Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2)

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Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2) Page 1

by René Van Dalen





  Iron Dogz MC Book Two

  Copyright © 2019 René Burrows writing as René Van Dalen

  ISBN 978-0-620-85116-9

  Cover Design Danielle Burrows

  Cover Copyright 2019 Danielle Burrows

  Cover Photograph unsplash.com Justin Clark

  All rights reserved. In accordance with the U S Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading and electronic sharing of any part of this book without permission of the publisher is unlawful piracy and theft of the author's intellectual property. Thank you for your support of the author's rights.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are a product of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales or persons living or dead is coincidental.

  Warning: This book contains graphic language and sexual content. Intended for mature audiences, 18 years and older.


  As always for the ones who hold my heart.

  13 1 13

  Only the road and the dawn, the sun, the wind,

  and the rain,

  And the watch fire under the stars, and sleep, and the

  road again.

  We travel the dusty road till the light of the day

  is dim,

  And sunset shows us the spires away on the world’s


  The Seekers By John Masefield











































  Hawk parked at the curb and sat looking up at the big-as-fuck house before he kicked the stand down, threw his leg over the saddle and stood next to his bike. He took his time taking off his helmet and gloves before he walked up the fancy path to the front door. Emmie Coetzee had come a long way from the tiny two bedroomed flat in the rundown building where she had lived with her mother. The houses in the secure estate where she now lived went for between three and seven mil. He estimated her mac-mansion to be priced somewhere in the middle.

  Fucking pretentious bitch.

  He swallowed down his anger as he rang the bell and waited. She knew he was here. He had gone through a whole damned song and dance before he was able to gain access to the estate. Access she gave him.

  The door opened and there she was, the bitch who had come close to breaking his cousin.

  Emmie had matured while she had been away and the woman who stood in front of him exuded class and money. A fairly low cut blue dress hugged her curves and fell to just above her knees and she wore sky high heels on her small feet. The heels were probably her idea of adding some height, to make it seem she was taller. Her light brown hair which had been down to her ass in a curly mass when he had last seen her was now chin length, dark blonde and stick straight. Not a curl in sight. Her face was carefully made up accentuating her brown eyes, so different from the young girl he used to know who never wore any make up and hadn’t needed it either. She had been a pretty girl now she was a pretty woman.

  He watched as she scanned the road behind him and Hawk held back an angry growl. The bitch had dressed up expecting Ice to be with him.

  “Hawk.” She said softly.

  “Emmie, we need to talk.” He said as he pushed past her.

  “Why don’t you come in? And I’m Emma now.” She said sarcastically as she closed the door and followed him into the large lounge.

  “Don’t fuck with me, Emmie. I don’t like you, have never fucking liked you, but my cousin was into you so I dealt with it. Sit your fucking ass down and listen.”

  Hawk didn’t wait for her to sit down on one of her fancy couches before he started laying it out.

  “You ran out on Ice after Jane confronted you with her fucking lies. Everyone knew she was lying. Ice never hooked up with another bitch, not since the day he claimed you. And you knew it. What I want to know is what Jane had said that changed your mind? What did she say to make you believe her lies?”

  Emmie, or Emma as she now wanted to be called, sank down on the couch with a sigh as Hawk stood over her.

  “It’s going to make me sound like a total bitch but I’m really not. Back then I was so damned young and scared.” She played with the hem of her dress before she looked up at him and Hawk knew something totally fucked up was going to come out of her red painted mouth.

  “You’re right. I knew, I knew she was lying. Gray would never have cheated on me, never. He never knew how much I hated your club, hated the drinking, the fighting and the whores.” She gave a deep sigh and shook her head. “I had these idealised dreams back then. Dreams of how we would settle down, me a doctor and Gray a lawyer. He would give up the club and we would live happily ever after. We had a fight about the club the night before Jane confronted me. Gray told me he would never leave the club and was never going to be a practising lawyer. As far as I was concerned he had shattered our dreams, but it had never been his dream, it had been mine.”

  Again she sighed and Hawk wanted to shake her so bad his fingers tightened around the strap of his helmet.

  “Jane told me all those lies and I used it as an excuse to get out. And I ran. I was angry about my broken dreams and I just wanted to get away from him for a little while. He was always so forceful and he knew exactly what he wanted. Unlike me, I really didn’t know what I wanted. I called him ten months after I had left to do my residency in Durban. Gray told me to never call him again, we were done. He cut me off before I could explain. I tried to call back but he blocked me. I tried to call Genna but she wouldn’t accept my calls.” She looked up at Hawk and gave a small shrug.

  “So I did the next best thing, on my first weekend off I drove up from Durban and came to the clubhouse. A prospect let me in and the first thing I saw as I drove up was Gray leaning against the outside wall of the clubhouse with a club slut on her knees in front of him giving him a blowjob. When he saw me he didn’t react and there was nothing in his eyes, they were cold and empty. That’s when I knew I had lost him. I turned my car around and went back to Durban. At the end of my residency I was offered the opportunity to continue my studies in Boston and I took it.” She looked up at him with a strange look on her face and Hawk braced for more fucked up shit.

  “I’ve tried to call Gray since I’ve been back but he no longer has the same number and there’s no way I can call anyone in his f
amily. Will you please tell him I need to speak to him? I want to explain why I did what I did. I owe it to him. I know you don’t like me but please ask him to call me. I still love him, Hawk, and I always will. I know I can make him happy.”

  Hawk couldn’t believe what the bitch had just laid out for him. She had fucked up his brother’s life because she had been pissed at him. And all because she couldn’t have her pathetic little dream life. Ice had loved her for fucking years. He supported her in every way while she was at University. All she had to do was open her mouth and tell him of her fears. His cousin would have moved heaven and earth to give her anything she wanted. And the bitch knew it. Now she was sitting here in her fancy fucking house thinking she was going to fuck with his brother again.

  Not if he had anything to say about it.

  “I see what this is all about. You’ve got half of your fucked up dream and now you’re looking for the other half. Wake the fuck up, bitch. He knows you’re back. And do you see him around? No, you don’t, because he doesn’t want to see you. Stay away and move the fuck on. I’ve heard you’ve got a new man so why don’t you focus on him and not my brother. Don’t ever come to my clubhouse, Emma Coetzee, you won’t like what happens if you do. You wore out your welcome a fucking long time ago.”

  Hawk was done and without saying another word he walked out of the house, thankful to breathe air untainted by her overwhelmingly heavy perfume. As he rode away he saw the bitch in his rear view mirror, standing outside her front door watching him leave. At first he had come here to tell his cousin’s woman she had fucked up and she should use this chance to fix it. Now, after seeing who and what she really was, he would do everything in his power to keep the bitch away from Ice.

  His cousin didn’t need a grasping, lying bitch in his life.



  Ice sat next to Hawk and listened as his cousin and president brought the rest of the brothers up to speed on the meeting with Dominick Maingarde. It had been an extremely tense meeting but at the end they all got what they wanted.

  “The meeting went as well as can be expected with all the shit flying around. Dom assured me he wasn’t involved in the move against the club. As far as he’s concerned it’s business as usual, and he’s committed to finding out what the old bitch is up to. We will honour our contract with Dom but we are going to be very, very careful. He now knows we will no longer accept cargo without a complete manifest of the contents. I don’t care what the fuck he puts on the transport documents, it’s not my problem. We transport his crates from point A to point B, if the documents say it’s car parts then that’s what it is.”

  Those sharp eyes of his cousin missed nothing and he zeroed in on a few of the brothers who weren’t looking happy.

  “If you have anything to say let’s hear it. Don’t keep quiet and mumble about shit later.” His president snarled.

  Rider stepped forward and Ice had to admire the kid’s courage to talk when the rest of the brotherhood stayed silent. The boy had potential and he would be keeping an eye on him.

  “Would we be covered if what’s in the documents isn’t what’s in the crates, Prez?”

  Hawk pointed at Rider with a sharp nod. “Very good question, Rider. According to our lawyers and our VP, our very own non-practising lawyer, we will be because we took the cargo on in good faith. It’s not our jobs to open the crates and check the contents against the documentation. So we’re clear on that one.”

  Ice shook his head at Hawk who just smirked at him. Fucking bastard.

  “Any more questions?” Hawk continued.

  “No, Prez, I’m good.” Rider said and sat down.

  “Anyone else?”

  Wolf raised a hand and Hawk nodded. “Can we trust Maingarde, boss?”

  Tapping his fingers on the table in front of him Hawk stayed silent as he looked around the table and then the room.

  “If I thought Dominick Maingarde was going to serve us up to his fucked up grandmother our meeting would not have taken place. I trust him as much as we can trust an ally with questionable ties to an enemy of the club. We need him because he’s on the inside of the Maingarde organisation and can provide us with advance warning when she comes for us once again. Note I said ‘when’ not ‘if’, because believe me, she isn’t done with us. She’ll be back.”

  Nods and mumbles circulated around the room.

  “If there’s nothing else then let’s get back to work. Keep your eyes open and the order against riding alone is still in force. If you need to take personal time make sure you have a brother at your back, no one is exempt from the order.”

  The loud clunck of the hammer against the block of steel rang through the room.

  “Ice, Kid, Beast, Spider, Ziggy and Bulldog stay behind.”

  Ice watched his Prez with narrowed eyes. Hawk was up to something. He had known him all his life and there wasn’t much he could hide from him. And right now he was hiding something. As the door closed Hawk looked at Gabriel “Bulldog” Walker, his uncle, and Ice’s dad, where he sat at the other end of the table. Bulldog nodded and his Prez sighed before he turned and looked Ice right in the eyes.

  “You’re going to be pissed at me so I’m going to tell you up front everything I did come from a good place. I’m worried about you, brother. No, fuck that, we’re all worried about you. You are one of the best men in this club and it pisses me off knowing you aren’t happy. You’re my family, one of my best friends and I love you brother, but this shit has to end.”

  Ice could feel anger slowly starting to churn in his gut. “What the fuck are you talking about? I’m happy. I have my club, my brothers, uncomplicated pussy whenever I want it. What more could I want?”

  “I went and saw Emmie or Emma as she now likes to be called.” Hawk dropped the bomb.

  Every single muscle in his body froze. “You did what?” Ice whispered.

  “Brother, you know as well as what I do it is long past time to put her behind you. And if I can help it along you know I’m not going to fucking wait. So I went and saw her and heard the fucked up story of why she left, how she came back and saw you with a club whore and left again. She’s no longer the girl you knew, Ice. She’s a woman with an agenda. So this is me, your brother, giving you a heads up. You need to brace, brother.”

  Shaking his head Ice looked at his dad. Bulldog didn’t wait to answer his unasked question.

  “Your mother and I loved her like she was one of our own, Ice. But over time she started changing, little by little. You didn’t see it because you loved her but your mother and I, we were worried. She told Genna of her plans for the two of you, her as a doctor and you a lawyer. When Genna disagreed with her they had a huge fight. After the fight they were still friends but Genna no longer trusted her. Emmie never really saw you, didn’t see the man beneath the kutte, didn’t realise how deep the club ran in your blood. I’m not saying she didn’t love you, she did, she just loved her fucked up dream of you more.” Bulldog met his eyes and Ice felt his heart contract. “She’s not the one for you, son. I know you loved her, most probably still do, but she’s not who you think she is. People change, Ice. We all change as the years progress. Sometimes not for the better.”

  He couldn’t believe the shit going down at the table right now. Why were they bringing this shit up now? What about Kid and Beast, both of those men had major female skeletons in their cupboards? Why concentrate on his? Fuck.

  Scrubbing his hands over his face he sighed then tried to explain where he stood with this shit.

  “I’m well aware that she’s been back for a while now and that she has a man in her life. I don’t want her, haven’t for a long damn time. So stop going over old and forgotten shit and let’s have a beer.” He started to get up but when Ziggy spoke he sat back down.

  “She hasn’t got a man anymore.” Ziggy said as he tapped on the laptop on the table in front of him. “Her facebook status changed to single three weeks ago.” He swung the lapt
op around so Ice could see her facebook page and there she was. The woman who had fucked up his life and broken his heart. She looked different but still damned good.

  Ice’s gut clenched and he fought hard to keep his face impassive. He didn’t know how he felt about her being available again. He didn’t know how he felt about her. And that alone was dangerous for his peace of mind. Something he had fought long and hard to obtain.

  “So what if she’s single? She fucked me over once and I’m not setting myself up for it to happen again. It’s all in the past, done. And now I’m done. I don’t want to fucking talk about this shit.”

  Hawk sighed then nodded. “Okay brother, but if you need us we’ll be there, no questions asked. Okay?”

  Dragging his hands through his hair Ice looked at his cousin and had to smile. The bastard was all touchy feely now he had an old lady in his bed.

  “I hear you, brother, and I appreciate it. Are we going to sit here like a bunch of bitches and natter about our feelings or are we going to have a beer?”

  Laughter followed his comment but he hadn’t fooled his dad or his brothers, they knew him too well.

  Leaning on the bar sipping his beer everything he had been told ran through his head. Emmie was back and she was single and apparently looking for him. Why? They lived in two completely different worlds and it would never converge. Not fucking ever.

  The way she had left him seven years ago had hardened him. It kept him from making the same mistake ever again. His brothers were right, it was time to close that chapter in his life and put it all behind him.

  He wasn’t getting any younger and his mum was constantly on his case about finding a woman and giving her the grandbabies she craved. She carried on as if she didn’t have any when the contrary was in fact true. His sister Gail and her husband Johan had given her two perfect little girls and they had another baby on the way. Everyone was hoping for a boy this time. Although Johan claimed he wouldn’t mind another little princess. Ice grinned when he remembered how pissed off his sister had been. She was the one who wanted a son and she swore she would keep trying until she got what she wanted. Johan just grinned. Fucker.


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