Kelos: Spring (Shifter Seasons Book 4)

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Kelos: Spring (Shifter Seasons Book 4) Page 15

by Harmony Raines

  “Maybe I should have.” He turned to look out of the window. “I forgot how noisy it is in the city.”

  “I’m not a fan.” She reached out and covered his hand with hers. Although it didn’t do a good job of covering it, Kelos’s hands were huge in comparison. “I like your place better.”

  He slid his arm around her shoulder, and she nestled into him. “I like any place as long as you are there.”

  “You are so sweet.” She pressed herself closer to her mate, seeking comfort from him as the taxi drove them to their destination. But as she snuggled up to him, grateful for the warmth of his arms around her still chilled body, her phone rang, and a bone-shaking shiver passed through her.

  “Who is it?” Kelos asked as he relinquished his hold on her and she sat up, phone in hand.

  “Unknown number.” She tapped the screen and put the phone to her ear. “Fabian?”

  “Yes,” her brother whispered down the phone.

  “Where are you?” she asked, her voice quiet.

  “I’m at the safe house. I thought we agreed you wouldn’t call my phone.” She could barely hear his voice.

  “I’m back in the city. We were worried because we hadn’t heard from you,” she told him, feeling guilty for breaking her word not to call.

  “It’s been…difficult.” He paused. “You shouldn’t have come back. It’s not safe.”

  “If it’s not safe then you should get out of there.” There was another long pause. “Listen, Fabian. If you want me to, I can come get you and take you somewhere safe. You can still come back and testify. But until the court case, no one could get to you.”

  “Amber, I don’t want you putting yourself in danger for me,” Fabian hissed.

  “Just say the word and we can come get you and you could be with Margie and the children before the morning.” Amber wanted to go get him. She needed to know Fabian was safe. “Please, Fabian. Just tell me where you are.”

  “Who is we?” Fabian asked quickly. “Is Margie there with you?”

  “Don’t worry, Margie isn’t with me. But I do have a friend with me, and he can get you out of there, I promise.” She glanced up at Kelos. “We can do this, Fabian. Just say the word.”

  A long pause. There was nothing else she could say to Fabian. If he chose not to come with them then at least she had heard his voice and knew he was safe. “Okay.”

  She swayed in the seat as he replied. Her gut had told her he would say no. But thankfully, her gut instinct was wrong. They were going to go get her brother and make sure he was safe.

  Amber only hoped they could pull it off without revealing Kelos’s other side. To save her brother and lose the man she loved would be too high a price. But as Fabian gave her the address, it was too late to change her mind even if she wanted to.

  Chapter Nineteen – Kelos

  Kelos studied Amber for a moment, trying to read her thoughts. This was why they’d come to the city, to find out if Fabian was okay. Yet there was uncertainty in her voice as she relayed the new address to the cab driver.

  “You’re staring.” She turned her head and looked him in the eye. “You don’t think we should go.”

  “Isn’t that what you are thinking?” He gave a small smile and glanced out of the window at the city lights. Streetlights mingled with neon signs hanging outside of stores. “I’m trapped here. And I don’t like it. That’s all.”

  She reached out and took hold of his hand. “No quick getaway.”

  “No.” He turned to face her again, his smile tight. He wanted to tell her it would be all okay, but he couldn’t. Years of keeping himself safe had taught him to expect the unexpected, that was how you stayed alive. “No room to spread my wings.”

  She glanced at the cab driver who was whistling along to a tune on the radio as they crawled through rush-hour traffic. Or maybe it was always rush hour in the city.

  “I could go alone.” She inclined her head as he made a face. “Hear me out.”

  “Okay.” He wasn’t going to like it no matter what she said.

  That’s because we don’t like anything about this at all, his dragon told him. But we need to have an open mind. Otherwise coming here at all was pointless.

  His dragon was right. They had agreed to come here to find Fabian, or at least check in to see if he was okay. If he got cold feet and backed out now, his mate would look at him differently.

  A coward, his dragon suggested.

  Not a coward, Kelos said. She would understand my reasons.

  And how do we plan on stopping her from going alone? His dragon was right. Again.

  If we tell Amber we don’t want to go, she will find a way of going alone even if we try to stop her. And if we do try to stop her then she will never forgive us for taking away her free will.

  Amber is very protective of her free will, and her freedom in general, his dragon observed. It is why she was reluctant to have children.

  You are insightful today, Kelos complimented his dragon.

  I watch and listen when others talk, he said simply.

  “If I go in alone and there is trouble, then you are free to come rescue me.” She put her hand up to stop him from objecting right away. “Me going in would flush out any kind of ambush, but if we both go in together, there’s a chance we might both get caught up in it and then we’re stuck.”

  “I don’t like it,” Kelos told her.

  “I didn’t expect you to like it,” she admitted. “But I still think it’s the best idea.”

  “I might not like it, but I agree it is the best idea,” he ground out.

  “Really? Just like that?” Amber’s surprise echoed in her voice. “I figured I’d have to try to persuade you.”

  “So did I, but my dragon…” He glanced at the cab driver. “Let’s just say I don’t want to argue with you over this and have you resent me for it. And maybe you are right, it would be foolish to leave ourselves open to attack with no backup plan.”

  “Have you ever been the backup plan before?” she asked lightly, obviously relieved he wasn’t going to argue with her.

  “More times than I would like to remember.” He leaned back in his seat and ran a hand through his thick dark hair that would have gained one or two more grays by the time this was over.

  “Then you must be a pro by now.” Amber tapped the driver on the shoulder as they turned into the road where the safe house was. “You can pull over here, thanks.”

  “Sure.” The cab driver steered the vehicle to the side of the road and Kelos got out first, while Amber paid the fare. As he waited on the sidewalk, he pushed his senses out, trying to get a feel for what they might be up against.

  He gave a low growl. This is why he hated the city. There were so many people around he could not differentiate between those who were simply sitting at home watching TV or drinking beer in their back yards, and those who might be lurking behind a fence waiting to jump out when Amber made contact with her brother.

  “Okay, I have to send Fabian a text. Once he answers, I’ll go around the back of the house and meet him.” She peered around Kelos as she sent the text. “That’s the house. Number seven.”

  Kelos sighed. “I don’t like this.”

  “I know.” She placed her hand on his upper arm and leaned forward to kiss his cheek. “But that’s what I love about you.” She stroked his cheek before side-stepping him. “You might not like it, but you are willing to go along with it. For me.”

  Told you, his dragon snorted.

  “I don’t think there’s any way I could have stopped you if I’d tried.” He nodded. “Okay, go. I’ll hang back here and wait until you’ve gone around the back of the house. Then I’ll follow.”

  “Keep those senses peeled.” She blew him a kiss as her phone pinged and she jogged down the sidewalk toward her brother.

  I don’t like this one bit, Kelos grumbled to his dragon.

  We just need to look out for any threat and neutralize it, his dragon said. We’ve do
ne that enough times before.

  Kelos focused on Amber. As she entered the property and slipped down the side of the house, everything was just as Fabian had told her. The police officer sent to protect him was watching TV inside of the house. There were no officers outside of the house so she could go around the side of the house and into the back yard without being seen.

  Kelos tilted his head to one side as if he were trying to tune an antenna. There was someone there. Close to Amber. A threat?

  Amber was about to enter the back yard and he could sense someone inside the house, no doubt Fabian, walking toward the rear. The plan was for him to open the downstairs kitchen window and climb out, since the door was locked and the officer inside the house had the key.

  But as Fabian was walking toward the back of the house, there was someone in the back yard skulking in the undergrowth. He froze for a split second and sniffed the air. It wasn’t a someone skulking in the back yard, it was a something.

  Damn it. He ran along the sidewalk, arms pumping as he covered the ground between him and his mate, his long strides eating up the distance, but he wasn’t going to be fast enough.

  He skidded around the gate post that was swung open and sprinted toward the back yard, his fists clenched as he faced the impending threat to his mate.

  “Kelos?” Amber hissed as she swung around to face him. “I thought you were going to wait outside…” Her voice cut off as the kitchen window opened and a man with a similar nose and lips to Amber poked his head out. “Fabian.”

  As Fabian pushed his shoulders out of the small window and rolled forward onto the lawn, the shifter sprang their attack.

  “What the hell!” Fabian sat up, nursing a bruised elbow as a wolf leaped out of the darkness and stood with feet splayed, ready to fight.

  “Come on, Fabian. Get up.” Amber hooked her hands under her brother’s arms and hauled him to her feet, putting herself between him and the wolf that had shot out of the undergrowth.

  “I don’t want to fight you,” Kelos warned as he struggled to keep his dragon under control. The winged beast wanted to take the wolf down and make sure she never got up again.

  Kelos sniffed the air. Yes, the wolf was a female. Not unusual, female wolves could fight just as well as their male counterparts, sometimes better as they were more cunning and agile.

  The wolf looked at Kelos, her eyes ablaze as she bared her teeth and growled low and threatening. However, she didn’t attack. Was it because she’d lost the element of surprise? Or was it because she could sense what she was up against?

  “Leave,” Kelos told Amber. “Take Fabian and go.”

  “He’s not going anywhere.” The wolf shifted in a blink of an eye and was replaced by a tall woman with well-toned muscles and a set expression.

  This woman does not like taking any bullshit, his dragon said with respect.

  “She was a…” Fabian pointed at the woman in front of them. “A wolf. Did you see?”

  “I saw.” Amber put her hand on her brother’s arm. “It’s okay.”

  “Okay?” Fabian asked, his voice high as he pointed at the woman. “That is not okay.” His brows knitted together. “You aren’t surprised, you knew.”

  “I didn’t know the wolf was a woman, but it makes more sense than a wild wolf being in the back yard.” Amber looked at Kelos for reassurance.

  “Makes more sense?” Fabian asked.

  “I take it he doesn’t know about shifters.” Kelos directed his comment to Amber since Fabian didn’t look as if he could think straight as he stared at the woman in front of them who had barely moved a muscle.

  “No, he doesn’t.” Amber slipped her hand into Fabian’s. “It’s all right.”

  “Is it all right?” Kelos narrowed his eyes as he surveyed his would-be opponent.

  “That depends.” She nodded toward Fabian. “I was told to guard the house and make sure there was no further attempt on Mr. Gladstone’s life.”

  “We’re not here to hurt Fabian,” Amber stepped forward and thrust out her hand. “I’m Amber Gladstone, Fabian’s sister.”

  “Ahh.” The woman looked sideways at Kelos. “And you?”

  “I’m Amber’s mate.” There was no use in pretending he wasn’t. He believed the woman. “And you are?”

  “Detective Joanna Hargreaves.”

  “And you are here to protect me?” Fabian asked, not sounding too sure.

  “I’m undercover,” Joanna told him drily.

  “You are expecting someone to try to hurt Fabian?” Kelos asked.

  “We think there’s a good chance,” Joanna replied.

  “Because there’s a leak, isn’t there?” Fabian asked. “Someone is selling me out.”

  “Roman Ostabell has a lot to lose. Your evidence is the key to getting the bastard put in jail. Without you, Fabian, there is no case. We know it, he knows it.” Joanna’s temper flared. “Which is why my boss decided to keep a special eye on you.”

  “Special? As in…” Fabian waved his hand at her. “What are you called, a shifter?”

  “Yes, a shifter.” She shrugged and held her hands out to him. “I was sent here to protect you with my life. When I sensed your sister approaching, I thought we were finally going to get whoever was after you.”

  “Sorry to disappoint.” Amber gave a humorless smile. “We came here to take Fabian with us to safety. Don’t worry, he’ll be there to give evidence at the trial.”

  “Do you really think you can keep him safe?” Joanna asked.

  “Safer than leaving him here as bait.” Kelos arched an eyebrow at the police detective. “Why do you care so much?”

  “I’m just doing my job.” Joanna met his gaze levelly but there was something in her expression that told him it was more than that. Her emotions ran deep. Very deep.

  She wants Roman Ostabell brought to justice. But it’s personal, his dragon said.

  “What did he do to you?” Kelos asked quietly.

  Joanna’s eyes glittered bright with tears as she shook her head. “I want him brought to justice,” she repeated. “And right now, the only way that is going to happen is if Fabian testifies.”

  “This is personal. For you, this is personal.” Amber stepped forward. “I know how you feel. When Fabian called me and said his wife and children were in danger, I felt anger. I wanted this man to pay for threatening people I love. I see the same anger in you.”

  “He’s hurt enough people that he should be put behind bars for a very long time. Longer than the sentence he’ll get for money laundering,” Joanna said hotly.

  “What else did he do, Joanna?” Amber asked gently. “What did he do to you?”

  Her eyebrows knitted together as she looked at the kitchen door and then back to Amber. “The police officer inside is coming.”

  “Tell me what happened?” Amber reached out and grabbed hold of Joanna’s arm. “Please. We need to know what he’s capable of if we are going to protect Fabian’s family.”

  “Joanna, please.” Kelos bent his will on the wolf shifter. His dragon had been around long enough to master the art of persuasion.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Joanna said sharply. “I’ll tell you. But not here.”

  “Then where?” Kelos looked frantically toward the house. Joanna was right. The policeman inside was going around the house looking for Fabian.

  “My shift ends at ten. I’ll meet you at a bar. O’Malley’s. It’s owned by a cougar shifter so we can talk openly there.” With that, she took a couple of steps backward. “Boost Fabian back through the window. He’ll be safe enough here for now.” She nodded at Kelos.

  Do as she says, his dragon told him. She has something to share and I get the feeling that if Fabian doesn’t go back inside, she won’t have a chance to share it with us because all hell will break loose.

  “I’ll boost you up.” Kelos grabbed hold of Fabian’s arm and propelled him toward the partly open window.

  “I don’t want to go back,�
� Fabian insisted. “I don’t feel safe here, particularly after what Joanna said.”

  “You have to.” Amber placed her hand on her brother’s shoulder and pulled him into a hug. “They are safe for now, but if you disappear, Roman Ostabell will hunt for you all.”

  “You said you can keep us safe.” Fabian hugged his sister.

  “We’ll come back for you as soon as we can,” Kelos promised. “But Amber is right, we need you to stay put.”

  “No.” Fabian shook his head and Kelos gave a low growl of frustration.

  “We’re running out of time.” He locked eyes with Amber. He didn’t want to force Fabian back through the window, but he would if he had to.

  “Fabian, what if Joanna tells us something that might help put Ostabell in jail?” Amber took hold of her brother by both hands. “Something that would strengthen the case and mean there isn’t so much pressure on you.”

  “You really think Joanna has any information that will help us?” Fabian asked. “Because if she does, why hasn’t she told her superior officers?”

  “I don’t know. But isn’t it worth hearing what she has to say?” Amber hugged her brother and then shoved him toward the window. “You trusted me with Margie and the kids, now trust me on this.”

  Before Fabian had a chance to argue, Kelos manhandled Fabian back through the kitchen window. “We’ll be in touch.” With that he pushed the window closed, grabbed hold of Amber and ran around the side of the house and back onto the street.

  “Are we sure about this?” Amber asked as they hurried away from the house.

  “I don’t think we have a choice,” Kelos told her. “Joanna has information on this Ostabell guy, and I think we need to hear it. Like you said to Fabian, what if she knows something that might mean Ostabell goes to jail for longer?”

  “And what if she has some information that means Fabian doesn’t have to testify at all?” She sighed and slowed her pace as they reached the corner of the street. “I know that’s wishful thinking, but I know how much Margie would love to return to her old suburban life.”

  “Are you so sure?” Kelos asked. “You saw the way she handles a hammer. I don’t know if she’s found a new talent. Maybe your brother and his family could make a new life in Bear Creek. I know the kids love it there.”


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