The Dragon Star (Realms of Shadow and Grace: Volume 1)

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The Dragon Star (Realms of Shadow and Grace: Volume 1) Page 87

by G. L. Breedon

  Looking back, he knew he couldn’t save them all. Not all four that remained. He just couldn’t hold his breath long enough. It wasn’t possible. He could come back down. They might make it if he could come back down fast enough. He swam back into the bus and grabbed the arm of the next person he came to. Perfect, he thought. Just who he’d always imagined saving. Gabriel grimaced and pulled Eddie to the emergency door, pushing him through and giving him a shove toward the surface as he had with Emily.

  Just enough, he thought. Just enough air. One more and I’ll go back up. Just one more. He twisted around and swam back into the capsized bus once more. The next unconscious person he came to was Larry, the sickly boy who was always sneezing.

  Larry’s arm was wedged between the seat and the wall of the bus. Gabriel pulled on Larry’s arm, but it was no good. Gabriel tried to pull at the seat. To bend it back just a little. Nothing. He pulled the seat with one hand and Larry’s arm with the other. Harder. Harder. His lungs stung again. His vision was getting blurry. But he kept pulling. Then Larry’s arm slipped free. Gabriel tugged at Larry and pulled him toward the emergency door. Then the world shifted.

  The weight of the bus settling on the soft river bottom sent it tumbling again, lurching sideways once more. Gabriel spun with the bus as Larry’s unconscious body fell on him, a shoulder pushing down into his stomach, forcing the air from his lungs in a burst.

  Gabriel pushed and pulled at Larry’s unconscious form, but it was no good. Larry was slight, hardly weighing a thing, but the angle of the seats kept him wedged against Gabriel.

  He fought. He fought to move Larry’s body. He fought to slide out from under him. He fought to hold what little air was left in his lungs. He fought to keep his vision straight. He fought the temptation to open his mouth. He fought as hard as he had ever fought for anything, but he couldn’t stop himself. His body betrayed his will. His mouth slipped open and the bubbles of air flooded out. He tried to stop it. But it didn’t last long. He pushed against Larry’s body again. He knew it was a body now. Larry was dead. There was no saving him. No saving the others in the bus. No saving himself.

  He held it as long as he could. Held the moment between breaths as long as he could. He knew how it would end. Just as it had ended in the dream. Maybe that was why he had come back down. Not to try to be a hero. Not because his conscience told him he should, but because of the dream. Because he knew the dream would be fulfilled no matter what he did.

  He held on, hoping that someone would come down after him. One of the other students. Maybe a driver of a passing car. Someone. He held that un-breath and held it and held it and then before he knew it his mouth was open and he was sucking water into his lungs against his will. He willed his mouth to close, his lungs to expel the water, the spasms of his body to stop. He willed his eyes to stay open, his mind to stay clear, and his vision to remain. He willed the blackness to stop. He willed his heart to start beating again. He willed his mind to remain conscious. He willed himself to remember his mother’s face and the kiss she had given him. He willed himself to remember his father’s hug and his smile. He willed himself to remember who he was. He willed himself to remember his name. He willed himself to live.

  And then Gabriel Salvador died.

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  The Wizard of Time Trilogy



  The Dargon Star (Realms of Shadow and Grace — Volume 1: Episodes 1-7)

  G.L. Breedon

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The author holds exclusive rights to this work. Unauthorized duplication is prohibited.

  Copyright 2016 by G.L. Breedon

  All rights reserved.

  Art Design: Tsufit Isaacy

  This book is available in print at most on-line retailers.

  For more information:

  Table of Contents

  Book Description

  Introductory Note


  Episode One

  The Fugitives Lee-Nin

  The Fugitives Sha-Kutan

  The Fugitives Lee-Nin

  The Fugitives Ing-Ku

  The Temple Junari

  The Witness Hashel

  The Fugitives Sha-Kutan

  The Seer Kellatra

  The Fugitives Lee-Nin

  The Temple Raedalus

  The Philosopher Sketkee

  The Fugitives Sha-Kutan

  The Fugitives Ogtankaa

  The Temple Junari

  The Fugitives Lee-Nin

  The Throne Tin-Tsu

  The Fugitives Ing-Ku

  The Carnival Leotin

  The Fugitives Sao-Tauna

  The Throne Tin-Tsu


  Episode Two

  The Throne Tonken-Wu

  The Throne Unknown Person

  The Throne Kao-Rhee

  The Throne Tin-Tsu

  The Carnival Yeth

  The Throne Tin-Tsu

  The Witness Ondromead

  The Fugitives Sha-Kutan

  The Throne Kao-Rhee

  The Carnival Shifhuul

  The Throne Dju-Tesha

  The Throne Tin-Tsu

  The Philosopher Kadmallin

  The Throne Tin-Tsu

  The Carnival Tarak

  The Throne Rhog-Kan

  The Seer Kellatra

  The Temple Raedalus

  The Carnival Palla

  The Throne Tonken-Wu

  The Seer Abananthus


  Episode Three

  The Seer Kellatra

  The Seer Rankarus

  The Seer Abananthus

  The Philosopher Sketkee

  The Seer Kellatra

  The Fugitives Sha-Kutan

  The Seer Kellatra

  The Philosopher Kadmallin

  The Throne Tin-Tsu

  The Seer Rankarus

  The Carnival Palla

  The Seer Rankarus

  The Philosopher Sketkee

  The Seer Kellatra

  The Temple Raedalus

  The Seer Rankarus

  The Witness Ondromead

  The Seer Luntadus

  The Temple Junari


  Episode Four

  The Temple Taksati

  The Temple Junari

  The Witness Hashel

  The Temple Raedalus

  The Seer Abananthus

  The Temple Junari

  The Witness Ondromead

  The Philosopher Sketkee

  The Temple Junari

  The Throne Dju-Tesha

  The Witness Hashel

  The Temple Raedalus

  The Carnival Leotin

  The Fugitives Lee-Nin

  The Temple Taksati

  The Carnival Yeth


  Episode Five

  The Carnival Tarak

  The Carnival Leotin

  The Fugitives Ing-Ku

  The Fugitives Sha-Kutan

  The Carnival Palla

  The Fugitives Sao-Tauna

  The Temple Junari

  The Carnival Tarak

  The Fugitives Sha-Kutan

  The Witness Hashel

  The Throne Rhog-Kan

  The Carnival Shifhuul

  The Fugitives Ogtankaa

  The Fugitives Lee-Nin

  The Carnival Yeth

  The Seer Kellatra

  The Philosopher Kadmallin

  The Carnival Shifhuul

  The Philosopher Sketkee


  Episode Six

  The Philosopher Sketkee

  The Philosopher Kadmallin

  The Seer Kellatra

  The Philosopher Sketkee

  The Fugitives S

  The Philosopher Kadmallin

  The Seer Rankarus

  The Carnival Leotin

  The Philosopher Sketkee

  The Temple Raedalus

  The Seer Abananthus

  The Philosopher Kadmallin

  The Witness Ondromead

  The Throne Tonken-Wu

  The Philosopher Sketkee

  The Witness Hashel


  Episode Seven

  The Witness Ondromead

  The Witness Hashel

  The Throne Kao-Rhee

  The Witness Ondromead

  The Carnival Palla

  The Witness Hashel

  The Philosopher Sketkee

  The Throne Dju-Tesha

  The Witness Ondromead

  The Seer Kellatra

  The Temple Taksati

  The Witness Hashel

  The Fugitives Lee-Nin

  The Throne Tin-Tsu

  The Witness Ondromead

  The Temple Junari


  The Primary Cast

  The Fugitives

  The Throne

  The Temple

  The Seer

  The Philosopher

  The Carnival

  The Witness


  The Iron Realm


  An Onaia Gazetteer

  The Iron Realm

  The Daeshen Dominion

  The Tanshen Dominion

  The Punderra Dominion

  The Juparti Dominion

  The Atheton Dominion

  The Nevaeo Dominion

  The Kytain Dominion

  Tanjii – Free City

  The Sun Realm

  The Sky Realm

  The Stone Realm

  The Wood Realm

  The Ice Realm

  The Forbidden Realm

  A Miscellany of Fragments and Artefacts

  The Urris

  The Origin Time

  The Forbidden Realm

  The Pact

  The Great Conflagration

  The Rakthor Principles of Mind

  The Saga of the Fallen Lands

  Origin of the Name of the Iron Realm

  The Coronation of the First Zhan of the First Great Dominion

  Letter from a Philosopher of History to His Nephew

  Soul Catchers

  The Sister Moons

  Spiced Fish Stew

  Roagg Hunting Song

  Kyluna the Forest Spirit of the Wyrin

  Yutan Prayer for the Living and the Dead and the Living

  Rakthor Constitutional Preamble

  Pashist Teachings of the Ten Purities

  Keth Dictum of Acceptance

  Tot Gioth Ritual of Cleansing

  The Ni-Kam-Djen Sectarian Schism

  Ni-Kam-Djen — The 21 Line Prayer of Turning

  Words Written on the Walls of the Free City of Tanjii

  The Living Death

  The Heart Prayer of Moaratanism

  Shen Landscape Painting

  The Unseen Codex — Page 37


  About the Author

  The First Chapter of The Wizard of Time (Book 1)

  Copyright Notice




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