The Wedding Hope: 5-hour read. Marriage of convenience, romantic suspense. (Colorado Billionaires Book 2)

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The Wedding Hope: 5-hour read. Marriage of convenience, romantic suspense. (Colorado Billionaires Book 2) Page 9

by Regina Duke

  “Sure. Glad to.” He signed on the line for business owner’s approval. “How long will this take?”

  Karla took the paper and folded it carefully. “The town window contest is going to be judged about four o’clock on Halloween. That’s Wednesday. So this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon has to do it.”

  “I look forward to seeing the finished product. Ash? Sorry, girls, we’re in the middle of something.”

  “No problem,” said Karla. “Thanks a lot. We’ve got to pick up our supplies. See you later.”

  Ashley smiled at them as she closed the door. Through the front window, she could see Minion jumping for joy. Karla was patting the air, trying to calm her down.

  “They are so cute,” she said. “Hey, look. There’s a limo out there, picking them up.”

  “I’m not surprised. The Finemans are one of the local founding families. This town wouldn’t exist if they hadn’t donated the land for it. Having Karla do my windows could turn out to be a good thing. Maybe get me an introduction to her brother. He’s running the ranch now. Very important man. They must need security out there from time to time.”

  Ashley spread her hands. “See? I’m your fiancée for less than twenty-four hours and I’m already helping you with your business.”

  When the limo pulled away from the curb, Britney Beth pulled in.

  Ashley watched her get out of the car and head for the front door. She didn’t look happy, but she didn’t look furious, either. She was pulling the skirts of her wedding gown up under her arms to keep them from dragging on the ground. Before she came through the door, Ashley warned Thor in a sing-song voice, “She’s back.”


  ASHLEY OPENED THE FRONT DOOR AND stood back so Britney Beth could enter.

  The only one in the room who seemed glad to see her was Rocky. He trotted back and forth between Britney Beth and Thor.

  Thor lifted his head and his eyebrows at the same moment. “Forget something?”

  Britney Beth glared at him, but checked her tongue. Instead of snapping his head off, she cleared her throat and smoothed her wedding dress.

  “I came back to apologize.” She used her most feminine voice. “Yes, I told your mother you’re getting married Friday. But that was to keep you from the danger of living in sin with your fiancée.”

  Ashley covered her mouth but her short burst of laughter was unmistakable.

  Thor pretended he didn’t notice. He made sure he kept a straight face. “I see. You figured if I get married soon, I’ll be out of danger.”

  “Exactly,” said Britney Beth. “As for my dress—” She spread her hands, inviting him to marvel at the beauty of the gown. “—it’s the same one I’ve been carrying around with me since high school. You remember, I’m sure, how I used to say a girl has to be ready. And it’s my weight control device.”

  Thor snorted. “That’s a new one. You’re the last woman on Earth who needs a weight control program.”

  “It’s not a program. It’s a check and balance. I wore it in high school, for the class play, and I can still wear it today. See?” She turned sideways to show off her slender figure. “Other girls get on a scale everyday. I climb into this dress. The presence of this garment has nothing to do with my texting your mother.”

  Thor took a breath and let it out. “I suppose that’s as close as I’m going to get to an apology.” He glanced back at his screen. “I have to go take care of some clients. If you are truly contrite, you can help Ashley buy some clothes. The jerk who trashed her car also took her suitcase.” He got up and extracted a credit card from his wallet. “Here you go, Ashley. Buy whatever you need and charge it to this.”

  “Oh, I have my own.”

  Thor pinned her with a meaningful glance, then shifted his gaze quickly in Britney Beth’s direction to make sure she understood what he was doing. “Yes, I understand, but we are getting married on Friday, and your debts will be my debts. So cut to the chase, darling, and put it on my card.”

  Britney Beth brightened. “You want me to help her shop?”

  “Yes. You think you can handle that?”

  “Oh, puh-lease. I am a champion shopper.”

  “Oh, that’s not necessary,” said Ashley in a rush. “Just tell me where to go. I can shop by myself.”

  Thor held up a finger. “Until we know more about what’s going on and who tried to grab you in the parking lot, I really want you to stay here in the office.”

  Ashley frowned. “And how does that jive with going shopping?”

  Britney Beth pulled her phone out of her purse. “In Eagle’s Toe? Don’t be silly. Everything here is a boutique. But on the bright side, they will do anything to please a customer.” She scrolled through her contacts and punched a number. “Hello, Wilhelmina? Yes, sweetheart, how are you? It’s me, Britney Beth.” She laughed a girlish laugh. “Oh, you recognized my voice? Now isn’t that the nicest thing. Listen, Willy, I have a friend—” She emphasized the word and cast a glance in Thor’s direction, showing him how nice she could be. “I have a friend who has had a tragic wardrobe accident. All her luggage has been lost. Could you bring over a selection of everything? Oh, Thor doesn’t want her running around town. I’ll put her on, and she can tell you her sizes. Oh, no, honey, I’m sure she’s thicker around the middle than I am.”

  She handed Ashley the phone with a dangerous smile.

  “I’m not thicker than you,” Ashley grumbled.

  Thor patted her on the shoulder. “I have to go. Britney Beth, my handgun is in the desk drawer. Don’t let anyone in the front door, except the shopkeeper. Set the door alarm after I leave.” He blew a kiss to Ashley and left.

  Britney Beth waltzed over and fiddled with the alarm while Ashley gave Wilhelmina her dimensions.

  “She said she’ll be over as soon as she can.” Ashley gave Britney Beth her phone back. Outside, Karla and Minion had reappeared and were busy brushing outlines on the big windows.

  “Good,” said Britney Beth, dropping the sweetness from her voice. “I’m going to slip out of my gown.” She went into the back room.

  “Nice cover story,” said Ashley, raising her voice so Britney Beth could hear her.

  “What ever do you mean?”

  “The whole bit about controlling your figure by trying on your high school costume. Is that what took you so long when you left? Figuring out a story to tell Thor?”

  Britney Beth stomped back into the room. She was buttoning skinny jeans and had one arm through a baby blue pullover. “Now you listen to me, missy. If you think for one minute this is over, you are out of your ever-loving mind! That man belongs to me. I’m going to marry him, you hear me? That’s the way it’s been since high school and that’s the way it still is, and that’s the way it’s going to be until the day I die. So don’t be getting all relaxed and happy, you hear? Because Thor Garrison is getting married on Friday, and it will not be to you.” She tugged hard on the pullover and it made a thwooping sound as it slid over her hardened features.

  Ashley pulled back a bit, but gave no ground. “I see,” she said calmly. “That’s why he bought me a brand new SUV? What was that? A consolation prize?”

  “Call it whatever you like.” Britney Beth moved to the long mirror and began brushing her hair. “Call me whatever you like. Lord knows I’ve been called names before. But don’t count on calling yourself Mrs. Thor Garrison, because I have that one in the bag, sugar.” There was nothing sweet about the way she spat the word. “Thor knows what will happen if he marries someone else.”

  Ashley’s brow crinkled. “Are you saying you’re holding something over his head?”

  Britney Beth threw her hands in the air and turned to Ashley in disbelief. “How dumb and naive are you? Of course I have something on him. How else are girls supposed to even the playing field? Are you kidding me?”

  “Whoa. Texas really is different.”

  Britney Beth narrowed her eyes and pointed her brush at Ashley. “Don’
t you be bad mouthing my home state. It’s Thor’s home, too, and he’s going to want to move back there some day, you just keep that in mind. Texas is a wonderful place to live.” Her tone drifted into nostalgia. “I wish I was there right now, instead of up here in this frozen, landlocked excuse for a state.”

  Ashley smiled sweetly. “At last we agree on something. I wish you were there, too.”

  Before Britney Beth could respond, Ashley’s attention was drawn to the front window where Karla and Minion were laying aside their brushes and scrambling to help a gray-haired woman pushing a loaded shopping cart. It took Ashley a moment to realize the cart was full of new clothes.

  “I think Wilhelmina has arrived.”

  Britney Beth dropped her vitriolic expression and transformed herself into a cultured lady of the south. “Oh, my stars! Those girls are going to get paint on those clothes.” She scooted to the front door, punched in Thor’s security code, and darted out front to help Wilhelmina.

  Ashley watched as the four females trooped inside with shopping cart full and arms loaded. She wanted to know what secret Britney Beth was holding over Thor’s head, but her interrogation would have to wait. Right now, she needed clean clothes.

  “You must be Wilhelmina,” she said, stepping forward and offering her hand. “Thank you so much for going to all this trouble.”

  Wilhelmina’s waistline had expanded beyond the point of ever being able to wear the clothes in her own shop, but she had a friendly, open face and her gray hair was neatly plaited in thick braids. She was wearing clunky boots and a long wool skirt under a thick green wool sweater. Ashley would never have spotted her as the owner of a fashion boutique. But she fell in love with her when Wilhelmina spoke.

  “Hello, young lady! Why, Britney Beth, you must need glasses. This girl has a smaller waist than you do.”


  ASHLEY THANKED KARLA AND MINION FOR coming to Wilhelmina’s rescue. The girls accepted with awkward fourteen-year-old charm, avoiding eye contact, then went back outside to continue with their project.

  Wilhelmina enlisted Britney Beth to help her lay out some of the things she’d brought. They covered the desk, the chairs, the weight bench, and the sofa. All available surfaces displayed clothing. Then she produced a large gold sack with “Mina’s” in script across the side.

  “I put some delicates in here for you,” she said. “If they’re way off, size-wise, I’ll run back to the shop.”

  Ashley went in the back to try on a couple of bras. She was amazed to find that they fit perfectly. With a thrill of relief, she changed her undies before returning to the front.

  “Everything fits.” Ashley held up the gold sack. “Do you prefer Mina or Willie?”

  “I go by Mina or Wilhelmina. Only Britney Beth calls me Willie. Here you go, dear. I brought four skirts, a dozen pairs of jeans, half a dozen blouses, some sweaters, and some fleece. We’re headed into cold weather, so I selected accordingly. Oh, I also picked out a couple of down jackets. That full length red might strike your fancy.”

  “I love it. And boy, do I need it.” The next forty minutes were a flurry of trying on one outfit after another.

  Britney Beth was showing the strain of being sweet and polite, or so it seemed to Ashley. She extended an olive branch.

  “Mina brought way more clothes than I need for my stay here. Why don’t you try some on, too?”

  Britney Beth pushed her hair back and clipped her barrette. “Oh, no, thank you. Willie knows I prefer designer items.”

  Wilhelmina shook out one of the blouses she’d brought and held it up to Ashley, studying the effect of the color on her complexion. “I assume you’ve already got your trousseau ready to go?”

  Ashley’s chin dropped. “Trousseau?”

  “Oh, yes, honey, it’s all over town. Reese McAvoy is married to my cousin Alice Kate, and she called me a little while ago to tell me Thor Garrison was getting married to a lovely dark-haired beauty named Ashley.”

  Britney Beth made a sound like a roof groaning under a load of snow. A moment later, she whipped Rocky’s leash off the wall hook and snapped it on his collar. She punched her arms into the sleeves of her suede jacket and headed for the door. “Rocky, come!” Without so much as a goodbye, she left.

  Ashley and Mina exchanged cautious looks.

  Mina cleared her throat. “She’s a bit moody, I think.”

  Ashley wagged her eyebrows. “Moody? That’s a kind way to put it. She didn’t use a code on the door alarm. I don’t hear any bells or anything. Do you know how to reset it?”

  “Each one has its own security code.”

  “Shouldn’t we hear it beep or something?”

  “Probably silent. Want to call Thor?”

  Ashley made a face. “He could have told me how it worked, but he didn’t. So I’m not going to worry about it. Besides, I’m sure Britney Beth will be back. She can deal with it.”

  Mina was visibly relaxed now that Britney Beth was gone. “Are you going to live in the cabin or look for something in town?”

  Ashley was caught off guard again. “Cabin?”

  Mina waved a hand. “Oh, everybody knows about the cabin. When the Garrisons bought the place, it was a mess. They rebuilt from the ground up. Then Thor invited all the business people in town to come out to a party and see the security elements he incorporated into the place. Very impressive. I signed up right away for him to do an analysis of my shop. Now I don’t worry at all about break-ins or any of that stuff. He’s amazing.”

  Ashley smiled. “I think so, too.” The smile lingered as she realized she really did think Thor was quite special.

  “That Britney Beth is a different story.” Mina held up a pair of designer jeans and a sweater with sequins. Then she shook her head. “No, you’re not the sequin type. Here, try this combo.”

  Ashley stepped into the back room to change. “How long have you known Britney Beth?”

  “Let’s see. Thor moved up here a little over a year ago, and blondie showed up at his door the very first week. At first I thought they were divorced. She talked like they’d known each other for years.”

  Ashley stepped out in the black jeans and ruffled black and white blouse. “Oh, I love these. They’re keepers. And that sweater will go great over the top.” She hugged the dark red sweater. “In fact, if you don’t mind, I’m wearing this outfit.” She pulled the sweater over her head. The blouse’s black-and-white ruffle cascaded at the collar. “Warm at last. Britney Beth acts like she’s known Thor all her life because their mothers are best friends in Texas. They went to the same high school.”

  “Oh, that explains it. Is this the pile you don’t want? I’ll put them in my cart.”

  “Can I offer you some hot tea?”

  Mina brightened. “I’d love a cup of tea. What about the girls outside? It’s getting dark, and they look cold.”

  Ashley cringed. She wanted to ask Mina more questions, not entertain the teenagers. Just then the limousine pulled to the curb. Karla started taking pictures of their work with her phone, and Minion knocked on the door.

  Ashley went to let her in.

  “What’s wrong, Mindy?” She couldn’t bring herself to call the girl Minion to her face.

  “Got to pee!” Minion dashed past her.

  Karla called to the limo driver, “She’ll be right out.” Then she continued to pack up her paints and brushes.

  Ashley glanced up and down the street. No sign of Britney Beth. She closed the door and went to the sideboard where hot water awaited. Wilhelmina had evidently had tea at Thor’s before. She knew exactly where everything was.

  Wilhelmina couldn’t wait to talk.

  “When Thor was designing my security system, he’d invite me over here in the evening for tea and cookies so I could tell him which entrances were used for what, who came and went every day, all that sort of thing. He’s a delightful young man.” She leaned toward Ashley. “I’m so glad you’re his fiancée. He deserve
s a lot better than Britney Beth.”

  Ashley nodded. Maybe if she looked interested, Mina would keep talking.

  Minion bustled past toward the front door. “Thanks, lady. We’ll be back tomorrow to work on the window again after school.” She pulled the door open so hard it banged against the wall. But the glass held, and the door swung closed.

  Ashley went to make sure it latched. She waved goodbye to Karla, who was just getting into the limo.

  By the time she returned to the sideboard, Mina had their tea ready. She handed Ashley a mug and nodded toward the vehicle pulling away from the curb.

  “The Finemans and Wakes are such nice people. So cute, the way they drive Karla and her brother around.”

  “Wouldn’t a normal car be less conspicuous?”

  “Oh, yes, but according to my nephew, George, one of their vehicles is in the shop over to the New and Used Cars and Agricultural Equipment garage. That’s where George works. The limo belongs to the car lot. They rent it out for prom night and such. But it was the only loaner available. Not that the Finemans don’t use limos, mind you. Richest folk in the county. Maybe the state.” She nodded knowingly.

  Ashley sipped her tea and smiled encouragingly.

  “That Britney Beth.” Mina shook her head. “You know she hates it if you call her just Britney.”

  “I noticed.”

  Mina threw her head back and looked down her nose, as if that were comment enough. Then she continued. “There has not been a single month in the past year that she hasn’t showed up on Thor’s doorstep. And demanding? Oh, my, when she comes in the shop, I always remind the girls to be nice, because she spends like there’s no tomorrow. Just for entertainment, you know. But it can be a strain.”

  “Oh, I’m sure. I’ve felt a bit of that strain myself.”

  “Consider yourself lucky that’s all you felt,” said Mina. “Because Britney Beth was staring daggers at you whenever you weren’t looking. You be careful with her.”

  Ashley felt a chill at those words. She was about to ask Mina if Britney Beth had a violent history, when a large vehicle squealed tires in the street. It made a precarious U-turn and screeched to a stop inches from the front window.


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