The Age of Knights and Highlanders: A Series Starter Collection

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The Age of Knights and Highlanders: A Series Starter Collection Page 53

by Kathryn Le Veque

  As she reached the top, she found Ancel lurking about, a worried look upon his face.

  “Where were you, Mother?”

  Setting down the lantern, Merryn drew the boy to her in a tight embrace and kissed the top of his head. “I found your father, Ancel, but I must go for help.”

  Eagerness sprang to his face. “I can help!”

  She smoothed his hair. “Not now, little love. Go find Alys and play with her.”

  Merryn hurried down the hallway and left the keep. She saw Raynor striding across the bailey and Hugh accompanied him.

  “I found him,” she called out, rushing toward them. Briefly explaining, she watched both men’s anger rise as she spoke.

  “I will kill Symond Benedict,” Raynor ground out.

  “You might want to leave that to Geoffrey. I believe he will take great pleasure in doing so. Go and find Gilbert. We need several men to break through the bars. I’m sure Geoffrey will want to ride out as soon as he’s freed, so have Gilbert ready the men, as well.”

  Her brother nodded grimly. “I had come to see how you fared after the king’s visit. I cannot believe this ghastly business.” Hugh placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “I’ll return to Wellbury immediately and ready a hundred men. We will ride with Geoffrey’s men in a show of support.”

  “Thank you, Hugh. That would mean a great deal to him.” To Raynor, she said, “Bring several torches when you come.”

  Both Hugh and Raynor took off. Merryn went to the kitchens and grabbed a hunk of cheese, along with some bread and two roasted chicken legs. She set them on a tray and thought to bring a pitcher of ale, too. She knew it had been many hours since Geoffrey ate or drank anything. He would need his strength to go after Symond Benedict.

  Merryn reached the entrance to the dungeons. It did not surprise her to see her son awaited her. She balanced the tray against her waist as he lifted the lantern, but Ancel told her he would carry it. Her son silently fell into step with her as they descended the long flight of stone stairs to the dungeon. She decided not to hide anything from the boy. He must know what wickedness had occurred and that his father would seek justice.

  They reached Geoffrey. Ancel set the lantern down at the edge of the bars. Merryn watched Geoffrey give his son an encouraging smile.

  “Why are you down here, Father?”

  “Because a very bad man locked me in a cell and took the key,” he rasped.

  “Sir Symond?”


  Ancel thought about that. “He wasn’t helping you last night? I saw you with him.”

  Geoffrey drew in a long breath and then expelled it. “Nay, Son. He attacked me as I left a chamber. I never saw him. He knocked me unconscious and brought me here.”

  “But he’s a knight!” Ancel cried. “He broke his word of honor.”

  Merryn’s heart hurt. Ancel was so young to learn that such evil existed in the world. Mayhap he would grow wiser at a young age, having been exposed to its existence.

  “He did break the code of chivalry. Most knights are good men and strive to honor their oath all the days of their service, but some allow greed to rise above the good they are pledged to do. Symond Benedict is one such man. He wanted something that was not his and decided he would do whatever it took to possess it.”

  “Kinwick?” the boy asked.

  “Aye. He thought if I was gone, then the king would give him the land and woman he coveted.”

  “He would have been my father,” Ancel whispered.

  Geoffrey placed his hands through the bars and rested them upon Ancel’s shoulders. “Nay. You are my son. You will always be my son. And I shall love you till I am an old man and your own sons run about, laughing and playing.”

  Merryn wiped away a tear at the thought. She sent a prayer up to the Heavenly Father, thanking Him that she’d found Geoffrey and that they would be able to grow old together.

  “I wasn’t sure if I wanted you to come back,” Ancel admitted.

  Geoffrey squeezed the boy’s shoulders gently. “I know. You have been the man of Kinwick and your mother’s protector. It’s hard to take on that responsibility at your young age and it’s even harder when you find it snatched from you.”

  “I’m sorry, Father,” Ancel said. He squared his shoulders. “I will help free you,” he declared.

  “We can use all the help we can get,” Gilbert called out.

  Merryn turned and saw a crew of Kinwick men arriving, armed with torches and poleaxes in hand.

  “Move away, lad,” Gilbert commanded. “We shall lay our axes to this iron and have your father out in no time.”

  “Should you hold fire to it first?” Geoffrey asked. “To weaken it?”

  “We can,” Raynor said. “Step back, Geoffrey.”

  “Let me give him something to eat first,” Merryn said, her womanly instincts taking over. She passed him the food and drink through the bars. “You will need your strength for when we leave Kinwick.”


  She grinned. “You don’t think I would remain behind?”

  He returned the smile. “I never doubted it.” He retreated to the rear of the cell and attacked the food with enthusiasm.

  Several men stepped up and held flames to the iron for some minutes before they took their poleaxes to task. The pounding continued for some time. Even Ancel tried to help, slamming his wooden sword into the bars, yelling for them to come down.

  “Careful, you don’t want your sword to break,” Merryn warned him.

  Ancel backed away and continued to watch the men work. Geoffrey finished his meal and moved again to the front of the cell. Merryn went to stand beside him. The bars separated their bodies, but their fingers entwined in unity.

  Finally, some of the iron began to give way. After much labor, enough bars were removed for Geoffrey to squeeze through the opening. She fell into his arms, smothering him with kisses.

  “Enough,” he told her and she knew it was only because so many of his men were present. “We must make ready to leave. Where was the royal progress heading next?”

  Raynor spoke up. “To the north of us. Lord Southwark’s estate.”

  “We can reach it in less than three hours’ time, my lord,” Gilbert said. “The men are ready when you are.”

  “Then fetch my armor. We leave immediately.”

  “I have a few things to pack,” she said. Her eyes narrowed. “Do not leave me behind,” she warned.

  Geoffrey gave her a swift kiss. “We will never be parted again. You shall tire of me following you about like a puppy.”

  Merryn kissed him back. “I would never tire of that, my lord,” she said pertly.

  She returned to the solar and packed a quick bag. She would prefer Geoffrey wash the dust of the road from himself and put on new clothing before speaking to the king. She doubted that would occur, but it never hurt to be prepared. She also slipped in a change of clothes for herself and a brush.

  Ancel appeared in the doorway as she picked up the bag.

  “I want to come, Mother. I need to help Father.”

  She knelt before him. “I know, my precious. But we are riding long and hard. You are not that skilled a rider just yet. And your father would protect you from what will occur at Lord Southwark’s.”

  His eyes grew round. “Will Father kill Sir Symond?”

  Merryn shrugged. “I do not know. First, we must speak to the king. He will decide what occurs since it involves one of his royal guardsmen.” She kissed both his cheeks. “Look after Alys. Be my good boy.”

  “I will,” he promised.

  Ancel followed her all the way to the stables, where her saddled horse awaited her. Geoffrey tied her bag to the horn and helped her mount Destiny before he swung up onto Mystery’s back. Ancel tugged on his father’s leg.

  “Come back,” the boy said.

  Geoffrey nodded solemnly. “I will. Till then, you are in charge of Kinwick. Be nice to Alys. We will see you soon.”

nbsp; With that, they turned their horses and left the inner bailey, riding to the outer one and then through the gates. Hugh’s retainers awaited them, the Mantel banner flying in the breeze. The de Montfort banner joined it and over two hundred soldiers rode away from Kinwick.

  They made swift time and arrived at Lord Southwick’s estate at dusk.

  “What business have you here?” called the gatekeeper from his tower watch.

  “I am Geoffrey de Montfort and my men are accompanied by my brother-in-law Hugh Mantel’s troops.”

  “I know the colors, my lord. You have been a visitor here before. But the king is being entertained.”

  “I have a great need to see the king.”

  “Let him in,” a voice called.

  The gatekeeper said, “Aye, Sir Alard.” He motioned to a man hidden from view and the gates began to widen.

  Merryn allowed Destiny to follow Mystery into Southwick. Sir Alard greeted them.

  “I am surprised to see you again so soon, my lord, my lady,” the knight said to them.

  “We have business with the king that cannot wait,” Geoffrey told him.

  “His majesty is supping now in the great hall. I assume ’tis a private matter you wish to discuss with him?”


  “Then if you and Lady Merryn will come with me, I will escort you to the solar and send word to the king that you await his presence.”

  “May my brother and cousin accompany us?” Merryn asked.

  The knight nodded. “As you wish, my lady.”

  The party of four followed the knight all the way to the keep. They left their horses and hurried up the stairs to enter the castle. Sir Alard found a serving wench and ordered her to escort them to the solar while he went to deliver their message in person.

  “Be patient,” the knight advised before he departed. “The king is not in the best frame of mind today.”

  Merryn’s stomach twisted. She had witnessed the swing of the pendulum regarding Edward’s shifting temperament. She hoped he would be happy to learn they were here, but she knew to anticipate the worst.

  They followed the serving maid upstairs. She seated them and offered them wine. Everyone abstained. Merryn knew the men wanted to keep their wits about them.

  The door slammed back against the wall, startling her. She watched the king of England enter, a sour look upon his face.

  Following closely on his heels was Sir Symond Benedict.

  Chapter 35

  Geoffrey rose and restrained himself from going for Symond Benedict’s throat. He rooted himself to the spot where he stood, his hands clenched in fists by his side. Merryn came to her feet and slipped a hand through the crook of his arm. Her touch calmed him.

  But his ire rose at the smirk on Benedict’s face.

  Four more royal guardsmen entered the room behind Benedict and fanned out. Edward glanced at the group gathered in the solar and threw himself into an empty chair. The king looked older than he had at Kinwick. Apparently, the visit at Southwark had not gone well.

  “What do you want?” he demanded, his foot tapping impatiently.

  “Sire, I have a grievous issue to speak to you about.” Geoffrey indicated the knights crowded into the solar. “It’s a private matter that you will wish to hear alone.”

  “So be it,” the king muttered grumpily. He waved a hand in front of him. “Away. To the hall.”

  The knights lost their defensive stance and filed out of the chamber.

  “You may want this one to remain.” Geoffrey pointed at Benedict, the last guardsmen in line.

  Edward frowned. “The man guards me. He’s neither adviser nor confessor. He may take his leave.”

  Benedict hesitated, hatred smoldering in his eyes as he looked at Geoffrey.

  “Your majesty, the matter concerns this knight and his unseemly behavior,” Geoffrey replied smoothly.

  The king studied the red-bearded guardsman a moment, interest sparking in his eyes. “So be it. Close the door and return to my side,” he commanded.

  Benedict did as his liege instructed. He pushed the heavy wooden door shut and came to stand next to Edward’s chair.

  Merryn’s hand tightened on Geoffrey’s arm. He gave her a reassuring glance and broke away from her, moving closer to the king.

  “To understand the significance of the matter, Sire, I must tell you a story. One which you asked of me, but I was not at liberty to speak of until now.”

  The king’s churlish mood instantly vanished. A ghost of a smile appeared upon his lips. He sat forward, eager to hear what Geoffrey had refused to discuss previously.

  “Go on.”

  “Before I continue, Sire, I must ask that what is said not leave this room. The one responsible is gone and no good would come of punishing the children for the sins of the father.”

  The king considered his words and then nodded sagely. “I will grant your request, Lord Geoffrey, because you have aroused my curiosity.” He looked up at Benedict. “Never speak of what you hear.”

  Geoffrey went in for the kill. “Oh, but this knight already knows what I want to share with you, Sire.”

  Edward whipped his head around. Confusion wrinkled his brow. “He knows? And yet you have not shared with me?” The king’s face grew red.

  “My story starts back in France,” Geoffrey began smoothly, ignoring the monarch’s rising anger.

  Briefly, he reminded the king of his role in bringing a traitor to justice before revealing the conversation he’d had with Lord Berold after Barrett’s execution for treason. Geoffrey explained how the nobleman told him he would one day make him suffer in a similar manner.

  Geoffrey recounted being pinned to a tree by an arrow and how his bride of less than a day went for help. Then he revealed how Berold’s men seized him and brought him to Winterbourne and how the earl murdered those two soldiers and left their bodies to rot.

  Finally, he shared the living nightmare of being the earl’s captive for over six and a half years.

  Edward slammed a fist upon the table next to him. “To think this occurred in my kingdom! Without my knowledge or consent.” His eyes narrowed as his voice became a low growl. “If Winterbourne were still alive, he’d be flayed and the hot bowels torn from his body and spilled to the ground. I’d remove his head and mount it upon a pike. It would remain atop the wall of the Tower and rot for twenty years.”

  The king sprang from his chair and began pacing the solar. Both Raynor and Hugh stepped back, allowing the path to be open. Edward marched back and forth for some minutes, mumbling to himself.

  Then he halted in front of Geoffrey. “And you do not wish vengeance upon the House of Winterbourne?”

  “Nay, Sire. Young Hardwin brought me food and visited me many times over the years without his father’s knowledge. Once Lord Berold died, Hardwin freed me.”

  Understanding flashed in Edward’s eyes. “But the cost of freedom was your sworn oath of silence regarding what his father did.”

  Geoffrey nodded, not trusting his voice. It had already been hard to describe the unspeakable things that had occurred, in front of family he loved and the king that he served.

  The monarch placed a hand upon Geoffrey’s shoulder. “You are a better man than most, Geoffrey de Montfort. I do not know many who would have suffered in silence as you have, nor one who had the fortitude to hold true to his word.” The king paused, and Geoffrey saw him trying to put the pieces together.

  “But you say my guardsman knows of this? How—”

  Merryn stepped forward. “The new earl confessed everything to me when I cared for his injuries from the joust, Sire. Sir Symond was in the room, guarding the earl as you had ordered.” Her mouth hardened. “But he stood in the shadows. I doubt Hardie realized he was there. I know I did not.”

  The king looked puzzled. “How does this concern me?”

  Geoffrey took Merryn’s hand. As their fingers laced together, he sensed the love and strength pour from her into him, givi
ng him the courage to continue.

  “I came to the solar immediately after Hardie’s confession, Sire. Merryn and I talked of the unfortunate circumstances.” He tossed his head at Benedict. “He would have heard our entire conversation.”

  Edward waved a hand dismissively. “So my royal guardsman is an eavesdropper. Has he spread the news of your tale around? Is this his unspeakable behavior? Gossip?” He looked at Benedict, who remained stoically silent.

  “Nay, Sire,” Geoffrey continued. “He did much worse. Symond Benedict waylaid me and knocked me unconscious. I awoke—in my own dungeon.”

  The king jumped in reaction to his words. He stumbled to a nearby chair and fell into it, his jaw slack.

  “You had promised Merryn in marriage to this knight, thinking I was dead,” Geoffrey continued. “My return ruined those plans. But Symond Benedict decided he wanted Kinwick—and my wife. He would do anything to obtain the two things he most desired.”

  Geoffrey looked from Symond to the king. “Symond Benedict imprisoned me in my own home and left me to die. Benedict knew if you’d once granted him the right to Kinwick, you would do so again. He assured me he would soon be Merryn’s husband.”

  Silence hung in the room.

  And then Symond Benedict burst out in laughter.

  “You’ve spun a preposterous tale, de Montfort. I have no idea why you hold me in such utter contempt, other than I was to be husband to your lady and run your estates by the king’s command.” Benedict stroked his bushy, red beard. “But to think I would do such a beastly thing and cause Merryn so much suffering? ’Tis impossible.”

  Before Geoffrey could react to the monstrous liar, Merryn darted forward and slapped Symond Benedict. He spun half-around at the angry blow. He turned, blood dribbling from the corner of his mouth. And smiled.

  Geoffrey caught his wife in his arms and drew her away. She struggled, wanting to attack the dishonorable knight again.


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