Loved by the Alpha Wolves

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Loved by the Alpha Wolves Page 11

by Anastasia Chase

  "Including the three of you. I...barely know you guys. Yet you–"

  Xavier raised his hand, his brows slightly furrowed.

  "You are not from our pack, but you are one of us, whether you like it or not. You are now stuck with us like fleas on a dog."

  I couldn't help but smile and that seemed to ease the tension I had been holding in.

  It felt good to let some of it go, to let go of my panic and tell myself everything was all right. Because it was, despite everything that had happened here. It was because of everything that had taken place that I felt safe, learning I had people who had my back and would go to the ends of the Earth to keep me safe. That even with the isolation from my pack, these three didn't hold that against me. And even though I had no pack to go back to nor the means to start one of my own, I had never felt safer in my life. It made me feel like I actually belonged somewhere.

  "How about we get out of here before you three put my eyes out with those things?" I gestured loosely toward their crotch areas; Landon was the first to let go of me and cover himself up. Jasper showed no reaction while Xavier returned a very cocky smile. He even wiggled his hips a little to show just how much girth he had to swing around.

  "That's not all we will do with them..."

  "Can you please think with something other than your dick for once?"

  "Hey, she started it, not me."

  "I'll just go get us some clothes..." Landon disappeared upstairs and I wasn't entirely put off by the view. By the time he returned, Jasper and Xavier had given up on their tiny spat, wanting to focus instead on getting out of here. We couldn't exactly just leave and drive back to the city completely naked.

  The only clothes Landon could find weren't very accommodating for my height. The pants were several inches too long, and I had to roll up the sleeves of the shirt several times just to make my hands functional. The baggy clothes hung off my body in an unflattering way, but I didn't have much say in the matter. I couldn't get away from the bear shifters’ smell either, which kept me on high alert.

  I tried to distract myself by watching them dress. The clothes were also too big for them and they had no belts to keep the pants up. Xavier complained about it as he constantly hiked the waistband up over and over again, wishing he had a belt to hold the whole thing up. Jasper pointedly ignored him, given that he was having the same problem I had with the length. He grabbed the front of the waistband and held it tight to prevent them from falling to his knees.

  The scene in and of itself was amusing, even more so as I followed them out. Four pairs of saggy jeans, we looked like clowns going to a show. The fact that Jasper and I had to waddle slightly to keep the pants legs from getting under our bare feet was even more amusing. But no one dared to laugh.

  Once I got outside, I found a handful of vehicles waiting for us, all with the headlights on. I squinted against the brightness and shielded my eyes with my hand. It was nighttime already and the first stars were just making an appearance. To think that I had been in here all day.

  The surroundings weren't anything to speak of either; it was practically a single cabin in the middle of a field on the outskirts of the city. The orange glow of streetlights was reflected off the clouds hanging over the city and I could just make out the raucous honking of horns that came with traffic at this time of night.

  I turned to take one more look at the place that had been my prison for so many hours. The walls were shoddy and missing a great deal of paint. The roof was barely being held together, and there were a few windows that no longer had panes of glass in them. I never would have been able to tell that this was a dump from how the inside looked. The bear shifters had definitely done well for themselves in making the place comfortable.

  I thought of the dead man at the bottom of the stairs, how easy it had been for him to get to me, and the control he had wielded. All of that gone with just a single bullet. I wished I had been the one to put it there. For myself and for Madeline. That was the only regret I had.

  A pair of hands rubbed at my shoulders as they guided me to one of the vehicles.

  "I know..." Jasper whispered, sounding surprisingly empathetic. I couldn't be sure what he was referring to and thought best to leave it at that so as not to question and make things awkward. Knowing he and the others were here for me was enough.

  As I climbed into the passenger seat, I kept eyes forward to avoid the nudity of the driver and pretended to have difficulty with my seatbelt. Then I realized as he slipped his shades on that he was one of the men serving as the Fat Bastards bodyguards from the other night. I was aghast they would use one of their own as security, but it sort of made sense. Who better to keep you safe than people who knew your secrets?

  I was just coming down from the high of my discovery when Xavier and Landon got in the backseat; Jasper was in the passenger seat of another car.

  "Can...can we not go back to my place right now?"

  I peered into the rearview mirror to spy the two looking at each other.

  "You could run it by Jasper. You mind us knowing why?" Landon queried as he also buckled himself in.

  I relayed my fear of how unsafe my apartment now felt and that if the bear shifters had more men, it would be easy for them to break in again. I repeated the dead man's brag on their kind being in the city, that if it was true, there could still be people watching my apartment. If I went back there, there would be no sleep for me tonight, which I desperately yearned for after such a grueling day. I didn't want to be alone either; I needed the presence of other people to make me feel safe so that my panic and paranoia wouldn't get the better of me.

  Silence. And then a beep.

  "Jasper said it should be fine for you to come by our place. If that's okay with you." Xavier's face was aglow in the mirror as he read through the text message he had received on his phone. "We can stop by your place for some better clothes, too."

  "And Madeline?"

  "They're taking her to the hospital. That gives us enough time to come up with a cover story."

  "Mhm, okay..." I tilted my head back against the seat as the car turned around. I was exhausted, and I no longer saw a reason to try and remain conscious. I wasn't even sure we cleared the field by the time I fell asleep. The warm summer wind washing over me as we headed back to the city. I was going to have to ask them later about their squad and how they had tailed me out to the middle of nowhere. Exhaustion, however, had a firm grip on me and refused to let go.


  I was jolted awake by the sound of footsteps, completely afraid that my rescue had been nothing more than a dream. That I was still trapped in that cage, I bolted upright, ready to defend myself, I found myself in a state of falling. I wasn't on the ground anymore and my eyes shot up to find Xavier's face and him struggling to keep me in his arms. Voices erupted around me in a sense of panic and discovered it had been no dream. The Fat Bastards had come for me, had taken me out of that wretched place, and were now carrying me to safety.

  I settled down, not wanting to be dropped, and Xavier readjusted his grip on my back and legs. He was carrying me bridal-style and I could hear the soft rhythmic beating of his heart as I pressed my head against his chest.

  My surroundings were unfamiliar, and I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. The walls were darker, definitely not a color choice I would have made, when I suddenly remembered our earlier agreement. This wasn't my apartment; we had agreed to go to theirs instead. They must have stopped by mine and grabbed clothes while I was asleep in the car. My assumption was proven correct when I saw a suitcase being placed on a chair, looking like it had been packed in a hurry as there were items of clothing sticking out.

  Xavier lowered me to a couch, which was large and quite plush. It felt like heaven under my exhausted body and I curled up on my side to make myself more comfortable.

  "Can I get you a tea or anything?" Landon asked from across the room. There were the sounds of running water and cupboards being searched in his quest to
find tea.

  "You got any scotch?" I joked. I winced as my head started pounding to the sound of my own laughter and I dragged the nearest cushion over my head. The last traces of the sedative were starting to wear off and I felt my body beginning to give in to all the trauma I had experienced. Bruises started to hurt and the stiffness of being chained up making itself known.

  "We do, but I don't think that would be best." Jasper kneeled in front of me as he draped a thick warm blanket over my body. "You are safe now. No need to worry anymore."

  "That is easy for you to say." I grabbed the edge of the blanket and pulled it up under my chin. It would be so easy to break down and cry but that would feel like I was letting the bear shifters win. Instead, I fretted at my lip, which was still quite dry.

  "Yes, I'll have a tea, thank you."

  Landon busied himself with getting it made, while Jasper remained on the ground and Xavier took a seat on my left. He grabbed the remote and turned the widescreen television on but left the volume low to create background noise.

  "I take it you guys didn't exactly tell me the truth about leaving your pack..."

  "Right in one," Jasper replied. "We have been out here searching for these bear shifters. You are not the first wolf to be taken but you are the first we have gotten close enough to make it easy to find them."

  "You were hoping I was bait?!" I felt offended and if I hadn't been so tired, I might have punched him square in the nose.

  "Not at first, no. We genuinely liked your music and it was nice to know there was another shifter around," Xavier interjected. "Of course, it helped that you are pretty hot."

  I didn't feel "hot" right now, but I took the compliment all the same.

  "We have been after them for years so this is the first big break we had, thanks to you. Hopefully, this will make them think twice about wanting to kidnap our kind ever again." Jasper retrieved yet another blanket from under the large coffee table and lay it over me. I was grateful for the added warmth, though I wasn't shivering out of being cold. Talking about the bear shifters dragged up the memories of today and I preferred if we moved away from that topic altogether.

  "We're sorry for getting you involved like this. We should have kept a better eye on you...and maybe this wouldn't have happened." Landon took the seat on my right and rested the steaming mug of tea on the coffee table. I watched as the plumes swirled in the air and then faded to nothing. I could have left the world the same way if it hadn't been for these three.

  "I'm just glad you were there for me in the end," I whispered huskily, my gaze meeting each of their faces in turn.

  Maybe it was just the adrenaline of everything or feeling touched that they cared so much, but a warmth swelled from the middle of my stomach, made my limbs loose, and the grip on being a lady even looser.

  I traced the round cheekbones of Jasper's face, took in how wonderfully green his eyes were before my hand curled around his neck and drew him closer. He showed no sign of resistance or disgust, and my lips met his in a soft, chaste kiss that took my breath away. There was a second of hesitation, possibly confusion, before he returned the gesture, his head tilting to one side to intensify the kiss.

  I felt his hand on my cheek then on my neck, his touch cool against my heated skin. My tongue flitted against his lip and his mouth parted for mine. Our tongues danced together in a brief interlude that made my toes curl and fireworks spark behind my eyes. He was much gentler than I expected him to be as he pulled himself up on the couch and lay on top of me.

  But he wasn't going to have the spotlight just for himself. I broke the kiss long enough to take Landon's hand and lead him in closer as well. His face was bright red, and I heard him swallow hard against the dryness in his throat. His kiss was a little stiff, a little too rehearsed, and it was only with some coaxing that I got him to relax. His lips were definitely more intense, his kisses short and hard as he experimented with his mouth against mine.

  Jasper had found something else to dedicate his time as he peeled back the layers of blankets and went to town on my neck. Soft kisses peppered my skin and I giggled under my breath at how ticklish they were. He traced my jawline, captured my earlobe in his teeth, drew warm, wet lines across my collarbones as he dove lower below the edge of the oversized shirt.

  Landon joined in, his lips wrapped around mine as he slid his fingers to the curve of my breast. I rose to meet it, my back arching slightly at his touch. He gave it a gentle squeeze, then a harder one, until his fingers chanced to graze against my nipple. It sent small sparks of electricity through my body and I groaned.

  I threw back the blankets and helped them undress me. And as they did, I pulled in the surprised Xavier who had been helping to get off those horrible pants. His tongue instantly found mine and they wrestled each other for domination. His kisses were bruising and hot, and I could feel that he had been wanting this badly, since our interaction in the alley. I smiled into the kiss, pleased to know that my daydream from last week hadn't underestimated him or his passion.

  The three of them broke away long enough to start stripping themselves. I lay naked on the couch, my hands diving between my thighs to test how ready my sex was. I was already dripping wet, and I slicked my maidenhead with my juices to heighten my pleasure.

  Xavier was the first to dive back in and had half my body off the couch, my legs wrapped around his shoulders. I squealed in delight at the sudden change in position, which faded to a delightful moan when I felt his tongue going to work on me. His eyes met mine as he sucked and licked at my clitoris, and I writhed against his face in pleasure.

  Landon took to one breast, his rolling massages becoming harder with each passing second, his lips already making my nipple quite hard. Jasper bathed my other breast in kisses and licks, delivering the occasional nip to keep me on edge.

  It wasn't long before I felt the familiar tightening in my stomach, and my hips were thrusting faster against Xavier’s mouth. He dug his fingers into my thighs and pulled me harder, groaning as I exploded against his mouth. My body convulsing and fluttering with each contraction through my orgasm. I moaned loudly, and grabbed onto Landon and Jasper’s arms, and panted as the fluttering slowed down. It was intense, as I hadn't been paid that kind of attention in a very long time.

  Xavier licked at his lips in satisfaction as he lowered me back to the couch, and I could taste myself on his breath as he leaned over to kiss me. The position made it easy for him to slip inside me and my breath hitched at his full penetration. He felt smooth and girthy inside me, and my inner walls clamped around him, tightening with the last traces of my orgasm.

  He groaned loudly as he grabbed my knees and pushed up, my knees almost to my shoulders and his thrusts grew deeper. That forced Landon and Jasper out of the way but not out of the game. Jasper took up residence behind Xavier, and I could see him stroking his length in preparation. For someone so short, his shaft was more than I expected.

  Landon stood just to my right and I reached out my hand, pulled his body closer, wrapped my other hand around his shaft, and lead him into my mouth. My tongue played against the veiny texture of his erection, tracing each hard inch of him. He inhaled sharply when my nose met his stomach, the entirety of his length down my throat, and I watched his abdominals twitch in delight. A gentle hand on his hip encouraged his hips to move, and soon he was thrusting himself down my throat.

  But not for very long; I was throat-deep with Landon when I was surprised by the deeper, unexpected thrust of another shaft in my ass. In the middle of my blowjob, I hadn't noticed Jasper climbing onto the couch behind Xavier, and now he was balls-deep in me. Breathy exhales escaped them as they tried to work their rhythms together. I keened at the sensation, feeling completely full with their engorged members. They would find the same beat and then someone would lose it, replacing each other when the other pulled out. I had never been taken like this before and it was spoiling me.

  They took turns with me all night, switching their methods of
penetration, and sometimes having two at once inside me. My mind was blank as I continued to ride the waves of ecstasy, their hot bodies writhing against mine. We moved from the couch to the floor to someone's bed. Then standing up in the shower or curled over at the bottom of the bathtub, surrounded by the clean smells of soap and shampoo. We moved from there to the kitchen, where I sat on the countertop and they all took turns pleasuring me with their mouths. It finally ended in the middle of the living room once more. The three men holding me up as they all worked their hard shafts into me. Landon and Jasper's penetrations worked themselves deep between my thighs, while Xavier's slick head teased at my rear. Having three men in me at once was even more of a treat, and orgasm after orgasm rolled out of me as I continued to toy with my sensitive pink nub.

  My thighs dripped with their juices as they came inside me at the same time. Their knees went weak and we slowly collapsed to the floor in a sweaty, hot pile. It was then I knew I did not want to be anywhere else. I had finally found my place. My pack.

  The only thing left for me was to ask them one question.


  I didn't know if it was the brisk winter air or the lack of city noise that woke me up, but I was annoyed either way. The enrapturing warmth of my sheets commanded that I remain in bed and I had no problem obeying it, just this once. There were no alarms to wake me up and remind me of appointments to make and schedules to keep. There were no more gigs to rehearse for, not more stylists, and no more rent to pay. I was living the lap of luxury in the middle of nowhere with three men I had grown closer to in the past few months.

  Xavier stirred on my left as I snuggled back down beneath the covers and adjusted the pillow beneath my head. Landon was to my right, lying on his side with his back to me and snoring. Jasper was no longer in bed and I could smell the beginnings of breakfast. A shame; it would have been wonderful to wake up with all of them around me.


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