
Home > Romance > Aloha > Page 7
Aloha Page 7

by Laurie Roma

It took a moment for those words to sink in. “No…”

  “The guys booked the other private dining room under a different name in order to surprise us. They’re right across the hall. I was getting them settled when Heath found me and told me what happened in the bar.”

  Sitting down on the couch, Elle buried her face in her hands and groaned. “This can’t be happening.”

  Nia sat down next to her and patted her knee in sympathy. “You forgot to undo the zipper on your dress and got stuck again, didn’t you?” Not waiting for an answer, she added, “At least you’re wearing sexy underwear. Imagine how you’d feel if this was a granny panty day.”

  Scowling, Elle slapped her hand away. “You’re not funny. Oh, god. Why do I keep embarrassing myself in front of him?”

  “You shouldn’t be embarrassed. Think of it as progress! Although, when I suggested you repeat what you did on the morning of your prank, I never thought you would level up like this.” Nia’s green eyes sparkled with amusement. “I think you almost gave the poor guy a heart attack. Way to commit to the cause.”

  “That’s it. I’m moving to Australia.”

  “No, you’re not.” Laughing, she stood up and pulled Elle to her feet. “What we’re going to do is get you cleaned up and ready to seduce your man.”

  “He’s not mine. I’m practically naked, and he ran away. That’s not exactly an incentive to try this again.” Her shoulders slumped in defeat. “I think this proves he doesn’t think of me as anything but his best friend’s little sister.”

  “Trust me, sweetie. The last thing he wanted to do was run away from you. He wants you. I can tell. He might have willpower of steel, but it’s cracking. Now, I’m going to do your makeup, and you are going to put on that little black dress. The next time Kade sees you, you’ll look so hot, he’ll be all over you like a heat-seeking missile.”

  “I wish,” Elle muttered. Her mood perked up a little. “He did knock Brian out for grabbing me, but he probably would have done that for any woman he saw being manhandled like that.”

  “That man would punch anyone who breathed in your direction if he could get away with it. And Brian has deserved to get his ass kicked for years.”

  Since that was true, Elle nodded. “Heath banned them.”

  “Good. Now, back to more important things. You said you wanted to ask Kade to be your date to your brother’s wedding, and not to let you back out. This is me not letting you back out. You need to lay it all out there and see what he says. If he’s not interested, you can finally move on.”

  “I think I need drink.”

  Nia laughed again as she threw her arm around her shoulders. “One shot of liquid courage coming right up!”


  Renegades was located on the edge of town in an area close to the swampland that merged into the National Wildlife Refuge. What had once been a small factory was now one of the most popular bars in the county. By most standards, Renegades was a shithole, but that didn’t stop people from packing into the building night after night. No one seemed to mind the dingy walls, uneven floor, or scarred, mismatched tables and chairs.

  Then again, most of the patrons were as questionable as the décor.

  While the bar usually catered to the country music crowd with line dancing and live bands, they brought in a DJ to turn the place into a club after ten on Friday and Saturday nights. Kade leaned back in his chair and drank his beer as he watched the people on the dance floor. Some of them were good, while others were pretty damn awful. Alcohol was the great equalizer, though.

  And as long as everyone was having fun, that was all that mattered.

  Kade wasn’t really interested in watching the crowd. His gaze remained fixed on where Elle was dancing with a group of her girlfriends. They had claimed several tables in the back section when they had arrived since more of their friends had joined them after dinner. He would have preferred to sit deeper in the shadows, but he’d chosen to plant himself in a seat that gave him the best view.

  When he set his beer down on the table, the vibrations from the thundering bass made the bottle dance in place. Since he was surrounded by friends and family, it was easy to relax. Still, it was difficult to have a conversation when everyone had to shout to be heard over the music.

  Proving that point, Noah Brixton sat down at the table and yelled, “This place is packed tonight.” He pulled a bottle of beer from the ice bucket on the table and popped the top. “I wasn’t going to come, but I figured I should stop by since I missed the dinner earlier. How was it? Never mind, that was a stupid question. Of course, it was delicious.”

  It was hilarious to see a giant of a man who looked like some sort of Nordic god pouting about a missed meal, but Kade had to sympathize. The food really had been fabulous.

  “You were in Dallas, right?”

  “Yeah. This was the last time I let Rose talk me into doing an appearance at one of these art things. It’s bad enough I have to do shows here in town, but I’m done going out of town for this shit.”

  He might say that, but Noah had a soft spot for Rose and Ira Goldman, the owners of the Glass Rose Gallery in Ever After. They had many connections throughout the art world, and much to his chagrin, they’d made him quite famous by selling his wood sculptures.

  “So, did you sell a bunch of masterpieces?”

  Noah snorted in derision. “It wasn’t that kind of thing.”

  “Brix didn’t tell anyone, but one of his sculptures is on display at the largest art museum in Dallas,” Hammer explained as he and Brennan sat down at the table. “It’s part of their contemporary art exhibition that will travel around the world.”

  “How the hell do you know about that?”

  “Dante told us.”

  “You’d think Zoe would be keeping him too busy to gossip.” Noah sent a glare toward where the recently married owners of The Fox Hole bar were dancing.

  “Are you kidding? They’ve both been bragging to everyone about you like proud parents,” Brennan said with a laugh.

  “Fucking hell,” Noah muttered.

  Thoroughly impressed, Kade slapped him on the shoulder. “Congrats, brother.”

  “Thanks. Ira said it was good exposure or some shit, but I think Rose just likes to find new ways to torture me.”

  “You should have told us sooner,” Kade said. “We would’ve gone with you for the unveiling of the collection.”

  Noah’s expression turned horrified. “Why? I didn’t even want to be there.”

  Hammer laughed. “That’s the price of fame, my man.”

  As if they had heard him, a group of his fans sauntered up to the table. The scantily clad women tried to engage them in conversation by invading their space. One cold glare from Brennan and Noah had two women backing up a few steps, while Kade handled another by simply ignoring her existence. He knew it was rude, but he had no interest in anyone who wasn’t Elle.

  Hammer was the nicest of their group, though he was by no means friendly or flirty. The former professional fighter was used to being recognized whenever they went out, but most of the locals knew not to bother him. He was polite until one of the women reached out to stroke her hand down his arm.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” He scowled and jerked out of reach. “Don’t fucking touch me.”

  “Leave!” Brennan barked out harshly, making all of the women flinch.

  After they hurried away as fast as their heels would carry them, Noah chuckled. “That’s why I like hanging out with you, Bren. It’s nice not being the surliest bastard at the table whenever you’re around.”

  “Suck it.”

  “Oh, I’m sure she would have.”

  Brennan snorted. “Women like that just annoy me.”

  “I can’t wait to get married so this shit stops happening.” Hammer huffed out a breath as if he were annoyed the entire world didn’t know he was already taken. “Maybe I should start wearing a ring now.”

  “A wedding ring isn’t g
oing to stop some women from hitting on you,” Brennan pointed out. “Being an asshole seems to work, though.”

  Kade chuckled. “Works for me.”

  Hammer shook his head. “I would worry about the three of you, but I know your attitudes will change the moment you meet the woman of your dreams.”

  “All of us aren’t in a hurry to settle down like you. Well, most of us,” Noah amended cryptically. “Where are Griffin and Vivienne? I have to say hi to them before I can get the hell out of here.”

  “They snuck out about a half an hour ago,” Kade told them.

  “Seriously?” Brennan threw his hands in the air. “Then, why the fuck am I still here?”

  “You’re being social. We rarely get a chance to drag you out with us.”

  Brooks Granger strolled over to the table, spinning a chair around to sit on it backward. The Chief of Police of Ever After usually came to Renegades to arrest criminals or break up fights on the weekends, but he’d taken the night off to join the party. Most of the bar patrons didn’t give him a second glance, while a few others did their best to avoid eye contact as they hightailed it to the other side of the bar.

  Hammer pulled a beer out of the bucket, opened it, then slid it across the table. “Where have you been? You disappeared right after dinner.”

  Picking the bottle up, Brooks gave a nod of thanks. “Had a few things to look into after what happened to Elle earlier at The Bower.”

  “What happened?” Noah asked. “Is she okay?”

  While Brooks gave him a terse summary, Kade replayed what had happened in his head. Seeing Brian with his hands on Elle had made Kade want to kill him. He wished he’d gotten to hit the punk more than once. Actually, he wished he would have torn that motherfucker’s hand off.

  Although she had three older brothers who watched out for her, they didn’t even come close to how fiercely protective Kade was of her. He’d actually considered leaving the party to go hunt Brian down, but he knew Elle wouldn’t want that. She would be pretty pissed if he missed Griff and Vivi’s wedding because he’d gotten arrested.

  It was still tempting, though.

  After Elle had rushed off, Kade had silently cursed himself when he’d remembered the way Brian had gripped her arm. She’d said she was fine, but he should have checked her arm more thoroughly before he had let her walk away. He’d followed her up the office, needing to make sure Elle was okay. When he’d opened the door and saw her standing there in nothing but a couple of thin pieces of white lace, he’d wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her with all the passion he had stored up inside of him.

  The image of her perfect body would forever be seared into his brain.

  His desire for her made him want to fall to his knees and press his lips against the heart-shaped birthmark on her left thigh before pulling her panties down with his teeth. He’d wanted to drag her to the floor with him where he could pleasure her body for hours, touching and tasting every inch of her until they were both thoroughly sated.

  He’d been seconds away from breaking when she had demanded his help. Well, not his help, since she hadn’t known he had entered the room. Even as lust had overwhelmed his senses, he’d also had to fight the urge to laugh.

  That was the magic of her.

  It wasn’t the first time she’d forgotten to undo a zipper or buttons. Sometimes she was in such a rush that it just didn’t occur to her. He found that particular quirk of hers endearingly sweet, and he wanted to be the one who took care of things whenever she needed someone to rip her clothes off. He loved every adorable, awkward inch of her, and he hoped she never changed.

  He’d left the room before he’d given into the desire to touch her. If he had, he’d known he wouldn’t have been able to stop. He also hadn’t wanted to embarrass her, though he’d ended up doing that anyway. She’d done her best to avoid him all night, which was frustrating the hell out of him. He wanted to give her space if that was what she needed, but it was difficult to stay away from her when all he wanted to do was keep her close.

  When the recap was finished, Noah shook his head. “I don’t think that Sabrina chick comes into The Fox Hole, but we’ve had problems with Robert and Brian before. They’ve also got a couple other guys they usually hang with. I’m glad you knocked that fucker out.”

  Kade grunted in agreement.

  He hoped he broke the bastard’s jaw.

  “You’ll be happy to hear that Brian and Robert were arrested during a drug buy a little while ago,” Brooks announced, his voice filled with satisfaction. “The dumb fucks got dropped off, then they went back out in Robert’s car. Looks like they went to meet up with the dealer Elle heard them mention earlier.”

  Brennan’s grin was fierce. “That’s damn good news.”

  The chief nodded. “The dealer is a seriously bad dude, so it was pretty satisfying to see him being brought into the station along with them. We know there’s been an influx of drugs flowing into Ever After, Breakers, and Crestview, but so far, we haven’t been able to pinpoint the source. I hope one of them gives us some information we can use. All three lawyered up, so questioning them will have to wait. At least, I can enjoy a celebratory beer now.”

  The men tapped their bottles together in a toast, then drank.

  Brennan set his bottle back down and said, “Too bad Sabrina wasn’t with them. That girl has always had it out for Elle.”

  “Her mom is pretty strict, which is partly why I think she acts out so much. I’m not making excuses for her.” Brooks held his hands up in a conciliatory gesture. “I just meant that even though Elle didn’t press charges, if Judge Post hears about what Sabrina did, she won’t be happy about it.”

  Kade would make damn sure she heard about it.

  Having strict parents might have been a defense for a child who misbehaved, but it was just a pathetic excuse for an adult who acted out. So was petty jealousy. It would be nice to see Sabrina pay for what she’d done after all the trouble she’d caused Elle over the years.

  Kade hated bullies.

  Always had, always would.

  When he was young, he’d had a stutter that had made him the target of bullying and ridicule. Words had been his enemy, and for a long time, he had used silence as a shield. People had assumed he was stupid when quite the opposite had been true. He’d soaked up knowledge like a sponge, and he’d listened and learned.

  He just hadn’t been able to speak his truth.

  Everyday had been a struggle. Then, he’d hit a growth spurt, and those bullies had steered clear of him. Even though Kade had conquered his speech impediment with time and persistence, there was always a chance for the occasional slip. Especially if he were upset or spoke without thinking.

  Because of that, he still used his words sparingly.

  Some considered his silence an intimidation tactic, while other people thought he was just plain rude. Towns like Ever After thrived on small talk and gossip. However, most of the residents had come to accept that he was simply a quiet man. They didn’t know it was his way of trying to make sure he didn’t say anything foolish.

  While there were people who thought it was best to be the bigger person and turn the other cheek, Kade had never been one to forgive and forget. Actions had consequences and ignoring the assholes of the world only allowed them to continue to be assholes.

  Before Griffin had won the lottery, the Doyles had worked hard for every dime they’d had. While being poor had only enhanced the brothers’ reputations as bad boys, it had been harder on Elle. She hadn’t fit in with the snobs she’d gone to school with, and he knew that several of them had gone out of their way to make her life hell. It made him angry to think of Elle going through even a fraction of what he’d experienced. For some reason, she had never unleashed any payback on her high school nemesis, but he had no problem arranging it for her.

  Thoughts of retribution were tabled when he spied Elle and Kali whispering and giggling on the edge of the dance floor. As they walked towar
d the table, he found himself smiling in anticipation. He grunted when Noah shoved him, then he blinked when he found all of his friends staring at him expectantly.

  “Damn it, I knew this was going to happen,” Brennan muttered.

  “He’s got it bad,” Brooks stated.

  Noah nodded. “It’s almost as bad as watching Dante and Zoe dance around one another before they got together.”

  “They’re perfect for each other,” Hammer declared.

  “When did you become such a girl?”

  Hammer shot Noah a smirk. “You’re just jelly you aren’t as blissfully happy as I am.”

  “Jelly? You did not just say that. You are officially too fucking old to use that word in this context. This is why you shouldn’t allow teenagers memberships at your gym. They’re obviously a bad influence on you.”

  Kade wondered if his friends had lost their minds. “What?”

  Meeting his gaze, Brennan leaned forward and rested his hands on the table. “I just have one question for you, and your life depends on the answer. What the hell is going on between you and my sister?”


  “I’m going to marry her,” Kade declared without hesitation. Although he wished the conversation were a little more private, he wasn’t going to lie. “She just doesn’t know it yet.”

  Then, he patiently waited for the fallout.

  After a long beat of silence, Brennan said, “Well, okay, then.”


  “He looks confused,” Brooks commented in an amused drawl. “Maybe you need to spell it out for him.”

  Brennan’s expression darkened. “Look, she’s my little sister, damn it. I really don’t want to think about this. But if she has to be with someone, I guess it might as well be you.”

  Hammer laughed. “Wow, that was certainly encouraging.”

  “Just don’t hurt her, or I’ll have to kill you.”

  “I won’t.” Kade almost felt lightheaded by the easy acceptance coming from Elle’s most temperamental brother. His own eyes narrowed as he met his friend’s challenging gaze. “You knew.”


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