The Nature of a Curse (Volume 2 of the Year of the Red Door)

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The Nature of a Curse (Volume 2 of the Year of the Red Door) Page 67

by William Timothy Murray

  Dargul-- Chief civilian advisor and counselor to Lord Danig Tallin of Tallinvale during the late Second Age.

  Deedle-- Tavern keeper of Bluepine.

  Desira-- Firstborn Elifaen, and sister to Tiryna. Tiryna was wed to Banis, and it was rumored he was also the father of Desira's daughter, Shevalia, born some years after the Fall of the Faere. Desira was quite beautiful, a fact which belied her abilities as a warrior. Her prowess earned her high rank among Elifaen fighters, and as many tried to woo her as desired to fight alongside her. In spite of her skill, and under somewhat mysterious circumstances, she was killed at the Battle of Tamkal Plain.

  Dorcilla-- Resident of Greenfar, wife of Garnor Stavin, a cobbler and maker of leather-goods.

  Drago-- The ordinary class of Dragonkind. Mistakenly thought by some of the north as a separate race from the Alziekfria since the Drago and Alziekfria are different from one another in appearance and health. That is because the Drago do not regularly receive the darakal elixir and are thus more coarse in appearance and demeanor than those who rule. They suffer scales of the skin, thinning hair, and, should they suffer from the desert sickness long enough, their facial features change, most notable a thinning of the lips, thickening of the tongue, and the loss of the boney structure of the proboscis, resulting in a flat nose with narrow nostrils. As a result of the sickness, few Drago reach physical maturity, becoming increasingly weak and prone to illness, thus their mortality rate is quite high.

  Dragon-- Terrible, fire-spitting creatures spawned by Morgasir during the Time before Time. Most of the dragons, along with Morgasir and a host of his followers, were destroyed by Beras in a great conflict, but some escaped into the bowels of the earth and into far places. Legend has it that the dragons sired a race of slaves to serve them, and, when the dragons were destroyed, the slaves were set free, becoming the Dragonkind.

  Dragonkind-- Mortal inhabitants of the southern deserts, calling themselves Drakyr. Their legends tell that they were created as offspring of Morgasir's dragons, to serve as slaves. When Morgasir was destroyed, along with most of his creatures and followers, these people survived by eking out a living in the deserts, shunned and despised by the Faerekind in the fertile lands of the north. Eventually, they multiplied and built great cities, developed engineering and mathematics, writing, and other arts. Since the time of their first great king, Kalzar, the Dragonkind have warred with those of the northern lands.*

  Drakyr-- The proper name for the Dragonkind and the lands of the southern deserts; also called Dragonlands. The name sometimes refers to the people of Drakyr who claim they originated as offspring of the dragons and call themselves the Dragon People. Also commonly called Dragonkind or Dragonfolk or Drago (although this last term refers specifically to a certain class of the Dragonkind). Drakyr is often referred to as the Dragonlands.

  Draymoor-- Capital of Altoria located on the Iridelin River about forty miles upriver from the sea. (See Map Coordinates E7)

  Drayworth-- (Ramund Drayworth) Former Duke of Drayfield of Tracia, a famous, or infamous, swordsman and adventurer of the late Second Age. Fiercely loyal to deposed Prince Lewtrah, he was hunted by the Triumvirate's assassins. Drayworth remained in Tracia for several years, fomenting insurgent attacks against the new rulers, but was eventually forced to leave Tracia and later took up residence in Hill Town along with other refugees.

  Dreamwalker-- Also called a lunesaari, a person who is said to have the uncanny power to control his own dreams and the ability to enter the dreams of others, thereby controlling or influencing those, too.

  Duinnor-- A northwestern realm, taking its name from the ancient name for the river that flows along its northern bounds. Among the smallest of the Realms, it is nonetheless densely populated, and, as the ruling realm of the Unknown Kings, it is the most powerful of all the realms. Its chief city is Duinnor City.* (See Map Coordinates E2)

  Durlorn-- Resident of Janhaven, stockade foreman to Furaman the Trader.

  Dyersly-- Saljem Dyersly, a scholar and learned man of Tracia. Dyersly established a special school for the arts and culture in Tracia and was close to the Royal Family. When they were ousted from power, Dyersly fled and took up residence in Hill Town.

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  Eastlands-- Also called "Eastland," "Eastlands Realm," or "the Old Eastlands Realm." The realm that lies south of Glareth and north of Tracia, extending from the coast of the world to the Thunder Mountains in the west. After the Seven Realms were established in the Second Age, it suffered many misfortunes including droughts, floods, plagues, and invasion. Its capital was at Colleton on the coast, once an important trading port. However, in spite of the rich natural resources of the lands, the inept rule of its kings prevented the Eastlands from becoming very strong. After the demise of King Inrick II, the Eastlands became a protectorate of Glareth Realm.* (See Map Coordinates K4)

  Eddard-- A Barleyman, foreman of Boskland.

  Edgewold-- An agricultural and trading town of Men located in the west near to the Plains of Bletharn on the Long Road from Altoria to Duinnor. During the late Second Age, it feuded with nearby Westlawn when that town was overtaken by Wickermen rebels. Eventually, Edgewold was garrisoned by an army from Duinnor which saw to its defense and eventually overthrew the Wickermen rebels. (See Map Coordinates F4)

  Eglan-- Soldier of Tallinvale.

  Elder-- A title given to the leaders of Nowhere. These were those who were the original survivors of forced servitude under Bailorg.*

  Eldwin-- An Elder of Nowhere, one of the people originally cursed after the battle of Tulith Attis. Eldwin was a woodworker and carpenter who made tables and chairs and other such things. He became a friend of Esildre and was with her at the Second Battle of Tallinvale.

  Eldwyna-- Resident of Nowhere, granddaughter of Eldwin the Elder.

  Elf-- Or Elfkind. Slang used to refer to the Elifaen, usually used by Men.

  Elifaen-- The Fallen Ones; those of the immortal Faerekind who refused to leave the world at the command of Aperion and who were "scathed," meaning they were stripped of their wings for their disobedience. This event is usually referred to as "the Fall," or sometimes "the First Scathing."*

  Elmira-- One of the daughters of Heneil and Lyrium, twin sister of Belmira, though they are not identical twins. *

  Elrasil-- A hunter of the First Age who discovered the Gate of Griferis and led King Parthais there. Later, he was made a warden of Vanara under Queen Serith Ellyn.

  Endeweir-- Lands of the far north where winters are long and summers short. It is said that in some regions ice never melts, and, during half of the year the sun does not fully set while during the other half it never fully rises.*

  Ererdid-- The sleeping princess, a constellation of the northern skies.

  Ethliad-- (Ethliad the Sword) A famous sword belonging to Silmain, first King of Vanara. Of magical qualities, it could cut through any material, even the thickest armor. The sword was lost when Silmain was killed in the Dragonlands.*

  Everis-- One of the ancient lands before the coming of Men, now lost to the world. It is now known only as the place from where the poet Starlerf came. Some believe Everis was a village located in western Vanara, while others hold that it was the ancient name for a region within Masurthia.

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  Faeanna-- Daughter of Shevalia, and serving maid to Lyrium. She was an accomplished fighter, having served with Cupeldain in the Dragonlands alongside her grandmother, Desira. *

  Faere-- Properly speaking, the First Ones, meaning the children of the spirit of the Earth. Those beings who came to inhabit the world in the Time Before Time and who embodied the joy and harmony of creation.*

  Faerum-- Variously used, this name once was synonymous with "world." More generally, it came to mean those ancient territories of the Faerekind, centered upon the vast Forest Halethiris.*

  Fairbirch-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by Ormace who received Seven Emerald Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

ircedar-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by Chantay who received Seven Amethyst Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

  Fairfir-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by Lyrium who received Seven Amber Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

  Fairlinden-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by who received Seven Sapphire Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

  Fairmaple-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by Katrina who received Seven Topaz Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

  Fairmyrtle-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by who received Seven Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

  Fairoak-- One of the Named Houses of the Elifaen. When their Vanaran lands were lost to war and economic distress, Kahryna Fairoak married Danig Saheed Tallin, making the Joined House of Tallin and Fairoak.

  Fairwillow-- One of the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen, founded by Therona who received Seven Diamond Bloodcoins from Aperion.*

  Falgo-- (Falgo Kalpis) The son of a Tracian fisherman of the late Second Age during the time of the Redvest Triumvirate. In 865, at age 15, he won the Sparger's Cup in the Dingy Class, piloting his 14 foot sloop-rigged Spray (which he and his father built). As winner, Falgo should have received a commission as a midshipman aboard a Redvest warship. However, due to a dearth of ships, most of the young competitors were instead drafted into the Redvest Army. Falgo was sent at first to Kalbrith, then reassigned under General Vidican's command shortly before the Redvest invasion of the Eastlands.*

  Fallen Ones-- The Elifaen, both those Firstborn who were originally stripped of their wings and all their offspring who bear the scars of Scathing.

  Fallendine-- A Familiar in the form of a vulture.*

  Famatir-- The broad shallow bay at the mouth of the River Talkana in Masurthia Realm. It is where the Kingdom of Solsorna was established in the coastal city of the same name.

  Familiar-- Familiars are the mysterious creatures that are companions to members of the Melnari race. They have unusual abilities, including the ability to communicate directly with others without the need of speech, although they prefer to communicate only with their particular Melnari companion.*

  Farbarley-- The northernmost area of County Barley closest to Lake Halgaeth.

  Farby-- A family of northwestern Duinnor, they were miners who in the middle to late Second Age made their fortune in mining iron ore, silver, and gold. * (See Map Coordinates E2)

  Farduin-- A seasonal river, subject to rains and meltwater, that flows from Duinnor Realm southward along the western reaches of the Bletharn Plain. By late summer it is usually a mere stream, if any water flows at all. (See Map Coordinates F3)

  Fascomb-- (Leander Fascomb) Post Rider of Duinnor.

  Fate-Seers-- A term given to certain fortune tellers of the First and early Second Ages. Generally, these were those who wrote verse or recorded arcane and cryptic writings concerning future events of the world, often in a state of mad rapture. It is said that they foretold the downfall of Parthais, the loss of the Bloodcoins, and the coming of Men. Many of the Fate-Seers wrote anonymously, attributing their words to Beras, or Aperion, or some other of the departed Faerekind.

  Fellfaere-- Elifaen warriors of Vanara, renown for their cold efficient fighting skills.

  Fetch-- A sweet and potent liquor distilled from a blend of barley and other malt grains, fruit, and honey. It is peculiar to the region of County Barley, and a specialty of that region. Sometimes called "Barley Water."

  Finniar-- One of the Nowhereans, a blacksmith.

  Finteri-- Daughter of Arlam Tallin, and descendant of Men who first landed on the shores of the world. She wed Dalcadian, son of Myrium and Pellen (brother of Heneil), and bore a son named Metlar who inherited her titles, since he was not Elifaen and took her surname.

  Firefeast-- In Barley, other parts of the old Eastlands, and within other realms. It is a festival of summer, with bonfires, parades, feasts, and other celebrations. It takes place on Midsummer's Eve and throughout Midsummer's Day (and sometimes lasts much longer). It coincides with the Summer Solstice.

  Firestick-- Sometimes called firetips, a small wooden dowel, often of oilwood, the end of which is dipped in a phosphorus/sulfur paste and allowed to dry. When scratched or struck against an abrasive surface, the tip ignites, setting the stick afire.

  Firstborn-- Those Faerekind or Elifaen who witnessed the Time Before Time. Also called the First Ones. Some of these were the embodiment of the spirits of the earth, becoming the very first of the Faere. Others were offspring of the Faere, conceived of love. Those Firstborn who lost their wings became known as the Elifaen, or Fallen Ones.

  Fisenwold-- An abandoned city on the eastern edge of the Plains of Bletharn. Once a city of commerce and culture, it was located on one of the main east-west trade routes.* (See Map Coordinates H4)

  Fivelpont-- Sheriff of Barley during the late Second Age.

  Flame Masters-- A loose-knit guild of alchemists located in Glareth Realm which was established late in the First Age for the exchange of secrets and recipes for methods of producing fire and light, usually by the use of admixtures and chemicals. However, some Flame Masters were interested in organic and natural sources of light and heat and in crystals that enhanced light. Glowing plants such as Peller's Carpet were of interest to these alchemists who by necessity also became herbalists.*

  Flitter-- A flying squirrel and pet of Collandoth during his stay near Tulith Attis during the late Second Age.

  Forlandis-- The capital city of Tracia Realm at the mouth of the Saerdulin River. It was formerly the Kingdom of Forlandis, and was founded by Elifaen early in the First Age. It remained an isolated and relatively unknown kingdom until the House of Alder assumed the throne in the late First Age (around 880 F.A.).* (See Map Coordinates J6)

  Formouth-- A city on the north shore of Lake Halgaeth in the Connassan Province of Glareth Realm. It is home to the Glareth Lakemen. Formouth became the governing center of the old Eastlands Realm under the Glareth when the Eastlands rule failed and came under the regency of Glareth. The Glarethian Lakemen pride themselves, as all of Glareth, on their boat handling abilities and seamanship, and they govern the lake and watch over all activities that take place on that waterway. During the late Second Age, it became tradition for the Royal Family maintain a residence in Formouth, and Prince Danoss, son of Ruling Prince Carbane, was appointed governor of the Connassan Province and Overseer of the Eastlands. (See Map Coordinates J3)

  Fortnight-- Two weeks, or fourteen days.

  Forty-Nine-- A way of referring to the forty-nine Bloodcoins given to the Seven High Houses of the Elifaen by Aperion.*

  Foxdire-- Also called Sigh Mortabilis, or Grave's Breath. 1. A hardy perennial plant known for its pale red or orange blossoms that grow in a frond, somewhat resembling the tail of a fox, and poisonous white glutinous berries, similar in appearance to those of mistletoe. It is most often found in shady mountain lowlands or woodland dales where there is ample moisture. In the west it is known as Sigh Mortabilis, while in other parts it is commonly called Grave's Breath due to the powerful medicinal extract made from its berries. 2. A medicinal extract or tincture made from the berries of the foxdire plant, also called Sigh Mortabilis or Grave's Breath. In minute amounts, carefully administered, it is used to make a patient calm or even unconscious, particularly during surgery or other painful procedures. In greater quantities, or carelessly administered, it may cause deep and prolonged unconsciousness, perhaps lasting for days, and even death. Symptoms of overdose include shallow breathing, cold skin, and complete lack of response to any external stimuli. Those of the Elifaen are particularly sensitive to foxdire, even in small amounts, and it has been used as a poison on numerous occasions or even as a method for suicide.

  Frizella-- (Frizella Bosk) nee Starfind, wife of Garend Bosk of Boskland, in County Barley of the Eastlands during the late Second Age.

  Furaman-- (Seamus Furaman) A trader of the Old Eastlands Realm in the late Second Age.
He owned and operated a trading post located in Janhaven and serving all of the surrounding region of towns and villages.*


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