The Sweetest Spark (The Spark Brothers Book 3)

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The Sweetest Spark (The Spark Brothers Book 3) Page 6

by Liwen Y. Ho

  He chuckled, taking a seat next to her. “I have a weakness for all sugary treats, especially candy.”

  She rolled her eyes and tried not to laugh. He did have a sense of humor, she had to give him that. “You don’t know when to give up, do you?”

  His expression immediately sobered. “Not in something I believe in.”

  Candy swallowed hard as heat rushed up her neck. The way Colin looked at her made her stomach drop. No man had ever made her feel like she was the only person in the room. Well, technically she was the only one there at the moment, but Colin gazed at her like she was the best thing he’d ever laid eyes on. There was a sweet reverence to his demeanor as he sat with his elbows resting on his knees, body twisted to one side to face her. He had truly grown into a handsome man. There was no denying her physical attraction. But a relationship had to be based on more than sparks and tingles.

  Her mom’s words came back to her, cutting through her doubt. Don’t be too stubborn to give someone a chance.

  If she were honest with herself, she liked Colin for more than his looks. He had such a tender heart. And he made her happy. If only … She shook her head free from that phrase. Perhaps it was time to let go of the if-onlys and take what God was already giving her.

  “Candy,” Colin began in an earnest tone as he reached for her hand, “there’s so much I want to say to you.”

  Candy inhaled sharply as a pleasant shiver traveled up her arm. She surprised herself by not pulling away. Colin laced his long fingers between hers and gave her hand a gentle squeeze. He leaned in, bringing his knees so close to hers that she could feel the heat emanating from his body through her black leggings. The yearning in his dark brown eyes made her wonder if he wanted to do more than talk. He was likely one breath away from kissing her. In that moment she didn’t mind if he did. She wondered if he was a better kisser now than he was at eighteen, although he had already been amazing in her book.

  On that fateful rainy day, Colin had looked at her with a similar expression, but one laced with the innocence of youth. Barely an adult, he had held her against his lean body with his lanky arms. His hands had stayed on her back, clumsy and comforting at the same time. She recalled how he smelled of spicy aftershave, even though she doubted if he needed to shave much at all. He had murmured to her in a voice that had only recently deepened, It’s okay, I’ve got you. Just let it out. He listened while she poured out her cares, putting words to the grief in her heart that she had never spoken out loud before to anyone. He listened without judgment, only reassurance.

  When she had finished crying, he gently wiped away her tears with the edge of his sleeve. His sweet, accepting smile caused a flurry of emotions to rush through her. In the warmth of his arms, she felt so safe, the safest she’d felt in a long, long time. He’d allowed her to be vulnerable, to show a side of herself that no one had seen before. She sensed the love he felt for her, a love so sweet and pure and secure. That’s when she took one look at his mouth and made herself at home—on his lips.

  Sure, she’d kissed a handful of college guys before him, but no guy had kissed her as gently as Colin had. Granted, knowing now that she had been his first kiss, he had probably not known what to do. But it was his reserve, the way he’d held back and didn’t rush, that did her in. The softness of his lips as they explored hers with reverence and care warmed her to the core. They had kissed in her car for a good minute while the windows steamed up from their warm breaths. Only when the raindrops turned into pounding hail on the windshield, surprising them with its volume, did they break apart. It’d been that good of a kiss.

  Sitting on the couch now with Colin’s face only inches away from hers, Candy wondered if he was thinking the same things she was. Because his eyes were narrowed in on her mouth and he was leaning in close. Her stomach dipped when she realized he was going to kiss her, and she wanted him to—

  “Hey, guys,” a deep voice called out from the hallway, cutting through the silence. Darren strode up to the couch, his eyes covered for a second by the sweater he was pulling over his head.

  Candy immediately dropped Colin’s hand and flashed Darren a tight smile. “Hey, Darren, morning. Are you ready to go?”

  Darren fished around in his jean pockets until he pulled out a car key. A grin lit up his brown eyes as he glanced at Colin, then at Candy. “I feel like I just interrupted something.”

  “Not at all,” Candy replied.

  “You sure did,” Colin stated at the same time.

  Candy flashed Colin an exasperated look as she pulled the zipper of her gray fleece hoodie up to her neck. What had she been thinking, wanting to kiss this man who made her want to roll her eyes more than anyone else she knew? It was a good thing Darren had interrupted them when he did. “It was nothing,” she reiterated. “Just small talk about your new throw pillows.”

  “Yeah, those are a nice touch.” Darren nodded. “It’s amazing what Colin’s done with the place. It’s been a whole week, too, that the apartment’s stayed clean.”

  Candy squeezed her lips together at the indignant look on Colin’s face. He took one of the pillows and chucked it at his brother who caught it in midair. “You know he’s speaking the truth in love, Colin.”

  “Well, I’m not feeling much of the love or respect for privacy,” Colin replied with an exaggerated pout as he caught the pillow Darren tossed back his way. “I get no appreciation around here, not even a word of thanks,” he quipped. “You know, it’s hard work cleaning up after you.”

  “Especially when I only live here half the week.” Darren chuckled as he opened the hall closet and grabbed his jacket. “I need to run. Danica just texted me saying her car broke down and she needs a ride.”

  “Wait,” Candy piped up, “I thought we were all going together?”

  Darren hesitated. “I’ve, uh, been instructed to tell the two of you to go ahead.”

  “Instructed?” Candy crossed her arms over her chest. “By whom?”

  “Aiden and Abby.” Holding up his hands in a gesture of peace, Darren added, “Don’t shoot me, I’m just the messenger. So I’ll see you guys in Carmel. I’ll text you, Colin, when we get there.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Colin replied, not hiding the excitement in his voice. “Drive safe, bro.”

  “Thanks, you too. See you guys later.” He stepped through the front door and waved at them before closing the door behind him.

  Candy straightened her posture, purposefully angling her legs away from Colin. The more distance between them, the better.

  He didn’t seem put off by her actions; instead, he flashed her a smile so wide, she could see all his pearly whites. “So, where were we?”

  This time, Candy did roll her eyes. There was no way she was kissing him now. She rose to her feet and gestured with her head for him to follow. The sooner they got this day over with, the better.

  Chapter Eleven


  Colin looked over at Candy sitting in the passenger seat of his sedan and let loose a happy sigh. This was the way it was supposed to be. Just the two of them in his car alone. He was going to have to thank his brothers for playing an important part in getting him and Candy together. Oh, he was sure about where they stood now. He knew without a doubt that she had wanted him to kiss her when they were sitting on the couch in his apartment. The way she had stared at his mouth while biting down on her lower lip told him everything he needed to know. She had the same earnest look in her eyes as that day they kissed in her car, so many years ago. He recognized the way her pupils dilated as they often did when he was near. There was no denying their chemistry. He just needed to convince Candy they worked in the other areas of their lives, too.

  But he would use their physical attraction to his advantage. If he could kiss Candy again, he was sure she wouldn’t be able to deny her feelings for him anymore.

  The ride to Carmel had been a quiet one as Candy had fallen asleep about twenty minutes in. He had used the rest of the hour
driving south along Highway One to pray. He prayed for wisdom and guidance and for the right words to say. While words didn’t mean much with Candy who preferred to see results, Colin did want to convey his feelings for her in a meaningful way. He rehearsed his spiel to her over and over in his mind, making sure he addressed all the concerns Candy would be sure to bring up. She might seem peaceful and meek when asleep, but she was a spitfire when awake. He knew what he was up against.

  With skill from driving this route before, he maneuvered his car along the narrow road of Ocean Avenue, looking for a parking space along the street flocked by Monterey Pine trees. Numerous shops, ranging from an upscale Tiffany & Co. to a small bakery and a popular oyster bar, lined both sides of the road. Handfuls of tourists dressed in jackets, boots, and scarves walked along the sidewalk, some with dogs on leashes. The small beach town was calm on this winter day, providing them with the perfect place to escape. Colin couldn’t wait to walk barefoot on the fine sand and breathe in the fresh, salty air.

  He pulled into the next open space, successfully parallel parking between a van and another sedan. Once he turned off the engine, Candy stirred and opened her eyes. Her body was angled to her left, with one side of her face pressed against the headrest. She blinked a few times, her expression still dazed as she took in her surroundings. Colin couldn’t help but smile at how adorable she looked with her guard down. This was the Candy he knew and loved. The one who didn’t always have it together, despite the fact that she was breathtakingly beautiful. With her oval-shaped face, straight nose, and full lips, she could easily pass for a model. That was before you took into consideration her gorgeous curves and the way she pulled off any outfit, dressed up or down.

  Personally, he preferred Casual Candy with her hair down and a bit mussy like it was now. She’d switched out her usual red lipstick for a light pink shade that matched the color of her cheeks. Her only jewelry was the silver necklace that she always wore, which held a photo of her sister in its round locket.

  “Hey, sleepyhead,” he greeted her gently. “How was your nap?”

  Her head snapped up at the sound of his voice, and she straightened in her seat. “Are we here?”

  “Yep. Looks like you slept well.”

  “Um, yeah, I did.” Confusion lingered in her eyes. “Wh-why are you staring at me?” Her lips pressed together in a tight line as she put up her emotional walls. The only sign of her vulnerability was a small trail of dribble along her chin.

  “You’ve got a little—here, let me.” Grinning, Colin reached over and wiped away the drool. He let his thumb linger on her soft skin for a moment before dropping his hand.

  Her brows shot up as she ran a hand across the lower half of her face. She blushed furiously, completely mortified. “I …”

  “Don’t worry, I got it all,” Colin reassured her with a soft chuckle. “I kind of liked that look though. Showed a different side to you.”

  Embarrassment clouded her eyes. “I-I don’t appreciate being laughed at.”

  “I wasn’t laughing,” Colin began to protest, though he had a hard time keeping a straight face. “Really, I wasn’t. It’s just that you look so cute—” He swallowed his words when she flashed him a stern look. Waving his hands in surrender, he backed down. He wasn’t dumb; he knew when it was safer to keep his mouth shut. Instead, he sat back and watched as Candy checked herself in the mirror of the car visor.

  Once she was satisfied with her appearance, she closed the visor and grabbed her purse off the floor. She pulled out a tube of lipstick and applied a coat before popping a mint into her mouth. She combed her fingers through her hair then adjusted the necklace around her neck. When she was done, she quirked a perfectly arched brow in his direction. In a steely tone, she remarked, “Ready to go?”

  “Sure.” Colin followed her out of the car and onto the sidewalk. He paused as he stood beside her, wondering if he should keep his distance. Her steely blue-gray eyes followed his every move, flashing their disapproval. He winced. So much for his act of kindness. He thought he’d been doing her a favor by wiping her chin. Lesson learned. Next time, he’d leave the drool on her face. Assuming there was a next time …

  With her hands planted on her hips, Candy looked around at the parking area. “Where is everyone? Shouldn’t they be here by now?”

  Colin followed her gaze, searching for his brothers’ cars. He checked his phone for the time and realized he’d missed a text from Aiden. He held up the screen for Candy to see before he swiped it open. She peered over his shoulder as he read the message. Hey, Colin, sorry, we can’t make it. Abby’s not feeling well. Might be something she ate last night. Before he could reply, his phone dinged as another message came in from Evan. Hi, bro, Emma and I got called in to reshoot a scene. So sorry we have to miss your beach day. Catch up with you later?

  Colin released a heavy sigh. Both Evan and Emma, actors who lived in Southern California, had stuck around the Bay Area an extra week to shoot a special episode for their TV show. Colin had thought the timing was perfect since it meant all his brothers would be around to celebrate his birthday, but apparently his plans were changing—big time.

  “What? Are you serious?” Candy huffed as she met his eyes over his phone screen. “They’re not coming?”

  Colin shrugged, disappointment settling in his stomach. His hope for a fun family beach day were dissolving faster than ice cream left out in the sun. “I guess not. It’s too bad. I was really looking forward to everyone being here. At least Darren and Danica are on their way.” Or so he hoped.

  Candy gave him a disbelieving stare. “You’re sure they’ll make it? Or maybe Darren’s car will also mysteriously break down. Or he and Danica will both get food poisoning or get called in to work.” She glared at him like he’d just served her a plate of raw chicken. “Really, Colin? Are these the lengths you’re willing to go to so you can be alone with me?”

  He balked, not believing his ears. “What? What are you implying? That I asked my family to come today then told them not to show up? That’s absurd.”

  “Then how is it that everyone you asked to come just so happens to not be able to make it? Hmm?” She leaned toward him, her eyes narrowing. “What are the odds of that happening?”

  “I-I have no idea.” Colin lost his train of thought for a second as he caught a whiff of her sweet perfume. Candy was standing so close now, he could sense her body heat, or maybe it was the heat from her wrath. Because she was angry, more angry than he’d ever seen her. But the reason why was simply ridiculous. “I didn’t plan for this to happen, Candy. Of course I want my family here. As much as I like you and want to spend time with you, I hoped everyone would make it today.” His mouth went dry as her accusation sank in. “Do you really think I would make all this up?”

  She studied him for a moment, her nostrils flaring. The emotions flashing across her face seemed too great for her petite frame to contain. “I-I don’t know. You’re desperate to get my attention. You cleaned your apartment, for goodness’ sake! You never clean. That is so completely out of character for you. I wouldn’t put it past you to tell a few fibs to get what you want.”

  Colin almost laughed. She sure had the audacity to think he’d go that far. So maybe he did have a plan in mind to woo her, but he wasn’t desperate enough to lie. “Listen to me, woman. There’s no reason why I’d need to lie. You already like me. Need I remind you that it was you who kissed me first?”

  A white puff of air emerged from her mouth, or maybe it was a puff of smoke from her fire-breathing nostrils. She shook her head adamantly. “It’s not fair for you to bring that up. That was a one-off situation.”

  “One-off, huh?” he challenged her, not caring that they were drawing the attention of some nearby tourists with cameras hanging around their necks. “Then why do you look like you want to kiss me again? Right now?”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about!” Her voice rose high as did her eyebrows on her forehead. “I do not wan
t to kiss you again.”

  Colin smirked. The way her pupils dilated confirmed otherwise.

  He took a step toward Candy until they were nose to nose. The cool scent of mint filled his senses, contrasting greatly with the fire in her eyes. A spark of electricity seemed to ignite between them, drawing him closer. Before he could speak another word, Candy took his face with both hands and planted her mouth on his.

  It took but a second for Colin’s mind to register the action and for his body to relax. With his next heartbeat, he pulled her flush against his chest and returned the kiss. Candy’s hands moved to the back of his neck, her fingers splayed in the ends of his hair. As her lips explored his, they left traces of minty sweetness with every point of contact. A sweetness that could only be attributed to a woman named Candy. Colin’s head spun, and his heart raced like he was on a sugar high. Kissing Candy was everything he had dreamed about for the past decade—and more.

  That is, until she stiffened and drew back. Her hand flew to her mouth as she shook her head in disbelief. With both hands on his chest, she pushed him away and took off running toward the beach.

  Chapter Twelve


  Candy’s heart pounded wildly in her chest as her feet flew along the beach. Without rhyme or reason, she ran, needing to flee from Colin as fast and as far as possible. The soles of her sneakers hit the firm, dry sand with dull thuds as she charged down the large hill leading to the ocean.

  Miles of clear, white sand lay to her right and left with the sparkling blue waters of the Pacific up ahead. Several people, dressed in warm workout gear, ran along the edge of the water, along with a dog here and there. A young couple snuggled together on the sand, their bodies huddled together. Noisy seagulls flew across the sky below wispy cirrus clouds leaving their marks like white feathers on a blue backdrop. The air was fresh and crisp with a hint of salt. Everything about the day was perfect. Candy should’ve been enjoying God’s handiwork, but all she could think about was how her emotions had taken the best of her.


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