Blade (A Steele Riders MC Book 8)

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Blade (A Steele Riders MC Book 8) Page 8

by C. M. Steele

  “Bitch, don’t ever try to push me away again.” His hand squeezes my left one hard. I feel the cold metal as he attempts to slide a ring on my finger, but I’m not having it. I fight him, and then I feel the pain in my finger and wrist. I don’t know how bad it is, but I know that I have to try and wrestle out of this before he kills me. I can’t see this ending in a good way.

  He continues to hit me and then tugs on my clothes. Scrambling, I barely make it out of his grasp when he pulls out a knife, slicing me on the arm. He doesn’t stop there as his attack continues. It isn’t until I hear a noise and he lets off just a bit that I can finally break free. I kick him in the nuts and send him to the ground, only to see Anthony grabbing him by the throat.

  “Jules, honey? Are you okay?” I startle out of my thoughts to see my mother-in-law and Roxie in our bedroom.

  “Sorry. I didn’t hear you come in.”

  She swipes a tear off my cheek that I didn’t know I’d shed. “We didn’t mean to rush in, but we could hear you crying.”

  “I guess I’m not as good as I thought I was.” I look at my hand.

  “I’m going to call my brother.”

  “Oh, no. Don’t, please. I’m fine. I want to marry him. It’s just…seeing my hand reminded me of the attack. It’s the first time that I let it play out in my head.”

  My mother-in-law hugs me. “Well, let’s wash away those ugly memories and make some beautiful ones.”

  “Thank you. The both of you. It’s absolutely wonderful to actually feel welcomed into your family.”

  “Ugh, I got here as quick as I could, but nursing a baby isn’t as easy as I thought,” Penny mutters, rushing through my open bedroom door. “Goodness,” she says, closing the door so no one hears her.

  “I’m fine, Pen. Just a little emotional.”

  "Well, girl, it's your wedding day, and we don't want Blade coming here dragging you down the aisle, so let's get you ready to be married."

  "Okay. Let's do this. I want to marry Anthony. I've been waiting for him for over eight months now. I have to have my man."

  "Good. I'll call in the makeup artist and photographer."

  "What? You hired all of these people?" I ask my sister-in-law.

  "Yes, girl. It's our wedding present to you and Anthony, so go wash your ass and let's get this show on the road." I shower in a hurry and climb out as Roxie brings me the pretty robe she picked out for me as a must-have for the wedding prep. I feel beautiful already, and we haven't even gotten to the hair and makeup.

  An hour later, I look in the mirror and smile back at myself. "Wow."

  "Girl, you were already gorgeous, but we're going to watch Anthony lose his mind. He's going to wish he took you to Vegas instead." I blush, thinking about how sexy I find his caveman tendencies.

  It’s time, and my uncle knocks on the door. “Are you ready?” I spin around and smile. “Yes. Please take me to my husband, Uncle Denver.”

  “You look like the perfect princess. We’re going to have to hold Blade back.”

  A limo takes us there while the Riders ride in front and back of us for protection in large, black-on-black SUVs. We’re not that far from the ranch so we didn’t need all this pomp and circumstance, but I’d been quickly overruled as if it wasn’t my wedding. Still, I do love it. I’ve never been this spoiled, and I eat it up. What I love most is that Anthony didn’t hesitate to get involved in all of this to make me happy.

  We pull into the road leading to the large barn where we’re going to have the ceremony, and the nerves kick in. Giggling, I cheer, “I’m getting married.”

  “That you are, and you look perfect,” my uncle says. The limo comes to a stop. With a smile, he adds, “Showtime.”

  He exits first before taking my hand and leading me to the entrance. The music begins as if the only thing holding up the wedding is me. I bow my head, blushing furiously. The doors open to a crowd of about sixty people. Many I’ve met, but my eyes are focused at the front on Anthony, who stands proudly with Jackson and Emiliano as his groomsmen. Roxie and Penny are my bridesmaids, and they both deserve the matron of honor title for the way they made this all come together.

  When I reach his side, I see Jackson finally releasing his hold on my man. “You’re too beautiful,” he utters, staring at me as if it’s just us two in the room, like those many times in the bakery when I swore it was just us.

  The ceremony passes in a blur because my heart’s pounding in my ears.

  Anthony cups my face as the officiant says, “You may kiss your bride.”

  “I love you, my precious Jules.”

  “I love you, husband.” Losing control at his new title, he growls and slams his mouth onto mine, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me roughly against his body. We kiss until cheers roar through the barn.

  “May I present Mr. and Mrs. Anthony and Julia Santini.”

  They cheer and clap with the photographer, getting lots of pictures. I cling to Anthony’s side as we make our way to the reception, which is at the clubhouse. Even though we had the wedding on the ranch, they wanted the reception somewhere safe given the recent climate in Steeleville. It’s a big reason Anthony kept me away. He says he’s afraid of losing me, and when I found out what happened with them while I was gone, I can imagine why he was scared to bring me into his world, but we’ve learned that my world can be just as dangerous.

  We take the limo back with just our driver. “Husband, I must say, you look incredible in a suit. I’m soaked at just the sight of you.” He takes my hand and rubs it on his throbbing bulge.

  “This is what you do to me all the time, baby. I’d take you here if I knew we couldn’t be heard, but I’ll wait like a good boy.”

  “Well, cover your mouth because I want to be a bad girl.” I bend down and free his cock from his slacks.

  Chapter Eleven


  The need to fuck her pretty mouth is more than I can take. I grab her perfect hair and pump upward into my wife’s slender throat, making her gag and then relaxing just enough to let her breathe before filling her again. She chokes, salivating all over my shaft while she reaches down under her dress. The sight is too much for me.

  “I’m going to come,” I grunt, lifting her slightly off my cock to give her a warning, but she doubles down, cupping my balls and sucking hard. “You’re trying to drain me dry, baby.” She moans around my cock. “Fine—you asked for it.” I hold back the roar building in my chest as I let go and come hard down her throat.

  She sits up, swallowing with a grin on her face. "I didn't spill a drop on my pretty dress," she says proudly.

  "No, you sure didn't," I pant out, fixing my slacks. Her hair's a mess, but it only makes it sexier. Everyone's going to think I fucked her in the limo, but it was only her gorgeous, plump lips.

  "I love watching you come undone like that."

  I press the button for the driver.

  "Yes, sir?” he answers.

  "Please take us back to our residence."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Why are we going there?"

  "Because I'm going to make you come hard, and then we can go to our party."

  "I can wait."

  "No, you can't, so don't lie to me. I bet your cunt is so fucking wet your panties are drenched."

  I reach for her and cup her pussy. She’s fucking soaked. "Fine. Take me home and promise to do dirty things to me."

  I nod vigorously and then bring out my phone. Quickly, I get Boomer on the phone. "We'll be late. My wife wants to change."

  "Okay. See you in two hours?" he suggests, knowing damn well what my plans are.

  "Sounds really good to me."

  "Enjoy, brother," Boomer says with a chuckle.


  "Shit,” I mutter, looking at my phone while doing my best not to jostle Jules, who is lying on my chest. We never made it back to the reception, and it’s already two in the morning.

  "Sweetheart, wake up."

Oh my God. What time is it?"


  "We missed our own reception?" she cries out, deep sadness passing across her face.

  "I guess so. Fuck, I'm so sorry, Precious."

  I grab my phone and see a couple of text messages and voicemails. The last one is from Roxie, with her giggling and tons of background noise. "We're glad you guys are safe. We are all celebrating for you. Have a great honeymoon." There's a low growl. "It's time we go, Sirena,” I hear Emiliano whisper next to the phone. She giggles and then moans again. "Bye! Visit us soon!" my sister shouts before ending the voicemail.

  "Oops. I have so many messages from Penny and my aunt and uncle."

  "I'm sorry I ruined your special night."

  "I don't find it ruined at all. My kitten got her cream, but now that we're all rested, what should we do?"

  "As much as I want to drill your pussy, I think it needs a bit of rest. Have you ever been on a motorcycle, wife?"


  "Well, that's fucking really good, because you only ride on my bike."

  "Do you usually have women on the back of your bike?"

  "Nope. The only one has been Roxie. Do you want to ride with me?"

  "At this hour?"

  "There won't be anyone out."

  "Okay. Sounds fun."

  "Let's go, wife. I can’t wait to have you wrapped around me."

  "I'm always wrapped around you." She pops off the bed, her bare ass getting all my attention as she goes into the bathroom, completely naked.

  "Fuck." I lift the sheet and scold my hard cock. "Now is not the motherfucking time."

  I toss the bedding off and storm into the bathroom to wash up. An hour later, we're on my bike, pulling out of my driveway. Her long, slender legs are pressed firmly to my thighs, her tits pebbled and leaving tiny indents in my patch. Jules tightens her hands around my waist as I pick up speed. "Relax, baby."

  I love the way she clings to me. We speed through town and ride out of Steeleville toward Paxton. It’s a wonderful night with the warm breeze in our faces. I pull off to stop at a twenty-four-hour gas station. “Late-night snacks?” I ask her.

  “Sounds good to me.” We enter the place and there’s a big brute with a woman, but she doesn’t look afraid, so I nod. I remember the guy briefly when shit went down last year with Doc. The guy returns my hello. “I just need a drink.”

  She goes into the cooler and pulls out a Snapple while I pick up a Gatorade; with all the fucking we’ve been doing, I need every electrolyte I can get. “Do you want anything else?”

  “Sure, I could use a Snickers.”

  “Are you hangry?” I tease.

  She does her best to frown at me, but it doesn’t reach her eyes. “Not yet, but I’m getting there.” I bend down and kiss her lips.

  “Well, let’s make sure you get fed. I can’t have you getting mad at me before our honeymoon.” It’s a surprise honeymoon that I booked after checking out her Pinterest and Instagram pages with my sister and mother. They’re very sneaky women. Apparently, they’ve been planning it since they learned of the attack.

  “Honeymoon? We’re going on a honeymoon?” Jules squeals, her fake anger completely gone as she lights up with happiness.

  “Yes, babe. We leave in six hours.” I hand the woman a ten to pay for our snacks.

  “Then we better hurry up and get home so we can pack.” The woman behind the counter smiles with joy for Jules as she hands me the change.

  “Congratulations to the both of you. When were you married?”

  “Today…well, I suppose it was yesterday.”

  “That’s wonderful.”

  “Thank you.” We hurry out of the shop and stand by my bike while we drink and eat our treats.

  “I can’t finish my Snapple.”

  “Give me.” I take her drink and slide it into my saddlebag while taking the last bite of her Snickers.

  “Hey,” she huffs.

  “I’m just making sure I’m not hangry.”


  “Take off that swimsuit before I ruin it.”

  “But I thought you didn’t want anyone to see me naked.”

  “They won’t. We’re on a private beach. Now strip, you bad little thing.”

  “You’ll have to catch me first,” she says, dashing along the water’s edge on the coast in the South of France. Jules had a dream of coming here listed on her Pinterest and well, I did what I could to make it happen. Although money wasn’t an issue, a last-minute booking was the tricky part. Luckily for us, someone’s wedding didn’t happen and the resort villa became ours.

  She’s running and then freezes with a screech. I rush to her side and see what she’s looking at. There’s a shark attacking an animal just offshore. Wow. We’re in the French Riviera, and I never expected that.

  “Okay. No more swimming today.”

  “It’s cool and scary at the same time.”

  I scoop up my wife and growl, “I’ve got you now.” Her hands slide around my neck. “And I’m never letting you go.”

  “How about we take this somewhere more private.” We both steal another glance at the ocean, and the scene is gone. Nature at its best.

  I carry Jules inside and spend the rest of our last day worshipping every inch of her.

  Chapter Twelve


  The beginning of July sweeps in with sweltering days, but that doesn’t stop my husband from starting up the forge every morning. We’ve been home for a month, and Anthony is in full work mode. He has a dozen new projects that pay exceptionally well. The one thing I absolutely love about it is how open Anthony is with me. He didn’t hesitate to show me his earnings and upcoming work. I’ve decided to finish school online for Creative Writing. I’m meeting with Sophia today to talk shop because she’s opening a bookstore near the coffee shop and the bakery, so I can’t wait to pick her brain.

  “Hey, Precious, where are you?”

  “In your office,” I call out, and his footsteps move straight this way.

  “Damn, you look sexy behind the desk like that,” he growls, standing in the doorway and leaning on the frame with his arms crossed and a wicked smile on his face, eyes giving away everything.

  I shake my head and wag my finger at him. We’ve been here before. “Oh no, you don’t. I can’t cancel on Sophia again.”

  “I promise I just want a kiss.” I shake my head again and stand up out of his chair. He inches closer, moving to the front of the desk, leaving only the large wooden piece between us.

  “No.” My resolve is growing weaker by the moment.

  “No, Mrs. Santini?” He cocks his brow and pouts, looking cuter and irresistible for such a large man.

  “No, because it’s never just a kiss. Soon I’ll be naked and coming around your cock.”

  I’ve only boosted the man’s ego and haven’t dissuaded him one bit. “Um…and that’s my fault?”

  “You have your wicked ways.”

  He stands up straight and shrugs. “Fine. I’m going back to work. Be a good girl, and I’ll see you tonight for our special date.” He winks, and I can’t resist him anymore. The man knows it too.

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I walk around the desk and throw my arms around his neck. “I love you, Anthony. I always need my kisses.”

  “Good girl.” He cups my ass hard, squeezing it before slamming his lips onto mine. I pull away when my phone goes off. It's a text from Sophia telling me to move my ass. "Sorry, handsome. We'll have to save this for tonight."

  "Fine." It's adorable that he huffs when he has to stop touching me. The big brute is so sweet that my heart can't take it. I grab my purse and rush past him before he gets ahold of me again and I miss another meeting with Sophia. She's pregnant with Doc's baby and in the last trimester, so she's too tired to play games. I'm driving over to the coffee shop to discuss the planning process for the bookstore and my debut novel.

  Anthony lets me take the smaller of his two pickup tru
cks, and I pull out of the driveway, waving at him until I reach the main road. We live about ten minutes from the coffee shop, so I enjoy the short ride with the radio on. I'm almost there when I hear the roaring of an engine from behind me. Did Anthony follow me?

  I look through my rearview mirror, and it's most certainly not him, the vehicle gaining on me. I start to speed up, but there's another vehicle that slams its brakes on in front of me. My brakes squeal and I come to a stop, bumped from behind by the other car, trapping me between the two cars. I reach for the hidden blade Anthony showed me under my seat. I stuff it between my cleavage. I'm grateful that my rack is huge and my tee-shirt isn't a V-neck.

  "Get out of the truck, bitch." Oh my God. It's Brandon. I grab my phone and press Anthony's number. It rings and rings, going to voicemail. "I said get out, bitch, before I shoot you right here."

  I start to do it when he slams me against the side of my door. Everything begins to go dark, but I will myself to fight it. I can't let him get the upper hand. He could kill me at any minute, and I fought Anthony on another kiss. Tears fill my eyes, which makes Brandon smile.

  He drags me to the vehicle and shoves me into the back with him. There's a driver, and I'm flabbergasted at who it is: Brandon's dad.

  "Why are you doing this? Let me go."

  "No. You had your chance, and yet you never dropped the charges. The trial begins in two weeks. We can't have you sending my boy to prison, so sit back and relax. We've got plans for you."

  "You're a fool. My husband will come for me. Nothing's going to stop him from seeking revenge even if I'm dead."

  "Oh, that's where you're wrong. My guys will take care of him right now." The vehicle that was in front of my truck is gone. Shit. I can't warn Anthony. I refuse to go down without getting in my licks. There's no way I'll let that happen.

  We drive away from Steeleville, and my heart’s breaking with each mile that grows between my husband and me. I have to act fast. A bump causes Brandon’s hand to shake with the gun in it. I shove him, causing the gun to fall on the floor on my side. Quickly, I jump on Brandon, reaching for the door at his back, yanking the handle. His father swerves and I pull out my knife, swiping it along Brandon’s hand and cutting the meat between his thumb and forefinger. He screams and punches me with his left hand. It hurts, but I’m not going to be his victim.


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