by Lee G Bolman
The Idea-Driven Organization (Robinson and Schroeder)
Iger, Bob: appointed to replace Michael Eisner; as a peacemaker
Ikea (Brooklyn store)
Il Giornale
Illanes, Juan
Immelt, Jeff
Incognito (Eagleman)
Information technology: as contextual factor or structural contingency; role of in Iraq invasion (2003)
Inquiry. See Advocacy and inquiry skills
Interpersonal blindness: as common problem in business encounters; conflict between virtuous self-image and self-interest resulting in; Ellen and Don’s story of; how increased self-awareness can prevent; Lao-tzu’s words on; Sarah Palin’s interview (2008) as example of
Interpersonal feedback principles: 1: ask and you shall receive; 2: say thank you; 3: ask before giving; 4: when asked, give your best; 5: tell the truth
Iraq invasion (2003)
Israel, and Camp David Accords (1978)
Ive, Jony
Jackson, Phil
JCPenney: need for turnaround at; Ron Johnson’s failed vision for transforming; Wal-Mart’s market challenge to
Jobs, Steve: ability to recruit and rally his team; battle between Michael Eisner and; Bob Iger’s peacemaking with; epitomizing the warrior; fired from Apple; his band of “Pirates”; investment in Pixar by; iPhone launch publicity approach by; lack of human resource leadership displayed by; leadership configuration of; as master of the symbolic frame; NeXT failure of; passion and commitment of; showmanship of; warrior artist leadership image of
Joe Fresh
Johnson, Ron: comparison of Lou Gerstner and; failed vision for transforming JCPenney; lack of self-awareness by; poor thinking evidenced by; single-lens view of
Johnson & Johnson (J&J): Burke’s Credo Challenge meetings held at; Burke’s ethical response to the Tylenol crisis (1982); J&J Credo of; recent ethical scandals involving
JoJo’s Ritz-Carlton adventure story
Jungle metaphor (political frame): introduction to the; leader’s power and justice contribution to the; reframing ethical leadership using the
Justice and power (political frame)
Kanter, Rosabeth
Keidel, R. W.
Kelleher, Herb
Kennedy, John F.
Kentucky Fried Chicken
Kidder, Tracy
King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Kramer, Michael
Kroc, Ray
Kurosawa, Akira
Larsen, Ralph
Lateral authority structure
Lead with LUV: A Different Way to Create Real Success (families metaphor)
Leader worldview: four key elements of a; the leader’s story created through their own; as part of the leadership process
Leader worldview elements: beliefs; concepts and categories; self-image; values
Leaders: carriers versus catalysts of change; human resource frame used by; interpersonal blindness by; as Magicians; often portrayed as change agents; as Peacemakers; political frame used by; self-awareness of effective; spiritual; structural frame used by; worldviews and frames for weaving their own stories; as Warriors
Leadership: advocacy and inquiry skills of; aligning team structure and task; challenges related to managing change; comparing Lord of the Flies and Chilean miners; failed model in Lord of the Flies (Golding); interpersonal blindness issue of; and saga of the trapped Chilean miners; worldviews, frames, and stories of. See also Structural leadership
Leadership ethics: four-frame model for reframing; human resource frame, family metaphor, and leader’s love and caring; Johnson & Johnson (J&J) Tylenol crisis response and; as making all the difference to organizations; Medtronic led by Bill George’s; political frame, jungle metaphor, and leader’s power and justice; recent scandals related to; structural frame, factory metaphor, and leader’s authorship of excellence; symbolic frame, temple metaphor, and leader’s faith and significance. See also Decision making
Leadership images: of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos; of Apple’s Steve Jobs; overview of; of Xerox’s Ursula Burns; of Zappos’s Tony Hsieh. See also Four-frame model
Leadership kite configurations: Jeff Bezos’s; Steve Jobs’s; Tony Hsieh’s; Ursula Burns’s
Leadership Orientations Profile
Leadership practices: holistic and multiframe approach to change; knowing their leadership kite and their blind spots; leadership ethics; reframing as; strategies for improving; weaving their own stories
Leadership thinking: the curse of cluelessness and impact on; human resource frame’s expansion of; interpersonal blindness problem of; Lou Gerstner’s successful reframing of IBM through; role of framing in; Ron Johnson’s failure of at JCPenney. See also Four-frame model; Human brain
Leading people. See Employee management
LeBoutillier, John
Lewis, John
Lin, Alfred
Linsky, Martin
Lockheed’s Skunk Works
Lord of the Flies (Golding): comparing leadership dynamics of the Chilean miner rescue and; failed group dynamics described in; showing difference between “self-managing” and “leaderless”
Los Angeles Times
“Lost in Space” program (Semco)
Love and caring (human resource frame)
Machiavelli, Niccolò
The Magician: Howard Schultz and his cultural revival of Starbucks; strategies used by symbolic leaders taking the role of; WD-40 as example of cultural symbols
Mapping political terrain
March, J. G.
Martha Stewart brand
Martin, Olivia. See Davis-Martin case study
Mary Kay Cosmetics
McCain, John
McCartney, Paul
McDonald’s: comparing the structure of Harvard University and; core process of; expanded by Ray Kroc; Jim Skinner’s role as CEO of; size and age of; structured around place or geography
McGregor, Douglas
McNerney, W. James, Jr.
Medtronic: core mission to serve patients; “Mission and Medallion Ceremony” of; strong ethical leadership of
Melville, Herman
Men’s Wearhouse: founding of; George Zimmer’s firing from; “Suits University” to train employees of; enlightened approach to people management; wardrobe consultants of; Zimmer’s road map for successful people management at. See also Zimmer, George
Mental maps: description and function of; fluid expertise for creating; framing used to match situations to; reframing when circumstances change
Mercadona (Spain)
Microsoft: self-directed teams of; Lisa Brummel as catalyst of change at; Steve Ballmer’s change management at
The Misanthrope (Molière)
“Mission and Medallion Ceremony” (Medtronic)
MobileMe (Apple)
Moby Dick (Melville)
Model T advertisement (1925)
“The Moment of Truth” (Jan Carlzon)
Morse, Gene
Mulally, Alan: “Alan Legacy” for turning around Ford; brought in to transform Ford Motor; his first impressions of Ford Motor; influenced by stories of Henry Ford; personal story of his turnaround at Ford; securing help from United Automobile Workers (UAW); securing support for change from Ford’s senior executives; self-image of; worldview and personal story of
Mulcahy, Anne: ability to map political terrain at Xerox; effective change management by; leading by example; retirement (2009) from Xerox; setting agenda for developing vision for Xerox; skills for networking and building coalitions; success at turning Xerox around; Ursual Burns’s deputy position to; win-win bargaining strategy used by
Multiframe thinking, four-frame model on
Murdoch, Rupert
Nardelli, Bob: failure as CEO of Chrysler; his cluelessness and impact on Home Depot; single-lens view of
Nature of the workforce
Negotiation skills
Nelson, Marilyn Carlson
Networking skills
Neuroscience research: on fluid expertise; on how our brains register reality; on mental models
New Orleans extravaganza (Starbucks)
New York Times
Obama, Barack
O’Neill, Thomas P. (“Tip”)
O’Neill Library (Boston College)
Oreos brand
Organizations: factory as metaphor of; family as metaphor of; jungle as metaphor of; political nature of all; reframing ethics of; size and age of; soul and spirit in; temple and carnival as metaphor of
Organizing: groups and teams; social architecture and structural design
Out-thinking opponents
Owen, Robert
Palin, Sarah
Payne, Lois
Peace Corps
The Peacemaker: Bob Iger’s role as; conflict guidelines used by; cooling the flame of conflict; Lois Payne case approached as
The Peacemaker guidelines: be patient; defuse emotion and depersonalize criticism; engage the parties by putting people to work; listen and inquire
People management. See Employee management
People-friendly principles
Philadelphia Eagles
Philosophy and values: Men’s Wearhouse; Semco’s shift from structural to human resource frame
“Pirates” team (Apple)
Play and humor
Political dynamics: Cynthia Cooper’s management of WorldCom; destructive versus positive nature of; inevitability of; mapping political terrain to understand; Mulcahy’s leadership in keeping Xerox from bankruptcy; political frame tools for coping with; warrior versus peacemaker approach to conflict and. See also Conflict
Political frame: change management strategy using the; characteristics of the; four necessary skills for the; jungle metaphor, concepts, leadership, and challenge of the; leader as warrior versus peacemaker; Olivia Martin case study using the political scenario; providing tools to cope with political dynamics; reframing ethical leadership using the jungle metaphor of the; troubled auditor case study on the; why every group and organization has a
Political maps: Anne Mulcahy’s ability to read Xerox’s; John LeBoutillier’s failure to read
Political skills: bargaining and negotiation; mapping the political terrain; networking and building coalitions; setting agenda
Positional bargaining
Post-it Notes
Power: Why Some People Have It and Others Don’t (jungle metaphor)
Power and justice (political power): leader contribution to; relationship between authorship and
The Prince (Machiavelli)
Problem solving: of adaptive versus technical problems; creating positive memories of
“Rapid cognition”
Rashomon (film)
Reagan, Ronald
Reality: definition of; mental maps of; “rapid cognition” process of assessing
Red Squadron of Seal Team Six
Reframing: benefits and risks of; “Cha Cha” Rowan’s ability for; Davis-Martin case study on different approaches to; human resource scenario on; leadership ethics using the four-frame model; for newcomers and outsiders; political scenario on; by shifting frames when circumstances change; structural scenario on; symbolic scenario on. See also Framing
Retention. See Employee retention
Rituals and ceremonies: Eagle Group’s use of; faith and significance reinforced by; Medtronic’s “Mission and Medallion Ceremony”; of Red Squadron of Seal Team Six; Starbucks’s barista reeducation initiative as; used by symbolic leaders
Robinson, Alan
Romney, Mitt
Roosevelt, Franklin D.
Rose, Pete
Rowan, “Cha Cha”
“Rush Hour MBA” program (Semco)
Same-sex marriage
Sandberg, Sheryl
Sarah Palin interview (2008)
Saturday Evening Post
Schroeder, Dean
Schultz, Howard: Beatles metaphor to generate creativity used by; beliefs influencing worldview of; “The Commoditization of the Starbucks Experience” memo by; concerns about the direction of Starbucks; cultural revival at Starbucks led by; effective change management by; Fortune magazine’s Businessperson of the Year award to; Il Giornale founded by; leadership summit convened by; leading by example; New Orleans extravaganza led by; purchase of chain of Starbucks stores by; showmanship of; on Starbucks as a “living legacy” to his father. See also Starbucks
Schultz, Mark
Scotch Tape
Sculley, John
Seal Team Six’s Red Squadron
Seale, Rosemarie
Self-awareness: importance to leadership strengths and weaknesses; ongoing learning for development of; principles of interpersonal feedback to increase; 360-degree feedback designed to increase
Self-directed teams: of Chilean miners during rescue; corporations capitalizing on benefits of; difference between “leaderless” and; leadership as critical to; Lord of the Flies dystopian novel on. See also Team structure
Self-image: of Alan Mulally; conflict between self-interest and virtuous; as an element of leader’s worldview; Lao-tzu’s words on
Semco: developing a philosophy and values at; empowering employees of; founding and early development of; hiring and keeping the right people at; ideas on human resource frame gained from story of; investing in people at; principles for leading people implemented at; promoting employee diversity at; Ricardo Semler’s human resource approach to turnaround at; unorthodox philosophy of management at
Semco programs: “Lost in Space”; “name your price” compensation experiment; “open-book management”; “Rush Hour MBA”; “Semco Woman” project
Semler, Curt
Semler, Ricardo: beliefs and values that influence his worldview; turning around Semco by investing in people
Sepúlveda, Mario
Setting agendas
Shanahan, Betty
Significance and faith (symbolic frame)
Sinegal, Jim
“Situational awareness”
Situations: framing to match mental maps to; learning to tell the truth about; “rapid cognition” of; reframing to shift frames when circumstances change
Six Sigma; “Black Belt”
“Skilled incompetence”
Skunk Works (Lockheed Martin)
Social architecture: contextual factors or structural contingencies; elements of; six work group options; two common misconceptions of; as the underpinning of successful leaders. See also Organizations
Solomon, Robert C.
Soul: dictionary definition of; organization’s spirit and
The Soul of a New Machine (Kidder)
Soulful teams: Eagle Group (Data General); examples of; Red Squadron of Seal Team Six; reviewing the tenets of building great and; Skunk Works (Lockheed Martin)
Southwest Airlines: authorship of excellence at; Herb Kelleher’s use of symbols and culture at; love as part of the culture at; self-directed teams of
Specialized language
Spiritual leaders
Starbucks: barista reeducation initiative at; Beatles metaphor to generate creativity at; “The Commoditization of the Starbucks Experience” memo; Howard Schultz’s purchase of chain of; leadership summit to recommit to the mission by; as a “living legacy” to Schultz’s father; New Orleans extravaganza; Rewards
Card and interactive website of; Schultz leading a cultural revival at; Schultz’s concerns about the direction of; 2008 annual shareholders’ meeting of; working to rebuild New Orleans by employees of. See also Schultz, Howard
Stories/storytelling: of Alan Mulally’s turnaround at Ford; as basic form of communication; Eagle Group’s use of; faith and significance reinforced by; how a leader’s worldviews and frames create his own; of Lou Gerstner’s turnaround of IBM; of Red Squadron of Seal Team Six; of Ron Johnson’s failure at JCPenney; by symbolic leaders
Strategy: as contextual factor or structural contingency; goals that are embedded in; as a major task of leadership
Structural contingencies (contextual factors): core process; information technology; nature of the workforce; size and age; strategy and goals
Structural design: providing coordination of vertical and lateral authority; six types of functional groups
Structural frame: applying the; change management strategy using the; comparison of McDonald’s and Harvard University; factory metaphor, concepts, leadership, and challenge of the; Olivia Martin case study using a structural scenario; organizing groups and teams; reframing ethical leadership using the factory metaphor of the; Semco’s shift to the human resource frame from the; three questions to guide a structural analysis; United Parcel Service (UPS). See also Four-frame model
Structural frame questions: What problem do you need to solve?; What options to consider?; What’s changing?; What’s going on?
Structural leadership: applying the structural frame and; characteristics of; comparing McDonald’s and Harvard University; getting organized; human resource frame used to supplement; social architecture of; strengths and benefits of; two fallacies of; United Parcel Service (UPS) and. See also Leadership
“Suits University” (Men’s Wearhouse)
Sullivan, Scott
Summers, Larry
Sun Microsystems
Swinmurn, Nick
Symbolic frame: building soulful teams using the; change management strategy using the; Olivia Martin case study using symbolic scenario; reframing ethical leadership using the temple/theater metaphor of; scripts and rituals used in the; shared cultural patterns of the; Steve Jobs as a master of the; strategies used by leaders in the; temple/theater frame concepts; WD-40 example of cultural symbols. See also Four-frame model