Angelo: A Second Chance Navy SEAL Romance

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Angelo: A Second Chance Navy SEAL Romance Page 12

by Carlisle, Lisa

  “No, I’ll wait.”

  When they’d nearly finished their beer, one of the couples left a table. Cate sprung over as soon as it was free.

  “Damn. You really want to play this game.”

  She grinned and set up the balls in the triangle. “Want to break?”

  He did. It didn’t accomplish much other than spreading the balls across the table like a loud declaration that the game had begun. “You’re up.”

  She nodded, keeping her eye on the table. After scrutinizing the position of the balls, she bent lower to take aim. The front of her shirt dropped down, offering him a nice view of her cleavage, which he lingered on. He dragged his gaze up. Catherine narrowed her aim with pinpoint precision as if firing through the sights of a rifle. No, that wouldn’t fit her style. She was more into academics, especially science.

  “You look as serious as if you’re studying slides under a microscope,” he joked.

  “Angelo, please.” Her voice was clipped.

  “Please what?”

  She didn’t take her eyes from the ball. “Don’t talk while I’m taking my shot.”

  She hit the white ball with such accuracy, she got two in pockets on opposite sides of the table.


  “Thanks.” On her next turn, she landed another one in. And then she sank two more and one again before it was his turn.

  “Damn, girl.”

  She furrowed her brow. “I should have got the last one in. My calculation was a bit off.”

  Angelo took aim at the orange stripe ball and missed. Shit. This was not his game. He gritted his teeth. Could he at least get a couple in and not look incompetent in front of Cate?

  It was her turn again. She struck each ball with precision fitting an elite sniper. The game ended soon after. She destroyed him.

  “Guess you got your payback from the arcade,” he teased.

  “Did we never play pool before?” She replied in a sweet tone.

  He laughed. “No. I think I would have remembered getting my ass handed to me that way.”

  “I couldn’t let you win at everything, now could I?” She tilted her head and clucked her tongue. “That would be terrible for your healthy ego.”

  “Your competitive streak shines bright. I love it.”

  “With athletics, no. Academics, oh yes.” She raised her eyebrows for emphasis.

  “How does pool fit into academics?”

  “It’s all math and science. Geometry. Physics. It’s all right there.”

  They finished their beers and walked back toward her neighborhood. He took her hand as they returned, enjoying the feel in his hand.

  “I’ve got to admit, that turned me on to see you play like that. A natural pool shark.”

  She laughed. “That turned you on?”

  “No, you turn me on. It’s not just a physical attraction,” he admitted. “It’s talking with you. Your brain. I like spending time with you.”

  She gave him a brilliant smile. “Complimenting my brain. You sure know how to turn a neuroscientist on.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  After they left the pub, Catherine said, “Let’s head down to the beach. I know that’s where you want to spend time while you’re back in Rhode Island.”

  Angelo raised a brow. “The beach at night. Sounds romantic. Are you trying to seduce me?”

  She grinned. “Maybe.”

  They returned to her place to get her car, and she drove down to a small beach nearby. With darkness falling, it appeared quiet. Only a few couples walked it, one with a dog.

  Catherine found a parking space without any trouble and grabbed a light blanket from her trunk in case they wanted to sit. He took it from her and tucked it under his arm. At the end of a walking path, she removed her sandals before stepping onto the sand.

  “Good idea.” He removed his sneakers and socks.

  The moon cast a silvery glow over the sea. As they strolled the shore, cool sand slipped through her toes as they navigated around the seaweed and bits of broken shells. Angelo steered them to the water’s edge.

  He dropped his shoes on dry sand, the blanket with them, and then stepped into the water. Since he wore shorts, he didn’t have to roll up his pantlegs. The water reached his ankles before he stopped and turned back to her.

  He inhaled. “One of the things I miss the most is living near the ocean.”

  His appreciative expression was one she wanted to capture to memory. Romantic indeed. He looked so at ease out there with the sunlight dancing in ripples on the ocean around him. And gorgeous. Like a god come from the sea.

  She followed his lead and breathed in the signature scent. The familiar sensory experience of the shore washed over her—its lulling sound of rolling waves and call of birds overhead. She tasted the salty tingle on her tongue.

  “You’re right. Since I grew up in Rhode Island, I suppose I take it for granted.”

  He nodded to her. “You coming in, Cate?”

  With her sundress reaching just beyond her knees, she’d wade in without getting it wet. The brisk water on her feet shot a bolt of surprise over her that made her gasp. “It’s cold!”

  “It feels good.”

  As she acclimated to the temperature, the shock subsided. “Okay, it feels better now.”

  “Do you come to the beach often?”

  “Not really. I’m not much of sunbather.”

  He took her hand. “It doesn’t stop me from picturing you in a bikini. A tiny, string-tied one. Please say you have one of those.”

  She was far too uptight to wear a string bikini in public. “That might have to remain a picture in your imagination.”

  He swung their arms. “Oh hell no. I want to see you in the tiniest bikini barely held together by the narrowest of strings.”

  She lowered her chin and glanced up at him. “So, you wouldn’t mind me wearing close to nothing in front of other guys?”

  He groaned and gritted his teeth. “You’re right. Only I get to see that view.”

  “Fine, if it’s just you, I can handle it. Someplace private then.”

  He closed his eyes and smiled. After he reopened them, he added, “Out on a boat in the bay. Out where nobody can see if you decide to sunbathe on the boat in the nude.”

  She swatted his arm. “No way.”

  “Fine. You can leave it on. Are you free on Saturday? I’ll see if I can borrow my Dad’s boat for a few hours.”


  “Will you wear a teeny bikini for me?”

  “Yellow polka-dot?” she teased.

  “Sure, why not?”

  She clucked her tongue. “Afraid I don’t own one. I’ll need to squeeze some time in to go shopping this weekend.”

  “Oh yes. I’m there.”

  Her mouth fell open. “What? I thought guys hated to go shopping.”

  “I’m not going clothes shopping. I’m going to watch you try on bikinis.” He raised his chin and appraised her with a speculative glance. “Maybe some lingerie?”

  She laughed. “You’re packing a lot of outfits for me to wear in the short time you have left.”

  “Then you’ll just have to send pictures to me.”

  She didn’t know what to say, so she kept her mouth shut and gazed out to the horizon. This was the first time he mentioned anything about them having any sort of communication after he left Rhode Island. Maybe he just meant as friends—with string-bikini benefits.

  Or could their time together lead to something more?

  No. And she couldn’t go there—even in her over-analytical brain.

  “Where will you go from here?” she asked.

  “Back to Virginia. And from there, who knows?”

  She raised a brow. “If you did know, would you tell me?”

  He laughed. “Depends.”

  “Part of being a SEAL, I guess.”

  “You guessed correctly.”

  While he stared at the ocean, she kept h
er questions to herself.

  Once he turned back to her and they resumed walking, she asked, “Is there anything you can tell me about what you do?”

  “What do you want to know?”

  She shrugged. “It’s something I remember you talking about. Being passionate about. Nothing anybody could say to convince you otherwise. So, is it all you thought it would be?”

  Angelo gazed back out to the ocean, appearing to contemplate her question.

  “It’s been a tough year.” His tone lowered as if weighed down with memories.

  She stare at him, surprised he wasn’t shutting down. Whatever it was had to be painful. “How?”

  He released her hand and picked up a rock. After turning to the waves, he tossed it several dozen feet ahead. “I lost one of my teammates. A friend of mine.” His voice turned low and gravely. “We were hit, and he took the brunt of it. I treated him, but it was too late. He’d lost too much blood.”

  Her chest seemed to rip out as her heart reached for him. “Oh, Angelo, I’m so sorry.”

  He exhaled, appearing to wrestle with something. “We’ve all lost someone. That was the toughest loss for me. Maybe because I felt so useless.”

  “You tried to help him.” She yearned to comfort Angelo.

  “Yeah. And although I know it’s not my fault and you can’t save everyone, I still wish I could have. It’s just—difficult.” He rubbed his hand over his beard.

  “It sounds that way. Have you talked to someone about it?” She touched his shoulder, wishing he hadn’t let go of her hand.

  He gave her a sidelong glance. “You mean a shrink?”

  “Something like that.”

  He grimaced and then nodded. “Yeah. We need to.” He exhaled. “Multiple missions take a toll.”

  “If there’s anything I can do, Angelo.” She placed her hand on her heart. “I’m here.”

  He searched her eyes. “You’re already doing more for me than you know.” Then, he sucked in a breath and rolled his shoulders back. “I’m not trying to use this as an excuse—but on the night of the wedding when I asked you to dance, I had just been fighting off those images. I tried to refocus on something else.” His gaze softened. “And then I saw you. A beautiful, bright vision to chase away all the darkness.” He raised his hand as if about to touch her face, but then lowered it. “I admit—I might not have been completely with it yet.”

  She squeezed her eyes shut. What had she done—played that foolish game with him in retaliation. Shame burned through her. She reopened her eyes, afraid to look at him. “That awful way I reacted. I feel terrible.”

  “Hey, don’t.” He cupped her chin and searched her eyes. “I made you feel bad.” He gave her a lopsided grin. “I’ve seen guys lash out a hell of a lot worse over a hell of a lot less.”

  She nodded in gratitude. “How often do you have images like that?”

  “Not as much as I did after it happened. Please don’t bring up PTSD. I know. We’ve all been screened for it. We’ve been educated on how to deal with it. I’m dealing with my issues, but it takes time.”


  “Being here helps give me a perspective from a distance.” His gaze drifted back to the ocean. “Because lately I’ve been questioning things.”

  “Like what?”

  For several seconds, the only sound was the rolling of waves. Would he not answer?

  “How much longer I should do this.” He faced her again.

  “You mean being a SEAL?”

  Angelo gulped. “Yes. It’s all I ever wanted, but I’ve started to consider other options.”

  Catherine straightened. “In the Navy or out?”


  “With all your training and experience, you have so many options. In the medical field alone, you’d be such an asset.”

  “I’ve thought about that. My mom still works at a medical center. There’s the Naval Health Clinic in Newport and so many hospitals in Boston.” He took her hand again. “I like to help people. It’s just—sometimes...” He swallowed. “You know?”

  She gave him a sympathetic nod and squeezed his hand. “I know.”


  Why had Angelo revealed so much to Cate? He let out a giant exhale. Oddly enough, he felt lighter, as if he’d removed some of the density from the guilt and shame weighing him down. Had he unloaded too much onto her?

  Time to lighten the mood.

  “Enough of my problems.” He gave her a mischievous smile. She was a stunning vision along the shore. The ocean breeze tossed her hair and he reached out to touch the soft strands. Then, he tucked it behind her ear. “Let’s get back to talking about you and a bikini.”

  “Bikini?” she repeated, with a surprised expression.

  “Or lingerie.” He quirked his brows.

  Her confusion evaporated from her expression, replaced by a warm smile that dazzled him. He could drown in those warm honey eyes. He caressed her cheek and she gazed up at him with expectation.

  “When you look at me like that, it makes me want to do naughty things.”

  “Oh.” Her voice rose with mock innocence. “What kind of things?”

  He lifted her off the sand and she squealed, but then wrapped her legs around him.

  “Dirty things.” He lowered his head and kissed her.

  After he put her down, they collected their things, and he led them under the pier. Once they were somewhat concealed beneath its shadows, he lay the blanket down and she scooted onto it. He slid his body over hers and covered her body with kisses.

  He ran his hands all over her body, unable to touch her enough. Her dress offered him a glimpse of her skin, too tempting not to touch. Her soft shoulders. Her smooth calves. But now he had to explore what was hiding beneath the summery fabric. He reached beneath the hem and trailed his fingers up her thighs.

  She grasped at him, pulling him tighter, and kissed him with more urgency. He cupped her sex and she moaned against his mouth, fueling his efforts. The scent of her arousal made him rock hard, agonizing for more.

  He paused to glance at their surroundings. As the sky had darkened, the beach appeared to be void of people who might stumble upon them.

  When he slid his fingers under the seam of her panties, she was wet. For him. He groaned with need. He slipped a finger in and she released a breathy sigh. Damn, he had to get rid of the panties fast to get more access.

  When he tugged them over her hips, she gasped.

  “Here?” Her eyes widened.

  “Yeah. Why not?”

  “I’ve never done something like this outside before.” She scanned their surroundings. “Someone might see us.”

  “That’s what makes it even hotter.” He glanced around before he gave her another kiss. “Just roll with it. If you’re uncomfortable, we’ll stop.”

  A few seconds passed before the hesitant glimmer left her eyes. “Okay.” She raised her hips.

  He slid the panties over her legs and tossed them aside. “Doesn’t the breeze feel good on your skin?”

  She murmured, “Yes.”

  Without the barrier, he resumed his exploration, slipping two fingers inside her. She ran her fingers over the back of his neck, releasing soft moans against his mouth as he kissed her. When he rubbed his thumb over her nub, she shuddered, releasing the most beautiful sigh. Her breathy moans grew louder and more frequent with his quickening movements.

  She was at the edge. He grew achingly hard as he brought her ever closer.

  “I’m right there—” She exhaled in rough pants. “—I can’t…”

  He increased the pressure. “Yes, Cate,” he encouraged.

  She murmured something unintelligible and then gasped. As she bucked beneath him, he claimed her mouth and stifled the beautiful sounds that would alert anyone nearby. He throbbed with greater need, desperate to bury himself inside her.

  Once her quakes subsided, he searched in his pocket to find the condom. Where the hell was it? Finally, he gr
asped it in victory.

  “Do you want me, Cate?” he murmured.

  “So much.” Her voice sounded low and throaty.

  “Are you ready for me.”

  “Yes.” She reached for him.

  He pulled back to push his shorts down and sheathed himself. As he slid the head of his shaft against her silky folds, primal need took over. He drove himself in, hungry to claim her. She was so wet, receptive to his touch, that he slid into her heated channel without restraint. She clutched him and moaned with pleasure.

  As he lost himself in the sensation, an urge rose. He didn’t want this thing between them to end.

  “Fuck, Cate. You’re killing me. I need you.”

  “You have me,” she murmured, wrapping her limbs around him.

  But for only a little longer.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Sand rubbed against her body, both abrasive and soothing, but Catherine didn’t care. This stolen moment under the pier—wild, passionate outdoor sex—was her hottest sexual experience yet.

  She grasped Angelo’s shoulder blades and wrapped her legs around his lower back. Her sundress rode up to her waist, exposing her to the cool night air.

  Beyond the pier, the moon shone high. A kaleidoscope of stars shimmered in the darkening cloak over the ocean. Angelo wanted to spend time near the sea, but she never dreamed he meant like this. It was so naughty. So daring.

  So unlike her.

  He brought her out of her comfort zone, challenging her to try new things. Sex on the beach was simply a cocktail to her until now. Until Angelo came back into her life.

  That tingling sensation stirred deep inside her once again, intensifying with a pressure that forced out all other thoughts. A sweet, decadent, desperate climb to the peak.

  “Angelo, don’t stop,” she begged.

  “No.” He groaned. “Never.”

  It was a promise he couldn’t keep, but that depressing thought was drowned by desire. Reaching for that precipice, she arched her body. He cupped her ass and drove in harder, pushing her to her limit. Each thrust made her gasp and hold on to him with more force.


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