Sand dollar

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Sand dollar Page 29

by Hollye Davis

  “Oh Edwin, how could you ever doubt that. All anyone has to do is watch me watch you walk in the room and they know how much I love you. Don’t ever doubt that. I know it isn’t much, Edwin. I don’t have a lot…except my love.”

  “It’s perfect. Just like you.”

  I am not a cruel person. I do not sit back and think of revenge toward the people who have tortured me in my life. However, when something so sweet is presented to you, and you have the opportunity to finally get the revenge you so richly deserve, wouldn’t you jump at the opportunity?

  —Cole’s Diary

  Chapter 26 The Audition I was sad that we were heading back to the beach only after 5 days at the cabin but Edwin and fellow actors had to get back to celebrate a New Year’s party with everyone involved in the show. They thought it would be better if they left while the weather was pleasant. Aunt decided to ride with Cole and Kim. Cloe supposed that Edwin and her were so nauseating with our affection that aunt couldn‘t stand the long ride. She didn’t really blame her.

  When they got to the cottage, everyone was worn out from the ride. She was glad to be home despite knowing that in a few more short days the vacation would be over. It was the best Christmas of her life and she didn’t want it to end. How funny that five days earlier, she hadn’t wanted to go.

  She didn’t go to the New Years bash with Edwin and friends because of the media. The risk of exposure was just too great. She didn’t expect Edwin home that night but it was no later than 1am when he walked into the cottage and woke her up by kissing her neck and worked his way to her mouth. He was fully dressed in a tuxedo.

  I laughed. “Wow, where did this come from?” “I couldn’t stand to be there without you, it was miserable and when the New Year came in the only person I wanted to kiss was you, so I came straight home. To hell with the productions staff, they were all drunk anyway.”

  Monday started the first week of school in the New Year. It was hard to be excited but she tried. Her only consolation was this was the last semester of high school forever.

  As she got dress for school, she debated on wearing her ring. It wouldn’t exactly go unnoticed.

  Edwin smiled when she got into the car and he spotted the ring.

  “I wondered if you were going to wear it,” he said with a silly grin.

  “I couldn’t bring herself to take it off, to hell with what people think.”

  He pulled her left hand up to his face and kissed her knuckle next to the ring. “To hell with everyone.”

  As usual Jeff met her upfront. When he saw the ring he let out a low whistle. “Holy Cow, I can’t believe it. Is that what I think it is?”

  Before she could answer Kim came jogging up next to her and said, “Yep, and I was there. Cloe got engaged!”

  Although She can’t imagine why, rumors started flying. The most popular one was that she was pregnant, which in all actuality could be the truth. One rumor was that she was terminally ill. As the day went on the rumors got more ridiculous. At one point people were saying that her rich father had arranged a match with an oil tycoon from the Middle East. She knew the truth and that was all that mattered. She was in love and she didn’t care. So when Britney put in her sho, Cloe was prepared.

  “So you must like be pregnant,” her shrill voice pierced her ears. It was akin to fingers nails on a chalk board.

  “It’s possible, although right now I don’t think so,” She answered truthfully then added, “but if I was, unlike you, I’d know who the father would be.”

  “You bitch!” Britney raised her hand to slap her but Cloe sidestepped and said, “You know what Britney I think everyone is pretty much done with your jealousy. It’s so tired. Why don’t you go and find something else to put your energy toward. Something that you are good at like fornicating with your clothes on in front of lockers.” Then Cloe turned and walked away. Cloe was in way too good of a mood to let anyone bother me.

  At lunch Britney tried her tired trick of dumping her food on her but in the process a teacher caught her and took her to the office. She didn’t think Britney was having a great day. Her week was about to get worse too. Her audition for the part on Edwin’s show was coming up on Wednesday and Britney was about to find out what happens when you treat people badly.

  Cloe skipped school on Wednesday in order to witness Britney’s audition. Edwin drove her to his work where the front gate guard took a second glance as they drove through. Edwin walked her to a section of the studio where the auditions were conducted. It was true that Britney knew one of the producers but after explaining the kind of year, Cloe had with her, and all the recent troubles they had with Victoria, they decided it would be in there best interest to eliminate her from the get go. Therefore this audition was more of a production from a group of volunteers Edwin had collected to get even on someone who deserved it.

  Cloe was in a separate room watching the audition through a television screen with Edwin. We were joking around when Britney showed up on the screen. She was a bubbly, and charming. It was hard to believe she was the same person that was so horrid at school. A slight twinge of guilt pierced Cloe’s heart at ruining anyone’s chance at a career. She pushed it aside. The girl literally tortured her, Britney needed a life lesson, or things wouldn’t change, ever. As part of this particular interview Britney was going to ask to undress down to her underwear and cover herself in whip cream. She knew that Britney would do just about anything to secure a role on the show, so they were going to take it as far as they could, within legal limits of course. Cloe did have a conscience.

  Cloe hadn’t ever laughed that hard in all her life. At one point one of the “make-up” artist put a whip cream beard on Britney. The videography and photographer snapped pictures of the whole interview, and to make sure it was legally okay for distributing the pictures, Britney had to sign a bunch of release papers. It was priceless when the “faux” interviewer said, “I’m sorry, we just didn’t feel that you’re right for the role.” Then left Britney in her underwear covered in whip cream without a way for her to clean it off. The true Britney came out at that moment and she started screaming profanities and throwing a huge fit. They escorted out to the parking lot and asked her never to return.

  The next day at school was mayhem. With the help of her friends, they were able to send a picture text to every single person in school. Not only the picture texts were distributed but paper copies of some of the most outrageous pictures were taped to the lockers and every available surface. She really didn’t have to do much because Britney was not as popular as she would like to believe. In her years of ruling that school, she must have made a few enemies, because some ingenious soul decided to cover her entire car with pictures they had collected in the hallways and lockers. It was brilliant to see her reaction when they left school that day. Edwin looked at her and she shrugged, “I wish I had thought of it but I can’t say I can take credit for that one.” She reached over and kissed him.

  Okay, I admit that I have twinges of guilt from what I did to Britney. But then I remember the beatings and harassment she had given me, and I can’t be sorry. Since then, Britney has been somewhat bearable. I hope it lasts through Prom. I can’t believe I am going to prom.

  —Cloe’s diary

  Chapter 27 Prom The night of Prom Cloe was nervous. She had never been to a formal dance and she didn’t know what to expect. Britney was on a warpath trying to figure out about who got those pictures from her audition. Lucky for Cloe, Britney didn’t believe Cloe was that connected. Therefore, Britney’s energies went to accusing every single other person including her own cheerleading squad.

  Even after the audition, Cloe still didn’t like going into any social gathering where Britney reigned supreme and this was definitely one of them. When Britney made prom queen, and there was no way in the world she wouldn’t be, Cloe thought she would just vomit. The thought make her want to vomit right now.

  Cloe was decked out in a beautiful red and pink dress that wa
s custom made. Her aunt had worked hard to find the perfect dress and Cloe was in love with it. Aunt had taken her to a famous designer who owed Aunt a favor, or actually several favor, and he gladly made Cloe’s prom dress. It felt like Cinderella going to the prince‘s ball. As if on que her very real Hollywood prince walked in.

  Edwin was looking heart stopping handsome in his tuxedo, which she highly suspected was custom made as well. He had two things in his hand: A jeweled mask and a corsage. The mask was designed to cover her eyes and hardly concealed her identity at all. It had tiny red and pink crystals that sparkled all over. It was beautiful. The corsage was the most exotic flower she had ever seen with swirls of red, pink, and white. Then he pulled out his mask, which was jeweled in darker tones and covered almost all of his face.

  “I had them made custom,” Edwin said referring to the masks.

  “They’re beautiful, you spoil me.”

  He touched her cheek, “You deserve it and so much more.”

  Then he pulled another jewelry box from his pocket. She rolled her eyes and held up her hand.

  “Enough Edwin, this is getting embarrassing.”

  He said, “It will never be enough, Cloe. The sooner you realize that the easier it’s going to be.”

  He opened the box and in it was a diamond necklace with red ruby’s to match her red and pink dress. She gasped. He put the box down and reached to remove her necklace he gave her all those months ago but she grabbed his hand. She hadn’t taken it off since they made up. He pulled her hand to his lips and said, “Just one night my love, I promise”

  Since Cloe couldn’t seem to deny him anything, she let him remove her necklace and put the other one on. It felt cool and heavy but otherwise perfect.

  The biggest surprise of the night was when they got into the limo, they weren’t by ourselves. Christoph, Sandra, Duke, Christine, and Penelope with some date she didn’t recognize sat there smiling at me.

  “What in the world?” Cloe said. They all laughed.

  “We are officially crashing Prom!” Sandra announced.

  They all held up their masks.

  “This is great! But why?”

  “None of us have ever been to a real high school, much less a prom. We thought this might be our only opportunity,” answered Christoph.

  “Cool,” Cloe said as she glanced at the new guy. Penelope introduced her date who ended up being another person from their show. Penelope said, “We had to even out the numbers or it would have looked odd.”

  When they pulled into gym at the school, she was very nervous.

  “How are we going to get you guys in?” Cloe asked.

  “Oh we have invites!” Christoph held up prom tickets.

  “They’re counterfeits,” explained Edwin.

  “Oh, well if they work; whatever.” Cloe shrugged.

  They got out of the car and walked into the highly decorated gym. Cloe wasn’t prepared for everyone turning to look at the new arrivals. It was obvious her friends weren’t the rent-a-tux and off the rack prom dress type of people and it caused a reaction. Cloe sparkled from head to toe and was feeling a little outrageous. She knew her mask did little to disguise her. Britney’s eyes narrowed in recognition. However, with her obviously wealthy friends, Britney was smart enough to reframe from saying anything. Their group made their way around to an empty table and sat. Kim and Cole found us quickly.

  “Oh my God Cloe, I can’t friggen believe you brought them all!!” she whispered urgently.

  “I didn’t have a choice in the matter,” CLoe answered back teasingly.

  “Cole looked at Edwin and said, “Hey man, how are you doing?” and held out his hand. Edwin stood and shook his hand, “I’m doing well.”

  Jody came waltzing up with Jeff. Cloe smiled and said, “See he really does exist!” Edwin shot her a strange look but Jody and her just laughed.

  Jody then leaned down to her “Who are the others?”

  Tensing slightly, Cloe answered, “Just friends crashing the party.”

  “You keep expensive company.” Jody laughed nervously. She had no idea.

  “You know the whole place is talking about you. They recognize you but no one else. Of course they wouldn’t know they don’t even go here.” She smiled at that.

  “You look like you are on fire with all your sparkles. You outshine everyone. I’m jealous.” but Jody smiled sweetly to tell her she wasn’t at all jealous.

  “You look beautiful Jody and Jeff is very handsome man.”

  “Yes he is, isn’t he?” Jody answered dreamily. It looks like love was in the air. When the music started Edwin pulled her up to dance. All the others followed saying, “Finally.” It was great when the song we had previously practiced our moves played. All the girls in our group got in a line and started our steps. At the appropriate time the boys joined in. It was exhilarating. The whole dance floor had cleared as to watch us. As usual when Edwin swung her around she put her head back and laughed. She loved letting go, it was like flying.

  Edwin whispered, “These damn masks, I want to kiss you so badly right now. When you laugh like that it puts fire through me.” She laughed again, this time wickedly. Edwin was good for the most part. His hands did wander a little bit, but otherwise he behaved. When the song changed to a slower tempo, Edwin became anxious.

  She knew how he felt. She wanted to kiss him too but the masks would make it awkward at best. The next thing she knew Cloe was being dragged into a small corner that was very dark. He pulled his mask up and started kissing her. She was sliding down the wall when he pulled away, pulling his mask down quickly. She looked at him questionably when she noticed a teacher standing nearby saying “You need to return to your table please.” Oh…that was embarrassing. Cloe giggled and he just smiled at me.

  “When you turn 18, you’ll never have to worry about that again,” he whispered in her ear. She wondered what turning 18 had anything to do with it. She would still be in school with a couple months left until she graduated.

  A little bit later Christine and Sandra came up to Edwin and I.

  “Where’s the little bitch?” Christine asked.

  I knew instantly who they were referring to. She pointed her out.

  They both simultaneously said “figures.”

  “Come on Cloe, you won’t want to miss this.”

  Cloe looked at Edwin questionably but he waved her on.

  Walking between Sandra and Christine was surreal. They were movie stars, beautiful, posed, rich. Cloe was non of those things. It didn’t help that every eye followed them as they walked. They slowly made our way over to the popular group section. All of Cloe’s insecurities pounded through her. She didn’t feel like being harassed tonight. It was a perfect night and she didn’t want it ruined. Christine had a cup of red punch in her hand and she began swinging around as if she was drunk. Before Cloe knew it, Christine bumped into Britney dumping the punch right down her dress. Christine, the very excellent actoress, looked so dismayed, “Oh my GOD, did I do that?” Then she busted out laughing. Britney went ballistic and tried to slap Christine but Sandra was too quick. She grabbed her wrist and said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. She knows some pretty powerful lawyers who will sue you and your parents until they are bled dry.” Britney looked at them appalled. She twirled around obviously looking something to throw back at Christine but Penelope materialized out of nowhere. “No, I don’t think you want to do that, either. See these are one of a kind designer dresses that if you ruin, you’ll be sued. They are like a car, insured and expensive, however if they can put the neglect on someone else, the insurance company will go after you and your parents.”

  God her friends were so cool and brilliant. She had no idea if that was true or not but all that mattered is neither did Britney.

  Britney sat there like a dumb broken Barbie doll with punch down her gown. She sputtered out, “WHO the hell are you? I don’t remember seeing you go to this school”

  “We are friends o
f Cloe’s. If you ever so much as look at her, you’ll regret for the rest of your life.” Christine said.

  With that they all turned, walking back to the table.

  When a slow dance started Edwin and Cloe went out to the dance floor. They were trying hard to behave when Christoph stopped us.

  “We’ve got to go,” Christoph said as he looked around.

  “Why?” Edwin asked.

  “Someone has reported that they don’t know us and that we have crashed the party. Before things get out of hand we need to leave.”

  Cloe nodded. She was done anyway. We gathered everyone up and made our way out. We waved at Britney on the way out. She was looking smugly and her suspicious proved correct. She was the snitch.

  They decided to go to the club again. Sandra switched masks with her so her face would be more disguised. They danced until the early morning and made our way back home at daybreak.

  Prom would be something I would remember forever and it seemed life was perfect. But sometimes when the sea is calm, it is because the biggest tsunami of all is about to swallow us all whole.

  -Cloe’s Diary

  Chapter 28

  The End, or is it the beginning? The weekend was uneventful and peaceful. Edwin had to work so she stayed home reading and what amounted to a whole lot of nothing. She was still pretty exhausted from the excitement of prom night.

  When Monday rolled around she didn’t want to go to school. She had to remind herself that it was not much longer until she would be through with it all. Only a month until spring break and her 18th birthday was just around the corner. She kissed her very sleepy Edwin and met Cole and Kim outside. She had made arrangements with Cole the night before when she knew Edwin had a late night. Kim chatted excited about prom and how cool it was all the way to school.

  Jeff walked us to our classes and her mind wandered. Her woolgathering continued way into forth period. She was having a particular good daydream about Edwin when it was interrupted by a knock on the classroom door. A person presented the teacher with a note. With the prom and Britney, Cloe held her breath. When the teacher looked at her, Cloe’s stomach began to feel sick.


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