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Providence Series Books 1-4

Page 38

by Mary B. Moore

Luke’s youngest brother Mark was on FaceTime as he was still at college. Obviously, everyone had heard the news about our marriage and we were trying to explain it all to them and calm Christie down, who had been, putting it mildly, devastated that she hadn’t been able to plan the wedding with me. Luke had just explained that we were going to do it again now that we were home, so she’d still have that opportunity and she’d calmed down.

  “How did this happen, Isla Banks?” Reed growled. My boys were acting like protective fathers ready to get their shotguns.

  “Montgomery,” I mumbled.


  “It’s Isla Montgomery,” Luke said smugly from beside me. I wondered if he had a death wish because all three of them stood glaring at him, and I knew from experience that they could be irrationally protective of me.

  “You’re not helping,” I whispered to him and then decided to calm my boys down.

  “Guys, it wasn’t planned, but I have two babies who are right here,” I pointed to my bump and all of their faces softened as they looked at it; these men were such great guys. “I couldn’t have asked for a better surprise, though, and I need you guys behind me and not planning the death, or moments filled with intense pain, for my husband here.” I gestured with my thumb towards Luke, who snorted.

  “We taught you about protection, though, Isla,” Caleb cut in and everyone in the room looked at me, including Mark from the iPad that was being held facing towards me by Christie.

  Clearing his throat, George spoke. “So, moving on. You know you’re having a boy and you couldn’t find out the sex of the other one.”

  Luke started to fill them in and brought out the sonogram photos that he carried everywhere with him now, which was seriously cute. Soon everyone was discussing wedding plans and baby plans while I sat back listening with my mouth open. The reason being that the ones who had the most ideas were the guys.

  “So, where did you knock her up about,” Grams said loudly, causing everyone to stop talking at once and stare at her in shock.

  I slowly turned my head towards Luke and saw that he’d gone bright red. The reason for that was that we’d done the math the other night and discovered that it had been on his desk in the office; something that I did not want anyone to know.

  “Ohhhh, this looks juicy,” Gram crowed, clapping her hands. “Please tell me that it wasn’t, in the back of the car at least? I mean that’s just not right and it’s uncomfortable too.”

  “It definitely wasn’t, Gram.”

  “Good! Cause then you’d most likely have been caught by the police, knowing the law in this town, and those torches are bright!” We’d all been sitting staring at her in horror at this, and not one person said a word. “Isn’t that right, William?” She winked and nudged the man sitting beside her, who didn’t look in the least bit embarrassed by this.

  The sound of retching from the iPad filled the room and even the boys looked like they were gagging silently while the rest of us sat there with our mouths open.

  “That Officer Doohickey deliberately goes out looking for us, I reckon.” She said looking like he had audacity. Officer Dooley and Gram had had many run in’s over the years, so I don’t doubt that he most likely did look out for her car now. “Has he never heard the saying ‘If this car’s a rockin’ don’t come a knockin’?”

  “Jesus,” Luke muttered from beside me, rubbing his face with both hands. Like most of the people who weren’t now gagging audibly, I had absolutely nothing to say on the matter, I couldn’t even think of one word to say.

  “So,” George said sounding a bit unsure and desperate. “Have you told your father yet, Isla?”

  Caleb, Reed, and Johnny all stopped retching and looked at me. Like Luke, they knew everything that I’d been put through over the years by them. George and Christie might know some, but they didn’t know all and the bits they didn’t know were the worst ones.

  “No, I don’t think they’d be interested to be honest.” And this was true.

  “Isla, sweetheart,” Christie spoke up. “We know that there’s a lot that happened, we also realize that we don’t know all of it, however, do not give them that over you.

  You tell them your news and you walk away knowing that they will never share one second of that with you and that regardless of what they tried, they didn’t succeed.” She may be very quiet normally, unless there were weddings and babies being discussed, but when she spoke she was wise.

  I nodded at her and reached for Luke’s hand on my thigh getting a squeeze as soon as I took hold of it.

  “So,” Gram’s said on a hand clap. “What are you calling my great grandbabies?”

  The next ten minutes were filled with the boys and Mark arguing amongst each other over which one of their names we were calling the babies. This then led to a bit of wrestling on the floor, while the rest of us watched on and Mark continued to shout from the iPad. Adam sat back, his ever controlled self, and watched in amusement as they pulled hair, gut punched, and tried to get each other in choke holds.

  “Sayang,” Luke whispered in my ear. “There is no way any of these nutty bastards are babysitting our kids; just saying.” And leaned back in the couch.

  I had to say, I was inclined to agree. God knows what they’d teach them.

  Three days later….

  The girls and I were heading to see Cooper, who was still in the hospital. He’d regained consciousness two days ago and I wanted to make sure that he had everything that he needed.

  Walking through the glass doors with Baz and Coleman’s guys behind us, Maya, Amy, Lucy, and I followed the instructions that the lady at the reception had given us to get to his room.

  “How badly injured was he?” Lucy asked, her nurse side coming out.

  “I don’t know yet,” Maya replied, and I would have expected her to be one of the first to know. We’d had a long discussion the day before and both of us were scared shitless, but we were being careful not to show Ren and Luke because it would upset them even more.

  We got to the room and walked in to see a large man lying on the hospital bed with bandages on his arms and one on his face with Coleman standing beside him. They’d been discussing something and had stopped as soon as we walked in.

  “Cooper, this is Isla Montgomery,” Coleman said and I had to admit, I struggled not to grin whenever I heard my new name.

  “Hey Coop,” Maya cut in before I could do anything other than raise my hand. “This is my sister Lucy and my best friend Amy Mitchell.” I watched Coleman’s eyes lock on Amy and stay there, interesting.

  After half an hour of thanking him, apologizing for him getting caught in the blast even though it wasn’t our fault, and asking what he needed brought to him, it was time to leave. I was working from home on Montgomery Co. legalities and had a mountain of paperwork that needed to be dealt with.

  Walking out of the electric glass doors at the front of the hospital, I was just about to ask Coleman a question when, all of a sudden, the world seemed to explode. There were loud bangs and the glass doors we’d just walked through shattered behind us.

  I was knocked down to the floor by a heavy body, that thankfully cushioned my impact with the floor with their legs and arms as much as they could as I landed on my side.

  “Keep your head down Isla,” I recognized the voice as Graham, one of Baz’s men who had been assigned to me.

  It felt like it lasted for hours, but it must have only been minutes because, suddenly, the bangs stopped and then there were shouts from our security with deep voices yelling instructions to each other and the sounds of boots hitting the floor at a run.

  There was a groan from beside me and I saw Amy holding her side with blood on her hand and yelled for help. Coleman ran up to us and yelled for one of Baz’s guys who hadn’t gone after the shooter to get a gurney and then bellowed, “FUCK!”

  I think I was in shock, because everything had become surreal and slowed down to an almost Matrix style pace as I watched him cr
ouch down beside her and gently move her hair off her face before picking her up and carrying her into the hospital. That’s when I heard other moans through the ringing in my ears.

  “We need to get her checked,” Graham yelled, and then I was being lifted and the bright lights from the ceiling of the hospital appeared above me before they started spinning. The next thing I knew they were gone.


  I sat beside Isla’s bed with my hand on our babies, listening to the beep of her heart beat and the swooshing sound of the babies’ heartbeats from the monitors beside us.

  She was bruised and in shock still, but other than that unharmed. When I’d got the call about what had happened, I’d been in the middle of looking over surveillance footage that Mace had got from his man Neil in Kansas City. There was a man that we think could be involved, and I’d dropped everything to get to her.

  She’d woken up as I walked in and they were attaching the monitors for the babies’ heartbeats and she burst into tears as she heard both of them swooshing away strongly. She was being kept in to be monitored overnight as her blood pressure was obviously high and they wanted to make sure that both she and the babies were okay. After she’d fallen asleep, Baz and Coleman had debriefed me on what had happened, and the thought of Isla being caught in that made me sick. Maya and Lucy were also unharmed and were now back at Ren’s, but a bullet had skimmed Amy’s side and she’d ended up needing a lot of stitches to close the wound up. Coleman’s face as he relayed this information went from scary to fucking murderous.

  Apparently, there appeared to have been a shooter in one of the doctor’s offices in the building that looked onto the entrance of Piersville General. He had paid a homeless guy from the town over to run after the shooting stopped. The guy was hopped up on fuck knows what and wasn’t making any sense whatsoever, so after he’d been interrogated by the team they’d put him in a secure room to come down from whatever high he was on. They’d try again in the morning when he was a bit more with it.

  “Luke,” Isla’s whispered, and my head snapped up from staring at our hands and the fingers with our wedding rings on to see her watching me. “You okay?”

  “Fuck no!” And that was putting it mildly. I wanted to kill whoever was targeting my family. I wanted to beat the shit out of the drugged up fuck that had been part of today, I wanted to take my wife and run and hide…and I couldn’t do any of it.

  “We’re not hurt, honey,” she continued to whisper.

  “You could have been.”

  “But we’re not.” She lifted our hands up and put them back on her bump and smiled at me with that smile that got me each time; fuck, I was a lucky man.

  Standing up and stooping over her, I kissed her gently getting comfort from it. My world!

  Chapter 15


  “D id you deal with the loose ends in Indonesia?” The silence that dragged on in my ear fucked me off. “I said did you deal with the loose ends in Indonesia?” I roared.

  “By the time we got there, they had three of them so we only got one,” the incompetent asshole replied.

  I stared at the fireplace in front of me thinking about how to proceed and how I’d best deal with this fuck when all of this was done; it had to be painful. I wanted his last minutes on this earth to be filled with the pain of his constant failures.

  “Have you spoken with the other contact to let him know?” This guy had been brought to me by the guy who was after the Montgomery’s and he’d said he was highly recommended and got the job done. Fucking liar!

  “Affirmative,” he rumbled back. “We’re looking into ways of neutralizing the remaining loose ends and expect to have an answer soon.”

  Well at least there was that. “And where are these ‘loose ends’.”

  “In jail in Bali. They were found in possession of substantial amounts of heroine by the police.” Interesting…I knew from news broadcasts that the penalty for narcotics in Bali was death by firing squad, so perhaps they’d be doing us a favor. “We have one problem.”

  “Tell me.”

  “They were found and questioned before being arrested by the police who found all three unconscious at different locations after an anonymous tip off.”

  Picking up the picture frame that always sat on my desk and throwing it at the fire making sparks fly everywhere, I lost it. “FUCKING FIND OUT WHO AND WHAT THEY KNOW!” I wasn't going to let anyone fuck this up for me and the incompetent piece of shit on the phone was going to suffer even more now. I’d make his last breath filled with blood and pain like no one could imagine.

  Without hanging up, I threw the phone at the fire, too, watching as more sparks flew out of it, not registering the pain as I watched one land on my bare arm. I’d waited too long for my revenge on the Montgomery’s. They didn’t deserve the leniency I was giving them.

  Fishing another burner phone out of my drawer, I rang the one person who could give me news to help calm the fire now burning through me. He answered it on the second ring.

  “What have you got for me?”

  “I did as you asked and focused on the Price female. She was with her sister, friend, and the Banks female. I’m waiting for information on casualties.”

  This fuck was ruthless, I loved it even though he was also incompetent and would be gotten rid of.

  “Time to change focus,” I said, not needing to say more. He already knew the plan to keep changing targets. “Do not touch George, he’s mine!”

  “Understood,” he said before hanging up. I had to say, if he hadn’t been such a fuck up, I would have kept this guy on my payroll, but so far there had been no results to warrant that honor. If I’m feeling generous on the day that he’s brought to me after making Montgomery suffer, I might change my mind on ending his life. I doubt it though.

  “Mr. Lewis”

  After hanging up, I walk into my Red’s shop and proceed to have the same conversation that we’ve had before, while enjoying being so close to her and being able to actually smell her instead of smelling her on the clothing that I’ve stolen while she slept.

  “Hey there, Mr. Lewis, how can I help you today?” The smile on her face is all mine, she looks so excited to see me.

  “Have you got anything new in, beauty?” I play along with our charade. She’s a lady and needs to be treated like one, so if this game is what she wants, I’ll comply.

  “Of course! What are you looking for?” Her eyes are focused purely on me like they should be, and it takes everything in me not to pull her over the counter and take her to our home. Unfortunately, I have to do this shit first, then she’s mine, but I’m going to enjoy her in the meantime.

  “Whatever you like best, beauty, and in the same sizes.” Her sizes.

  As she’s finishing off my transaction, the bell on the front door rings and our private moment is ruined.

  “Adam!” She says, smiling more at him than she has at me. I turn around to see who the fucker is and see Adam Montgomery, the elusive Montgomery, walking toward us looking at my beauty. His fate has been set, the last thing that his eyes will see before I take them for looking at her will be me and I’ll make sure that his ending is hell.

  Picking up my bag, I walk out of the shop knowing that tonight it will be me watching over her and it will be me who enjoys her until her last breath, not that bastard.

  Chapter 16


  K issing down Isla’s body, I made my way towards her pussy. We’d had dinner with my family and the Townsend’s tonight so I hadn’t had any one-on-one time with her and was determined to make up for it, regardless of how much she tried to pull me back up. I’d noticed that her body was becoming more sensitive with the pregnancy. I was intrigued and had some experiments that I wanted to try out.

  Finally getting to her center, I put her feet over my shoulders, blew on her, and watched her shudder.

  “Luke, please!” She groaned.

  I gave her my answer by licking up her center and
enjoying the taste of her exploding on my tongue. Holding her open with my thumbs, I got as far as giving her clit a hard suck before she screamed and came, proving my theory right. I was really going to enjoy this pregnancy.

  Grinning as I kissed my way back up her body as she came down again, I reached down and grabbed my cock and rubbed it up her center, making her shudder.

  “Look at me, sayang.” I leaned on one arm so that my weight wasn’t on her as I rubbed along her again.

  I waited until her beautiful hazel eyes were on me, even if she didn’t look like she could focus, and then pressed into her. Being inside Isla was heaven; she was so tight and wet that I started to shake. I withdrew a little and she tightened even more around me like she was trying to keep me where I was and then pressed in a little harder, almost giving her all of me, and making us both groan at the same time. I did this one more time and I was all the way inside her heaven.

  “Please move.” She was past the point of return and writhing under me. I loved seeing this side of her, knowing that the normally restrained Isla completely lost control with me and I was the only one who saw it.

  Leaning down, I licked across one of her nipples as I started a slow rhythm in and out of her. After a couple of seconds, I knew that I needed to step it up and sucked hard whilst speeding up. Her gasps and moans spurred me on and I added more force to my thrusts, making sure to grind my hips into her every now and then, a move that never failed with Isla. Licking across to her other nipple, I gave it the same treatment as the first one, before pulling back and focusing on my thrusts into her.

  She was digging her nails into my back, which was my cue, so I slowly dragged my hand down her side, making sure I only skimmed the side of her breast, and made my way slowly towards her clit. Knowing where I was headed, her head started to move from side to side and her nails dug in harder. I loved the damage she did to my back.

  As I reached her sensitive clit, I gently rubbed around it with my thumb, making sure I didn’t touch it as I leaned down and put my mouth right next to her ear and increased the force of my thrusts into her. “Say it!”


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