help it. I had to laugh. She was so funny.

  Red faced, she mopped at the table. “Are you serious?”

  “Yeah, I’m serious.”

  She looked at me incredulously. “How can you possibly fall in love with someone after less than a week?”

  “I don’t know how, but from the first moment our eyes met at the party it was as if I am connected to him at a deeper level. And every time we have sex I feel myself slip just a little more.”

  She was speechless. “He’s that good?”

  I shook my head in despair. “Sometimes I even cry real tears.”

  “Woah,” she said and leaned back into the chair. “That’s not good.”

  “See why I’m panicking now.”

  “You can’t have feelings for him,” she said. “You’re meant to be out of there in what? Two weeks?”

  “Two and a half,” I answered. “It sounds like nothing, but that’s a long time for me. I can’t explain it, but when I am at his house, it’s like being in a different world. I just...” I sighed in frustration. “I guess I just want to know how to switch me off. How to not react so intensely to him every single time. How would you do it?”

  Her gaze on me softened. “I have absolutely no idea. I’ve never been in a relationship like that.”

  My mouth slightly parted in disappointment, even though it was what I should have expected.

  “Isn’t there any way you can get out of this early?”

  I shook my head. “I can’t. I’ve signed a contract and Dad needs this.”

  “You know something, Skye. It’s not the end of the world. I mean, if I were you I’d go for it, and if my heart gets broken so fucking what? Most people live the kind of lives that they might as well be dead. At least you are really living now. To be perfectly honest I’d love to be in your shoes right now.”

  I shook my head. “I thought you disapproved of my relationship with him.”

  “That was before I saw your coat,” she said with a laugh.

  At the moment the waiter arrived with our food and we both turned our attention to the food, but her words kept ringing in my head.

  If I were you, I’d go for it.

  I wondered what would happen if I did go for it…

  Chapter 33


  The door to my study burst open suddenly, but I was already with my gun drawn and cocked. I’d heard the unfamiliar footsteps. Unrecognizable as any of my house guards. One much heavier than the other. What had alerted me was the way they were creeping forward. I felt calm. No emotion. My gun was cocked and pointed to the door. I was ready to shoot the motherfuckers dead the second they opened my fucking door.

  It happened so fast. If my reflexes had not been so quick I would have shot Angelo. For it was my brother who stood at the threshold of my study

  “Are you fucking insane?” I growled, fury coursing through my veins. “I could have blown your head off.”

  “That’s what I told him,” a soft female voice said from behind him, and I realized then that there was someone behind him. She stepped forward with a bright smile on her face and both my brother and his fiancée stood before me. My gaze moved between the both of them, as I swallowed my anger at my brother. I could have killed him.

  Angelo laughed. “Be thankful, big brother. I was testing your reflexes.”

  “It looked more like you were trying to win the Darwin award,” I muttered. Then I turned to his fiancée. “Sienna,” I greeted.

  “Hey,” she said with an easy smile, as she moved her hand to entwine her fingers with my brother’s.

  She was everything Skye was not. Tanned, confident, sure of her place in the world. She never had to sell herself to pay for her father’s medical bills. A great sense of protectiveness filled my chest. At that moment I made myself a promise. When our thirty days were over I would make sure she was financially secure for the rest of her life. Never again would she have to sell herself to low lives for anything she wanted to do or buy.

  “Can I get you both a drink?” I asked.

  “Sit down and relax. I’ll get it,” my brother said, as he moved towards the bar.

  I led the way towards the leather sofas by the fireplace. I lowered myself into the armchair and left the sofa for them. I wasn’t in a very chatty mood, but fortunately Sienna launched into a comment about alcohol and a story about the state of my brother’s fridge when she first met him.

  The following half hour was spent catching up with the both of them. It was almost dinner time when Melania came in to ask me if guests were staying for dinner.

  I threw the question back to Angelo and Sienna. “Do you guys want to have dinner in the house or head out?”

  Angelo looked to Sienna who rested in his arms. “I’m easy. What do you want to do?”

  “Let’s go out to the city,” she said. “I’ve hardly seen anything of Boston.”

  I looked at Melania. “No food for us.” Then I pulled out my phone and rose to my feet. “I’ll get Matteo to call ahead.”

  We left the study immediately and were approaching the front door when it suddenly opened.

  My breath caught in my throat when I saw Skye.

  For a moment we all froze, as neither of us had expected to see the other. The last time I had seen her was in the greenhouse. When I had asked her if she was all right. She had shaken her golden head and my heart, that I thought was dead forever, began to hurt again.

  I was well aware of my brother and his fiancée’s eyes on me. They were both expecting an introduction, but I didn’t want to introduce her to them. She was my glorious secret. As if she knew I didn’t want to introduce her, she stepped aside to allow us to pass, as if she was one of the staff or someone unworthy of being introduced. Her action sent a jolt of unease through me. She was not my staff and she was not unworthy of being introduced to anyone. I had selfishly not wanted to introduce her because I wanted to keep her to myself, not because I was ashamed of her.

  “Well, well,” I heard Angelo murmur under his breath.

  I cursed underneath my breath. He understood me well, and he knew he was on to something. He walked ahead of us with his hand outstretched.

  “I’m Angelo, Luca’s brother,” he said with a charming smi

  “Oh,” she exclaimed and glanced uncertainly at me.

  “Don’t mind him. He’s a grumpy old bear,” my brother said encouragingly.

  Her eyes widened. “Oh. Well, I’m Skye.”

  “And this is Sienna, my fiancée.”

  “It’s nice to meet both of you,” Skye replied shyly.

  “We were just going out to dinner. Why don’t you join us?” Angelo asked, his voice sly and cajoling.

  Her eyes slightly widened at the invitation. “Uh… I don’t think…” Her gaze found mine. She was looking to me for guidance.

  Again, that strange feeling of protectiveness filled my chest.

  Before I could answer though, she touched her hair self-consciously, and said, “I was out walking so I’m not exactly dressed for a night out.”

  “Don’t worry, we’re not going anywhere fancy. If they’ll allow my brother in, they’ll allow you,” Angelo said.

  “Yes, do come with us,” Sienna added, and went over to lightly touch her arm.

  “Yes, come with us,” I heard myself say.

  Skye came forward then and with my hand on the small of her back I walked out of the house and towards the waiting Rolls. Cullinan’s old body moved fluidly and gracefully to open the door closest to Skye. Ahead, I could see my men jumping into their SUVs. One of the vehicles began to move while the other waited to follow us from behind.

  Skye hesitated at the doorway, her gaze on the polished leather seat as though she was being sent into a snake’s hole.

  “Well, are you coming or not?” I whispered in her ear.

  “Yes,” she said, and climbed into the vehicle. The rest of us joined her inside, Cullinan put the car into motion and we were off.

  There was no time for the atmosphere in the car to get awkward.

  “What do you do, Skye?” Angelo asked Skye.

  “I’m a waitress.”


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