Wrath of the Iron Warlock

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Wrath of the Iron Warlock Page 5

by Patrick Cassidy

“Just making conversation, you want your friend back don’t you.”

  “I do, but I know different. Tyrell is going to force Old Man Crow out from Crow’s Nest, and then once they have the deed. I guess I don’t have to say much else to that fact.”

  “They don’t have the deed to the property yet”, Talon said.

  “True, but they’ll wait out Crow for a while, and then once they find away in to the main house where he has made his fortress, they’ll disarm him, and then tell him about his nephew.”

  “What if I told you my friends and I are looking to help rid you guys of the wizard with the painted face and the Iron Warlock for good.”

  “If only that were possible”, the hippogriff told Talon. Talon started to form a fantastic plot in his mind, but he needed the hippogriff to cooperate with him. As he had grew in our captivity Talon learned a lot about the business and how he and Bistro could seek out cooperation from other animals and creatures. Skills that were useful in our business.

  “Tell me everything you know about Crow’s Nest”, Talon told him. The hippogriff raised his eagle head as Talon manage to cut the reign with his own talons so that the hippogriff didn’t have to stay tied to the post. “If it helps, keep your sentences short. I’ll keep my eyes and hears open for eavesdroppers. After we talk, I want you to go home back to Crow’s Nest and see if you can relay a message to Old Man Crow.”

  “What would I tell Old Man Crow?”

  “Tell him help is on the way. In order to help though, I need to know everything. In the words of Ben Alatar; in order to brew the potion I must have all the right ingredients.”


  “It’s all a lie”, Clair sobbed as she served our drinks. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be crying like this.”

  “It’s understandable”, Crystal said. “You’re boyfriend being taken away on a trumped up charge.”

  “Not to mention to clear the way for Tyrell”, She cried. “He hates the fact that I’m in love with Travis. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he cooked up this scheme with the Warlock. I hate them both.”

  “I would imagine the feeling is mutual throughout the entire city”, I said as Clair handed me a bottle of rooting beer. I was being very careful this time to make sure it wasn’t spiked with a potion to transform me into a pig. Not that I didn’t trust her, but I wouldn’t blame her if she tried to cook up something similar to Wolfgang and Tyrell. I just didn’t want to be an unsuspecting victim again. Luckily I’ve learned from past experience and managed to invent my own kind of potion detection system. I wanted to wait while the girls were talking to each other. I didn’t want to seem rude. Just then I saw the leader of the Werewolves walk in toward our direction. “Crystal”, I said in a warning tone. She already was way ahead of me.

  “Clair, I tell you what to do. Act as if you’re serving us lunch, we don’t want Archie over there getting the wrong impression.” The big one eyed hulk of a biker came walking in our direction. Clair got out of his way. Crystal and I kept a hand on our wands just incase.

  “I thought you might want to know, your clown friend is just leaving the dentist office, and is on his way over here.”

  “Don’t worry as soon as we have some lunch we’ll be on our way out”, I told him.

  “Just incase my boys are going to see to it that you do. Tyrell’s ruling was very clear; however, I don’t want you all to leave on an empty stomach. I’ll tell my boys to follow your wagon to the city limits. And remember tell that circus you represent not to come through El Draco. They don’t need a circus here.”

  “Noted”, I said. “Do me a favor, could you tell Cone Top to check on our griffin, and tell him to meet us in here. We’ll buy him some lunch.”

  “Better not give him solid food”, Archie said with a mean chuckle. “I heard him screaming from the dentist office. Sounded worse then when one of my boys went in there to get a tooth pulled after our routine moon light rides. Boy was he howling for a week.”

  “I guess it was because he couldn’t eat stake until he felt his teeth again”, I said. Archie looked at me and growled.

  “Only werewolves are aloud to joke about that sort of thing. Anyone else who does, we take as an insult. That’s the problem with you circus people, you have such a sick sense a humor. It’s no wonder you guys are being forced to be outlawed.”

  “As opposed to notorious bike gangs who crowd communities until they’re forced to live under their territorial rule in an iron grip of fear”, Crystal sneered. I looked at Crystal and gave her a swift kick in the ankle. One bad thing about being in disguise is that it is always too easy to blow one’s cover. “So I’ve been told”, she said with a shriek. Archie looked in her direction and puffed smoke from his cigar in her face.

  “Just see to it that you don’t over stay your welcome”, Archie growled. He turned and walked out, but not before talking to Clair. “Crix Tyrell sends his regards. If you want to tend Travis’s wounds and see to it that he is well fed you might want to honor him with a date tonight.” Clair starred at him with a cold look. I could see the tears streaming down her face. I could tell that the look she was giving was the cold cut combination of being half sad and half angry. Before she could say anything Archie made another bone chilling remark that forced her to start thinking. “We could always use another werewolf in our pack if you don’t.” He left just as Ben came in. Obviously the favor was null and void at this point. He waited for Archie to walk past him and leave the hotel. He then waved for us signaling it was time to go. He then slipped a little card on to the tray of food and drinks Clair was bringing to our table. I was hoping Ben would let us eat, but after the encounter with Archie I felt it best that we got ready to go.

  “We’ll take it to go Clair”, I said snapping my fingers turning the tray into a “To go” package.

  “Stay strong”, Crystal told her. Before he left Ben turned toward her.

  “If there is anything you need, you’re not alone”, he said pointing to the card he had slipped to her. I should’ve known it was one of our business cards.


  “Poor Clair, I almost feel her tears in my drink”, Crystal said. I nodded as we started back toward Mike’s place. I looked over at Ben who was still feeling his jaw.

  “How did go with the dentist?”

  “Let’s just say Dr. Cats is one cunning feline”, he said. “I can’t believe he thought I was that bad of an actor and had to give me a real shot of Novocain.”

  “He what”, Crystal and I almost started laughing together.

  “Aside from that, he thinks I need root canal, but that debate is for another time. Anyway, it seems like the plan is already in motion for the Warlock and Tyrell. They have Travis in for stealing his own unicorns, and since they believe the treasure is located somewhere on the property they’ll keep putting the pressure on until Telly caves and turns the deed over to the Warlock. Travis is their hold card unless if we can find something else to bargain with, or someone.”

  “What do you mean Ben”, I asked.

  “I think he means the Warlock”, Crystal told me Ben nodded as he felt his cheek again.

  “Root canal really Dr. Cats”, he hissed.

  “Maybe you do need it if your mouth hurts that much.”

  “It only hurts; because, I chose to visit the dentist not knowing the dentist was an actual grinning Cheseaur cat.”

  “I don’t believe it”, I said, “That is something I would’ve loved to see.”

  “So would I”, Crystal laughed. “Seriously though, there is only one problem with capturing the Warlock and using him as a trade for Travis.”

  “I’m way ahead of you Crystal”, Ben said. “Even Mike would tell you the task isn’t going to be easy. Even if we do capture him, it’s not going to come without a fight. Plus we need to know where to find him.”<
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  “I may have the answer their Ben”, Talon said. “I had a nice conversation with Striker. Travis Tuskora’s hippogriff. Aside from giving me a little lay out of the area of Crow’s Nest, Striker was fortunate to disclose the fact that only four wizards know where the Warlock’s mansion is. One is dead, obviously Draco, the other two are not on our side; Tyrell and Wolfgang, and of course Telly Crow. Striker told me Crow was there when the Warlock had built the mansion.”

  “Interesting”, Ben said. “Talon, I think you’re on to something my friend. We’ll go back and pick up Mike first, and tell him what we know. Then we’ll see about getting Crow out of a jam.”

  “That’s not going to be easy”, Talon said. “Striker said the place is built like a fortress.”

  “A fortress that has turned out to be a double edged sword given the fact that Archie sent some of his bunch out there to flush him out”, Ben said. “We need to deal with them, before we could recruit Telly Crow.”

  “Let’s not forget that Crow would break you in two with a single curse if he didn’t trust you”, Crystal said.

  “Hopefully we’d be able to convince him that we’re on his side”, Ben told her. “You know who he is, and he knows you. I’m counting on that friendship to help us gain a possible ally.”

  “This coming from the wizard who didn’t want me to come along in the first place”, Crystal said.

  “Let’s just say thinking back that might have been a mistake in some respects.”

  “Of course, in some respects. You know, Jim told me about your long lost love. I appreciate your caution, but I can promise you I can take care of myself.”

  “Monica could to”, he told her. “And she wound up getting bitten and murdered by a vampire. If this Warlock is as powerful as those in El Draco claim, it might still prove my original point. Plus it wouldn’t look good for the business if our client got hurt or killed on our watch.”

  “We’ve already had this argument, let’s call a truce already”, I said. “Strength in numbers is the best benefit we could have right now. Speaking of which, I wonder what happened to the Werewolves who were supposed to escort us to the city limits.”

  “You didn’t think I was going to let us leave without taking some precaution did you”, Ben said with a casual grin.


  “Explain yourselves boys”, Archie growled as two of his gang were looking down at their destroyed bikes.

  “We were all set to follow, but then we saw that our rides had bin destroyed.”

  “Yes, and our lunar amulets stolen. We’ll need replacements.”

  “You fools. Without those amulets you can’t control yourselves when the moon is full, and I need everyone to be able to control their transformations and transgressions.”

  “I’ll speak to the Warlock”, Tyrell told him. “He may not feel right about giving you both new amulets; because, you failed to protect your bikes. In the meantime; you two better head out and go put more pressure on Crow. If you have to become the mad beasts of the night, I rather you do so on his turf and not in town.” The two bowed and looked to Archie for assistance with their bikes.

  “You’re wizards, use your magic and rebuild them yourselves”, he growled. “You better pray the Warlock doesn’t have my head for your blunder.” The two took out wands and gave them a few quick waves putting their bikes back together. Then they acknowledged Archie, and rode off.

  “Never give orders to my boys without talking to me first”, Archie growled at Tyrell.

  “You work for me, you take my orders. I know you’re the one who keeps them in line, but next time you don’t want me to interfere start making a better effort to read my mind then I won’t have to give orders to your boys that you should be giving yourself.” He looked at the dust and sand where the motorcycles were tore up before their rebuild and then looked up at the sky. “At least we won’t have any trouble from those circus jokers. Double your patrols tonight, I have a feeling those people weren’t just clowning around.”

  Chapter VIII:

  Night at Crow’s Nest:

  “I tried to warn you about Dr. Cats”, Mike laughed. I had to admit even I couldn’t stop laughing about Ben’s dental experience.

  “Anyway”, Ben said; trying to avoid the rest of conversation about his dentist visit. “Talon knows where Crow’s Nest is. We’ll need you to come along with us; because, right after we swing by Crow’s place, we need to start moving in on the Warlock.”

  “While you’re off doing that, I’ll take care of communication here”, Kate said. “We’ll use the mirrors Ben gave us for a wedding present.”

  “Be safe Kate”, Mike said as he got ready to leave with us. Kate tossed him his staff and kissed him as well.

  “You take care of yourself, and let me know what is going on. Remember I can do more help for you here.”

  “Keep a light in the window we may not be back until morning”, Ben said. Mike pointed at a carpet on the floor.

  “You with me”, he commanded. It got up and flew over to him.

  “How about that a magic carpet”, I said with delight. “I thought you would’ve used a flying car like Ben told me about.”

  “I would”, he said. “But part of the plan is stealth. We got to be quiet about this. I know we’re looking to help old man Crow, but he’s kind of a crazy old fool. There is no telling what kind of hocus pocus we’re liable to run into.”

  “Mike’s right, if Archie has his werewolves out there it is going to be best to move in with all transparency.”

  Later on, we found ourselves on a huge hill over looking the ridge leading down into Crow’s Nest. Ben took out a pair of binoculars and looked down to see what he could see.

  “There’s Archie’s werewolves alright”, he said. “And theirs the two that I stole the lunar amulets from, I bet Archie was mad about that.”

  “Why would he be mad, he’s a werewolf himself”, Crystal asked. Ben was about to explain, but I already had the answer for her.

  “Archie Wolfgang not only wants his werewolves to be able to control their transformations, but to keep from being raging mad dogs. The lunar amulets give them the power to do that.”

  “Without the amulets; their, just mindless killing machines. Sometimes though depending on how long they had the amulets in their possession their can still retain some small element of control, which is why it looks like those two seem to be helping themselves to Crow’s livestock.”

  “Those poor unicorns”, Crystal said. We saw a spray of sparks coming from the main house in the center of the area. We then heard shouting.

  “That would be Telly Crow”, Mike said.

  “Can’t say that I blame him”, I replied. “Their on his property, he’s got every right to chase them off.”

  “Except for the fact that he’s not scarring them”, Ben said. “Their only toying with him. We’re going to do a little playing around of our own.” We turned and walked back toward the wagon. Talon was still hitched up and Mike’s carpet was floating right next to him. Ben took hold of his staff and started drawing out his plan in the sand. “Jim you take the carpet and land on top of Crow’s roof. I know its going to make you look like the sitting duck, but you’ll be able to see everything that’s going on. If you don’t make any noise, no one will know you’re there. Crystal, you take Talon and have him pull the wagon up to the front of Crow’s place, Mike will be in the back. This way you’ll get the attention of the two werewolves watching the front door. I’m going to turn into a fox, and deal with the two in the back. The ultimate goal here is to rescue Telly Crow and get him to join up with us so that way we can capture the Warlock. Jim keep your eyes open if you see anyone coming are way, friend or foe give us a heads up.”

  “Got it”, I said.

  “Just make sure Telly Crow doesn’t send you two sky high”, Cry
stal reminded us.

  “That’s why you’re here”, Mike told her. “Ben, we’ll give you and Jim a head start, but don’t take too long clearing the way for us.”

  “One other thing”, Ben added. “If sending Crystal in doesn’t work after the two werewolves out front are knocked out, Jim you’re going to need to play Santa Clause and go down the chimney to disarm Crow.”

  “I thought the goal is to get him on our side.”

  “Yes, but we don’t want to take too many chances in the process”, Ben told me. “We need to let him know that we have nothing but good intentions, but at the same time not be cursed in the process.” Without another word, Ben turned into a fox and bounded towards the rear of the unicorn corals. I always wondered why he never turned into any other animal, but I guess the fox worked for him. I was happy to be flying the magic carpet. Don’t get me wrong; I didn’t mind riding around on the back of Bistro, and Talon was alright when he didn’t have a mind to try and race the dragon in the sky, but when it came right down to it, I liked keeping things simple. Broomsticks and magic carpets were more of my idea of a nice flying joy ride. I landed promptly on the roof and had my wand out and ready to go. Ben kept telling me I should consider getting a staff, but I noticed his brother seemed to favor both a staff and a wand. I guess part of that was a case of have to when he lost his hand. I could only imagine Tyrell going up against the two of them. I knew though I was going to have to be prepared for my own battle with the Chaos lord. I looked toward the front of the house and saw the wagon on its way. I looked toward the rear and saw the fox pounce on one of the werewolves striking the neck. Then when the other looked to see what was going on Ben had darted around him and repeated the same sneak attack. The two werewolves began to chase him off. I heard Telly from beneath me.

  “What’s going on out their, you no good Werewolves still attacking my prized unicorns!”

  “Shut up old man”, one of the werewolves out front growled. “Not a peep out of you unless if you want to surrender.”

  “Never”, Crow crowed.


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