Ascension Of The Blood Throne

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Ascension Of The Blood Throne Page 7

by Mikel Wilson

  “I, Robert, captain of the guard, now call for our bit of entertainment for the evening! Pitting one of the new members of our brood against one of our knights, this fight will be hand to hand, and since we are all family here, not to the death, but one must yield.” Turning, he bellowed, “Are you ready?”

  Every vampire in the room began hitting the tables with their fists, making a roaring like you’d expect in a Roman coliseum.

  The knights’ chosen fighter entered first, and it looked like the Taldor vampires had chosen wisely. He stood every bit of six feet six inches tall, his burly build matched his height, and he was obviously very strong. His long red hair and braided beard almost obscured his chiseled face, but not quite enough to cover his raging red eyes. It seemed that war was all he knew, and the whole of him made for a scary site to behold. His muscles rippled as he ripped off his shirt, revealing many old battle scars. This vampire was not only strong but had obviously been in many wars.

  JH, who had been confident earlier, was growing nervous as this beast of a man began beating on his chest and roaring loudly as the crowd chanted his name, “Maximus! Maximus! Maximus!”

  Chest puffed out in pride over his choice of champion, Robert looked over to Lillith. He couldn't hide his confidence in his fighter, and his lips spread in a self-satisfied grin.

  Finally, it was time for the new brood’s fighter. Robert took a deep breath and introduced JH. A silence filled the room as the Taldor vampires took in JH’s less impressive build and stature. He attempted to look confident as he walked around the ring, all the while staring into the eyes of Maximus. His brown hair and boyish grin combined with his smaller frame did not help matters any, and the people began worrying for his well-being.

  The knights began laughing, some booing and screaming. Taunts of This will be a massacre! and How dare they send a boy to face a man? could be heard above the din.

  Robert faced the fighters and positioned them nose to nose. He explained the few rules to them, which basically consisted of the two men fighting until one of them yielded to the other. “May the best vampire win!” he said as he stepped back.

  As soon as Robert moved, Maximus swung and connected a brutal punch, knocking JH backward, his legs almost giving from the force of the punch.

  Alisha darted back into the open, ready to coach JH to a victory. "JH, don't look at his size, just remember the game plan!" she yelled.

  JH began sizing up the giant Maximus as he moved forward to land a well-placed kick to Maximus's leg. Maximus stumbled but stayed upright and swung hard with a left hand, which was dodged by JH, who ducked and took the larger man’s legs out from under him. Maximus fell hard, and once they hit the floor, JH began pounding away with shots to the big man’s head and body. Maximus swung from his position on his back but was unable to generate any force for his punches. JH continued his relentless assault to the vampire’s body and head.

  The crowd could not believe what they were witnessing and quickly took up chanting the name of the boy they thought stood no chance at all against a champion like Maximus. “JH! JH! JH!”

  Maximus finally made it to his knees, his breathing heavy, but didn’t make it any further before JH wrapped his arms around the man’s thick neck and forcibly pulled him back down to the floor, choking the much larger opponent. That’s when Maximus seized his opportunity. JH had made a big mistake. The giant smiled just before biting into JH's arm! JH yelled in pain and was forced to release the hold. This allowed Maximus to finally get to his feet.

  Maximus wiped his face and began laughing. “Is that all you’ve got, boy?” He swung and scored a massive shot to JH's body, causing JH to take a knee in pain! He followed by grabbing JH’s head and slamming a knee into his face, which raised JH up before he fell hard to the floor.

  JH wiped his face as Alisha began clapping and yelling, "Remember the game plan, JH!”

  JH feinted with his right and again kicked the lead leg of the giant. He circled before again. He feinted with his right, which Maximus easily dodged, then he landed a hard kick to the vampire’s calf. This one did its job, causing Maximus to grimace and stumble. He straightened, but he couldn't hide the damage when he started avoiding putting pressure on his lead leg.

  "It's working! Chop him down!" Alisha shouted.

  JH circled and this time, he scored with a kick across Maximus’s face followed by another hard kick to the leg. Maximus would not give, trying to fight back on just one leg, but JH's speed was too much for him now that he was injured. A punch to the gut, a kick to the leg, and an uppercut from JH nearly did him in.

  Maximus was nearly out on his feet when he roared and began glowing. His strength seemed to double, and the coliseum went quiet. JH went in for another kick, but it was caught by the other vampire in one massive hand. With his newfound strength, Maximus began slamming JH around like a rag doll.

  Bleeding and nearly exhausted, JH found his strength and flipped his body. Quickly getting into position, he wrapped his legs around one massive arm and with a brutal twist, snapped it with a sickening crack! Maximus screamed, grabbing his injured arm, and JH advanced. He knew he only had only enough strength for a final assault, so he jumped as high as he could into the air, spinning his body like a top to throw all of his strength into a kick straight to Maximus's face. The big vampire rocked for a moment before falling face first onto the coliseum floor.

  JH ran over to the giant to finish the job, but Maximus's big hand waved, and he uttered the words no one ever thought they would hear him say, "I surrender."

  The entire room went wild in celebration. Robert was completely surprised by the outcome as he lifted JH's arm and declared him the winner. Lillith and Mackinzie both ran to JH, giving him a hug. He had just shown their strength to the Taldor vampires as well as proving that the brood Lillith had brought with her were not the pushovers they were thought to be.

  “I am very impressed with your training. I now offer you a place in court if it is well with the prince and princess,” Robert offered. He clapped and four knights wearing armor similar to Robert’s appeared holding another complete set. They removed their helmets and bowed to the prince and princess.

  The first was Ayden, who was mixed like Lillith with bushy, curly hair and brown eyes. He was tall and muscular, but unlike some of the knights, he seemed to have a caring about him.

  The next was a woman, her hair curly and kinky, she too was mixed, and her eyes were green. As she kneeled, she said, “my name is Emily Elizabeth. Ayden is my brother.”

  The next was a blonde-haired man who was short in stature but muscular, He was older than the others, and introduced himself as Wally. The last was a tall, slender man named Ash.

  Robert took the armor from Ayden and presented it to JH. “Welcome to the giant slayers,'' he said with a smile. “I’m sure you’ll earn the title soon enough.”

  Christian stood and asked, “Giant slayers? My father signed a treaty with the giants long ago. We will not start a war with them now.”

  “Forgive me, my prince, but the war has already started. They have attacked us several times. If you hadn't left us to look for a queen, you would know this.”

  “You speak to the future king this way?” Gwen of the Federation demanded, smacking the table to get Robert’s attention. “Apologize to the prince.”

  “I apologize,” Robert said through clenched teeth. “I suppose you can tell them we surrender, or maybe you can talk the beasts down, but it is our job to protect you and this kingdom.” Robert turned his back and walked away, leaving the other knights to follow. “Are you coming,” he asked JH as he passed.

  Alisha shooed JH on so he would follow.

  “Forgive Captain Robert, Prince Christian, much has happened since you left. We must fill you and the princess in before your trip,” Gwen said.

  “We understand,” Christian said as Lillith stood and bowed her head to the Federation.

  “We have much to plan if we are to bring peace bac
k to this land, but I'm sure we can do it,” Lillith said.

  “Go, rest, Princess. The journey will take several days. Choose your weapons wisely as there is danger lurking at every turn. Remember to be diligent in your search. I wish you both luck,” the leader of the Federation stated.

  "I don't trust Robert at all,” Alisha interrupted. “Lillith and Christian, I feel like he should be dealt with now..."

  The Federation leader cut her off mid-sentence. "Human, be mindful of your manners. I would hate to cause the future queen or king to lose both of their parents."

  “Try it if you dare, bloodsucker. I swear to you that your head will be separated from your body," Alisha retorted, gripping the sheath of her sword.

  “That’s enough!” Christian snapped. “I respect the Federation, but I will not have my mother threatened. I think it’s best if we go our separate ways for the night.”

  “That would probably be wise,” the Federation leader agreed.

  Chapter Seven

  As the group loaded up, preparing for the biggest test of their lives, Alisha was completely calm about what lay ahead for the group. It wasn’t really a surprise as she had faced death many times. Lillith and Christian, however, were both nervous as was Mackinzie. Nevertheless, they were committed, and as soon as the fog lifted, they moved out slowly and quietly.

  "We must find the old woman. I was told that she will know where to find this sword," Christian explained as he took the lead.

  A breeze stirred the leaves at the entrance of the woods. A sign warned all vampires that they were entering the giant's domain. The smell of brimstone went from a faint smell to an overpowering stench, and Mackinzie and Lillith were visibly worried. Christian was unafraid as he walked with the focus of a true king. Alisha followed close behind Christian, walking carefully and listening for any sign of giants.

  The giants left huge footprints embedded deep into the dirt, but they were careful, and their steps were as quiet as they could make them. Robert and the giant slayers also knew how to be quiet as they appeared without warning. JH was with them, dressed in the armor they had presented to him after his fight with Maximus. Lillith and Mackinzie nodded to JH as Robert informed them that the Federation had directed them to join the prince and princess on their quest.

  Little did they know that as they moved deeper into the giant’s territory, another ship was arriving on the shore...

  After waiting in the mist until the darkness had covered the land, a group of men and women exited the ship all dressed for battle. Their leader, a woman, was attired in a leather trench coat and white shirt paired with black leather pants and long leather crisscrossed boots. Her long, twin colored blonde and brown hair curled and blew into the wind, and her hazel eyes were fierce in her perfectly shaped face, which gave way to dimples when she smiled. Her name was Rachael O’Quinn, and she was one of the master slayers. Her slayer powers were unparalleled, and she never held back.

  As she placed her broad sword into the dirt and sniffed into the air, she whistled, bringing out two very large wolves, one white and one black. The wolves, Fire and Ice, moved to stand on either side of her as she said, "It's a fine day to turn some vampires into dust."

  She had quite the group with her. There was Danielle, a strong sorceress with powers to match any sorcerer they might face. Then there were three other slayers just as strong as Alisha and two vampires, Michael and Eric, who had chosen to fight alongside the slayers.

  "Just like Alisha said, they never expected someone to follow them through the portal. We may never leave here, but the solar bomb that we have with us will make sure these bloodsuckers will never feed again," Racheal stated as she looked around at this strange new world.

  The vampires had no idea their shores had been invaded by their greatest enemy and that there was a traitor living amongst them.

  In the forest of ancients, the group walked amongst the leaves and willow trees. They were all being as quiet as they could until Mackinzie started sneezing.

  “Shhh,” Christian shushed her as he put his finger to his lips, but it was too late. The arachnids began to descend upon them. These giant spiders were able to harm even a vampire.

  “Okay, my love, you started this, so I will let you take the first one,” Christian said as they all drew their swords.

  Mackinzie wouldn’t get that chance though, because Robert and the giant slayers ran in front of them and began destroying the arachnids. Their speed and precision were awe-inspiring as their swords beheaded one spider after another. Then, JH jumped into the air and began cutting the webs, causing the giant spiders to fall. As they dropped, the others gutted them!

  As green gore started to spew out of the arachnids, Mackinzie turned away. Lillith, however, was excited as she joined in the slaughter, and Alisha followed right on her heels. Not to be outdone, Christian raised his sword and rain into the fray, joining them in slaughtering the arachnids.

  It wasn’t long before a giant hiss filled the air.

  Robert looked up and warned, “Oh, we have done it now! Momma is pissed!"

  "Momma? You mean these are babies? They are nearly as big as us!" Lillith’s voice was shaky as she responded.

  The trees began to ruffle, then they slowly began bending over as a mountain of an arachnid descended, spraying web over them.

  "It’s trying to trap us!" Lillith screamed.

  “I’ve noticed,” Robert shouted back at her.

  As the spider’s web grew thicker, they became entrapped. Mackinzie, seeing everyone trapped, gained her courage and ran into the action, attacking the web with her sword. She managed to free JH and Lillith just as the queen landed on the ground, laughing.

  “Vampires are a scarce delicacy around here. My other children will be pleased,” she taunted, lifting up to show her egg sack.

  Lillith had freed her mother before the hissing spider raised on its hind legs, and Alisha speed blitzed the spider, stabbing the egg sack.

  "Why did you stab the sack? That didn't hurt her at all." Lillith screamed at her mother.

  The baby spiders exited the sack in droves, crawling all over their mother, who began wiping at them with her legs. That didn’t even slow them down; the small spiders began attacking their mother, and the sheer number of them was overwhelming.

  While the mother arachnid was distracted, Alisha jumped on her back and beheaded her. Green goop was still spewing from the neck as Alisha jumped down and wiped her sword. The small spiders were now attacking the mother’s corpse, so Captain Robert and his men quickly took care of every one they could find.

  “Now that is finished, can we go now?” Alisha asked, sarcasm clear in her voice.

  "This human is impressive, I see why the king loved her," Robert conceded.

  "You aren't bad for a bloodsucker," Alisha responded, and a small awkward silence swept over the group. Alisha remembered that she was the only human in the group and her words had offended them all. "I apologize. You are a very strong warrior, and that, I can respect."

  "Look at all of us getting along,” Ayden teased, boyish grin plain on his face as his sister, Emily, shushed him.

  "Yes, like a giant family. Now, let's move," Christian directed.

  They walked until they came to a creek. It looked innocent enough, but when Mackinzie was about to cross, Christian grabbed her arm.

  "My darling, everything in this place is not as it seems." He grabbed a branch and placed it into the seemingly normal water, only smoke poured from the stick as it disintegrated into nothing.

  Alisha gasped, and Lillith stated the obvious, "So, this place is more dangerous than we thought." The only way across was to jump, so Lillith went first, holding her mother’s hand.

  Robert laughed as he jumped and goaded Alisha, "I thought slayers were supposed to have all our powers, but I’m seeing a lot of weaknesses."

  As the others jumped, Alisha walked up to the much bigger Robert, getting right in his face. "You hate me, don't you?"
  Robert snickered, then turned to face Ayden, who had grabbed his arm to lead him away from the confrontation.

  “Don't bait her, Captain,” Ayden whispered. "You know what we must do."

  "Oh, are you afraid to speak? Or is it just because I am a woman? All this in front of your men, what are they going to think about you? Unable to keep their respect..." she provoked.

  “That's it!” Robert roared, stalking toward her.

  “Captain, stand down!” Christian ordered, then turned to Alisha. “Mother, that's enough! We have a job to complete. This is not the time to bicker. If you guys want to fight, once we’re safely home, then you’re welcome to have at it!”

  “I think they want to kiss,” Ayden mocked, causing Emily to shake her head and swat at him.

  "Yep, he's adopted, I'm sure of it," she said dramatically, causing all of them to laugh.

  Alisha and Robert stood glaring at each other, finding the whole thing unamusing.

  Fights calmed for the time being, they continued their walk through the fog covered forest until Christian stopped abruptly and pointed into the dense fog, "She lives there."

  As they all drew their swords and advanced slowly, a strong wind blew the fog away, revealing an old woman sitting by an open fire.

  "Prince and Princess have come seeking the ancient sword,” she declared in a voice that sounded raspy from disuse. “But why would I help them? What do they have to offer me?” She threw her head back with an unsettling cackle. “An offering perhaps, a soul that I may devour…” She paused and seemed to sniff the air. “But wait! I sense an innocent. No, I sense two, a pair of innocents, untainted hearts that still believe in good. Stand before me, Ayden and Emily.” The siblings stepped forward, and she pulled out a long knife. “Your blood, I want some blood of innocence, and I will tell you what you want to know.”

  “Innocence?” Christian asked. “Ayden and Emily are giant slayers; they have both taken lives.”


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