Sweet Town Love

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Sweet Town Love Page 47

by Maggie Ryan

  “Come on, you have to have lunch with us,” Belle said, taking Jacob’s hand without any of the reservation of a typical eleven-year-old girl.

  A tall, lanky Black boy came up and clapped him on the back. “If Belle-of-the-Ball says so, it’s so. Come on. I snuck a family size bag of chips out of the house this morning. We might as well enjoy them because my mom is going to kill me when she finds out.”

  On the other side of Belle was a pixie of a girl. She was shorter than everyone in their circle and looked closer to nine than twelve. She wore her jet-black, waist length hair in a single braid and her red glasses covered her face from brow to cheek.

  “This is Axe and this is Kasey. Kasey and I are best friends and he just follows us around everywhere.”

  “Ah, ah, ah! Wounded to the core.” Axe proceeded to die a very dramatic death right at the classroom door.

  Mrs. Ross was not amused. “Axel Asa West, get yourself off of that floor right now. And, the rest of you get going to the cafeteria.”

  “Lead the way,” Jake said.

  “Right, we do not want to be last in line on tater tot day.” Belle dragged her new companion to the cafe-gym-a-torium.

  Jake followed. He couldn’t wait to get home and tell his parents about his first day at Tucker Junior High.


  “Mama, I have to wear my hair out.”

  “Okay, honey, so let’s go get it straightened.”

  “Oh no, the last time grandma did that my ears were burnt for weeks. No thank you.”

  “How about we go to the salon in the city then? I’ll even spring for you to get a manicure.”

  “Mama, I love my curls.”

  “I love them too, baby, but neither of us will survive another bout of detangling. You wear it straight or it goes up in a bun. Your choice.”

  “Can I get my nails painted any color I want?”

  “Within reason.”

  “Okay, deal.” Belle was glad she and her mom were getting along so well and that she was even willing to splurge so much on the dance. Mrs. Grayson did not embrace the idea of a fancy dance for eighth graders.

  Belle felt her parents out, where having an actual date was concerned, but when her dad balked at even the idea of a girl having a serious date at thirteen, she quickly reminded him that her friends would be going as a group.

  She might be arriving as a group, but Belle planned on letting every girl know that Jacob (everyone calls him Jake now) Martin was all hers.

  The dress, the hair, and even the scent she wore, were all chosen with his likes in mind. Unfortunately, across town Jake was preparing, in a less aware manner, oblivious of the importance of the evening ahead.


  Belle was doing everything in her power to convince Kasey to tryout for cheerleading with her.

  The summer between ninth and tenth grade hadn’t been as generous to the friends as they’d been to others. Puberty was a mystery. The boys seemed to suddenly look like men. Jake and Axe came home from football camp huge, and all of the girls entered the fall season with sweaters full to the brim. Everything was bigger on everyone, but puberty had left the girls behind. Kasey handled it a little better than Belle, but only because she knew genetics worked against her. Being Vietnamese, she came from a tiny people. Her own mother was only five feet tall. So, Kasey created her big through her hair, her make-up and her personality. When it came to Belle, well the only thing bigger than her hair was her attitude and her temper. She wasn’t really a mean girl, but she was a tough one. Belle mostly fought with words, but they could be biting and cruel. Her parents were told to encourage her to participate in a school activity, so she would become more a part of the high school experience, instead of railing against it all of the time.

  “Belle, cheerleading? You can’t be serious? We don’t do rah-rah high school stuff. They won’t pick us anyway. You’re great at basketball and they didn’t pick you for that.”

  “Yeah, I’m good, not great. You can knock the skin off a softball and they didn’t pick you. So what? We’re still athletes. I don’t want to do this without you. Besides, you’re always saying you need every advantage for your college applications. Schools love spirit and nothing says spirit more than pom-poms and tiny skirts.”

  “What is this really about? Tell me or it’s an automatic no. Spill it!”

  “It’s Jake. He doesn’t even notice us.”

  “You. You think he doesn’t notice you. Why is cheerleading going to change that? Unless?” Kasey smirked and tossed her friend the box of tissues on her nightstand.

  “I don’t plan on stuffing my bra. But, he’s always tied up with practice and team activities. Cheerleaders participate in a lot of those activities. I just need more face time, with him during the season.”

  “So, this would be sanctioned stalking.”

  “Smart ass! Look, if I’m being honest, this gets my parents off my butt and my butt closer to Jake. I need him to start seeing me as more than another one of the boys.”

  “I tried to get you to wear a little lip gloss and if you let me do your eyes—”

  “I’ll do both, if you come to tryouts.”

  “Blackmail of the highest order. Fine. I’m in. But, you better get me some time with Axe too.”

  “Um, what? Axe? Really?”


  “Done. I don’t know how, but done!”


  They’d been cooped up on the second floor of the public library for three straight hours. “We have to take a break. I’m dying.”

  “Well, death looks pretty good. The kids will be seriously disappointed at Halloween this year.”

  “Smart ass! Seriously, I can’t sit here much longer and I am not eating another granola bar. Real food man, please. My brain can’t take in anymore information without sustenance.”

  “Isabelle, behave. We have at least another chapter to get through. This is what studying for midterms looks like.”

  “Says you, Jake Martin. You’re my very own boy wonder. This is exactly why we’re going to school together. What would I do without you?”

  “You’ll be fine.”

  “I would be, but I won’t have to be. Now, I need food and a break. Let’s use some of that money mama and daddy must be paying you to get me through physics.

  “This is a volunteer mission, princess. One quick vending machine run and then back to it. Let’s go!”

  Jake stood up and pulled Belle from her chair, heading to the bank of elevators. He never let her hand go as they took the quick ride down three floors. Belle watched their hands linked together as she laid her head on his shoulder. He kissed the top of her curls, not even sure if she could feel it.

  Class Trip

  “No, Jake. I don’t want to try it. It looks like it would taste gross and slimy. Hard pass.”

  Jake was trying to keep from cracking a smile at her antics. Belle could heighten the theatrics of any situation. Currently, she was moving her head back and forth in toddler fashion to miss his spoon. It was full of gumbo and had a chunk of okra sitting center. One look at the okra and she wanted no part of it even though they’d agreed to try new foods on their class trip to New Orleans. He was always telling her that Doritos weren’t a food group.

  “I know this is outside of your relatively limited taste buds, but you promised.”

  “I’ll try it and force myself to keep it down if you promise to take us to Bourbon Street.”

  “Absolutely not. We’d be breaking three rules just getting out of the hotel. No. Besides, you’re only sixteen. Neither of you are faking your way into anyplace.”

  “Well, it’s where Kasey and I are going tonight, so if you don’t want us wandering around down there alone I think you better agree and scoop up a spoonful of that, minus the weird vegetable.”

  “Okra isn’t a weird vegetable, and you and Kasey will be where I can keep an eye on you, and that won’t be Bourbon Street. You can pick anything else that d
oesn’t include old dudes groping and underage drinking and I’ll be happy to escort you.”

  “How did I end up with the only boy scout for a best friend? Hot on the outside and a stick in the mud on the inside.”

  “I’ll stick your mud! Now, open.”

  “What does that even mean? You are such a dork.” Belle opened her mouth to stick out her tongue and in went the spoon.

  “Awe, Jake that’s—um, okay, that’s not terrible.”

  “See what happens when you listen to me, princess? Everything doesn’t have to be an argument.”

  “Oh, but we do it so well. Besides, it’s fun getting you all wound up.”

  “Just remember, when you wind some things too tightly, sometimes they snap back.”


  “Come on. It’ll be fun.” Belle was dragging Kasey into the now unmanned cafeteria.

  “We don’t even like the food they serve.”

  “Yeah, but the boys on the team do. We will be heroines if we bring back a box of those ice cream sandwiches.”

  “We’ll be suspended if we’re caught with that box of ice cream sandwiches.”

  “Look, Terra and her mean girl crew laughed and wouldn’t take the dare. We are going to be Goddesses for taking it and pulling it off. Fine, be my look out I’ll do it and I’ll still let you take half the credit.”

  “Okay, fine. Go. How are you getting in the locked freezer?”

  “I know where Ms. Mildred keeps the key. Locking it is almost pointless with how bad that key secret is kept. Now, watch the door. I’ll be right back.”

  These were the pointless activities that revved Belle’s engine. It broke up the dull that could be living in Tucker, and being an A student for whom school wasn’t a challenge. She snagged the box and came out into the open area with it raised above her head the way Rafiki held up Simba in presentation.

  “Is that your version of a victory dance?” Jake’s voice reached her before the fury in his eyes penetrated.

  “Where’s Kasey?”

  “She better be on her way home.”

  “She was my ride, Jake.”

  He didn’t even acknowledge her protest. Marching her back through the kitchen, with his hand firmly against her back, he made her reverse all of her steps and return her unnecessary contraband.

  “Now, I’m your ride.”

  The trip home was made in silence. Jake didn’t say anything and Belle was too afraid to. There was no way solid citizen Martin wasn’t going to tell her parents. Her mother would be screeching mad for hours. Her father would shake his head in disappointment and she would be grounded for weeks.

  “Where are we going?”

  “My house. My folks are at work and Morgan is in afterschool care. We have a few hours to chat.”

  “Chat? What about? You’re not going to guilt me into telling on myself. Sorry, I’m not wired that way.”

  “Yeah, I’m aware. Belle, you have to stop being so reckless. Your grandfather’s name and your parents’ reputation aren’t going to always save you from these little messes, and what about Kasey? She gets caught in enough of these little scrapes and it will kill her high school record.”

  “Kasey has a higher GPA than I do. Her record is solid.”

  “You got an answer for everything.”

  “Just the kind of gal I am.”

  “You’re racking up the reprimands. Don’t look shocked. I know more than I’ve said. For Sale signs in Mr. Mead’s yard. Dry ice in the faculty bathrooms. And, let’s not forget a school full of signs that said: Please Use Other Door.”

  She couldn’t stop laughing. “Come on those were funny, and no one got hurt.”

  “Lack of injury isn’t the point. We’re not in seventh grade anymore, Belle. You've got to stop.”

  “Fine. I guess we’re back to telling my folks.”

  “Nope. I’m going to try my folks’ method on you. Now, I haven’t needed it since about the eighth grade when I let Axe talk me into going down to the lake to smoke his brother’s cigarettes. But, I’m a quick study. You, princess, I’m thinking you’re going to be more of a repeat offender.”

  As they pulled into his driveway, Belle only had one request. “Just get me home in time for my soaps.”

  “I’ll get you home in plenty of time, but I doubt you’ll want to sit for long.”

  First Kiss

  They all piled in the truck to go check out the eclipse. Jake was happy to be driving his dad’s truck and not any one of their beat down hatchbacks. Kasey, Axe, Belle, Moody, and Lisa were all wedged in with blankets and a cooler of drinks and snacks. Belle had made her cheesecake bites and he couldn’t wait to get his hands on one.

  After eating, everyone spread out to their own areas to watch and wait.

  “Those were delicious. I might need you to make me every week.”

  “If I do that you won’t be able to run down the court.”

  Jake laughed at her complete lack of sports knowledge. “You mean the field. Basketball is played on a court.”

  “Whatever. Look at those two. Oh, my God, I can’t believe she’s just lying on top of him like that. What if someone sees them? If they keep this up, Moody and Lisa will have to get married right after graduation. Where are Axe and Kasey?”

  “I’m sure somewhere, doing something we don’t want to think about.”

  “Kasey? No.”

  “Um, more like, Kasey? Yes.” Belle looked over at him wide-eyed. He was flat on his back with his head propped on his folded arms and she completed the letter T, with her head on his eight pack abs.

  “Kasey hasn’t gone all the way. She would’ve told me.”

  “You’re very sweet but a little out of the sexual revolution happening at Tucker High.”

  “So, you’re saying everyone’s humping like bunnies?”

  “Something like that, but don’t worry. I’m glad you’re not following the crowd on this one.”

  “Are you? Following the crowd?”

  “Apples and oranges, princess.”

  “Jake, do you think it’s weird that we’re in the middle of our junior year and I haven’t even had a first kiss?”

  “Nope. Do you think it’s weird?”

  “I just want to get it over with and know what the big deal is. It is a big deal, right?”

  “A first kiss is an incredibly important big deal.”

  “I need to do it then. I need to figure out who I want to give it to.”

  Sitting up so abruptly, Jake almost flipped Belle completely over.

  “Whoa, what was that for?” She asked, getting to her knees to face him. He looked seriously irritated.

  “You aren’t figuring out who to give anything to. It’s not a game or some cheap dollar store treat. If you really want to experience your first kiss, you’ll do it with me.”

  “What? No, Jake that would be weird. We’re friends, not boyfriend and girlfriend.”

  He didn’t let her finish making excuses. On his knees, Jake moved into her space. Belle sat staring, watching his every move. The whole time thinking is he really going to do this? Even on his knees he towered over her. Jake was one hundred percent pure football player, at six foot three inches tall; he was two hundred pounds of solid muscle. Belle knew he was something called a wide receiver, but she had no idea what that meant other than he was huge. His jet-black hair was always a little too long and usually unkempt. His smile was playful and disarming, and as she watched him, Belle was mesmerized. It wasn’t until his hands were cupping her face and his breath grazed her skin that she looked up into his eyes. He never wavered or broke focus as his lips descended on hers. She didn’t really know what to do, so Belle simply let it happen. While the rest of him was solid and hard, his lips were soft and smooth, similar to hers. On instinct her eyes slipped closed, as his kiss got firmer and he moved her where he wanted her to be. When his tongue moved between her lips, she opened for him. Having never been kissed before, everything Belle did was pure intuiti


  Senior year started on a real high note.

  “Jake, Jake, Jake! I got it! I got the job as editor. You are looking at the editor of the Tucker High Gazette and the first girl to ever have the job.”

  Jake came from behind the hood of his car and spun her around in congratulations. He had news of his own, but decided it could wait.

  “I knew you would get it. You are going to be one amazing journalist when you grow up.”

  “Hilarious! I’m a pretty good journalist right now.”

  “Princess, you’re better than good. Now, you’re the editor. So, can I take the new boss out for some celebration ice cream?”


  They’d gone down to the local triple scoop parlor and were soon joined by their friends. It was the best time in Belle’s life. She couldn’t imagine things being better than they were in that moment, with them all together. Jake, Axe, Kasey, Lisa, Moody, and Belle, the six musketeers. They’d all grown up together, but it was the beginning of their junior year that had forged their unbreakable bond. Everyone wasn’t going away to college together, but Belle, Jake, and Moody were all headed to the west coast to her parents’ alma mater and she couldn’t wait. At first, the thought of being that far away scared her to death, but when Jake got his acceptance letter, that all changed. Things were falling into place and Beulah Isabelle Grayson planned on finally getting Jacob Martin out of the friend zone and into the realm of boyfriend.


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