The Nature of a Curse (Volume 2 of the Year of the Red Door)

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The Nature of a Curse (Volume 2 of the Year of the Red Door) Page 69

by William Timothy Murray

  Kajarahn-- Also called the "Free City," located in the northwestern deserts of the Dragonlands, known in former times as Alaberbra.* (See Map Coordinates C5)

  Kalbrith-- A small town on the Saerdulin, formerly part of the Eastlands Realm, but in the late Second Age taken by Tracia as an outpost and garrison town. It served as an important supply point for the Redvest army when it prepared for its invasion of the west in 870 S.A. (See Map Coordinates J5)

  Kalzar-- The first King of the Dragonkind and the founder of the nation of Drakyr during the Time Before Time. He established a dynasty that lasted well into the late First Age and was later reestablished in the Second Age.*

  Karkarando-- A land to the far west and south within the Dragonlands. It borders the western mountains and the Craggy Sea. Karkarando is rich in minerals, particularly diamonds, amethyst, aquamarine, and topaz. It is the only known region where darakal can be cultivated. Because of the importance of these commodities, especially darakal, control of Karkarando is very important to the reigning emperors of the Dragonlands. During its history, many attempts to break away from imperial rule have been made, and there have been many revolts, some of which nearly succeeded. No northerner has ever seen those lands, and there is little told of the place in books or tales. However, it is a place cited by traders of the Free City of Kajarahn as the source of many precious and semiprecious gems. (See Map Coordinates C7)

  Karthia-- A small region surrounding the lake of the same name which is a large basin of the River Osterflo. The mountains of Karthia are renown for the clarity of the rubies and for other minerals. The region is also an important trading and supply stop on the Osterflo River that flows from Duinnor to Glareth. In the Second Age, the Kings of Duinnor built sophisticated locks so that boats may pass around the dangerous falls and shoals on the lake's eastern and western bounds. Karthia thus became an important trading and shipping community, situated on the Osterflo roughly halfway between Duinnor and Glareth. (See Map Coordinates I1)

  Katrina-- A Firstborn of the Faere and leader of the House of Fairmaple.*

  Kingmaker-- A name referring to Begrimlin, a Firstborn Elifaen. He was renown for his ability to bring feuding parties to treaty, though he found little success when it came to bringing peace between his people and the Dragonkind. In the latter part of the First Age and into the Second Age, he was active in many realms. (See Begrimlin.)

  Kingsman-- A member of the King's Army of Duinnor, the best trained and most professional force in the Duinnor military.*

  Kundorlu-- In the Dragonkind Speech, teacher, or special mentor. The kundorlu of the upper castes were often also priests, mystics, or scholars in their own right and those of the lower castes acolytes and students of the great schools.

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  Lady Luna-- A name sometimes given to the moon. In legend, Lady Luna, or Lady Moon, was wife to Sir sun.Another name for Lady Moon.*

  Lady Moon-- A name sometimes given to the moon. In legend Lady Moon(or sometimes Lady Luna) was wife to Sir sun.Another name for Lady Moon.*

  Laeleth-- Legendary daughter of Aperion, who returned to the world to seek out her lover, Celefar, who was left behind after the Fall.

  Laird-- Title given to landowners, particularly those of the lesser houses with substantial properties.

  Lakemen-- Men of Lake Halgaeth, renown for their boating skills, loyal to the Prince Danoss of Glareth, who maintains a residence at Formouth. Lakemen ply Lake Halgaeth with their sailboats and other craft and are expert in the ways of the lake. The Lakemen consider Halgaeth their own and not only do they fish in it and ferry trade upon it, but they also form themselves into military units for the lake's defense and protection.

  Lantin-- (Lantin Rose) One of the Hill Town people, a member of the Thunder Mountain gang, and purser to Captain Martin Makeig.

  Lantos-- Prince of Tracia of the House of Bayberry, who, with his older brother Lewtrah, ruled Tracia immediately prior to the revolution and overthrow by the Triumvirate. *

  Leander-- Given name of Leander Fascomb, Post Rider of Duinnor. Also the given name of Leander Tallin, who died at Tulith Attis.

  Leeriver-- A local name for the area just south of Passdale to the west side of the Bentwide. (See Map of County Barley)

  Lerse-- A tributary of the River Saerdulin located south of Tallinvale and north of the Fengal River. The Lerse marks the old boundary of the territory west of the Saerdulin that was disputed by the Old Eastlands Realm and Tracia Realm in the Second Age.* (See Map Coordinates J5)

  Lewtrah-- The unpopular Ruling Prince of Tracia Realm immediately prior to being ousted and forced to flee Tracia by the Redvest Triumvirate. (See Lantos.)

  Limbo-- Boy of Nowhere.

  Linlally-- The ruling city of Vanara. Founded and built by Cupeldain, it was enhanced by the carvings and statues of Alonair. It was originally the name only for the palace that Cupeldain built atop the Falls of Tiandari, but later became the name for the larger city that grew up around and below the palace along the banks of the Iridelin River. Since it is a place of governance, and the oldest city of the Elifaen, it is an important city to all of the Realms. In the latter Second Age, Duinnor commonly stationed armies there, ostensibly for defense purposes since Linlally is the closest major city to the Dragonlands. (See Map Coordinates D4)

  Lizard-- A derogatory term for a Dragonkind person.

  Lochton-- A town nearby to the estates of the House of Hemlock located on the western shore of a small lake in the easternmost reaches of Vanara's frontier, just west of Forest Islindia. It was in this lake that Cupeldain and his wife (along with their traveling companions, including Shevalia and Bychanter) were drowned by one of the Elifaen clans of the region who were engaged in a bloody feud which Cupeldain hoped to resolve. When Parthais came and put down the feud, he executed several men and women from both Elifaen clans by having them likewise drowned in the lake. It is said that Parthais also released a demon or water serpent into the lake to feed upon the spirits of the dead. Thus, the lake is considered haunted, and the people who live nearby have ever since reported sightings of apparitions and ghosts floating about the lake. (See Map Coordinates E4)

  Loringard-- A high pass on the road from the Eastlands to Duinnor in the Carthane Mountains. This route is somewhat treacherous due to the precarious heights and terrain and the many falls and streams that cross it, often washing out the path. It is favored by Post Riders during the summer months because it is a more direct way to and from Duinnor and the Eastlands than other routes farther north or south. However, the pass, actually a small vale high up among towering peaks, is usually snowbound by early autumn and is often impassable until late spring. (See Map Coordinates H3)

  Lucinda-- Daughter of Chantay and Galanas of the House of Faircedar.*

  Lyrium-- A Firstborn Faere who, with her sister Myrium, was the founder of the House of Fairfir. In the Time of Strife, Lyrium became renown for her gift of Sight, which enabled her to foresee portents of things to come.*

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  Maggie-- (Maggie Shawmill) Girl of Barley.

  Makewine-- Elder of Nowhere.

  Marren-- A village in western Glareth, west of Lake Halgaeth. Although primarily a farming community during the late Second Age, it also produced a high-quality wool that was unusually soft. Also, there was a family of minstrels from the region that traveled extensively throughout the Seven Realms. (See Map Coordinates J3)

  Marshlands-- (The Battle of the Marshlands) The last major land battle between Tracian Loyalist forces and Redvest forces of the Triumvirate. The battle itself was a victory for the Redvests, soundly defeating the Loyalists and putting them into retreat. However, taken as a whole, the battle is often considered a draw since the Loyalists were able to avoid annihilation and, for the most part, escape capture.* (See Map Coordinates K6)

  Masurthia-- One of the Seven Realms. It is on the southern coast of the world between Altoria and Tracia. Masurthia was formed of territories that came under the rule of the Kingd
om of Solsorna during the First Age.* (See Map Coordinates G7)

  Megrinor-- The great mountains of Vanara, stretching from Shatuum to the Dragonlands. Among the notable peaks of the range is the great Mount Cassos. Also within this range is the fabled Mount Algamori. A lesser range, bordering directly upon the northern Dragonlands, is the Blue Mountains, which join the Megrinor range to the Tulivana mountain range along the eastern borders of the Dragonkind. These three ranges form a kind of box around the western, northern, and eastern boundaries of the Dragonlands, with the Craggy Sea to the south. (See Map Coordinates C4)

  Melnari-- A mysterious small group of people, neither Man, nor Elifaen, nor Dragonkind. They are very few in number, perhaps less than a dozen, and are long-lived, perhaps immortal as the Elifaen are. Some regard them as troublemakers, and others refer to them as mystics, although that term is somewhat inaccurate. However, in addition to their keen intellects, they do possess strange abilities and powers, similar to some of the older Elifaen.*

  Micharam-- A Melnari of the middle Second Age, sometimes called Micharam the Poet.*

  Middlemount-- A high plateau between Duinnor and the Carthanes located north of the Bletharn Plain and south of the River Osterflo. (See Map Coordinates G1)

  Midsummer-- The day of the summer solstice, and one of the days of the year that is not counted as a month day, but usually falling three weeks into Sixthmonth. Midsummer's Day is often celebrated with festivals, bonfires, feasting and music. In the Eastlands and a few other parts, such celebrations are called Firefeasts.

  Midwinter-- The day of the winter solstice, and one of the days of the year that is not counted as a month day, but usually falling three weeks into Twelthmonth. According to some ancient calendars, Midwinter's was the last night of the year and was a night of celebration, gift-giving, and feasts. In the Second Age, the New Duinnor Calendar supplanted the older ones, and put the last day of the year some ten days after Midwinter's Day. Regardless, Midwinter's remained an important day of celebration, retaining many of the old traditions well into the late Second Age.

  Miladora-- One of the Elders of Nowhere.

  Millithorpe-- One of the Elders of Nowhere.

  Millsin Fork-- A small village in the eastern Carthane Mountains. It is the source of flint and lime. (See Map Coordinates I3)

  Mimblewan-- A town near the coast of the old Eastlands Realm that produced glass jugs and other wares. (See Map Coordinates L4)

  Minion Gap-- A place north of Forest Islindia between Duinnor and Vanara. Travelers from Edgewold town go that way around Islindia to Vanara rather than risk entering the forest. (See Map Coordinates E3)

  Mintar-- One of the Wanderers, a star that moves across the night sky along its own path.

  Mirse-- A region in Vanara along the eastern end of the Blue Mountains where it meets the Tulivana Mountains, often called The Mirse. It is a broad valley bordered on the east by a bend in the River Iridelin. On its southwestern side are few natural barriers into the Dragonlands and thus has been overrun many times by incursions by the Dragonkind and is considered one of the strategic gateways into the Northlands.* (See Map Coordinates D5)

  Missenflo-- The river that flows west of the Thunder Mountains along the eastern edge of the Plains of Bletharn. (See Map Coordinates H5)

  Mistletoe-- A parasitic plant that lives within the branches of trees, particularly hardwoods such as oak. Mistletoe, which remains green year-round, is said to have peculiar and mysterious properties. It is generally considered poisonous, but some herbalists and alchemists use it to make various extracts and potions.

  Mistwarren-- A dense forest on the southeastern shores of Lake Halgaeth, encompassing the Boggy Wood. The forest was much reduced by Newcomers, and once stretched nearly to the eastern coast. In the First Age, Forest Mistwarren was populated by various Elifaen clans that seldom had dealings with others of their kind. It was these who first spread news of the Newcomers when they began landing on the eastern shores.* (See Map Coordinates J4)

  Moonbeam-- One of the stags of Uncle Solstice.

  Morgasir-- One of the Firstborn of the Faere. It was Morgasir who first delved into the dark secrets of the world and conjured demons, witches, and dragons. His works threatened to undo the intent of Beras, and so Morgasir was destroyed in a great battle between the two.*

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  Narrows-- A narrow gap in the Thunder Mountains located on the road between Janhaven and Passdale.

  Nasakeeria-- A forbidden land surrounded by the bones of those who attempt to enter therein, for whoever does so falls victim to a mysterious and powerful gush of flame that rapidly springs forth from the ground and consumes the interloper's flesh so quickly that his bones are thrown outward and back across the border.* (See Map Coordinates F2)

  Navis-- One of the Firstborn of the House of Elmwood, son of Banis, who with his siblings, Atlana and Esildre, was born during the Time Before Time. As did his siblings, Navis refused to go with Aperion and was Scathed of his wings. Navis was a renown warrior and had many adventures. He fought many battles under Silmain, Cupeldain, and Parthais. When a great monster, Jatarak the Ogre, appeared in the region of Altoria during the First Age, Navis pursued him into the Crevasse of Fire and slew him. In the Second Age, Navis singly fought and slew an entire legion of Dragonkind at the Battle of Saerdulin. He and his sister Esildre later became students of Raynor the Wise. After Esildre went to Shatuum, Navis traveled there seeking to free her, but he never returned.

  Nightar-- A prince of Nasakeeria.

  Nimbo-- Boy of Nowhere.

  Nimbus Illuminas-- The Rainbow of Aperion, sometimes also called the Bridge of Light. No one knows exactly what the Nimbus Illuminas actually is, but the Forty-Nine Keys (or Bloodcoins) that Aperion gave to the Seven High Houses were supposedly to be used to open the Nimbus Illuminas as a way for the Elifaen to leave the earth and rejoin the Faerekind in Aperion's heavenly abode. Some speculate that the Seven Towers must have something to do with it, but none have been able to scale the towers in order to investigate the possibility.

  Nimwill-- Scribe and court chronicler of Parthais during his reign as King of Vanara. As such, he attended and personally recorded many events that took place within the Royal Court, and he also traveled with Parthais to record his various exploits and experiences. Nimwill was with Parthais when he executed those accused of murdering Cupeldain, and was also with the king during his many campaigns in the Dragonlands as well as other parts of the world. He was at the Battle of Tamkal Plain when King Parthais slew King Salkasin, and he was in Masurthia when Parthais forced King Barindon and Queen Therona to make peace. Nimwill also accompanied King Parthais to see the legendary place called Griferis.*

  Noringtown-- A suburb of Duinnor.

  Norogus-- One of the two proprietors of Norogus and Harmalway, a lending house in Duinnor. They were one of the firms in Duinnor that handle leases and liens on Vanaran properties. One of their most notable patrons was Lord Banis, and Norogus and Harmalway were suspected of involvement in many nefarious activities under his protection.

  Northlands-- A term used by the Dragonkind to describe the regions to the east and north of the Dragonlands.

  Northmen-- A term used by the Dragonkind to refer to Men and Elifaen.

  Nowhere-- The land of the Nowhereans, a diminutive people sometimes called Pixies in a derogatory manner. It was located in the western Thunder Mountains. (See Map Coordinates H4)

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  Oldgate-- A place marked by a pair of stone pillars located at the Old East Road, near Tulith Attis. The pillars once marked the entrance to the settlement of Attis, which was destroyed during the siege of Tulith Attis. Although Attis would never be rebuilt, the stone pillars remained standing for hundreds of years.

  Oracle-- A person who is consulted concerning the future, or a declaration or prophecy given by a holy person particularly in response to a query or adjuration. These are often done in a near-delirious state of mad raving ecstasy. The most famous ora
cle is that of the Temple of Beras, who has a mysterious relationship with the Unknown Kings of Duinnor who must go to the Temple each year to renew their Kingship. The renewal ceremonies within are secretive and no one but the monks of the Temple, the Oracle of Beras, and the Unknown King knows what takes place during such ceremonies.


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