Sweet Town Love

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Sweet Town Love Page 62

by Maggie Ryan

  “Yes, I believe you heard right. The price is right too.”

  “That settles it then.”

  Willow accepted his help. “Now, what did you bring for our dinner?”

  A little while later Willow thoughtfully stood sautéing vegetables. “This is nice. Never cared about living alone, but in the last week, I’ve noticed that I might want to share my day with someone. Other than my beach critters and friends on the phone.” She shot him a look out of the corner of her eye, and he smiled.

  “Funny, I was thinking that same thing today.” Setting the knife down, he walked to Willow and turned her towards him. “And you know whose face popped into my mind whenever I thought of changing my habits?” He leaned down and kissed her gently. “You.”

  “Oh.” She reached up and kissed him back. Besides her ill-fated marriage, she had had several boyfriends over the years, but dedication to her art and community had taken its toll on the relationships.

  “Willow, do you think you could be with a man who isn’t always everyone’s sweetheart, partly because of the job and partly because I don’t deal well with those who are insincere?”

  She laughed. “There’s a lot of that going around in the world.”

  “True enough. Let’s have dinner and get to know each other better.”

  “And cuddle?”

  He barked a laugh. “Yes, and cuddle.”

  “Good, because I hoped we would so I started the fireplace.”

  He turned back to the pasta and talked about mundane community happenings while they finished preparing the meal. The conversation continued through dinner, clean up and into the living room where it never seemed to lag. Willow curled up into his open arms and felt the contentment of his protective embrace. She loved how his easy way lulled her into a relaxed state.

  “I’m afraid that my preoccupation with my art at times will put too much of a strain on any relationship I’m in. It has already ruined several.” She plucked his buttons on his flannel shirt as she leaned into his broad chest.

  “And being a trooper isn’t all schedules and on time events. I’ve lost a few relationships as well to the stressors of the job. I think we have to go into this with our eyes wide open and our communication needs to be fluid.”

  “I agree. I understand your job gets in the way of life sometimes, and you know my art gets in the way sometimes.”

  “Yes, but every opportunity presented, we have to remember to make the most of them, so when plans fall through because of other commitments, we’re able to accept it. I really care about you, Willow. I love your over independence, late nights, naughtiness, and all. I want it all. Can we try to make a go of this?”

  “Naughtiness? I told you, I respect authority and—”

  He hugged her while kissing the top of her head. “Yes, I remember you respect authority and the law. Except when I’m the one in authority laying down the law, then you ignore me.”

  His tone was only half teasing. She looked up in surprise.

  “I only challenged you when it didn’t make sense.”

  “Yes, well, it’s going to be the first thing we discuss. If I tell you to do something to stay safe, it’s not a request.”

  “How am I to know the difference? You’re going to have to be reasonable about this.”

  He lifted her chin and kissed her nose. “Did you think I was kidding tonight when I said, ‘stay here?’ ”

  “Well, no, but I helped you.” He let go of her chin.

  “I didn’t need it. It would have taken me a couple more minutes to do it alone, but I would have known you were safe. As it was, I had to keep vigilant so that nothing happened to you. And what about when I kept calling you and got no return this last week?”

  “Oh. But we already talked about that.”

  “Yes, ‘oh,’ and we did. Now you need to promise me when I say something important like that, you will listen and do as I say. Then I won’t worry about you near as much.”

  “Well, it does kind of feel nice when you’re protective.”

  “Good, shoot for that feeling.”

  “But I don’t need a keeper. I need a man who will stick with me because he gets me and I need to be able to get him.”

  She wiggled in his lap, and he groaned. This was the first time she had had a conversation about what she wanted out of a relationship with the man in question. She smiled when he stilled her movements and rearranged her position slightly. She resettled again so her heated core settled over his cock snuggly.

  “Be a good girl,” he grumbled. “Don’t be naughty or I might warm your bottom.” He changed the subject.” I know this is a lot for you to take in, but I have feelings for you. When I care about someone whether a friend, family member or romantically, I’m protective. It’s just who I am, but not everyone can deal with me in protection mode. Do you think you can handle that?”

  “Well, I think so. I mean, what is there except you want me safe? I mean, do you only care as a friend?” Her smile told of her impish mood.

  He laughed. It was a deep belly announcement of his amusement. He leaned in and his hot breath tickled her neck. “You are somewhat of a brat, aren’t you, Willow Ashcroft? You’re pushing for me to deal with it.”

  “Oh, and how would you deal with it?”

  “I have my methods.” He hugged her. “I haven’t ever been tantalized by a woman so quickly in my life. It makes me want to be cautious, but when I’m with you, my resolve to go slowly is gone as though the thought never existed.”

  She snuggled in more as he rubbed her back. “I know the feeling. I can ignore it when I paint or draw, but it’s still there in the background. It’s a little bit scary.”

  “I know, honey, I know.

  Tristan and Willow sat staring into the fireplace, watching the flames lick the wood creating a sizzle and pop as the logs began to burn down. He drew her into the crook of his arm and played with her hair. She rubbed her hand over his flannel-encased chest and played with the buttons.

  “I don’t want to live anywhere else,” she announced hesitantly.

  He stilled. “Where did that come from?”

  “Well, you go to all sorts of assignments, I would guess. That means I would have to move if I stayed with you and I can’t do that.”

  “Ah, well, there are several things we can do, but I don’t want you to worry about it now. We’re learning each other to see if things will work themselves into a comfortable place for us. We might decide to be just friends, you know.”

  “What? No, I don’t think I could ever just be friends with you.” Willow’s tone left no doubt that friendship with no future was unacceptable to her.

  “Good to know.”

  A few more moments of fire watching and he glanced at the clock on a piece of driftwood sitting on the mantle.

  “It’s late. You need to go to bed. It’s been a long day.”

  “Mmm, I don’t want to move just yet.”

  “I know, but I need to get up early and clear the drive so I can try to get out to the road.”

  “There you go, bossing me around again.”

  “I could give you some incentive to listen to me.”

  Tristan had been hinting that he was a spanker, and while she was not a prude, she wasn’t sure about it. Willow took a fortifying breath in, let it out and boldly started the conversation.



  “You’ve said a few times, um… I mean, you’ve implied that you, um… Well, I’ll just ask it. Do you spank?”

  “Do I swat the bottom of the woman who is important to me when needed, then yes. I’ve been known to also use it to heat up a sexy night.” His answer sat heavy in the air.

  “Oh. I’m not sure about that.”

  “Which one, the ‘when needed’ spanking or the ‘sexy night’ spanking?”

  “Both, I think.”

  “Well, when the time comes, we’ll find out what you think about it, okay? You have a tendency t
o ignore my warnings so I have no doubt we will cross that bridge soon. As for the sexy ones, I hope we get to those at some point. For now, just know it’s been known to happen,” he said as he began to pull Willow upright. “I still need to clean the drive in the morning so time to move.”

  “Okay.” Willow didn’t want to push an uncomfortable subject after such a peaceful evening. “Just so you know, I have a snowplow on the front of my dad’s old pick up. It should do the trick. I hooked it up this afternoon to charge the battery, and I plugged in the engine heater too.”

  “Good. Now up you go and get ready for bed.” He paused a moment before adding, “Alone.”

  The tightness that was growing as bedtime approached eased. Willow had never jumped in bed with a new boyfriend, but she wondered what it would be like to have a man like Tristan make love to her. Her feelings confounded her on so many levels. Better to go slow, measure the steps carefully. She only hoped she could do it. Tristan’s mellow voice broke into her thoughts gently, and she moaned at the warmth that filled her belly at the sound.

  As though he could read her mind, he said, “When we make love, it will be when we’re both ready for a commitment.” His voice told of his seriousness. “Not before.”

  “Um, right, I understand that. I guess. It does take the pressure off.”


  He helped her off his lap, playfully popping her bottom as she stood. Willow grinned at him impishly. She’d have thought it would feel embarrassing, but it actually made her feel light knowing he had a bit of the rogue in him. That he was watching her, cared about her choices, teased her good-naturedly. It was nice not to be alone she thought again as she snuggled into her down comforter.

  The next morning, Willow threw on her bootie slippers and thick robe before bounding into the kitchen. The aroma of fresh coffee greeted her but no Tristan.

  Chapter 4

  Tristan had spent a restless night arguing with his brain to go to sleep. He hit the cell phone button that illuminated five o’clock on its screen. Scrubbing his hands over his face, he slipped out of a warm bed to check the house, start coffee, and take a shower. He was sure that Willow wouldn’t be up for at least another few hours. He remembered somewhere in the conversations last night, that she was a night owl, and therefore a late riser. That suited him fine on most days because he enjoyed a little quiet in the morning.

  This time of year, early morning was as dark as midnight, and any sun they got wouldn’t be here until after eight, which was early for most of the Last Frontier. The gray skies here were a challenge to get used to, but since seeing things through Willow’s eyes, he knew that even the swirly somber hues had splendor. And when the sun came out, you forgot you were ever complaining. He could settle down here.

  Willow was an amazing woman. She got his heart pumping and every possessive notion he had took hold when she smiled at him. She had a good head on her shoulders, was down to earth, and maybe a little too trusting, but it was a part of her charm. She cared about people and could see the beauty in almost anything. He needed more of that in his life after some of his experiences. The idea that someone wanted to take from her ignited his protective gene almost to overload proportions.

  He had little doubt that she was the woman for him. Whatever came up he would make it work. He would even ask for a permanent assignment in the southeast if that meant he could have her forever. There would be travel, but he could be home most nights. However, none of this could happen until they found the person who had trampled, uninvited, on Willow’s life.

  He smiled when he walked back inside to see Willow all snuggled up on the window seat in the kitchen. She must have been watching him check on the now completely snow-covered tarp. He didn’t usually work weekends. Another thing in his favor, he’d have liveable work hours even if she didn’t.

  “Hi.” Tristan leaned over to kiss her soft lips. “Staying out of trouble?” She licked them after he pulled back, which enticed him to kiss them again.

  “Yes. How cold is it outside?” Willow asked against his still hovering mouth.

  “Cold enough because the air is full of humidity. That snow is heavy and wet.”

  “I just realized it’s Saturday. Do you work today?” she asked as she opened the refrigerator.

  “Nope, I work regular hours usually. I’m almost never working any weekend duty unless I’m on a case.”

  “Oh? All the troopers I know work shifts.”

  “Right, because that is the job they have. I’m an investigator. Therefore, while I’m first a trooper, my job is very different. Do you have work to do today?”

  She frowned. “I always have projects. I have to be ready to tackle it, though.”

  “Are you? Ready, I mean.”

  She pulled out eggs and reindeer sausage. She reached for the sourdough bread and the starter. “I’m ready to eat. I guess I’d better make another loaf or two if you plan on spending more time here.”

  “Yeah, better make it two.” He laughed and pulled her in for a kiss. “I’m impressed, honey. You’re a real pioneer woman.” His tone was admiring.

  “Thanks. Things are so expensive around here that if you can live off the land as much as possible, you should. Besides, it’s all so yummy, and I feel better the more natural I get.”

  “I’m surprised you don’t have a hot house.”

  “Oh, I want one, but I want a good one. I haven’t had a chance to look at any to have barged up yet. Maybe in the spring I’ll start that project. I wanted a chicken coop, but wolves and eagles are too eager to help with population control around here. I haven’t figured out how to do it well, yet. I’m not as interested in it as the hot house.”

  They spoke a little more about what Willow was working on before changing the subject back to the footprints.

  “Don’t go outside alone.” Tristan saw Willow’s mouth open in what he was sure was a protest. He leaned in for a kiss then murmured over her lips. “Willow, you have plenty of work to do today. Arguing isn’t going to get you what you want because it isn’t safe, so stop. Is your phone charged?”

  “Yes, but really, it’s a bit of overkill don’t you think?”

  “Do you? Really?” he sat back speaking louder.

  “No, I guess not. I just hate it.”

  “I know, but I’m going home to grab some clothes, and you’re going to lock the door behind me. Open only to a trooper or me. I’ll cook dinner tonight so you can finish your work.” He kissed her breathless. She moaned. He smiled.

  “Now, since the snow plow doesn’t go this far, where is this truck with a plow on the front?”

  “Around back. I hope it starts.”

  They both smiled when its engine choked to life. Willow went to make breakfast while he worked on the driveway and entry road.

  Driving away from the house to gather clothing and several files from the office after breakfast wasn’t as difficult as Tristan had expected. Two troopers had come to get as many measurements and evidence as they could from the covered footprints. Willow was working in her studio after starting her bread.

  “Hi, sweetie, I’m on my way hom… back. Do you need anything?” It immediately struck Tristan how easily he had fallen into a comfortable place with Willow and how dangerous it would be to let his guard down too quickly.

  “No, no I have everything, but if you wanted something I might not have, you could bring it.”

  “Okay, see you soon, then.”

  When he arrived, he checked the door, glad she’d locked it, but there was no answer when he knocked, either. Tristan went around and punched in the garage code to gain entry. He put his few things on the counter, including his favorite dark coffee from Seattle. He tossed his bag into the guest room and knocked on the door to her studio.

  “Oh, sorry, I didn’t hear you. Wait, how did you get in? I’ve been careful to lock the door while this stuff has been going on.”

  “You did; it was just you didn’t hear the door so I came in
through the garage. The inner door was still unlocked.”

  “Good. Well, I don’t mean to make you spend your day alone, but I have a couple more hours of work before I’m ready to quit. Can you entertain yourself with the television or something?”

  “Yep, not a problem because I brought home some work too. I’ll spread out on the kitchen table if that’s all right.”

  Willow hesitated. Tristan realized too late that he’d used the word “home” again. It just felt right. She continued with a little smile.

  “Sure or you could use my office.”

  “For now, I’ll use the kitchen table. If we do this very often, I’ll think about sharing your space.”

  “I thought we already were.” She winked playfully. “I need to get back to my work.”

  The afternoon went by quietly. The measurements the officers could get from the snow-coated footprints were inconclusive. It appeared to be someone slender, as Willow had said, but with small feet and a long stride. It was a bit confusing because of the combination of characteristics. Tristan put the file aside and worked on his other theft cases of which there were only two. There were no similarities and not even close to Willow’s place. He hoped the extra vehicle outside would discourage any further attempts to enter her house.

  Willow emerged from her studio tired but with a sparkle in her eye and a spring in her step.

  “I’m done, completely done with this commissioned work. Now I’m ready to get some food and put my feet up.” She flopped herself on the nearest sofa and grinned.

  “That’s great. Can I see it?”

  “Oh, well, I guess it’s all right now that I have it done. Let me set it up and then you come to the studio in five minutes.”

  The picture was of a family beachcombing, with wildlife and a far off forgotten totem in the background. The elements of blues, greens, and earth tones, aura, and light captured his eye. They were her hallmark, creating such realism. Tristan had to stop himself from touching it.

  “It’s amazing. You 're incredible. So what happens next?”

  “Oh, this will sit for about a week and then I’ll have some prints made and then send the customer his original art.”


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