Sweet Town Love

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Sweet Town Love Page 70

by Maggie Ryan

  “Yes, sir.” She gulped. “I’m scared.”

  “I know, sweetheart. I’m doing my best to impress on you how serious this is, so this lesson will be once and done. Remember that I love you with all my heart and you can trust me to never give you more than you can safely take. Are you ready?”

  “Can I have a hug first? I really need a hug right now.”

  He took her in his arms and held her tightly, gently rocking her from side to side. “This is completely outside protocol, you know. Hugs and cuddling happen after the spanking; it’s called aftercare and lets you know that you are forgiven and deeply loved.”

  After giving her a couple of moments, he put his hands on her shoulders and moved her back. “All right, it’s time. Unzip your jeans and slide them down to your knees. Then go face the corner by the piano.”

  She took a deep breath and followed his instructions. As she turned to head toward the corner, she discovered that her stride was greatly hampered by her jeans. “I should have gone to the corner first and then taken these down. It’s too hard to walk.”

  “I think of it as the shuffle of shame and I was deliberate in the sequence of events. The embarrassment helps as a deterrent.”


  “And naughty girls getting punished aren’t supposed to talk unless a response is directly requested.”

  She sighed, shoulders slumped, and she nodded as she continued working her way across the floor.

  He didn’t have her linger long in the corner before calling her back to him. He knew that the corner time would seem much longer to her, especially when she was facing a spanking. He suddenly wondered if she had ever been spanked before. He had been remiss in not finding out that key piece of information.

  He stood as she arrived back at the sofa. “You’re doing well, sweetheart.” He tenderly eased her hair behind her ears with soft strokes and kissed her forehead. “Is this all new to you? Have you been spanked before?”

  “No, first time,” she whispered.

  “I see. Hopefully, it will be a very long time before your second spanking.”

  She looked up into his eyes and nodded slightly, her nerves making her lips tremble slightly.

  He sat down in the center of the sofa and reached to guide her down across his knees. “Let’s get this over with. I’ll begin with lighter spanks to get your skin warmed up, before the real spanking starts. Try not to clench, that just makes it worse. If it becomes a habit, I will have to take measures to prevent it, and believe me, you don’t want to learn about those.” Suddenly, his hand came down dead center on her panties and the spanking was underway.

  For the first several spanks, Kathy was relaxed. While each smack stung and the residual stings were blending together to become uncomfortable, it wasn’t unbearable. But, as he scolded, and the pain and heat continued to build, she began to whimper and squirm a little. Nate intensified the spanks and she started giving fuller voice to her unhappiness, apologizing and begging him to stop. She promised repeatedly to never go without her panties again. His hand moved lower to spank her upper thighs, below her panties and she became frantic, struggling and kicking. She had clenched her hands together and was pounding the rug in front of her.

  Then, just as suddenly as the spanking began, it stopped. “I’m not done yet,” he announced. “Ten more, the hardest ones of all, to your sit spots and then it will be over. I stopped to make a point that this is when you will get extras, if you earn them. They will be added to the final ten.” He launched into the final flurry of spanks, holding her in place firmly as she did everything she could to escape.

  When the spanking ended and he turned her over and raised her up to cuddle, all she could do was clutch at him, sob and promise to be good.

  “Shh, I know, I know.” He wiped her face with some tissues that he had placed conveniently nearby and offered her a glass of water. He repeatedly kissed the top of her head and snuggled her tightly, rocking and offering her comfort.

  Eventually she calmed and accepted some water. “Is it all over?” she finally ventured.

  “Yes, we’ll stay here in aftercare until you’re ready to get up. But your punishment is finished. You are forgiven and it is all forgotten, clean slate. You did very well, sweetheart. I am very proud of you.”

  “I kicked and screamed and cried like a baby.”

  “You’re supposed to. You didn’t break any of the rules and you didn’t use any foul language, which I forgot to mention was prohibited.” He tapped her nose. “Remember that for the future; don’t say I didn’t tell you that, because I’m telling you now.”

  “Okay.” She snuggled against him and let out a heavy sigh. “That was worse than I expected.”

  “Did it serve the purpose of teaching this lesson once and for all, or will it need to be repeated some day?”

  “I definitely learned that lesson!”

  He chuckled. “Good. Now, when you’re ready, you can go change into a skirt. I’m pretty sure that you aren’t going to want to pull those jeans back up.”

  “I don’t think I’ll ever wear them again; not unless I lose weight.”

  “Your weight is just fine, and I hear that they make panties that are supposed to fit in a way that there aren’t panty lines.”

  She turned to look at him in surprise. “How would you know something like that?”

  “I remember commercials when I was a kid. I have no clue, now, what kind of panties, but I remember that at the beginning of the commercial the woman was upset and then she was happy at the end.” He laughed. “Gosh, I haven’t thought about that in years, but now I wonder if that’s when I first started watching women’s butts, originally looking for panty lines and then coming to appreciate the beauty of a well shaped bottom. And yours, my dear, is superb.” He kissed her mouth for the first time since her spanking ended.

  “Hmm.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and got ready for some serious kissing.

  “Uh-uh,” he murmured. “This isn’t supposed to happen. No intimacy immediately after a punishment, sends the wrong message.”

  “You said everything was forgiven and forgotten,” she pouted when he pulled her arms away.

  “I think that your time in aftercare is about finished. Do you still want to go to the fair?”

  “Yes, please! But now I don’t know what to wear. None of my new clothes are suitable. That’s why I went with the jeans.”

  “So wear the skirt you wore for our first date. It’s fine.”

  “But I’ve worn it practically every day that you’ve known me! Plus, I was worried about my skirt blowing around on the rides or being a problem when I play with the animals.”

  “I planned a budget of how much I would spend on the games, rides and food. It’s got enough wiggle room; if we plan to be frugal, instead of trying to win a cheap stuffed animal, we can stop at Wal-Mart and invest in a pair of jeans that aren’t quite so tight.”

  “As much as I’d prefer not to have you buying me clothing, I think it is the practical solution. But only because you were planning to spend that money anyway—right?”

  “Yes, dear.” He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled her neck. “When we are married, I’m planning to buy you a whole new wardrobe and you won’t be able to say anything about it being inappropriate.”

  She groaned. “Did I just take the first step on the slippery slope?”

  He grinned as he raised his head and released her. “Yes, dear, you did. Now go put on something decent to go to Wal-Mart. While we’re there, I think I’m going to buy you some panties as well, these are darn ugly!”

  She pushed her jeans down and stepped out of them. Then as she bent over to pick them up off the floor, she wiggled her bottom at him. “Be glad. It’s the only way I was able to afford to buy them, they were marked way down.”

  “Are you trying to tempt me into another spanking, waving your bottom around like that? Go on with you!” He urged her down the hall. Once she was several steps aw
ay, he announced, “I’m going to buy you panties with the days of the week on them, so you never forget to wear them.”

  She giggled as she disappeared into her bedroom. “No worries about that, after today, I’m never going without them again!”

  Despite buying a pair of jeans that were looser, but not too loose—a girl has to think about presentation, after all—Kathy was pretty miserable whenever she sat down. She opted to skip going on any of the rides. That meant that there was more flexibility in the budget and Nate won her a decent-sized toy animal at the shooting gallery. She selected a pink pig wearing a tutu and a tiara; watching the piglet races had been one of her favorite things.

  They spent several hours looking at all the displayed animals, talking with their owners and then watching the 4-H kids present their entries in the various categories. There was a special excitement seeing someone who had just been talking to them in the adjacent barn, win a ribbon. Kathy had a great time in the barnyard petting zoo; Nate had a great time watching her laugh and play with the baby animals. Periodically, they would wander away from the animals to watch some live performances—music, comedy, magic and hypnosis. There was a riding and shooting competition that had them cheering along with the crowd as the contestants managed to shoot balloons while galloping through complicated courses. Then Kathy was surprised to discover the home arts building and was inspired by all the lovely items that were entered. “Do you think I can learn to do some of these crafts? Maybe knitting or macramé or quilting?”

  “I’m positive that you can do anything that you set your mind to, sweetheart.”

  “I won’t be very good at the beginning; I may never get to the skill level you see here. These are truly works of art! But I’d like to try. It would be nice to have some things around the house that I can point to and say ‘I made that.’ I’ve never had a hobby.”

  “What do you call learning to cook as well as you do? Dinner the other night was fantastic and I’m looking forward to the next time you come over to make dinner. I’m going to stock up at the grocery store to give you as many options as possible!”

  She smiled fondly at the memory. “That was a nice evening, wasn’t it? I had a lot of fun planning everything out.”

  He resisted the impulse to push his marriage proposal again, or even point out that they could have nice nights like that all the time when they were wed. Instead, he wrapped his arm around her waist and encouraged her to snuggle against him. “I think I’m detecting a big drop in your energy level. How are you doing? Getting a spanking like you did takes a lot out of you. I probably should have had you lie down for a bit afterwards; a nap, even a brief one, helps a lot. Ready to head home?”

  “Yes and no,” she responded as they continued to stroll at random through the crowd of the midway. “I am tired, but I’m not ready to leave yet. I want one more special thing to make the evening feel complete.”

  “I was going to suggest that we go over to the music stage, but I don’t know if you want to sit and I don’t think you have enough energy left to dance.”

  “I wish the fireworks were earlier; I’ll never make it another two hours. But that would have been a perfect ending.”

  “Hmm, maybe we can find a quiet corner somewhere and you can take a nap in my arms. Then maybe you’d be able to last until the fireworks.”

  “That sounds like a great solution, but it wouldn’t be any fun for you, and I’d get too heavy after a while.”

  “Sweetheart, you let me decide what is fun for me or whether you would get too heavy. Personally, I can’t imagine anything I’d rather do right now than sit holding the woman I love in my arms, watching over her while she sleeps.”

  She sighed. “You really are the perfect man, you know.”

  He kissed her. “I’m glad that you think so. Come on, I bet the picnic area is pretty empty, everyone’s eaten by now. I remember there was a tree with a nice patch of grass under it.”

  “How on earth did you notice that?”

  “I was surprised to see it. Usually the shade cast by a tree makes the grass underneath pretty thin.”

  “So you want to sit there instead of at a picnic table?”

  “Yeah, better back support, unless you have an objection.”

  “No, I’m just amazed that you’ve figured it all out.”

  “That’s me; always working to find solutions, especially if it makes you happy.”

  “You don’t need to search for solutions, you make me happy just being you.”

  “Good,” he answered simply.

  As they worked their way back across the fairgrounds to get to the family picnic area, Kathy began urging Nate towards the grandstand where they had watched some of the demolition derby. “What’s up, sweetheart? Why are we going this way?”

  “Remember how they were selling cushions for people who didn’t want to sit on the plain benches? Some of them fell down under the grandstand. I bet people didn’t bother to go back through the crowds to climb down and get them. I’m hoping that we can find a couple to make the ground more comfortable for you.”

  “That’s my sweet girl, you’re always looking for solutions too.”

  She stopped and looked up at him. “I like doing things for you, making you happy makes me happy.”

  “I promised myself that I wouldn’t pressure you.” He tugged her hand and started them walking again.

  “Sounds like there’s supposed to be a ‘but’ at the end of that sentence.”

  He shrugged. “If there was a ‘but,’ then it would be exactly what I just said I wasn’t going to do. When you are ready, you’ll let me know. In the meantime, I’m just going to enjoy being with you, doing what I can to keep you safe and happy.”

  “You’re going to get on with living.”

  “Exactly. It’s not like there is some magical switch that you flip and say, ‘Now our life together starts.’ That’s not what a wedding is supposed to be.”

  “It’s not?”

  “Not in my opinion. If that is the starting point, then it devalues all the things a couple has experienced together beforehand. I’m not going to do that. I’m building cherished memories as we go along. I expect that sitting under the tree holding you while we wait for the fireworks is going to feature right up there at the top. It sounds pretty magical—just like on TV.”

  “You know that I have a weakness and you are capitalizing on it.”

  “No, sweetheart, I’m buying into it. You’ve woven your concept of happily ever after based on the happy families you’ve seen on TV since you didn’t have role models in your life. I understand that; my childhood wasn’t so dissimilar from yours, remember. I’m going to do my best to give you what you want, I always will. That means sitting under a tree and holding you in my arms so that you can have fireworks to end your day at the fair.”

  She stood silently watching as he moved back and forth under the grandstand supports, searching the debris that had accumulated from a full day of crowds dropping things. This man truly loved her. Her heart swelled with the love she had for him. When he returned with three cushions, and took her hand to lead her on, she stopped him. Reaching up and cupping her hands on each side of face to hold him steady, she went up on tiptoes to kiss him. “Yes.”

  The End

  Georgia St. Claire

  Georgia is a southerner at heart who has lived in New England for thirty years, traveling back to her roots as often as she can. An avid reader all her life, she has always thought of herself as a writer, and did a few fan fiction stories while in middle and high school. She started a Regency in college when she ran out of books to read. But she didn’t turn to writing seriously until her children were grown. A member of Romance Writers of America since 2012 at both the national and local levels, she has discovered through her RWA meetings that she is a ‘pantser’ writer, meaning that she doesn’t plot out her stories ahead and just lets them flow (writing by the seat of her pants). The result is often that she is as surprised as
her readers at some of the turns her stories take. She is especially enjoying watching as her Myths and Magic series unfolds. She never knew how interesting Santa’s family would be, or what a world would be like where magic exists and mythical beings walked amongst us unsuspecting humans.

  Georgia has an avid interest in history, and did a double major in college of history and classical civilizations. Her son and daughter-in-law are both classicists and she enjoys spending time in that circle of specialists. She is a member of the Archaeological Institute of America and enjoys attending their lectures and conferences.

  When not creating her romances, Georgia escapes her computer to travel, in search of her own Love. Rufus, her feline companion, is her trusty sidekick on many of their adventures.

  Don’t miss these exciting titles by Georgia St. Claire and Blushing Books!

  Repeating the Past

  Wheatleigh’s Golden Goose

  Mind Me, Mae

  Pink Panties

  Myths and Magic Series:

  Nick’s Naughty Elf

  Three Matches

  The Girl from Christmas


  Sweet Town Love

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