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Fast Lane

Page 3

by Jennis Slaughter

  Sam stood in the doorway of the garage, listening to the young woman hum and work on her engine. Quietly, she sat down in a nearby chair and waited. Addison intrigued her; reminding her of herself before she took over her father’s business. The blonde would wait until she was noticed.

  Thinking it was her dad who had entered the garage, she sighed thankfully for the giant piece of metal above her. Her father was a little too overbearing on his best days, and on his worst...well, he was annoying. Better get this over with; the quicker she promised him she’d go to bed early, the quicker she could sneak back and finish draining the power steering fluid and putting in fresh fluid.

  Putting the wrench down on the floor, she put her hands on the frame of the car, and pushed herself out from under it and stopped short. Instead of her father, Addison found herself looking up at Sam Dupree. The shock was evident as her eyes grew wide in surprise. “Uh...hi, are you looking for Dana?”

  “Nope...wanted to know if my assumptions were right, and they were. You prefer to do your own work, right? You trust your crew up to a point, but you want it to be your own fault if something fails; not anyone else’s.” Sam smiled at the young woman.

  “Umm yeah. I guess.” Addison scratched her chin and stood up slowly, then began to put some of her tools away.

  “Don’t stop on my account. I’ll hand you tools if ya need ‘em.” The blonde smiled before she asked, “What is it like when you’re driving?”

  The younger woman tucked a piece of hair behind her ear, trying to think of a way to explain it as she sat back down on the dolly and opened a bottle of water. “It’s the one thing in the world I can control the most. I can’t control my father yelling at me for being a second too slow, I can’t control Tatum winning every race just because I was slammed into the wall on turn four on the last few laps...driving for me is sheer fun. Like it used to be when I was a kid.”

  “You did BMX for a while before you went to NASCAR. Why the switch?” Addison’s father had managed one of Sam’s father’s motorcycle parts store so the blonde knew of Addison’s resume.

  “When you wipe out on a bike, it hurts a hell of a lot more than when you do it in a car.” Addison smiled before sliding back up under the car with a pan to drain the oil and power steering fluid.

  Looking around, the blonde saw an extra pan nearby, she picked it up and slipped it underneath the car to the driver. Looking down through the engine, she found herself staring into gray eyes. “What else do you need?”

  Addison looked up at Sam with a friendly smile, though in truth she was a bit star struck. The world’s first female Formula 1 driver was in her garage handing her tools. A woman like that could probably buy and sell her ten times over. “Could you hand me that wrench by my right tire? And the channel locks?”

  Smiling, Sam reaching down to find the appropriate tools and placed them in Addison’s outstretched hand before looking back through the engine. “There ya go. You do realize that if you win, that you’ll need to go training for a bit to get used to driving the cars, don’t you?”

  “I’d hate to have to explain to your investors why I wrecked a nine-million-dollar car.” Addison laughed softly before taking the tools from the other driver. “It took me a bit to grasp driving one of these, but in the end, it works alright, I think.”

  “You just worry about explaining things to me. I’ll take care of anything else. As for your crew, do you want to take them all or just certain ones? I know that it’s easier to trust someone you’ve worked with for a while other than getting used to someone new.” Sam leaned against the car, still peering down through the engine. She liked talking to this young woman; she had a sharp head on her shoulders.

  “You’re talking like I’ve already won Ms. Dupree.” Addison looked up with a blushing smile.

  “It’s Sam, and yes, I expect you to.” The blonde was honest. She was only having the contest to be fair. “Don’t you dare disappoint me and stick me with Tatum.”

  “No ma’am.” Addison looked away. Sam’s words had sounded like her father’s.

  The blonde had caught the pang of fear on the young woman’s face and quickly strove to erase it. “I have faith in you Addi...just do your best. That is all I will ever ask of you. Deal?”

  Gray eyes looked up, resembling a stormy sea, a young woman tossed out into a sea of doubt and worry. “Deal.” She slid out from the car to take a drink of water, standing that close to Sam, she caught a whiff of all the alcohol. “You smell like a bar.” She wrinkled her nose.

  Sam had the good grace to blush. “Yeah, needed to relax for a bit, but it’s something I don’t do often, and something I don’t recommend that you start. So, you never answered the question. Do you have a crew member that you want to take with you?”

  Addison was still stuck toiling over the nickname Sam had used on a whim, did that mean she liked Addison? Enough to give her a job? She hoped so. “Umm...the only person I want to take with me is Arnie, my Pit Boss, everyone else can stay. He’s always been good to me.”

  “Arnie’s a good man. Okay, anything else that you might need? You’ll be paid every week, while your room and board will be paid for. Your dad will get a lump sum, as will Carl and John. I’ll double Arnie’s salary to compensate for the amount of traveling we will need to be doing and I think that’s it.” Sam mentally ran through the list in her head. “Anything you need to know?”

  “Why me?” Addison stood up and took a seat on a chair.

  “Straight forward...I can work with you. You have great potential and the dedication to back it up.” Sam sat across from her. “You do know that you will have to talk to the press from time to time, but I can run interference for you until you get used to it. However, I won’t speak for you. You will have to tell me what you want said. I’m not going to put words in your mouth.”

  “I’ve never let anyone speak for me or put words in my mouth, but you’re welcome to try Sam.” Addison said before she stood up. She put in new oil and power steering fluid quickly and efficiently before removing her gloves, and washing her hands in the sink.

  Sam bit back the retort that sprang to mind, and shook her head. The young woman wasn’t teasing her. She was just being friendly, and it was a good beginning, and she was impressed on how cleanly the young woman worked. “So are you off to bed?”

  “After I take my dog on a quick walk, yes ma’am, I’m headed to bed. I have to be up early to go running with my father before I come back to the track,” Addison explained, drying her hands off on a towel before turning to face her future boss.

  “What kind of dog do you have?” Sam walked over to stand next to the young woman.

  “A Rottweiler, his name is Deuce,” Addison explained as she hung up the towel neatly. “It was either a big dog or a bodyguard; I chose the dog.”

  “We’ll have to make sure that he has his papers if you want to take him with you. I’m gonna hang out here for a while and relax if you want to bring him by to see if we get along.” Sam sat down in the chair and stretched out her legs.

  “Sure, just let me get back to my trailer to shower; I don’t think I smell that great by now.” Addison pulled at her white V-neck under shirt that clung to her body suggestively; almost see through. Redoing her hair back into a ponytail, she closed the garage door and left, missing Dana Tatum around the corner who was watching her.

  Closing her eyes, Sam sighed. Addi had a lot of potential and was a hard worker. She smiled, knowing that there was a star-struck kid hidden in the young woman’s body.

  Dana smirked, typical Addison. The girl would obsess over every tiny detail of the car, if anything wasn’t perfectly in its place, it would throw her off. He had already torn the wiring to his own ignition system before he planned to do the same to Addison’s. He didn’t want to look overly suspicious so he made sure to dress like himself. Who would question a driver looking at his blockers car? No one.

  He chuckled softly, pushing open the garage door, but stopped
dead in his tracks when he saw Sam Dupree.

  “Hello Tatum...took ya longer than I thought. Did ya finish drinking with the boys?” Sam didn’t move from her position with her legs stretched out and her hands folded comfortably over her stomach.

  “I did, and thought I would come by, check on Addison. Well, and her car. Seen her around?” he asked lightly, walking towards the gleaming black and blue Roush Mustang.

  “Not sure. Think she went to take a shower. You often check on your blocker Tatum? Do you actually care about her, or just like to harass her?” The blonde knew the man’s reputation, and wasn’t going to pull any punches.

  “If she would just lighten up and let me take her out for a drink, I wouldn’t be so hard on her.” He laughed, reaching the car and beginning to look under the hood.

  “That’s not your car, back off Tatum.” Sam stood up and walked over to the man. “The girl shows that she knows better than to hang out with you. Don’t you know that you should never mix business with pleasure?”

  The main driver for Conway Freight looked irritated at being interrupted in his work. He gritted his teeth, knowing now he would have to beat Addison fair and square. He pushed away from the car, shooting Sam a nasty look. “I’ll make sure to have my lawyer look at my contract before I sign anything tomorrow.” And he left.

  “Thank God I’m not going to be subjected to that man on a daily basis.” Sam reached for the nearby phone and called the track officials to request that extra security be placed on both Tatum’s and Addison’s cars. She was going to make sure that Tatum would have to sweat the rest of the night when he couldn’t touch his blocker’s car.

  After the track officials agreed to double the security on Addison and Tatum’s cars, Sam hung up the phone. She began to look around the garage until she heard what sounded like a tennis ball hitting the pavement over and over again. Followed by muted barks and someone hushing their dog. “Deuce, people are sleeping boy!”

  Sam knew it had to be Addison coming back from her shower, so she left through the garage door and made sure it locked behind her.

  Coming around a corner, she saw Addison in a pair of daisy dukes and a faded t-shirt that read Houston Astros. Her hair was still wet from the shower and was hanging loose in waves. She was throwing a tennis ball against the pavement and catching it again while an enormous male Rottweiler danced around her feet, barking every so often trying to get the ball away from her. The dog was huge, and his head came up to just below Addison’s ribs. He wore a brown leather collar with metal studs.

  “That’s not a dog, that’s a small horse.” Sam stayed right where she was as the dog caught sight of her and assumed a protective stance.

  Deuce lowered his head parallel to the ground and began to growl, sounding like a shovel being dragged over gravel. “Deuce, boy, stop.” Addison kneeled down and yanked on his collar. Knowing his place, the dog walked towards Sam with a purpose to sniff her and find out who she was.

  Slowly Sam knelt down until her head was even with the dogs and held out her hand; she made no sudden movements. “I think that a bodyguard would probably eat less than Deuce here.”

  “Have you seen some of the bodyguards that people employ lately?” Addison asked as Deuce sniffed Sam’s hand and licked it softly. Then he sniffed her chest and hair before walking past her towards a path so that he could go to the bathroom.

  Standing up, Sam chuckled. “I guess I passed, huh? I’ve arranged for some added security for the night, so I’ll see you in the morning. I’m going to be here in the pits during the race. I want to see how well your teams work.”

  Addison nodded, though part of her wanted the other driver to stay with her. Maybe she was just lonely. God, she needed a vacation. Addison scratched the back of her head. “Umm alright, have a good night I guess.”

  “Do you wanna talk about anything Addi? I’ve got nowhere else to be for the night, so I’m all yours,” Sam offered. She really didn’t want to go back to the hotel and deal with Becca yet. Besides the redhead had it coming.

  Addison smiled and blushed before turning away. “What’s it like to date and be in the public eye?” She hadn’t had that much experience in either as her father kept a strict eye on her.

  “Ask an easy question why don’t ya?” Sam smiled and stuck her hands in her back pockets while she walked alongside the auburn-haired girl. “There’s a public image I have to portray that is much different than the way that I am. I want to bring people in to see me race, and they expect to see me a certain way. It’s hard presenting that sometimes, because it is totally different from who I really am.”

  Addison listened with rapt attention and then explained her question, “I’m sorry for such a personal question, but I’ve never been allowed to date. It’s always been all work and no play.” Addi shrugged as she took the tennis ball and launched it into the air watching it sail into the night with Deuce right behind it.

  “How old are you Addi?” Sam asked quietly.

  “I’ll be twenty-three next month,” Addison was starting to enjoy Sam calling her Addi for short. It made her feel important that the F1 one driver wanted to give her a nickname. “Twenty-two and still a virgin.” She blushed, but clapped as Deuce brought the ball back. “Good boy!”

  Sam was glad that it was dark enough to cover her own blush. “That will change when you are ready for it to. Now I’m not going to tell you what you can’t or can do while you’re on the circuit; I’m not your parent. You can do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t affect your driving.”

  “Yes ma’am.” Addison kneeled down to scratch behind Deuces ears before standing back up and heading towards her trailer. “Walk me back to my trailer?”

  “Sure...need to make sure that you arrive safely.” Sam walked next to the young woman. “I have one last question for you. What all have you heard about me?”

  Addison was quiet for several moments as they retraced the path back to her trailer. “Umm...I’ve heard that you’re a real Casanova. A heartbreaker, and that no woman or man can really say no to you.” Addi kept looking ahead and didn’t turn back to look at her future boss.

  “That’s the image I have to portray, but I don’t ask the men...will that be a problem for you?” Sam stared down at the concrete, concerned about the answer. For some reason she wanted this young woman as a friend.

  Sam heard Addison laugh before she replied, “No. My mother raised me to think that what a person does in their own time is their own business. I haven’t the right to judge really. Who am I to say how to live your life? I’ve never even been kissed.” She chuckled again as they reached her trailer and she pulled out her keys to unlock it.

  “Save that for someone special Addi. You never can get that back. I’ll see you in the morning.” Sam waited as the young woman unlocked the RV.

  Addison let Deuce go inside first before she turned to look at Sam. “I’ll remember that. Thanks for the talk Ms. Dupree.” She knew that she wanted to call her Sam, but Addison knew her manners came before her head.

  “It’s Sam, Addi, and you’re more than welcome.” The blonde then turned and made her way to the waiting limo to head back to her hotel.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Leaning her head against the leather seat back, Sam closed her eyes and thought about the young woman. She was like a breath of fresh air in her stressful world, and the blonde was looking forward to getting to know her.

  Wiping her face, she sighed at the thought of keeping track of the young woman, even though she had said that she wouldn’t try to control her. There was no way that she was going to let the European men or women even, get their hands on Addi if she didn’t want them to. ‘Congratulations Dupree. You’re becoming a babysitter.’ Sam chuckled and waited to arrive at the hotel.

  As the driver slowed to a stop, Sam left him with a large tip before making her way back up to the Presidential suite where she had left Becca. Opening the door, she saw the redhead was practically shivering with rage at
being left naked and handcuffed to a bed. “Where the fuck have you been?” Becca yelled.

  “Excuse whom do you think you are speaking to?” Sam slowly unbuttoned her shirt and slid off her boots and pants before she stood over the redhead.

  Becca looked away, angrily. “What if someone had come in Sam?”

  “This is the Presidential suite one comes in here unless they have the key. Lucky for you, I have the only key. Now was there something that you wanted?” the blonde asked with an arched brow.

  Becca looked humiliated as she stared up at Sam. “Let me cum please...” she begged, ashamed she still wanted Sam after this.

  “We’ll see....” And the blonde proceeded to tease the redhead up to the point of crying for release by nipping, and licking, pinching and flicking anything and everything that she wanted. They were both bathed in sweat. Sam had Becca’s legs over her shoulders as she prepared to slide in a dildo that was strapped to her hips. “Are you ready Becca? How much do you want to be royally fucked?”

  “So badly, please...I need you,” Becca begged as her hips shook with restrained passion. Her body ached for Sam in places it had never ached before.

  Without hesitation or warning, Sam slammed her hips into the redheads, and started thrusting with a frantic pace, not caring if Becca was getting off or not. She needed to find her own release first, and then just maybe, she would satisfy her girlfriend’s. Thrusting as hard and as fast as she could, the blonde felt herself tightening and then releasing, leaning over the edge, and she whispered, “Addi....” She caught herself and stopped, still pressed deep inside the redhead. “Holy Shit!” She quickly uncuffed Becca from the bed before she pulled away and went into the bathroom.

  Becca lay on the bed, shivering in beautiful convulsions as her orgasm finished tearing its way through her body. Covering herself with a white sheet, she sat up and walked over to the bathroom door. Knocking on it gently, she waited until Sam answered her.


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