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Darkfall Page 36

by M. L. Spencer

  Craghorns: mountains that border the Vale of Amberlie.

  Craig, Devlin: captain of Greystone Keep.

  Creek Hollow: town in the Vale of Amberlie.

  Cromm, Cedric: author of The Mysteries of Aerysius.

  Cummings, Chadwick: advisor to the King of Chamsbrey.

  Curse, the: term used to describe the darkening of the skies and earth of the Black Lands, as well as for the unusual weather patterns and electrical storms experienced in the region.

  dakura: ancient derogatory term used by the Jenn for the city-dwelling people of Caladorn.

  dampen: to shield a mage from sensing the magic field.

  damper: an object that has the ability to dampen a mage from sensing the magic field.

  darkmage: a mage who has made a compact with Xerys.

  Death’s Passage: see Catacombs.

  Desco: priest of Deshari.

  Desecration, the: the apocalyptic event that destroyed Caladorn by blackening the skies and the earth.

  destrier: various breeds of large warhorse.

  Eight, the: the Eight Servants of Xerys.

  elam: a writing stick

  Elessar: ancient warlord of the Omeyan Jenn.

  Emmery: Northern kingdom of the Rhen.

  Emmery Palace: the Queen’s palace in Rothscard.

  Enemy, the: collective name for inhabitants of the Black Lands.

  Everlasting Story: according to Harbingers, the ever-evolving story that chronicles all the events in the world.

  eye: area at the heart of a vortex where the lines of the magic field run almost parallel.

  Farbrook: town in the Vale of Amberlie.

  Faukravar, Godfrey: King of Chamsbrey, also known as the Vile Prince.

  field lines: currents of the magic field.

  Field of Tol-Ranier: ancient battle site near Auberdale.

  First Sentinel, the: see Braden Reis.

  First Among Many: in the combined legions of Malikar, second-in-command to the Warden of Battlemages. The highest ranking officer who is not a mage.

  Flynn, Tyrius: fourth tier Grand Master of the Order of Sentinels.

  Front, the: area bordering the Black Lands.

  Gannet: town in the Vale below Aerysius.

  Gateway: portal to the Netherworld.

  Glen Farquist: holy city in the Valley of the Gods.

  Goddess of the Eternal Requiem: statue of an aspect of the Goddess of Death; her face of Righteous Vengeance.

  Grand Master: any mage of the fourth tier or higher.

  Grand Resonance: theoretical acceleration of the magic field that produces a cataclysmic chain reaction.

  Great Lady: title of honor applied to any female Master or Grand Master.

  Great Master: title of honor applied to any male Master or Grand Master.

  Great Schism: separation between the Assemblies of mages and the ruling bodies of the temples.

  Greystone Keep: legendary fortress in the Pass of Lor-Gamorth.

  Hall of the Watchers: Stronghold of the mages of Aerysius, where exists Aerysius’ Circle of Convergence.

  Hannah, Arden: ancient Querer, now a Servant of Xerys.

  Hellpower: see Onslaught.

  Henley, Corban: formerly of the Vale, now a soldier of Greystone Keep.

  High Priest: title of the religious leader of one of the ten Holy Temples.

  hyphal artifact: an artifact that is grown instead of wrought.

  Ironguard Pass: passage from the Black Lands into the Rhen created by Aiden Lauchlin.

  Isap: Goddess of Death.

  Ishara: border town in the Black Lands, in the region once known as Skara.

  Isle of Titherry: Isle off the coast of the Rhen where exists the artifact known as Athera’s Crescent.

  Jenn: nomadic horse culture of the Cerulean Plains.

  Kateem, Khoresh: infamous Emperor who united all of Caladorn under a singular rule before the Desecration.

  Kayna: woman of the Jenn, wife of Ranoch.

  Khazahar Desert: arid region in the Black Lands that was once an expansive grassland.

  Krane, Cyrus: ancient Prime Warden of Aerysius, now a Servant of Xerys.

  Landry, Clement: Minister of State to the King of Chamsbrey.

  Larsen, Ellen: wife of Traver Larsen.

  Larsen, Traver: friend of Kyel Archer.

  Lauchlin, Aidan: first tier Master of the Order of Empiricists. Firstborn son of Gerald and Emelda Lauchlin.

  Lauchlin, Darien: second son of Gerald and Emelda Lauchlin.

  Lauchlin, Emelda: Prime Warden of Aerysius. First tier Master of the Order of Chancellors.

  Lauchlin, Gerald: father of Aidan and Darien Lauchlin, fourth tier Grand Master of the Order of Sentinels. Murdered by ritual immolation during the Battle of Meridan (deceased).

  lightfields: in the Black Lands, places where food is grown using light produced by mages called Lightweavers.

  Lightweaver: in the Black Lands, mages who have the ability to produce a color of magelight that mimics the full spectrum of the sun.

  Lyceum: ancient stronghold of the mages of Bryn Calazar.

  Lynnley: Kingdom of the Rhen.

  Mage’s Oath: see Oath of Harmony.

  magelight: magical illumination that takes on the hue of the mage’s signature color.

  magic field: source of magical energy that runs in lines of power over the earth.

  Maidenclaw: one of the two mountains that mark the entrance of the Black Lands.

  Malikar: modern name of the nation that was once Caladorn.

  Master: any mage; more specifically, a mage of the first through third tier.

  Meridan: see Battle of Meridan.

  motive character: in an artifact, the ability to create a force that produces motion.

  Mountains of Cedar: ancient name for the Shadowspear Mountains, before the Desecration. Sajar-Asharu in Venthic.

  Mysteries of Aerysius, The: authoritative text on the subject of the Masters of Aerysius.

  nach’tier: word for darkmage in the language of the Enemy.

  Natural Law: law that governs the workings of the universe that can be strained by the application of magic, but never broken.

  necrator: demonic creature that renders a mage powerless in its presence.

  Nelle, Lynnea: first tier Master of the Order of Querers.

  Netherworld: realm of Xerys, God of Chaos.

  Newell, Alexa: serving girl in Creek Hollow.

  node: place where the lines of the magic field come together in parallel direction but opposite in energy and cancel out.

  Nordric, Ezras: fifth tier Grand Master of the Order of Sentinels.

  Norengail, Romana: Queen of Emmery.

  North, the: the Northern kingdoms of the Rhen, including Emmery, Chamsbrey and Lynnley.

  Nym: ancient river in the Black Lands once considered sacred.

  Oath of Harmony: oath taken by every Master of Aerysius to do no harm, symbolized by a chain-like marking on the right wrist.

  Oblivion: outcome for a soul who is denied entry into both the Atrament and the Netherworld, which results in the complete destruction of that soul and the denial of eternity.

  Omeyan Clan: ancient clan of the Jenn led by Elessar.

  Onslaught: the corrupt power of the netherworld, also known as the Hellfire.

  orders: different schools of magic.

  Orguleth: one of the two mountains that mark the entrance to the Black Lands. Also called the Spire of Orguleth.

  Orien Oathbreaker: infamous Grand Master who used the Circle of Convergence on Orien’s Finger to turn back the Third Invasion almost single-handedly.

  Orien’s Finger: crag on the edge of the Cerulean Plains where Orien Oathbreaker made his stand.

  Qadir, Sareen: ancient Querer and one the Eight Servants of Xerys .

  Qul: village in the Khazahar Desert in the Black Lands.

  Pass of Lor-Gamorth: pass through the Shadowspear Mountains that guards the border of the Black Lands.

  Penthos, Luther: High Priest of the Temple of Death.

  potential: ability in a person to sense the magic field.

  Pratson, Blake: Mayor of Wolden.

  Prime Warden: leader of the Assembly of the Hall. Literally, the ‘First Guardian’ of the Rhen.

  Proctor, Garret: legendary Force Commander of Greystone Keep.

  Raising: Rite of Transference, during which an acolyte inherits the legacy of power from another mage.

  Rakkah: the final test of an apprentice Battlemage

  Ranoch: man of the Jenn, husband of Kayna.

  Reis, Braden: ancient Caladornian Battlemage who was executed for treason against the Assembly of the Lyceum. Founder of the Oath of Harmony and the Order of Sentinels.

  Reis, Quinlan: ancient Arcanist and brother of Braden Reis. One of the Eight Servants of Xerys.

  Remzi, Devrim: ancient first tier Master of the Order of Empiricists who wrote Treatise on the Well of Tears.

  Renquist, Zavier: ancient Prime Warden of the Lyceum, now a Servant of Xerys.

  Rhen: name of the collective kingdoms south of the Black Lands.

  Rhenic: common language spoken throughout the kingdoms of the Rhen.

  rika: ceremonial beverage served by the people of the Khazahar during times of celebration or times of woe.

  Rothscard: capital city of Emmery.

  Royce, Sutton: captain of Greystone Keep and Guild blademaster.

  saturation: Battlemage tactic of overloading with magical power in anticipation of creating an enormous discharge of force.

  Sayeed son of Alborz: Zakai of the Tanisar corps at Tokashi Palace.

  School of Arms: see Arms Guild.

  Seleni, Naia: priestess of Death.

  sensitive: ability in some people to detect the emotions of others. Not dependent on the magic field, and not limited to mages.

  Sentinels: order of mages chartered with the defense of the Rhen.

  Shadowspears: mountains that border the Black Lands.

  sharaq: ancient system of honor code of the Black Lands.

  Silver Star: symbol of the Masters of Aerysius, indicative of the focus lines of the Circles of Convergence.

  Skara: ancient city in the Black Lands that was destroyed during the Desecration.

  Soulstone: ancient artifact that is a storage receptacle for a dying mage’s legacy.

  South, the: Southern kingdoms of the Rhen, including Creston, Gandrish, and Farley.

  Spire of the Hall: tower of the Hall of the Watchers where the Masters keep their residence.

  Strictures of Death: laws of Death.

  Structural Resonance: acceleration of the magic field that produces a harmonic instability in the field capable of destroying large structures.

  Superposition: within a vortex, where several lines of the magic field combine and produce a vast well of power.

  Swain, Nigel: Guild blademaster, formerly Captain of the Guard in Aerysius, currently Captain of the Guard in Rothscard.

  Tanisar corps: legions of highly disciplined elite infantry units of the Khazahar.

  Tarkendar: breed of destrier, or warhorse.

  Tarpen, Wade: soldier of Greystone Keep.

  temples: various sects of worship. Each temple is devoted to a particular deity of the pantheon.

  thanacryst: demonic creature that feeds off a mage’s gift.

  thar’tier: word for Battlemage in the language of the Enemy.

  Thar’gon: magical talisman carried by Byron Connel that is the symbol of the Warden of Battlemages of the Lyceum.

  tier: additive levels of power among Masters. The higher a Master’s tier, the greater that person’s ability to strain the limits of Natural Law.

  Tokashi Palace: fortress in the north of the Black Lands.

  Torrence, Edric: third tier Master, also known as the Bird Man to the local peasants.

  transfer portal: ancient system of artifacts capable of transferring a person to various locations.

  Transference: process by which an acolyte inherits the legacy of power from another mage, resulting in the death of the Master who gives up his or her ability.

  Treaton, Lance: Minister of the Treasury to the King of Chamsbrey.

  Trial of Consideration: rite by which the potential to perceive the magic field is tested in a person.

  Tsula daughter of Mundi: ancient Warden of Harbingers.

  Ul-Calazi, Masil: general of the army of Bryn Calazar.

  Ulric: soldier of Greystone Keep.

  Unbinding: the act of forswearing the Oath of Harmony.

  Valdivora: blade carried by Khoresh Kateem in the Battle of Harmudi.

  Vale of Amberlie: long, narrow valley in the North.

  Valley of the Gods: valley where exists the holy city of Glen Farquist.

  Venthic: the language of the Enemy.

  versions: according to Harbingers, possibilities of the future, as read by Athera’s Crescent.

  Vile Prince: see Faukravar, Godfrey.

  Vintgar: ancient ice fortress and source of the River Nym.

  vortex: cyclone of power where the lines of the magic field superimpose and become vastly intense.

  Well of Tears: well that unlocks the gateway to the Netherworld.

  Wellingford, Malcolm: soldier of the Northern Army of Chamsbrey.

  Withersby, Meiran: sixth tier Grand Master of the Order of Querers.

  Wolden: town in the North, in the Kingdom of Emmery.

  Xerys: God of Chaos and Lord of the Netherworld.

  Xerys’ Pedestal: ancient name of Orien’s Finger.

  yurt: a portable, round lodge or tent covered in felt used as dwellings by the Jenn.

  Zakai: officers of the Tanisar corps that form their own distinctive social class.

  Zanikar: magical sword and artifact created by Quinlan Reis.

  The Orders of Mages

  Order of Arcanists: order of mages chartered with the study and creation of artifacts and heirlooms of power.

  Order of Architects: order of mages chartered with the construction of magical infrastructure.

  Order of Battlemages: ancient order of mages who accompanied armies into battle before the Oath of Harmony.

  Order of Chancellors: order of mages chartered with the governance of the Assembly.

  Order of Empiricists: order of mages chartered with the theoretical study of the magic field, its laws and principles.

  Order of Harbingers: order of mages chartered with maintaining watch over Athera’s Crescent.

  Order of Naturalists: order of mages chartered with the study of Natural Law.

  Order of Querers: order of mages chartered with practical applications of the magic field.




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