Fast Lane

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Fast Lane Page 30

by Jennis Slaughter

  Once the bellhops left with their tip, Sam kicked off her shoes and walked over to the bar. “Would you care for something to drink before dinner is delivered?” She opened a bottle of sparkling water to pour some over ice.

  “Sure.” Addison smiled, carting the bags into her room. When she returned, she was pulling her hair into a ponytail and had already slipped off her high heels.

  “What would you like?” Sam sipped her water and watched as the young woman crossed the room barefoot.

  Addi picked an imaginary piece of lint off her sundress as she slid onto the barstool next to Sam. “Wine would be fine, a nice red, Italian if they have it.”

  Sam smiled. “I believe that they have, but would you like to try some really nice Australian red? They’ve got some pretty good choices here.” Sam got up and walked around the bar.

  “That’s more than fine, Sammie.” Addison watched the blonde move easily around the small kitchenette area, popping open a bottle of red Australian wine before she left it to breathe. The redhead bit her lip, wondering if Sammie had any idea how graceful she was.

  “Did you have a good time today?” Sam asked as she went over to open the door for room service; instructing them to set the food in front of the sofa.

  “I always do when I’m with you. It took me awhile to understand why you were in such a hurry to get out of the lingerie store, but I understood once we got in the car,” Addison explained as she poured herself a glass of wine, and then raised it to smell the aroma.

  Walking over to where her lover was sitting, Sam gave her a small bow and offered her arm. “Your table awaits, My Lady.”

  Addi smiled and slid her arm through Sam’s, but before following her across the suite, she stood up on the toes of her bare feet to kiss the blonde’s cheek softly. “You are my knight in shining armor, Sam Dupree,” she whispered against her cheek with a grin before pulling back.

  Sam stared down into gray eyes, and smiled. “I know that you think that, but I’m not all good, Addi. I have my demons, and I have done things that I’m not proud of, but I want to be better. I want to be someone that you deserve,” the blonde whispered her admission.

  In return, Addison smiled. “Nobody is all good Sammie.” She tilted her head as they sat down on the couch, she herself set down the glass of wine before crawling into the taller woman’s lap, holding her face in her hands. “I love you; you rescued me from my father when I was too scared to do anything. So you are MY hero.”

  “I don’t want anyone to be hurt by a parent, or someone who is supposed to protect them. I love you too Addison, so very much.” Sam leaned forward, gently brushing her lips against the younger woman’s.

  Addi grinned, kissing Sam back softly. As the blonde’s lips parted, she reminded herself that Sam hadn’t slept much on the flight down to Australia so she needed a night of rest, and not one of playing Doctor. “Mmm baby, let’s eat and get you into bed.”

  Stifling back a yawn, Sam chuckled. “Yeah, I need to get some sleep. Time trials start the day after tomorrow, and I want to walk the track before that.”

  “Maybe this time I can enjoy the win.” Addison kissed her lips one more time before happily starting in on her Cobb Salad with Thousand Island dressing.

  Sam made it about halfway through her Chicken Cordon Bleu before her eyes started to droop. “I’m sorry Darlin’. I’ve got to get to bed.”

  Wiping her lips, Addison stood Sam up and pushed her towards the bedroom. Once they were inside, Addison helped Sam unbutton her slacks, sliding them off even as she was saying, “I’m still a bit wound up so I might go down to the pool and swim laps.”

  “Make sure that Sven goes with you.” Sam unbuttoned her shirt, pulling it off before removing her bra. “I’ll take a quick bath and go straight to bed.”

  “Do you want me to wake you when I come back?” Addison asked as she opened her suitcase and pulled out a black sports bikini then she began undressing.

  “Yeah, just let me know that you’re back please.” Sam paused in going to the bathroom, admiring the body as it was revealed.

  The redhead looked at the bikini, holding it up before she saw Sam’s face in the reflection of the mirror near the vanity. She slowly turned around with a soft smile. “Loving you has made me more...comfortable with my body and myself,” she spoke softly.

  “You have a beautiful body, Addison.” Sam smiled back before ducking her head and heading into the bathroom. Turning on the shower, she stepped underneath the water and sighed.

  The redhead slipped into the bikini before she stopped in the doorway of the bathroom. “I’m not the only one who’s built for beauty, Samantha...” Addison called out as she admired Sam’s amazing body under the water. Legs that went on for miles, a smooth flat stomach, long toned arms, and an ass that fit perfectly in Addison’s hands.

  She blushed, thinking of how badly she wanted to shove Sam up against the shower door, but instead began putting her hair into a ponytail.

  Sam stayed under the hot water so long that she almost fell asleep with the water hitting her back. Turning off the water, she grabbed a body sheet and dried off before hanging the towel back up and padding, naked into the bedroom. Turning off the lights, she crawled between the sheets and sighed as her head hit the pillow. In less than three minutes, she was sound asleep.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Addison, on the other hand, swam with Sven watching over her. After she finished her laps, she climbed out of the pool and she went to sit in the steam room for a bit, relaxing before coming upstairs and showering quietly so Sam wouldn’t wake up.

  When she finished, Addison sat at the vanity drying her hair with a towel. Her stormy gray eyes watched Sam’s lips part with each breath. God, she was so beautiful, it almost hurt for Addison to stare at her like this. If Sam hadn’t taken her back, Addison knew she would have gone insane.

  Addi dried off quietly before slipping into a pair silk panties and a white t-shirt and lifting the sheets back to crawl in behind Sam. One arm slid under the blonde’s, to pull her back into her arms as Addi’s face nuzzled into soft blonde tresses.

  “Sam Dupree, I never thought you would see how much I wanted you, but I’m glad you did,” she whispered with a smile as her eyes closed.


  The sun slid through the blinds and landed directly across Sam’s eyes, forcing her to either open them or change her position, and since Addi was lying sprawled across her body, the second option was not the choice she was going to make.

  Reaching up, the blonde let her fingers trail through the strawberry locks as she smiled at her ability of waking with the woman that she loved. Pulling her closer, Sam started tracing idle patterns on the younger woman’s toned back.

  “Mmm, morning Sammie,” Addison whispered, her arms tightening instinctively around the blonde as she slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head.

  “Morning Darlin’, did you sleep well?” Sam placed a gentle kiss against Addi’s silky lips. “You didn’t stay up too late, did you?”

  “Nope, I swam I don’t know how many laps, but every time I looked up, Sven had this look. Like he knew I’d rather be in bed with you, so I called it an early night and came up to you.” Addi smiled after Sam kissed her. She snuggled that much closer into Sam’s arms to get comfortable.

  Holding the woman close, Sam chuckled. “I’m glad that you did. Even though Sven is with you, I don’t know if I like you being out alone. I have this feeling that Becca is going to show up again, and I wouldn’t put it past her to try something.”

  “Let her,” the redhead’s tone made it clear she would welcome another go round with the model.

  Looking down into gray eyes, Sam shook her head. “I can’t tell you not to let her get to you, because I know that it will be a lost cause. Just be careful.”

  “She’s the lost cause. Must suck to be sent packing with a one-way ticket back to wherever and no girlfriend.” Addison wiggled her eyebrows. Nick had told her ev

  Sighing, Sam closed her eyes. She really didn’t want Addi to come face to face with her ex, not because she thought that Becca would win, but because she didn’t want the bad press to follow Addi around.

  Getting the message loud and clear, Addi slipped off the bed and into the bathroom. “Rise and shine baby, it’s time to work,” she called out, starting up the shower and pulling off her clothes.

  Scooting out of bed, Sam lifted her arms high over her head and twisted her back until it popped. Slowly she leaned back until she could place her hands on the floor and she worked into a handstand. Lowering herself to the ground, she rolled to her feet and headed towards the phone.

  “Want anything special for breakfast?”

  “You...but for actual food, I’d love the works, babe and extra bacon. And an omelet,” Addison called back.

  Smirking, Sam called back “How soon do you want the food?”

  “As quickly as possible, you know how I like to work up an appetite.”

  “Okay, let’s rephrase the question. How soon do you want me and for how long?” Sam stood holding the phone with her other hand on her hip.

  “Now. And forever,” Addison calmly rephrased as she left the safety of the shower and stood dripping-wet and naked in the doorway, smiling at Sam.

  Staring at the breathtaking woman, Sam called room service. “This is the penthouse suite. Four orders of bacon, two orders of pancakes, one omelet with cheese, mushroom, ham and tomatoes, and a double order of scrambled eggs. Two pots of coffee and a large carafe of orange juice and another of whole milk. We would like to have it in an hour. No sooner. Thank you.”

  Placing the phone on the table, she smiled at Addi. “Well, since we’re both naked, I wonder what we can be doing?”

  Addison crooked a finger at Sam and began walking backwards to the shower. “Surely not talking.”

  Taking her time to get into the shower, Sam drawled back, “Oh, there will be talking, but the words will be like ‘oh God’ or ‘Yes.’”

  As soon as Sam was inside the shower with her, Addison pounced, pinning the blonde against the cool tile wall. “Or it will be my name you’re moaning,” she growled as her lips devoured Sam’s in a heated kiss.

  Sliding her leg between Addi’s thighs, Sam moaned against the woman’s lips. She tasted so damn good. Moving her mouth to Addi’s jaw, she growled, “Do whatever you want to do with me. Other than walking the track, today I am yours to command.”

  “What if I made you suffer, Sammie?” Addison whispered as her hands cupped full breasts, tweaking the nipples, but a moment later, one hand dropped down between Sam’s legs and began to tease her clit slowly.

  Biting her bottom lip, Sam closed her eyes for a brief moment before opening them back up to stare down at her lover. “If you feel that you must, go right ahead. I am your slave today.”

  Addison took her hands off Sam and stepped under the water. “Then come here so I can bathe you. Now, you’re mine.”

  Placing her hands on the shorter woman’s waist, Sam leaned down to whisper in her ear, “If you won’t ravish me before breakfast, does that mean that I can take you?”

  “Didn’t Neely say for me to teach you some self-control?” Addison drawled back into Sam’s ear, biting it softly as she pulled Sam against her, moaning softly.

  Turning the two of them around until Addison was backed against the tile wall; Sam let one hand slide down between Addison’s legs, swirling around her clit. “She may have, but that doesn’t mean that you have to start right now?”

  Addison’s gray eyes closed for a few seconds as she whimpered, her hands wrapping around the blonde’s biceps. “No, it doesn’t,” she all but moaned out pitifully.

  “Look at me Addi...don’t take your eyes off mine,” Sam commanded as she began to tease the young woman. Fingers dipped into slick wetness and came back out as her other hand came up between their bodies to tweak at one of Addison’s breasts. “I love to watch how dark your eyes become.”

  White teeth clenched as Addison slowly opened her eyes, the look of complete and total want was plainly written all over her face. “Yeah?” She smiled, surprised at Sam’s answer as she dropped her hands to the older woman’s hips and one leg lifted around her waist.

  Bending her knees slightly, Sam reached back down and picked Addison up, wrapped her other leg around her waist as she carefully slid in two fingers while keeping pressure on her clit. “ reminds me of a rain storm.”

  “Sammie!” Addison gasped as she wrapped her arms around Sam’s neck and shoulders. “Baby, oh my God...” she groaned as her girlfriend slid inside of her. It felt like a part of her had been filled by Sam’s love for her. Her eyes stayed locked on Sam’s, growing darker by the second...they were currently the shade of a slightly overcast day.

  Slowly picking up speed of her thrust, Sam’s own eyes were now the color of the finest emerald, and her lips were parted as she drew in a ragged breath. “Yes...keep looking at me. Don’t close your eyes.” She pulled out and slowly pressed in three fingers, filling her even more while keeping a careful watch to make sure she didn’t cause Addi any pain.

  Addi’s next blink lasted much longer but when she reopened her eyes, they were the shade of billowing smoke from a volcano or a burning building. The redhead’s back arched as the first of her orgasms started and her inner muscles clutched at Sam’s fingers, pulling them deeper. “Fuck...” Addi cursed softly as she gripped Sam’s shoulders as if trying to stay afloat in an ocean.

  Rolling her hips behind her hand, Sam pressed her hand in deeper, loving the trembling muscles that were surrounding her fingers, glorying in the way that Addison had her heels locked together around her back and the way that her nails dug into the blonde’s shoulders. The pain was so sweet.

  “Sammie...God I can feel you everywhere...oh shit.” Addison clenched again this time her orgasm was multileveled, rolling over her continuously as tremor after tremor shook her tiny frame. “S-s-s-s-Sammie!” she stuttered as her body unclenched and then locked down again.

  “Do you need to close your eyes, Darlin’? Do you wanna see the fireworks going off behind your eyelids?” Sam murmured as she leaned forward to nibble on the younger woman’s bottom lip.

  “No,” Addi moaned as she stared into Sam’s eyes up close. “You are the only thing I want to see for the rest of my life,” she admitted truthfully as she shuddered, goose bumps rising on her skin, her hips still moving.

  Sam smiled, knowing that she couldn’t promise that, but loved hearing it all the same. “I’ll see what I can do on fulfilling that for you, Darlin’.”

  Finally, Addi’s body exhausted itself and the redhead had to bury her face in Sam’s neck, breathing hard. “I love you Sam...” she whispered, cuddling up to her girlfriend.

  Reaching over, Sam turned off the water and slowly pulled out of Addison’s wetness, bringing up her fingers to lick them off. Pushing open the door, she grabbed a bath sheet and wrapped it around the young woman, as she carried her back into the bedroom and laid her gently on the bed. Kneeling over her, Sam whispered, “I love you too Addi, more than you know.”

  The redhead was slow to open her stormy eyes, but when she did, the smile she gave her girlfriend was sparkling. Delicate hands reached up, framing Sam’s face as Addison brought her head down closer for a soft small kiss. “Kiss me,” she whispered.

  Slowly, Sam lowered her lips until they brushed against Addi’s, and she kissed the younger woman reverently and gently, trying to put in all the emotion that she felt for Addison without overwhelming her.

  Addison slid her legs up around Sam’s waist and rolled them until she could pin Sam against the bed sheets, kissing her so passionately that she thought her lips would melt off. Sam was all perfect control and handling, Addi felt like she was the raw horsepower of the engine. Breaking their kiss, she smiled. “Tonight will be amazing, I promise, but we have to get to work.” Addi trailed her hand down Sam’s naked body, tea
sing a nipple with a fingertip.

  Biting her bottom lip, Sam groaned. “Unfortunately, you are right. We do have to work, but I have some good news for you. Your family will be here in the morning, in time to watch your time trials, and you’ll have plenty of free time with them before the race.”

  Gray eyes lit up happily and Addison smiled, kissing Sam again but this time she bit her bottom lip. “I love you, I love you, I loooove you,” she whispered back excitedly with a squeal against soft pink lips. “You are the best girlfriend, Sammie. I can’t wait for them to meet you, well except for Clint. Ugh, but my mom is going to love you. And I gave Maddie one of your dolls.”

  “I’ve never had to meet someone’s mom before so I hope that I don’t embarrass you or anything.” Sam grinned up at her lover.

  “You won’t Sammie” Addison promised, growing serious. “I’ve never met anyone who doesn’t fall in love with you at first sight. I know I did.”

  “Addi, please be careful about putting me up on a pedestal. I’m not perfect, I have my flaws.” Sam reached up to caress the young woman’s face.

  “Everyone does, I do. And you’re not up on a pedestal,” Addison argued right back as she sat up, letting the towel pool around her waist. “But I’ll give you something to think about while we’re working.” Gray eyes teased Sam playfully as Addison slowly dismounted Sam’s hips like a jockey off a racehorse before walking naked into the bathroom to get dressed.

  “Like I needed any help thinking about that,” Sam muttered underneath her breath. She rolled out of bed to put on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt, and some comfortable shoes.

  Addison contented herself with humming softly as she sat on a stool in the bathroom slowly braiding her hair into a long fiery braid. She had picked out a pair of small blue jean shorts, an old, comfortable t-shirt, and a pair of converse. Her Ray Bans that Sammie had bought her were tucked safely away in her purse. After finishing, she stood up and pulled her phone off the charger, grabbed Deuce’s leash and whistled to him off the couch in the living area and clipped him to it. “Ready.”


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