Clash of Alliances

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Clash of Alliances Page 10

by Pierre Dimaculangan

  ​“Do you truly think they are the answer we have long awaited, White Wasp? They are the bringers of the new world?” asked Jade Lotus, the commander of her personal elite female guards. Her voice was muffled underneath the thick black mask that covered the ugly scars around her mouth.

  ​“Yes, I believe they are, sister. My father would have been proud if he saw how far we have come,” Fa Lien answered. “It is these crooked eunuchs from the emperor’s court that I do not trust. Their very presence unnerves me and I do not understand why the Pale Ones have entrusted the management of our preparations to them.”

  ​“Representatives and many fighters from the other sects are here. Crimson Moon, the Iron Dragon School, warlord Li Hong, Crimson Moon, and Serpent’s Eye to name a few are gathered in west main hall. Perhaps the eunuchs were sent to ensure the efficiency of our preparations and prevent the delays caused by our petty rivalries,” Jade Lotus replied.

  ​“Maybe, but it brings me great discomfort to see them in our midst, walking around like they know better,” expressed Fa Lien. “Just look at them. They are barely themselves, and they look diseased. As if losing their manhood was not enough insult to inflict on their bodies.”

  ​“It’s the drug the Pale Ones have gifted to them. They have grown greatly addicted to it. The side-effects are unattractive and they have become their unquestioning lap-dogs.”

  ​“They are also traitors. Eunuchs are known to be most deceitful and cunning. They always have another agendum, something else under their sleeves. This is all the more reason to suspect them. The sect representatives await my presence in the hall and a discussion of strategy for the impending battle is urgent. In the meantime keep a very close eye on the eunuchs.” She turned and walked away but paused mid-stride. “In fact, I have a task for you: learn everything you can about what the Pale Ones are planning with these half-male eunuchs. There is something more happening beneath the surface and I think we will find it with a little digging. Do remain undetected, Lotus. The last thing we need is a civil war,” Fa Lien commanded.

  ​“Count on it, White Wasp. They have set up office in the lower chambers on the other side of the city. I will begin my investigation there.”

  ​“Do it, and be swift and silent.”

  ​Jade Lotus bowed and rushed through the tunnels and passageways to proceed with the investigation. Fa Lien and a handful of her heavily-armed female guards made their way to greet the representatives from several powerful organizations including the masters of the sects waiting in the underground hall. She was greatly anxious about the meeting for she considered the other groups to be her bitter rivals rather than potential allies. The Shan Gui’s history with them in the past several centuries was more turbulent than peaceful. Bringing them in to the Shan Gui’s secret stronghold would have been unthinkable under ordinary circumstances but it was a risk she was willing to take for the realization of her order’s vision. They all shared one thing in common—they wanted to see the Ming Dynasty destroyed.

  ​She unbarred the large doors that led to the main vault where the sect masters and many of their trusted guards waited. Fa Lien proceeded toward the platform that overlooked the rest of the hall and welcomed them.

  ​“It is a great honor to have the strongest of the Underworld finally together in one place, allied for a common goal. As our armies converge in this sacred place deep beneath the surface, I bid you welcome to the underground fortress of the Ghosts of the Mountain,” she said. Together, the sect leaders and masters bowed and saluted her. She gathered them around a large, elongated table at the center of the hall to begin discussing in full the plans and strategies of the Terukk and their role in the realization of a new world. The meeting was most historic. The council of the Crimson Moon sect stood to her right, temple priests from the Serpent’s Eye stood on her left, and across the table on the other end stood Li Hong, a wealthy and greatly powerful warlord whose influence and infamy extended to other nations. He commanded a formidable force of elite mercenaries gathered from the far-flung kingdoms that stood along the famed trade routes. Also in their midst was the Master Zhuang, master of the Iron Dragon martial arts school, a school that had been banned in the Middle Kingdom for five hundred years for its barbarity and for its practice of human sacrifice.

  ​“The time has finally arrived. The great war between the sects and the Ming Dynasty is nigh, and we have gathered here to discuss the great siege that will land a crippling blow to the empire. First, it is important that I inform you, allies, and those eunuchs who have defected from the Ming court, have been charged with the management of our operations. This was not my decision. The Pale Ones who have organized our very alliance wish that we cooperate with the eunuchs. They are most familiar with the Ming government… and the emperor’s palace,” she said as she narrowed her eyes at each one of them. Murmurs and groans filled the hall, and there was a reaction of disapproval from the gathering.

  ​“Eunuchs??” questioned Li Hong as he stood from his seat. His brocade robes and custom armor sparkled in the dim torchlights. “You brought dogs from the government into your stronghold!?”

  ​“Were it up to me, these eunuch government dogs would have already been dead. Their presence is of the Pale Foreigners’ choosing. We have no choice but to cooperate if we want to see the war set into full motion,” Fa Lien answered him with a steely gaze. “They are knowledgeable of the Ming’s secret workings and current state. They could prove to be greatly invaluable to our campaign. One can only wait and see.”

  ​A delayed clap…clap…clap emerged from behind the gathering. The eunuch Liu Jin made an appearance in the hall and walked toward them with an arrogant smirk on his face. The other seven eunuchs followed close behind and took positions at the head of the hall. Everyone present turned to face them, ready to give their full attention to his boyish voice.

  ​“White Wasp speaks the truth. Do not deceive yourselves. I am not here that I may undo all that for which you strive. I, like you, desire to witness the creation of a new world forged from the hammer and anvil of the Terukk. If we work together, we will see it come to fruition.”

  ​“And what, pray tell, do the Pale Ones have in mind?” hissed one of the Serpent’s Eye priests with a ghastly and husky voice. His face was obscured in complete darkness underneath a large cowl of busy designs and patterns. Liu laughed devilishly with excitement.

  ​“I am very glad you asked, priest,” said Liu Jin. He paused for a moment to insert his hands into his sleeves. “We will attack the capital and hold the imperial army long enough to raid the Emperor’s palace, the Forbidden City… and capture him.” Gasps and murmurs once again filled the hall.

  ​“Capture? Why not just kill him on the spot and land a grievous blow to the Ming?” they asked.

  ​Li Hong stood and slammed his fist onto the table. “You have lost your mind to the filth you have been consuming. It has warped your ability to use common sense more than it has perverted your appearance!” he exclaimed. “Attacking the capital is suicide! Even if we outnumbered them two to one, we cannot match Ming artillery and armor. Their cannons and arrows will obliterate our forces long before we can get within archer’s range of its walls. And I suppose you have an even better plan as to how we will even get near the emperor’s palace? The Imperial District is lined with monumental guard towers. We will be shot down or cut down long before we can step foot onto the moat and gates.”

  ​“Ah, but you forget, my friend, that the art of war is deception. Let us just say that there are those among us with enough intellect to have thought of that already, warlord. The Ming army will not be a problem, as you will soon learn, and the gates of the Imperial District and the palace itself will be opened for us just in time,” Liu assured him. “Yes, it is true that the Ming army surrounds the capital. Ordinarily, we will be shot down and destroyed long before any of us can get within ten li of the city. They are fresh and have been recently retrained and resupplied with new weap
ons. Fortunately, there is a solution.” Liu Jin grinned sinisterly from ear to ear and could not help but snicker for a few moments.

  ​“Spit it out and get on with it, eunuch, or I will free your head from your pathetic shoulders,” growled one of the Serpent’s Eye priests. Before the eunuch could answer, yet another guest made his way into the hall. His greave-covered boots carried his hefty frame and thudded on the stone path with each stride. He was cloaked in dark red and was remarkably taller than all the others in the room and carried with him a very intimidating presence. All turned their heads to redirect their attention to him. Kurr stood before the gathering at the head of the hall and removed his cowl to reveal his threatening, ivory-white face and bright red eyes. Murmurs and whispers of surprise and curiosity were exchanged between the representatives of the Underworld. Kurr looked to them with a condescending stare and smug expression on his cold, icy face. With his guttural voice and heavy foreign accent, he continued Liu Jin’s address.

  ​“To lay siege to the capital requires a vast army, one much larger than even your allied armies could provide. To be seamless and successful, it requires soldiers of special kind— ones that feel no pain, exhaustion, fear or anguish. Such an army would be completely devoid of emotion and would be expendable yet easily replenished. Such a fighting force would be worthy to herald the great invasions of the north.” Excited sounds of approval came from the gathering, and they took great interest in the proposal.

  ​“Ah, it is just as I suspect. What you speak of requires a power that we of the Crimson Moon do not possess. Even some arts are considered taboo in the family,” hissed one of the Crimson Moon agents who perched on a large stone pillar overlooking the hall. His long black and red robes gave him a ghostly appearance as they draped over the stone structure menacingly.

  ​“Wait a moment. Jiangshi?? You are speaking of Jiangshi, aren’t you? Are we children that you’d mock us with such a proposition? Even the most superstitious among us cannot believe such things are remotely possible. An army? Of Jiangshi? Now that is absolutely comical,” expressed Fa Lien.

  ​“You are mistaken, White Wasp. I have already made arrangements for their attack on the capital. I have discovered the one who has attained such blessed ability to summon them,” Kurr grinned; his sharp canine teeth glistened in the hall’s warm lighting. Reactions of astonishment and disbelief could be seen and heard among the dozens gathered.

  ​Liu Jin unrolled a large sheet of paper which mapped and outlined the capital of Beijing and laid it upon the table’s surface for all to see. The Outer City district extended south of the Inner City district. The Inner City district encompassed the walled Imperial District which housed the Forbidden City palace. Six gates guarded the entry into the Imperial City district. Liu Jin looked to the leaders present and continued the presentation.

  ​ “In a fortnight and seven days, you will disperse several hundred of your soldiers among the refugees to infiltrate the capital in secret and make your way toward the Inner District through the gates located here and here. By nightfall of the eighteenth day, the unholy army will begin the attack and push through toward the city in massive swarms and like an avalanche, plow through the resistance from all cardinal directions and overwhelm the troops stationed there. The refugees will have no choice but to push inward deeper into the city. Your mercenaries will have already been planted there. Weapons will be made available for you prior to the siege in the palace. The Imperial District and Forbidden City gates will still be sealed and its walls heavily defended but as previously mentioned, we have a solution that will allow our armies’ entry.” Liu Jin chuckled and laughed. Kurr continued with the presentation.

  ​“The Jiangshi cannot tolerate the light of the sun. At dawn the creatures will retreat into darkness and the Ming army will be battered and bruised. As it attempts to recover thinking they have succeeded in defending the city, the full force of our armies will charge on mount and foot to crush their weakened defenses, shatter and storm the city gates with the Terukk beasts and bring chaos and mayhem into the capital long enough for us to enter the palace, and take the emperor by force. The troops will be far too occupied with fighting in the streets to fully recognize our true aim. Li Hong’s forces, already deep inside the city, will storm through the opened palace gates with me to keep their warriors and guards busy while I will capture the emperor… and lure the ones who pose the greatest threat to our campaign. I will destroy the one whom you call the ‘Wandering Wolf’ and this pathetic meddling prophet who fights against us in spirit. The deaths of all three are giant steps to bring us closer to victory. After this is done, we will retract and the defending troops will be unable to give chase,” Kurr continued. “Though they have increased their defenses, they will not be expecting such a massive lighting siege. I have heard many a tale; I hear the swordsman has been an excruciating arrow in your knee for quite some time. I will finish what many of you could not for so many years: actually kill him.”

  ​“The wandering swordsman…” Fa Lien whispered to herself. Her eyes widened upon hearing Kurr speak. Her face fell into a deep expression of reminiscence. She wanted to be pleased with the battle plans but she could not bring herself to rejoice with the strategy like the rest of them.

  ​“We’re going to attack the capital and engage the Ming Army in full force just to take the emperor and kill two men? Two men!? And what makes you think you could do what the best of us could not, Snow Skin?” Li Hong said.

  ​Kurr stared at him blankly and merely lifted a hand. “Do not be so naïve, Hong. The Wandering Wolf and that Sage have the potential to completely avert our efforts. Their deaths will secure the success of our campaign. The attack will also serve to cripple their forces and greatly demoralize their soldiers, leaving them ripe for an easy invasion. Conquest of the capital is the beginning of the conquest of the whole Ming Empire,” Kurr answered. He repositioned his stance and waved for him to attack with a taunting gesture. “Strike at me if you can and I will demonstrate how I will do it,” he taunted. Li Hong scoffed, laughed, and spat into the ground as he unsheathed his broadsword. He leaped onto the table and charged with his weapon ready to swing. The blade came no further from his stance, however. Kurr grasped his arm, wrenched his wrist to release the weapon from his grip, and grabbed Li Hong by the throat. With one arm and but the slightest effort, Kurr lifted the large warlord up and off his feet. One of the most dangerous and notorious men in the Middle Kingdom was being handled like he were nothing more than a sack of vegetables. Li Hong struggled to pry the cold, vice-like grip from his throat as he choked and gagged; his face swelled and turned from red to purple. Before he could lose consciousness, Kurr released him from his grasp and let him fall to the dusty ground. Li Hong coughed and wheezed uncontrollably.

  ​“Dost thou still doubt my ability?” growled Kurr.

  ​“Well, cough let us get in with it then, shall we?” strained Li Hong as he massaged his throat and coughed some more. “My mercenaries will be happy to participate in this operation. I have five hundred of my best ready to besiege the palace and depart at a moment’s notice.”

  ​“Good. Very good. I shall make arrangements to have your men smuggled into the city before the siege shall take place. As a gesture of appreciation for your devotion to this cause, I have a gift to impart unto your fighting men,” said Kurr. He tossed him a large bottle of the Terukk potion. “The formula has been enhanced to better suit our purposes. Have each of your men take one taste and they will become a little more like… hmm… me,” he said baring his fangs. “Enjoy speed, strength, and unmatched ferocity without the loss of mental ability. You may find yourself grossly fond of it.”

  ​“Then I shall administer this to my men straightaway,” Li Hong chuckled nervously as he stood to his feet.

  ​The sects represented in the gathering proceeded to prepare their ‘armies’ for the upcoming war. The capital was the biggest prize of all and they finally had the means to penetrate
its defenses so they might take the emperor by force that and lure the greatest threat to them all: Sun Xin the Wandering Wolf.

  ​“Keep that ‘medicine’ to yourself,” growled one of the members of the Crimson Moon sect. “We are not ill that we require a remedy. Our mastery of vital qi energy will suffice.”

  ​“Suit yourself. There’s more for my army then,” Li Hong replied.

  ​“Prepare your forces and mobilize the horned beasts that will destroy the outer city gates. Not even their cavalry will be able to defend against the juggernaut creatures,” hissed Kurr with an evil grin.

  ​Like ants, several thousand Shan Gui agents from throughout the provinces poured through the large underground tunnels that led to their ancient stronghold city. It spread like roots far beneath the earth and into the belly of the mountains. Kurr made his exit through the iron gates embedded into the mountain’s slope and proceeded north in order to begin the preparations for the Middle Kingdom’s revolution. If the gates of the Imperial District and the palace were to open, someone from the inside had to make it happen.

  ​Kurr proceeded deep into the remote wilderness country for deep meditation. His presence caused quite a stir among the trees and hills, a kind of stir that caused silence, stillness, and a deep cold. A spot between the trees and hills provided the perfect location for meditation. With crossed legs and hands and fingers brought together in formation, he rolled back his eyes and recited a throaty incantation to initiate his communion.

  ​Voices whispered and hissed through his ears, but there were none else who could discern them for the words he himself uttered were meant for him and only him. Out from the mouth of Kurr, the words were spoken.


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