Death with a French Vanilla Splash

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Death with a French Vanilla Splash Page 4

by Rena Marin

  “That friend was a paying customer. I could understand if someone simply stopped by to have a conversation. That wasn’t the case here. I wanted to ask him if he enjoyed his coffee since it was his first time trying your special blend. In case you were wondering, he did. He said he would be a repeat customer.”

  The Ice Queen fights hard to keep me from seeing the swell of pride on her face at the idea of a new customer enjoying her signature roast. She gathers herself quickly. “Thank you for the word of mouth, Zoey. I do appreciate that. Just make sure to avoid personal meet ups here at work. It looks bad for business.”

  “Of course, Monique. I’d never want to give the shop a bad image.”

  With that, she turns her tall ass around, squares her shoulders, and sets back to her normal pacing of the shop. I turn to find Dan staring at me in disbelief.

  “You ballsy bitch, you. I’m surprised she didn’t fire you on the spot.”

  “You people need to learn how to handle her. I get she’s a pain in the ass, but if you show her fear, you’ll never survive this place.”

  “I’m not good at dealing with mean, Zo. I never have been.”

  “And you work here? This place is literally hell on earth when it comes to the gathering of mean people.”

  “I know. But you’re here now. You can handle all the bad ones, right?”

  I think of my sticky situation from the flying frappe. I wanted to say more when that happened, but I didn’t. The idea of getting in trouble was lodged in my brain. Now? Not so much. Maybe Dan had a good point earlier when he mentioned a revolt. Could that be the real reason I’m here? Am I destined to help give the employees of French Vanilla Splash the balls to stand up for themselves? Who the hell knows? What I do know is, in a little over a week, I’m already over the Ice Queen, and I’m not taking any of her shit lying down. If this woman wants a strong employee who’s not afraid to stand up to her, she just met her. And her name is Zoey.

  DAN AND I ARE ON CLOSING duty. It’s harder than you’d think considering all the machines that need to be cleaned and washed down. Still, I’m getting the hang of it, which makes things go a bit faster. I’m using the sink to wash down some parts when I hear the door around back open. My first thought is Eli or one of his pals are sneaking inside. I’m already bracing for something bad when Zeyda’s head peeps around the corner.

  “Hey, guys.”

  “Zeyda!” Dan bellows out joyfully. “It’s good to see you. It’s been a while.”

  “Yeah, sorry. I should be coming by more often, but Mom keeps me covered up with paperwork. How are things going? Is she still being mean?”

  “Always,” Dan tells her then continues what he’s doing.

  I didn’t know Zeyda, and Dan were on such good terms. They talk like old friends, which is great. Dan needs someone in his corner around here besides me.

  “Are you liking it, Zoey?”

  “It’s a job,” I tell her. “It could be better, and it could be worse, ya know.”

  “She’s a real handful, huh?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “Hopefully, she’ll hand over the keys to the kingdom someday.” Zeyda’s voice sounds hopeful. Who knew she wanted this place for her own?

  “Zoey doesn’t take her shit. You could learn a thing or two from her, Z.” I give Dan a look, and he simply shrugs his shoulders. “It’s true. Zeyda has been mistreated by that woman all her life. We were still in elementary school when her dad married that bitch. She’s never been a nice woman.”

  “Wait. She’s your stepmom?”

  “Yeah, but they’ve been together so long I just say Mom. My real mother died when I was just a baby from a heart complication.”

  This puts things on an entirely different spectrum. I wanted to attempt good relations with this woman since Zeyda was so nice to me. Knowing she is an ass to family makes me care even less about her.

  “Who owns this place?” I question.

  “Both of my parents, but she runs it. Dad says it’s her baby, but his name is on it too.”

  “But he’s so pussy whipped he won’t say anything either,” Dan mumbles.


  “It’s true, Zeyda.”

  “You don’t have to say it like that, though. He tries.”

  I shake my head. “I told Dan he needed to stop letting her run all over him. All of them do. Until she realizes people aren’t going to take her shit, she’s not going to stop. I mean, let’s be honest, what’s she going to do? Do you think she can run this place alone? I sure don’t.”

  Zeyda bites her lip and for the briefest of moments it looks as if the seeds of anarchy have been planted in her brain.

  “She doesn’t like being behind the counter, so yeah, you’re probably right. Still, she would have a new crew in no time and would forget all about anyone who didn’t bow down to her like she wants.”

  “I don’t buy it. I’ve worked at a lot of places, that’s not what’s in an owner’s mind. They need their crews. Losing one or two is one thing. You don’t want to piss off the entire gang. Trust me.”

  “See, Z, there’s hope,” Dan tells her as whips his cleaning towel around in the air. “I’m rooting for Zoey to put the Ice Queen in her place,” he adds with a chuckle.

  I laugh along with him and Zeyda. I know what he means, but in the back of my mind, all I can think about is how much better Zeyda and Dan’s lives would be if Monique the Ice Queen got her chill on inside my freezer.

  Chapter Seven

  “Damn, girl, you look good,” Ethan calls out as he opens the passenger side of his truck for me to climb inside. “Seeing you in that little dress makes me wanna skip this bullshit and take you back up to your apartment.”

  Oh, it’s a tempting idea. If Dick wasn’t sitting on the coffee table watching a serial killer documentary while Clyde lounges on the sofa, I’d be all over it. I can’t take Ethan up to my apartment though. Not without proper preparations.

  “First off, your mom would kick our asses. Second, well, Claire would kick our asses since she’s doing the working from home thing tonight.” The smirk I toss in helps. “But...” I tease as I walk over and let my hand casually run across the bulge in his pants, “after this little get together, you can have your way with me.”

  “Deal,” he whispers as he leans down and kisses the side of my neck. “Now, get that hot little ass in the truck.”

  I settle myself in and buckle my belt. I guess it’s more a habit than anything. I mean, let’s be honest, here. Why would I need a seat belt? I’m already a living dead girl. Then again, if we were to be in an accident, the belt may keep me from flying out the window and falling apart. That or it could cut me in half. I guess either way, I’m fucked.

  The drive to Silver Springs isn’t that long. Luckily, traffic isn’t too bad. Normally, this town is packed to the brim tourists who love bitching about the traffic jams they’ve caused by yelling out their windows and honking their horns. It’s one of the many reasons I don’t make my way to Silver Springs too often.

  “There’s the restaurant,” Ethan announces as he turns on his signal and quickly turns into the practically empty parking lot. “She picked a great night, huh?”

  “Middle of the week makes it easier to get around up here. Weekends are a bitch.”

  “Trust me, I know. I have to come up once a month to pick up supplies for Mom at one of the local pet stores. It takes hours just to get through the damn traffic.” Ethan’s fondness for Silver Springs is evident as he pulls in next to Anna’s vehicle and kills the engine to the truck.

  Noticing how he stays in place; I reach over and take his hand. “You ready for this?”

  “I guess. I mean, Mom’s dated before, but it’s not normal for her to want me to meet anyone. I think that means this is serious. I’m not sure how to take that.”

  “You be happy for her. That is, if he’s not an asshole. If he’s a jerk, we get rid of his ass.”

  He looks over at me and smil
es slightly. “I’m glad you came with me.”

  “Me too,” I agree as I open the truck door. “I mean, if he’s an asshat, I’ll be the first person to call him on it. Everyone knows that.”

  “So, true.”

  Ethan’s laugh tells me he’s settling down a bit. I get what he’s going through, to an extent. I’ve never had to deal with meeting a new love interest of one of my parents, but my mom’s sister is famous for all the men she’s dated through the years. More often than not, she would show up to family events with a new guy on her arm. It made it hard, especially when we’d get to liking one of her men.

  Stepping through the door of Charmaine’s, the smell of food invades my taste buds. Most of it threatens to turn my tummy, but then I get a whiff of meat. Considering my current living status, I’m now an expert on steak, hamburger, pork, or any other type of meat. I may not be able to dive into the pasta and salad this place offers, but I’ll sure tear a damn steak up.

  “Ethan, Zoey!”

  I hear my name and look around to see Anna seated at a corner table waving her arm in the air. She’s not looking like I’m used to seeing her. She has her hair up in a cute bun and is styling a gorgeous black dress with a slight floral pattern added. It’s nice to see her dolled up and away from the hard work she puts in at the rehab every day.

  Beside her sits a man with dark, slightly receding hair and one of the brightest smiles I’ve ever seen. He’s definitely good looking for his age and knows it. He’s dressed in a nice, grey suit. On his wrist, I immediately notice a Rolex. That makes me think he has a bit of money. That, or he’s trying really hard to impress Ethan.

  “You guys are a little late,” Anna scolds slightly as she stands to hug me, then Ethan. “We were worried you’d decided not to come.”

  “Sorry, that’s my fault. I was running a little late,” Ethan tells her with a kiss to her cheek then looks to the man sitting at the table. “Hey, I’m Ethan,” he announces then extends his hand to shake.

  “It’s good to meet you, Ethan. I’m Bill,” he says as he gets to his feet and grips Ethan’s hand. The two of them let go and he turns toward me. “And you’re Zoey. Anna talks about you quite a bit,” he adds as he reaches for my hand.

  “Don’t believe all of it. I’m not that great,” I tell him as I shake his hand then let Ethan pull out my chair for me to take a seat.

  The tension is immediately broken as everyone laughs at my little joke and small talk erupts. Anna and Bill start telling us a bit about Bill’s life. He’s retired from his job as a lawyer and said goodbye to his wife of thirty years a few years back. In all honesty, he seems like a really great guy. Unfortunately, for Ethan, appearances don’t mean anything. He’s concerned for his mom.

  I sit quietly, sipping on water, which I don’t want, while Ethan grills Bill. I can see by the look in Anna’s eyes, she’s not happy with her son’s actions, but Bill is taking it like a champ. He’s showing great patience as he explains how he and Anna met, and how their relationship is going.

  When Ethan eventually has enough info to satisfy himself, he settles back in his chair then looks over at me. “You ready for something to eat?”

  I nod my head. “Yeah, if you’re finished with the interrogation.”

  “I am,” he grins then nudges me. “I expected more from you.”

  “I told you, I’m a great judge of people. I could tell he was alright after the first few minutes.”

  “Uh-huh.” He chuckles as he shakes a menu at me. “Pick your poison, woman.”

  “So, now here’s the big question,” Anna pipes up. “What’s going on with you two?”

  I’m not prepared for the looks both Anna and Bill give us. The thing between Ethan and me has been simple up until now. I’m not sure if I’m ready for Anna, or anyone else to push us into thinking more on it.

  I glance over to see Ethan shuffle in his chair slightly. I can see though that he’s ready to answer his mom’s question. “Well, we’re just seeing how things go. We like spending time with one another, but I don’t think either of us are ready for a big commitment or anything, Mom.”

  Yes. I love his answer. It’s perfect. I was hoping Ethan was looking at things the same way I was. Especially, after what happened between Parker and me. It makes me sound like a hoochie or something, but honestly, I don’t feel like Ethan and I are in a relationship. Apparently, he doesn’t either. Thank goodness.

  “Well, then. I guess the rest of us will wait and see how things go too.” Anna laughs lightly and suddenly the question, and the awkwardness it provided are forgotten.

  Outside the restaurant, we say our goodbyes to Bill and Anna. From the way they’re hanging on to one another, I have a feeling they won’t be parting ways until sometime tomorrow. Once they’re inside their car, Ethan turns to me and shakes his head.

  “I’m stuck with him, ain’t I?”

  “Yeah, you are. She’s found a keeper. I think they’ll be happy.”

  “Oh well, I knew it would happen someday,” he admits as he opens the truck door for me. “But I’m not going to worry about them right now. I’m more worried about whether you’re going to keep your promise.”

  I know exactly what he’s referring to. I lick my lips, then look his fine ass up and down slowly. “Oh, you better believe I plan on keeping my promise,” I tease as I reach out and run my hand down his chest then settle on his already rock-hard cock.

  “Since we’re here, in hotel hell, how about we get a room for the night?”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  He steps back from the truck door and slams it shut. The minute he climbs into the driver seat, I lean his way, kissing his neck as he gets settled and buckles up. I unhook my seat belt to move closer. I see the glint in his eyes as I unzip his pants, then lean over. I’m not above offering a little something while he drives.

  I feel the truck turn, then stop abruptly. In a quick motion, Ethan grabs me and pulls me toward him. He’s smooth as hell as he settles me on him, then thrusts his hips upward. I lean back against the steering wheel as he pulls my top down to take my nipple in his mouth. Neither of us seem to give a damn that we’re in the parking lot of a hotel or that there are people driving by on the main road. The only thing we can think of is making good on our promises.

  Chapter Eight

  “You didn’t come home last night. You didn’t let anyone know what was going on. I was scared to death!”

  I stare at Dick, holding my heels in my hand. I know I’m showing signs of the walk of shame but honestly, who gives a damn. Dick knows me. He knows what I do with my life. Fuck appearances.

  “I couldn’t call you, Dick. You have no way of answering the phone.”

  “We need to change that!”


  “Eli could’ve hurt you, Zo. I would’ve never known.”

  “I’m sorry, Dick.”

  “You could’ve given Claire a call. She would’ve come told me.”

  I love Dick to death but right now, he’s getting on my last nerve. Instead of arguing anymore, I walk away and make my way into the kitchen. Opening the fridge, I grab Clyde his food then make the hemorrhoid sitting on the table something to eat too. Maybe if I get things back on schedule quickly, he’ll shut his damn mouth.

  Grabbing Dick, I bring him over to the counter and offer him his first bite. I can see the anger on his wrinkled face, but he eats anyway. If there’s one thing you can count on from Dick, it’s his appetite. If he had a body, I do believe he’d be hell on wheels here in Willow Creek.

  I make myself a bite before taking off to the bathroom for a good shower and a change of clothes. Luckily, I’m off from work today and don’t need to worry about dealing with the Ice Queen. With the way Dick has already annoyed me, she’d really get on my nerves.

  Stepping back out, I see Clyde hopping around trying to get my attention. I know what he wants. He needs out of the apartment for a bit. I can’t blame him. He’s a farm animal a
fter all. Being outdoors is part of his DNA.

  “Is it okay with you if I take Clyde out for the day?” I question the head on my counter. He’s started to feel more like my dad than anything else.

  “I think he’d like that. I do worry about you being alone, though. How about you take me alone in the bag you bought for me?”

  I press my lips together to avoid laughing in his face. I see where he’s coming from with the not being alone thing, but what the hell could he do if something happened? Bite their ankles? Yell for help? Still, maybe getting out for a bit will do him good too. He stays cooped up more than the goat.

  “Sounds like a plan,” I announce as I wheel around to face the bedroom.

  “We could take some food along and have a picnic. I’m sure you could find a secluded place, right?”

  “I can try.” The chipper tone of my voice stays intact, oddly enough. With Willow Creek being a tourist trap, solitude isn’t the easiest thing in the world.

  STROLLING DOWN THE path at the park, I take in every face I see. Most of them are familiar. Having grown up here, I’ve met most of the population at some time or another. The most important thing is none of them look threatening. Eli may still be out there, but he doesn’t seem to be much of a threat currently.

  A few people stop to pay attention to Clyde. Luckily, since he’s just ate, he’s on his best behavior. He does good with people most of the time. Squirrels be fucked though. Poor things. It’s not like I can stop him though. He’s following his instincts and going after something smaller than him. Thank goodness he hasn’t tried to take out a cat or a dog.

  Slipping off the path, I start the long walk into the woods. I know this area pretty well. There are a few old cabins back here that are set up for visitors to tour. From what I remember, they date back to before Willow Creek was even a thing. The good part about them though is the location. Yes, they are for the public but considering how far back they are, most people don’t bother coming to visit them.


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