Sweet Town Love

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Sweet Town Love Page 32

by Maggie Ryan

  "Now, Ms. Lydie, where were we?" he asked in a sexy drawl.

  "I believe we were discussing rules," she answered in a low voice.

  "Rule number one being that you are not to have any doubts about your ability to have a successful business, am I right? With all of your charm and experience, there is no way you can fail."

  "Oh, I can fail, but I have to believe that I won't," she said in a slightly breathless tone.

  "First things first," he said. "I've wanted to do this since the day you walked into my office." He tilted her chin up with his free hand, the other still around her waist. Lowering his face to hers, his hot breath blew across her face, and she closed her eyes, waiting. She felt the touch of his lips lightly touching her own, tasting. His tongue nudged, and she obliged by parting them to allow him entrance. More tasting, teasing and exploration as the passion between them grew.

  As things began to heat up, threatening to get out of control, he reined himself in and pulled away from her. "Not yet, that's not the way we want to go forward. I want to take my time with you, let this newfound relationship flourish the way it should."

  "My God, where have you been for the past year of my life?" she asked.

  "The time wasn't right for us until now, sweet Lydie. But never doubt, it's always been you for me. I know that now."

  He took her hand and led her over to the couch. Sitting down, he pulled her across his lap. "Are you sure this is what you want?" he asked before proceeding.

  "Yes, I'm sure," she replied.

  "Okay, don't say I didn't give you a chance to back out." He lifted her dress to her waist and touched the brief lacy bikinis that covered her bottom. Gently caressing before he landed the first smack, he surprised her. He didn't remove the lace, not this first time. It was all too new for both of them. In time…

  Another smack rained down on her barely clad buttocks as she flinched. "You okay?" he asked.

  "Mmmhmm," she murmured. Was she all right? She was more than all right; she was starting to forget about the store. That was the point, right?

  He gave another slap, harder than the previous two, then more as she tried to use her hands to rub out the sting. "No, no, none of that," he said as he pushed her hands away. "You'll take your punishment and then you can rub your bottom. Better yet, I will rub it for you."

  Her poor behind was on fire. Rance Kimball knew how to spank properly, that was for sure. If she'd had any doubts earlier that evening, they were all gone now. He hadn't been kidding around.

  After two more sharp claps of his hand on her butt, she said, "No more… I promise… I won't doubt myself."

  "Ah, ah, ah, my girl, you don't get to say when it's over. That's my job. If I am going to take care of you from now on, I get to decide when."

  "Are you… going to take care of me?" she asked tearfully.

  "If that's what you want, babygirl, I can be the man to do that. It's your call." He smacked her again for good measure.

  Finally, he began to rub her tortured bottom with the same hand that had just been creating the fire minutes before. He sat her up and cradled her in his arms while she sat on his lap and sobbed into his shirt.

  "Lydie, is that what you want?" he asked again.

  She nodded slowly before looking up into his face. "Rance, yes, I want you to take care of me, in every way."

  "Then that's exactly what I'll do," he replied as he gently kissed the top of her head. He lifted her into his arms and said, "Point me to the bedroom. I'm going to get you ready for bed and tuck you in before I leave tonight."

  "You… aren't staying?" she asked.

  "No, I said we are going to take things slowly, and that's what we're going to do. I think that is the best thing for both of us." He laid her gently on her bed. As she pointed to the dresser to let him know where her nightgowns were, he went on, "You are recovering from the loss of your husband and Dom. I am getting over a broken relationship. Even though I know Ellie wasn't right for me, I don't want to rush into this head first." He found a short nightie and closed the drawer. He walked back to her and helped her out of her dress, carefully laying it across a chair before he finished undressing her and helping her into the nightie. He picked her up again and carried her into the adjoining bathroom where he squeezed some toothpaste onto her brush and handed it to her. After she had brushed her teeth, he wet a washcloth and gently washed her face. Then he lifted her into his arms again and carried her back to the bed. He had pulled the covers down while she was brushing her teeth and attending to other business. Now, he laid her down and pulled the covers up to her chin. Sitting on the bed, he leaned over and kissed her goodnight.

  "I'm going to go now. I'll get the lights and lock the door when I leave. You get some sleep; tomorrow is a big day for you. I'll be back in the morning to fix you a good breakfast and take you to the store for your opening ceremony. It's my day off, so I can help with anything you need, all day long."

  She tugged on his tie and pulled him down to her for one more kiss before she whispered, "Goodnight, Rance."

  "Goodnight, babygirl."

  Chapter 4

  True to his word, Rance was on her doorstep early the next morning. When she sleepily let him in, he chuckled. "Good morning, sunshine," he said as he gave her a quick kiss and herded her back upstairs.

  "You hop in the shower while I fix breakfast," he said as he watched her slowly struggle to wake up. "How are you this morning?"

  "I slept better than I have in a long time," she admitted shyly.

  "That's what I was hoping for. Now, scoot. We have a big day ahead of us."

  Lydie began gathering her things and walked into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she gingerly stepped inside and sighed as the spray from the showerhead hit her body with invigorating pulses. Turning to look at her backside, she grinned when she saw the faint pink imprint of Rance's hand still visible from the night before. Wanting to dawdle, but knowing there wasn't time, she quickly finished her shower and went through the rest of her morning routine. When she walked down the stairs a short time later, the aroma of bacon filled her nostrils. Walking into the kitchen, she stopped and admired the view. There he was, busily making himself at home in her kitchen. She crept up behind him and put her arms around his waist. "Good morning."

  He turned slightly and kissed her on the forehead before saying, "You sit down, and I'll bring you a plate."

  Still in shock at the recent turn of events in their lives, she complied without protest. She wanted to see just how well he intended to care for her. If last night and this morning were any indication, she had truly hit the jackpot with one Rance Kimball.

  A steaming plate of eggs and bacon suddenly appeared, followed by buttered toast, jam, juice and a piping hot cup of coffee. He joined her a few minutes later.

  "So, what's the agenda of the day?" he asked as he spread some of the strawberry jam onto a slice of toasted wheat bread.

  "The ribbon cutting ceremony is at ten," she said. "My assistant will pick up the cookies at the local bakery and keep the punch bowl filled. We'll have a pot of coffee on, too. Other than arranging the refreshments, we're all set to go."

  "You ordered several dozen cookies, I hope. I have a feeling you'll have a good turnout."

  "Yes, several dozens of assorted cookies, and I think my sister planned to order a cake, even though I asked her not to."

  "All right, after you finish here, you run upstairs and put on your prettiest dress. I'll take care of the kitchen."

  "I chose a simple black dress with a teal and aqua kimono to throw over it," she said. "Do you think that will work?

  "Anything you put on will look great, but black is always a good choice for an event such as this. You'll look stylish, which is what you want."

  "How is it you know so much seeing as how you've been on a ranch all these years, in Wyoming, no less?" she asked.

  "I may have been on a ranch, but you're forgetting that I was a partner in that ranch. I dated the orig
inal owner's daughter, and we attended many social events over the years."

  "And you didn't actually work the ranch, did you?"

  "Well… my actual job was taking care of all things financial, but I occasionally helped out in other areas when needed."

  He glanced at the clock on her microwave. "You need to get moving. Go make yourself even more gorgeous while I clear up these dishes."

  She stood up and walked over to him. Leaning down, she kissed the top of his head. "Thank you for breakfast… and for last night." Without giving him a chance to answer, she ran out of the room and bounded up the stairs, lighter on her feet than she had been in over a year. It felt good to have someone taking care of her again, not having to fend for herself in all things.

  When she got back downstairs, the kitchen was spotless, and Rance was sitting at the table, reading the morning newspaper and nursing a last cup of coffee. He looked up when she entered the room, the light scent of her perfume alerting him to her presence.

  He let out a long whistle and then said, "You look fantastic, sure to wow the local folks into believing you have style and grace."

  She blushed. "Thank you. Now, shouldn't we get going? I don’t want to feel rushed in any way."

  He stood up and carried his mug to the sink, rinsed it and turned back to her. "We need to take care of one thing before we go."

  "Oh, what's that? I don't think I forgot anything," she said, but as soon as he reached her, she knew exactly what he meant.

  "I guess maybe we did forget something, didn't we?" she murmured as his arms snaked around her waist.

  His lips were devouring hers before she could utter another word. Lost in the feelings Rance's kisses brought to the surface, she melted against him, letting him take the lead. When he gently pulled away, he looked into her eyes and said, "A kiss for luck." Taking her hand, he led her to the door and then to his car.

  When they arrived at her shop, her assistant was already there. The refreshment table looked wonderful with the assorted cookies and the punch bowl she'd brought with her from New York. Coffee was brewing, and a large cake with the inscription, "Good luck to Lydia's Designs," sat in the middle of the table.

  "My sister is here already?" she asked.

  "No, the bakery delivered the cake along with the cookies earlier. I didn't have to pick them up. Apparently, Addie arranged it," her assistant, Kandi, told her.

  "You see, everyone wants you to succeed," Rance said with a smile.

  She grinned back at him and led him into her office. "What do you think?" she asked.

  He looked around. "I think you've done well with such a small space," he replied as he came up behind her and nibbled on her neck.

  "Rance, stop that! Everyone will be here soon," she said, only half annoyed.

  He chuckled. "I will behave, I promise. It's just that when the one dream you've always had becomes real, the one you thought was unattainable, you tend to get a little excited."

  "Am I really your dream?" she asked. "Because I was rather thinking that you were mine."

  He grinned. "Honey, you have no idea."

  When they returned to the main part of the shop, people were starting to arrive. Rance stood in the background with Kandi and Addie, who had since come in, while Lydie worked the room, smiling and greeting everyone. The mayor and the press arrived for the ribbon cutting ceremony. After that, many folks wandered in, enjoying the refreshments and browsing around, looking at the many fabrics and design books Lydie had spent hours putting together.

  Rance made himself useful by running out to get lunch, keeping fresh coffee made and various other menial duties. By the end of the day, Lydie had several projects lined up and numerous orders to fill. Her first day was successful!

  When she finally locked the door and sat down, she sighed.

  "Happy sigh?" he asked.

  "Oh, yes, a happy but tired sigh," she answered.

  "I'll help Kandi clean up and then I'll take you to dinner. I won't be long." He leaned over her chair and planted a kiss on her lips before he turned to help clean up.

  Addie watched him until he was out of sight. Then she rushed to Lydia and asked, "What was that all about? Rance Kimball just kissed you! What am I missing here?"

  "Yes, he did, didn't he?" Lydia said smugly. "You haven't missed much, just the fact that last night, we had a dinner date. It was a business meeting and a celebratory dinner combined. It seems that Mr. Kimball and I have a lot in common. Let's just say the evening went well."

  "Sis… did you?" Addie asked in shock.

  "Of course not, Rance is a perfect gentleman. We are going to take it slowly…"

  "That was taking it slowly? Times have changed, I guess."

  "Did you know that we were in the same graduating class?" Lydie asked.

  "You were?"

  "I didn't really know him, though. We ran in different circles back then. Funny, how things change, isn't it?"

  "All ready to go?" Rance asked as he walked back into the room.

  "Yes, I am. We need to make it an early night. I have a lot of work to do tomorrow and the next day… and the next."

  "Yes, ma'am, you do. Addie, have a good night. It was nice to see you again." He turned to Kandi and said, "Thanks for all your help. Get some rest tonight. I have the feeling your boss will be cracking the whip from now on."

  Kandi laughed and said, "That's fine by me. See you tomorrow, Lydie."

  After sharing an intimate dinner in a quiet little restaurant on the outskirts of town, Rance drove them back to her townhouse. He took the key from her and unlocked the front door. As soon as they were inside, he turned the lock and scooped her up in his arms.

  "W-what are you doing?" she asked.

  "Taking care of my baby," he said as he took the steps two at a time. He carried her into the bedroom and gently placed her on the bed. "Stay there," he commanded softly.

  When he returned, he took her hand and led her into the bathroom. She looked around in wonder. A tub full of bubbly water, lit candles and dimmed lights greeted her.

  "Rance, you did all this for me," she said in low voice.

  "You've had a busy day. Now, it's time to relax. You get into the tub, and I'll be back with a surprise."

  He left, and she wasted no time stripping off her clothes and sinking into the warm, soothing, lavender scented bubbles. How had he managed all this? He seemed to know all the right things to do for her. Of course, it didn't take a genius to look through her closet and find everything at his fingertips, but to be so in tune to what she needed was a blessing she hadn't expected.

  When she heard a light knock on the bathroom door, minutes later, she told him to come in. The bubbles covered her body, but she slid a little further into the water anyway. Rance handed her a glass of champagne.

  "Aren't you having any?" she asked.

  "No, that's all for you, you deserve some time to chill and celebrate on your own. Take all the time you need. I'll be right next door, in the bedroom. When you are ready, let me know. I want to make sure you're tucked in tightly before I go back to the farm."

  And so it began…

  The summer passed by quickly and so did the fall. Lydie's business was a definite success. People from neighboring towns had heard of her wonderful designs, and she had customers from cities miles away, as well. Her many contacts from her years in New York were eager to ship their best fabrics, wall hangings, rugs and other decorative items to her.

  She was so busy, in fact, that she had to hire two more people to help her. She worried that she might have to find a bigger space, eventually.

  "What do you think about an online store? I can design a website for you," Rance said over dinner, one night.

  "Do you have the time? I mean, you are so busy with the farm and all these days."

  "It's true; I am busy, but never too busy for you. I have plenty of help on the farm. I don't really do any of the actual work with the animals, you know. I can whip something up for you
to look at over the weekend, if you like."

  "That would be great," she said with a smile. She took a sip of wine and went on, "Isn't it amazing how the business took off, right from the first day?"

  "I told you so," he said teasingly.

  "Yes, yes, you did. Thank you for that."

  "It's done so well that I think it's time you took a brief vacation. How would you like to take a long weekend and get away with me?" he asked.

  "Oh, I couldn't—there is just so much to do. With the holidays coming up…"

  He looked at her, eyebrows raised, and said, "Lydie, you need a break. A four-day weekend isn't going to throw you off. That's why you have employees."

  "No, I just can't."

  "Lydie…" His warning tone caught her attention. "Do we need to finish this discussion when I take you home?"

  "Rance, I just can't."

  "Lydie, you have not stopped for months. You've worked nearly twelve hours a day, sometimes seven days a week, since the shop opened. You can't keep doing that. You told me you needed someone to take care of you. Obviously, that's true. We will discuss this further after dinner, believe me."

  Surprised, she finished her dinner in silence. Well, yes, that is what she told him, but…

  By now, most of the town knew about their blossoming relationship. Both of their families were thrilled, and the new friends they'd both made since coming back to town approved wholeheartedly. Both of them had reconnected with some of their old friends. Lydie had thought some of their old school chums might be surprised they were together, but to her great surprise, none of them seemed to care, one way or the other. They were glad to see her happy again.

  Of course, none of them knew anything about the dynamics of their relationship. No one knew that they still had not slept together or that they practiced domestic discipline. She often wondered what they would think if they did know.

  Well, none of that mattered because, tonight, she knew she was in deep trouble.

  They rode back to her place in silence. When he closed the door, he said without hesitation, "Upstairs, now."


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