Sweet Town Love

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Sweet Town Love Page 15

by Maggie Ryan

  “Tell me the truth, Mark,” Charlie insisted, staring into his eyes. “Does that sort of thing turn you on?”

  “Yes,” he answered immediately, shocking her. “It does, although I would never administer a serious punishment strictly for my own sexual gratification, unless you asked for one, of course.”

  “And you think I would?” she gasped.

  Mark took her hand and pulled her to the couch where he sat and pulled her back onto his lap.

  “Tell me how you felt when I spanked you?” he asked gently.


  “And then?”

  “Sore,” she admitted with a blush, “and tender for a few days.”

  “Did you understand why I did it?”

  “I understood you were angry, but I didn’t feel you had any right to do that to a stranger.”

  “And if we weren’t strangers; if we had a serious, committed relationship, do you still feel that spanking you for inappropriate behavior would be overstepping my authority?”

  Mark’s hand was slowly rubbing her back as he waited for her answer. Charlie felt herself weakening, the tension leaving her body as she relaxed against him. Soon she was tucked against his broad chest.

  “I don’t know,” she whispered honestly. “At the time I was pissed as hell, and then later it sort of became something else. I wondered what it would be like to be with a man who cared, really cared about me, someone who took his role as my man seriously. It seemed sort of sexy when I thought about it, although for the life of me I can’t understand why.”

  “There’s a difference between having a submissive nature and being able to submit to the guidance of just one man, honey. You, my sweet, don’t have a submissive bone in your body, but somehow I sense you could submit to me. I think if you trusted that I always had your best interests at heart, that I genuinely loved you and all that you are, you could give that part of yourself to me.”

  “But you don’t love me, do you?” she asked, almost hopefully, raising her big blue eyes to his.

  Mark smiled. “No, I don’t love you, at least not yet, but I think I could. You’re very appealing to me on so many levels. That’s why I don’t want to muddy things up with sex right now. It would be all too easy to make love to your beautiful body and mistake that for love.”

  “We could be friend with benefits,” she suggested.

  “And that would mean that at some point we could walk away and still be friends. I don’t see that as a possibility, Charlie. I’m pretty sure once I take you, it will be difficult to give you up,” he said ruefully.

  “Really?” she said brightly, smiling up at him.

  “Yes, really, you little tease. You’re not making this easy you know,” he informed her with a scowl.

  “Good. I don’t want it to be easy. I want you to burn for me.”

  “Careful, I’m not the only one who might get burned,” he warned.

  “Is that a veiled threat that you’d spank me again? I just want to be sure and learn all the signals and secret codes of this kind of thing.”

  “Yes, it is, and there won’t be any secrets. If you’re working your way to a good licking, you’ll know it,” he promised.

  “Hmm, a licking sounds interesting,” she laughed with a wink.

  “Good grief, have you no shame, woman? You’re killing me here,” he insisted with a laugh as he stood with her in his arms and let her slide down his body to the floor. “I need to get out of here before we jump the gun.”

  “I’m not opposed to a good jump,” she quipped.

  Mark grasped her chin and frowned at her before taking her lips in a passionate kiss that lasted until her knees began to buckle. When he released her lips, he gave her three sharp cracks on her bottom which her skinny jeans did nothing to protect.

  “Ow, ow, ow,” she squealed. “Hey, no fair, no warning!”

  “Consider yourself warned,” he replied. “Keep teasing me and you might find yourself over my lap getting a proper spanking.”

  “Was that not a proper spanking? I mean the night with the paint stick?” she asked curiously as she rubbed her bottom.

  “No, it was not,” he answered seriously. “A proper spanking would have you over my knees with your jeans and panties down around your knees while I use my hand to attend to your bare bottom. It might consist of a few swats, or a long and painful session either with my hand or some other implement, depending on your offense.”

  “What kind of implement?” she asked with a shiver.

  “Oh, anything handy. A stout hairbrush works wonders, or a wooden spoon, possibly a ruler. Believe me; I’m pretty imaginative when it comes to that.”

  “I’ll just bet you are,” she sighed. Frowning, she took a step backwards, keeping her hands over her bottom.

  “So, now that I’ve explained things to you, do you still want me to take you skating tomorrow? Or are we saying good-bye?” Mark asked, keeping his hands off her.

  “Um… about the skating thing, I wasn’t entirely hon…” Charlie hedged.

  “I see,” he sighed sadly, his eyes going cool. “Well, at least we had a nice dinner and I did get to kiss your sweet lips again. I understand, honey. The kind of relationship I need to be happy isn’t for everyone.”

  “Mark, it isn’t that. I don’t want to stop seeing you and I’m willing to see where this takes us. It’s just that…”

  His whoop of joy as he picked her up and swung her around stunned her. Lord he was strong and being in his arms was heaven. She couldn’t stop the giggles that escaped before he set her down and hugged her.

  “I’ll pick you up around nine tomorrow, and we’ll go to the rink for a little practice,” he stated as he pulled her to her door. “After that, we can grab lunch and decide what to do for the rest of the day.”

  “I think I’d rather go to Smith’s pond,” Charlie said softly, looking at the floor.

  “Ah, it’s all right. I understand not wanting to go somewhere crowded, what with you being so worried about your skills.”

  “It’s not really that,” she began.

  “Don’t you worry, honey. By the time the Winter Festival rolls around I’ll have you skating like a pro, or at least able to stay upright most of the time,” he promised with a laugh.

  Before Charlie could explain further, Mark was kissing her senseless and she melted into his arms. Suddenly, she wasn’t thinking about the festival or skating or anything but him, wondering how she could get him to change his mind and spend the night. Just when she felt close to begging, her heart racing and her blood on fire, he released her and kissed the tip of her nose. Then he was gone. Damn.

  As she got ready for bed, she turned and looked at her bottom in the mirror. There were three distinct hand prints on her smooth cheeks. Wow, imagine the damage he could do if he were seriously spanking her. The childhood chant, “Liar, liar, pants on fire,” suddenly took on new meaning. Mark was not the type of man who would tolerate lying. Tomorrow she would tell him the truth, first thing.

  Chapter 4

  But she didn’t. They had so much fun fooling around on the ice she just couldn’t. She was in her element and in the arms of a man she was already half in love with. The fell, laughed and got up to try again. The pond was not a sculptured rink with a smooth and flawless surface. It was bumpy and rutted in spots and Mark kept his arms around her or his hands on her in some fashion almost the entire time they skated.

  He was pretty good too, for a man who grew up playing hockey. Figure skating was not his forte, but his strength more than made up for his lack of grace on the ice. He was strong, steady and sure of himself and Charlie had a blast. No way would she tell him now and miss out on future skating “practice.” A few times when they were going to fall, Mark made sure he went down first so she landed on his solid frame. They spent a good deal of time laughing and kissing as they lay on the cold ice. It was a good thing, for Charlie was nearly burning up with desire for this man.

  As their st
atus as a “couple” solidified, they spent time with Mark’s brother and his family. Charlie adored the new baby, a little girl named Ellen after her mother. Every time Mark mentioned their skating lessons, Dan shot Charlie a confused glance, but she just looked at him with pleading eyes and he shrugged as though to say, “It’s your ass,” and Charlie was terribly afraid it would be.

  So far Mark had not come anywhere near giving her a real spanking. He’d swatted her ass a few times when she got a little sassy and once or twice he’d gently spanked her while they necked on the couch. She found those sweet slaps incredibly exciting but had no doubt an angry Mark would not be so accommodating.

  He still would not make love to her. They’d come very close a few times, but he would not relent until they had a “firm commitment.” Charlie wasn’t sure what that meant exactly, but she’d have told him anything he wanted to hear to get him naked. After years of men trying to get her out of her clothes, it was strange to be on the other side of that equation, strange and frustrating.

  When Mark couldn’t get to town, he and Charlie spent a lot of time talking, texting and on FaceTime. She couldn’t seem to get enough of him, nor he her. He even mentioned moving his practice to Cassville in the future, or her relocating.

  Charlie spent several nights with him during the Christmas Holidays at his remodeled farm house. Nearly everything in it was reclaimed and reconditioned from an earlier time and she loved it. They decorated his huge tree and strung strands of berries and popcorn for a few trees near the house. The birds were delighted.

  She slept in the guest room, but even the thick, handmade quilt couldn’t warm her up, at least not in the way she wanted. Never had she desired a man the way she did Mark and it drove her crazy. On her last night there, she went to his room three times to complain she was cold, knocking softly on his door.

  “What is it, Charlie?” he called.

  “I’m cold,” she whispered with a shiver as she opened the door to find him reading in bed.

  “Honey, I’ve given you the heaviest quilt in the house and loaded up the wood furnace. It’s like an oven in here.”

  “Not to me,” she pouted.

  Mark set his book aside and motioned her to him.

  “Come here.”

  Happily, she scurried to the side of the bed as he sat up straight and patted his lap. When she moved to crawl up on him, he shook his head.

  “You’re facing the wrong way,” he informed her.


  Taking hold of her arm, he pulled her face down over his lap.

  “What are you doing?” she demanded.

  “Warming you up,” he calmly replied, lifting her long flannel nightgown.

  “That’s not what I meant,” she cried.

  “I know exactly what you meant,” he assured her. “You’d like to warm up in my bed, knowing I won’t be able to stop this time.”

  “Okay,” she shot back, “that is what I want. I’ll admit it, I’m not afraid.”

  “You should be,” he warned with a grim expression. “I’ve told you our relationship won’t become physical until I have a commitment from you, a commitment ensuring our future together.”

  “You have it,” she moaned when his hand cupped her bare bottom. “I’m in love with you, Mark, and I’m ready to take things to the next level. What do I have to do to prove it to you?”

  “Charlie, I’ve tucked you into bed twice already tonight, even warming your sheets with a bed warmer. Still you come to my door lying that you’re cold when you know damn well that’s not true. Before you can commit to me, I think you need to know what will happen in our relationship if you lie to me or try to manipulate me. We’ll see if you still say you love me after that.”

  She was amazed how easily he held her in place when she tried to get away. His hand fell in measured smacks onto her bare cheeks and soon being cold was the farthest thing from her mind. She was on fire, and not in a good way. Her bottom felt as hot as the griddle he’d make hotcakes on that morning.

  He seemed to be totally immune to her cries which quickly turned to pleading. Begging him to stop didn’t even slow his hand as he covered her bottom at least three times.

  “Mark,” she screamed, tears streaming down her cheeks. “Please stop… I’m sorry, so sorry.”

  “I’m sure you are, now,” he stated as he turned her over in his arms. “Now that you’ve been spanked, I’ll bet you’re very sorry for trying so hard to force my hand. Are you still cold?” he asked as he brushed at her tears.

  “No,” she pouted.

  “Good, then get up and I’ll tuck you back in bed.”

  In her room, he watched with a hint of sympathy as she hissed and wiggled while trying to find a comfortable position. Gently, he tucked the quilt around her and kissed her damp cheeks after sitting down on the bed beside her.

  “This is who I am, Charlie. This is the man you’ll be committing too. I won’t put up with lies and deception. I won’t let you get away with using silly tricks to get your own way. Do you still love me?” he asked as he carefully brushed her hair from her cheek. “Still want to take our relationship to the next level?”

  “Do you love me?” she demanded with a sniffle.

  “Yes, very much,” he replied softly. “Now answer my question.”

  Charlie found she couldn’t look at him and lowered her eyes without saying a word.

  “That’s what I was afraid of,” he said with a sad sigh. “I’ll take you home in the morning.”

  She watched his shoulders slump as he rose and walked to the door.

  “Goodnight, honey,” he said before closing it behind him.

  The ride back to her apartment was made in almost complete silence. Charlie shifted uncomfortably on her seat and sent the occasional glare in Mark’s direction. Mark was not entirely successful in hiding his amusement.

  “Tell me,” he finally asked, pulling up in front of her place. “Did you think I was kidding about the kind of marriage I wanted?”

  “I don’t really know,” Charlie replied with an accusing pout. “I never expected you to be so… so…”

  “Serious about it?” he suggested.

  “Yes, I guess that’s it,” she answered, looking out her window.

  “Charlene, the very first night I met you, I took that paint stick to your ass. How could you mistake my intentions when I’ve warned you several times? I’m pretty sure I made myself clear.”

  “You did, but I never expected it to hurt so much,” she said, looking at her lap. “In my mind, when I remembered that night, it seemed kind of sexy, “she admitted with a blush.

  “Oh, it was sexy,” Mark agreed, taking her chin in his hand and forcing her to look at him. “It was sexy as hell, but it was also extremely well deserved. If ever a young woman needed a firm reprimand, it was you. I sensed that night if I was ever lucky enough to have you in my life, spankings would be something you’d become very familiar with. I had no idea I would run into you again the next day.”

  “Were you sorry?” she asked, tilting her chin up and away from his grasp.

  “Sorry I spanked you or sorry I ran into you again so soon?”


  “No, not for a minute,” he stated. “At least not then.”

  “But you are now?” she accused. “Oh, I don’t imagine for a moment you’re sorry for what you did, but I think you’re damn sorry you ran into me again.”

  “Only because I’ve fallen in love with you, sweetheart, and I don’t think we’re going to work out. That alone is enough to make me very, very sorry.”

  “So are we breaking up?” she demanded.

  “That’s up to you. In any case, I’m committed to helping you with your skating until the Winter Festival. I don’t make a habit of shirking my responsibilities.”

  “No, I can see that you don’t,” she sighed sadly.

  “Do you want me to help you with your bag?” he offered, opening his door.

“I’ve got it,” she snapped, getting out of the car and opening the back door. “Are you going to call me?” she asked as she dragged her bag off the back seat.

  “I’m not free until the weekend after next, but yes I’ll call you. In the meantime, if you change your mind about loving me, a text or something would be nice,” he barked.

  “If I change my mind, you’ll be the second to know,” she said over her shoulder.

  “Who’ll be the first?” he called to her as she walked up her steps.

  “Me,” she replied without turning around.

  “I have to ask, Charlie,” Dan said the next morning when he stepped into her office. “What’s with the skating lessons?”

  “I wanted to be near him, spend time with him,” Charlie answered without looking up from her laptop. “It seemed like a good idea at the time.”

  “Are you ever going to tell him the truth?”

  “It’s a moot point,” she replied crisply. “We’re breaking up. I doubt we’ll see each other after the festival.”

  “I see. Mark didn’t tell me that.”

  “What did he tell you?” she demanded, finally looking at him.

  “He said you had some issues to work out,” Dan admitted.

  A bitter laugh escaped before she could stop it. “I guess you could put it that way.”

  “Charlie, if there’s anything I can do, anyway I can help… I know Mark loves you very much. I’ve never seen him this serious about any woman.”

  “Maybe that’s the problem. Maybe he takes everything too seriously,” she suggested.

  “He’s a doctor, Charlene,” Dan snapped back defending his brother. “It’s not exactly a frivolous profession, not when the health and well-being of children are riding on his judgment.”

  “That may be true, but I’m hardly a child and I don’t appreciate being discip…”


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