Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2)

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Lost And Found In Blue (Iron Dogz MC Book 2) Page 28

by René Van Dalen

  Ice drew in a deep breath. “I heard about that. If I’m not mistaken the club is in Welkom, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah. They never got over that shit. Turned to the dark side for a while to keep the rest of their women safe. Millie’s brother is their president now and he’s got the club back to the old ways. They run totally clean. No shit what so ever.” Jinx slapped his hands down on his thighs after his explanation and pushed up out of the chair. “Rivzie, so glad you and the prawns are okay. I’m off to go shower and get some sleep. I’ll be back later.”

  Dagger followed him out a few minutes later, leaving us alone at last.

  Leaning over me Ice kissed me softly. “I love you, baby, so very fucking much. I thought I had lost you.”

  “Never going to leave you or our children, baby.” I whispered.

  He smiled and his teeth shone through his dark messy beard. He had obviously dragged his hands over it and through it during the long night. His hair was just as messy. He no longer looked as haggard as he had done when I first opened my eyes. Now he at least had some colour back in his cheeks.

  Lying against the raised back of my bed I could see out the open door and had to smile. There were leather clad bikers sitting with their backs against the wall outside my door. I was amazed security hadn’t removed them yet. Ice sat down next to me on the bed holding my hand. The warmth that came through the touch soothed me, kept me focused on him and our babies and not on the worry hovering at the back of my mind. Wrench.

  Suddenly the bikers outside my room straightened almost as one man and their faces became like stone and I knew the shitty part of the day was about to happen.

  The cops were on their way.

  They did not disappoint.

  Two plainclothes detectives walked unsmilingly into my room and stopped at the bottom of my bed.

  “Ms Anderson. I’m detective Myburgh and this is detective Steyn. We are investigating the shooting at your place of business yesterday. We would like to ask you a few questions.”

  I was about to say okay, go ahead ask your questions when Ice snarled at them. Yes, it sounded like a genuine snarl.

  “My woman and my boys were almost killed yesterday. She woke up not even an hour ago. Her best friend is in surgery, fighting for his life after saving hers. She’s still in shock. You fuckers can come back tomorrow to ask your damned questions after she’s had a proper rest.”

  Outside my door the rumble of pissed off male voices instantly stopped and a few seconds later was replaced by the sound of laughing and palms slapping together as those who had bet on them being boys congratulated each other. Ice and his temper had crashed Ziggy’s betting book. Oops.

  The two detectives stood silent as their eyes swung from one to the other of us as my biker family streamed into the room. Manly hugging and back slapping ensued.

  While I lay there shaking my head not even getting one hug. What? Didn’t I have any contribution in the making of my sons?

  And then my man went even further. He whipped out his wallet and showed them the scan photo of the twins. And all the while the detectives stood there, hard eyes on the bikers in the room, and then the one called Steyn grinned. He looked at me and shook his head.

  “I have twin boys as well. They are two years old and an absolute handful. Congratulations Ms Anderson, Mr Walker. We’ll leave you to rest.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a card and handed it to Ice. “Call me later and we’ll set up a time to take Ms Anderson’s statement. Once again, congratulations.”

  With that he turned to his frowning colleague. “Let’s get out of here. Tomorrow is soon enough to get a statement.”

  They left without detective Myburgh ever saying another word. Strange man.

  Ice got back on the bed next to me and I relaxed into his side listening to everyone talking when I fell asleep. I had terrible dreams every time I dropped off but Ice was there, holding me, every time I woke up shaking like a leaf. He made it all better.

  I sort of woke up when Krissie and Mari came back in but was so woozy I’m not sure I made any sense to them. They left after promising to be back for visiting hours.

  I was awake when DC and Hawk brought us the news that Wrench had made it through the second surgery but the next twenty four hours would be critical. He was in ICU and only his parents were allowed to see him. The doctors were keeping him sedated to aid with the healing process but at the end of the twenty four hours they would start lowering the dosage and bring him back slowly.

  It sounded so scary and horrible but DC insisted it was good news. I hoped like hell it was because I didn’t want to lose him. He was an important part of our lives.

  Ice refused to leave and sat next to me as I slept most of the day and night. I only woke with the nightmares or when the nurses came into take my blood pressure and pump more medications into me.

  The early morning hospital noises woke me and as I lay there looking at my man asleep in the uncomfortable hospital chair next to my bed I knew I would never take anything for granted ever again. Life was short and to not live every day with those you love around you was a waste of the life you had been given.

  Only now did I understand what Dylan had tried to teach me. Life was to be lived the way you wanted to live it. To be enjoyed the way you wanted to enjoy it. To be shared with the ones you loved every minute of every day you were given. He had lived his life that way and even though he lost his life way too early I knew he had loved every minute he had been given.

  I knew I had had the luckiest of lucky escapes because a good man had been willing to give his life for mine.

  I would owe him for the rest of my life. Before this mess he was a colleague and a very good friend of my family. Now he was more.

  His actions turned him from a friend of the family to a very important part of my family.

  It turned him into my little brother.



  It fucking sucked. Being away from his woman hadn’t been in his plans today. But when his president called and demanded his presence at church she had been the one who had urged him to go.

  The last two days had been difficult for all of them. River was recovering but Wrench was battling. He had suffered huge blood loss, lost a kidney and the perforations to his intestines had necessitated the removal of the parts that couldn’t be sown back together. Infection was what had the doctors worrying the most. He was still in ICU and it looked like he’d be there for a while. He was awake but in severe pain which meant that he was flying on pain medications almost all the time.

  River’s friend Mari had struck up a friendship with Wrench’s family and she relayed the daily doctors’ report to the club and to River and her family.

  Hawk smacking the hammer down brought him back to the present. He wanted this shit done so he could get back to the hospital.

  “I just spoke to Mari, and Wrench is still on the critical list but he’s stable and the doctors are cautiously optimistic. So far there’s been no sign of infection but the doctors aren’t taking any chances. He’s filled up to the eyeballs with antibiotics.” While Hawk gave an update on Wrench’s condition there were nods around the room. Everyone was worried about him.

  “It brings me to the next piece of business.” The silence in the room became watchful. “Our prospect is fighting for his life because he was willing to give his life in the protection of Ice’s old lady. In doing so he proved that he is everything we want in a brother.” Hawk looked at Ice and he nodded, giving his agreement because he knew where this was heading.

  “Wrench has been with us for just over nine months, usually that’s not long enough to consider patching him in. Spider, you were the one who sponsored him. What do you think?”

  Spider drew in a deep breath then let it out. “I’ve known Kev, or Wrench, and his family for years. His older brother Jasper and I went to school together, played rugby together and we were good friends. Kev was quite a bit young
er than us but a good kid. After matric I lost touch with the family until I ran into Kev about a year ago. I liked him, liked the straight look in his eyes. I asked Ziggy to do a deep dive on him and his family. Jasper is in the military, like his dad. Kev was in for almost four years before he resigned and took some time off to travel. Came back, got his mechanic’s certification, started prospecting with us and went to work for River.”

  “Why did he leave the military? Anything we should be worried about?” Beast asked.

  “No, not at all. Wrench served with the peacekeeping forces up in the Congo. He actually excelled and was up for promotion. While up there he lost his best friend in a rebel ambush. And everything changed for him. He came home, resigned, went travelling, came back and the rest you know.”

  There were nods around the table. Hawk tapped the table and everyone’s attention returned to him.

  “I want to patch him in early. I think he’s ready and he’s a good man. What do you say?”

  The answer was easy, howls echoed as everyone agreed.

  “Good. It will be done as soon as he comes home.” Hawk decreed.

  “Now, onto our next order of business.” Hawk continued. “As you all know we are holding a brother below. Flash is a brother, yes, but he’s a brother with split loyalties. We have to make a decision regarding his continued membership of the club. Take your time and think about it. We will vote on it at our next full church.”

  Rings tapping on the table signalled the agreement of all the officers gathered at the table. Hawk continued after a sharp nod.

  “The following piece of business could change the way forward for the club. It is Dominick Maingarde. Do we continue our association with him and trust he has our best interests at heart? Or do we throw him in the trash along with the rest of his fucked up family? And when I say his family I’m excluding Pixie, she’s clear of all the Maingarde shit.”

  Sin tapped three times and all eyes went to him.

  “Dom has played us straight so far. I suggest we call a meet, or if he can’t make a meet then a video call. He has to jump one way or the other.”

  Kahn tapped. “I agree with Sin. We set up a meet and see where it goes before we make the final decision.”

  Kid tapped. “I’m in agreement but I want a face to face. It’s easy to fucking pretend in a video call.”

  Hawk rubbed his hand over his beard as he leant back in his chair. “I agree with Kid. We need a face to face. Ziggy get on it. Send a message through the usual channels. Tell him we want a face to face as soon as possible.”

  “I’m on it.” Ziggy nodded his head once, a quick up and down.

  “Do you have any leads on Jane, Zig?” Kid growled angrily.

  Ever since the shit with Jane came to light Kid had changed from a big man who seldomly smiled into a morose unsmiling bastard who snapped angrily at everyone. To some extent Ice understood the immense disappointment and betrayal he felt. His blood family had betrayed his family of choice. It wasn’t an easy thing to accept, not for anyone.

  “Not a single fucking thing.” Ziggy snarled. “It’s like she just fucking vaporised after stepping out of River’s workshop. She has help, very fucking good help.”

  “Keep on it. Sometime, somewhere she’s going to make a mistake and we’ll be there to take advantage of that fucking mistake.” Hawk ordered.

  “I’ve got my mum on it as well. She’s been calling what she calls ‘the old lady network’.” Kid suddenly shared. “She’s on the side of the club, moved out of the house and is living with me for the time being.”

  “Brother, I know this is fucking difficult for both of you. We’re here for you if you need us. And I just want you to know, Aunt Beryl wants her to move into the guesthouse with her. So, let her know that when she gets tired of cleaning up after your ass she has a place to go. She’s family and we take care of our family.”

  Hawk very clearly laid it out for Kid and Ice could see the warring emotions in Kid’s eyes.

  “I’ll let her know. Right now she’s happy staying with me but you know her, she’s not someone who’s happy without anything to keep her busy.” Kid looked around the table. “Fair warning brothers, she’s going to get into your shit the minute she steps through our doors. Expect some fucking matchmaking and nosy shit. She’s fucking relentless but it comes from a good place. According to her she wants her boys settled and making her plenty of grandbabies to spoil.” Kid gave a thin smile. “Last night I had to listen to how lucky Ice’s mum was and how Beast had brought his girls home at last. And then she asked me if I was gay. What the fuck?”

  There was a second of stunned silence before wild laughter rang out.

  “She has obviously never seen you laying waste to the willing bitches. She wouldn’t have a single worry if she saw how often you got your dick wet.” Spider teased.

  “Fuck you, Spider.” Kid cursed without any force behind it.

  “No thank you, brother. I’m happy sinking my cock into female ass. Yours is definitely not on the menu.” Spider was quick to reply.

  “Jesus. Am I now going to have to hear fucking ass jokes all the time? My mother is a fucking nut.” Kid groused.

  Hawk tapped his rings on the table trying to smother his laughter. “Okay, enough with giving our brother a hard time. We’re an equal opportunity club when it comes to fucking. Whether you like cock or pussy is none of my fucking business. Never had a problem with it, and never will.” He tapped the table again. “Now that we have that cleared up, let’s get back to business. Crow asked to be given the opportunity to get answers for us.”

  He pointed at Ice. “What are your thoughts on interrogating Emma?”

  Ice had been leaning back in his chair, his arms crossed over his chest but now he sat forward, uncrossed his arms and placed both hands flat on the table. He did nothing to disguise his rage.

  “Whatever the Crow wants or needs to do is fine with me. Cut her to fucking ribbons for all I care. All I want from the slut is answers to the questions we have. I know the Crow always has two to four brothers in the room while the interrogation is taking place. I want to be one of those brothers.”

  “No!” Bulldog spoke for the first time since they sat down at the table. “I don’t want you in that room, Ice. You hate her now, but you used to love her and I don’t want you carrying this load.”

  Ice laughed and he saw the surprised looks on his father and brother’s faces. “No, you’re wrong. I liked fucking her, what I didn’t like was the way she tried to control me and I sure as shit didn’t love her the way you love mum. For years I thought she was the one that got away. And then River Anderson walked into our compound. From one second to the next everything changed.” Ice smiled at his dad. “I get it now, what you tried to tell me all those years ago. I see it in Hawk’s eyes when he looks at DC, the same way I see it in your eyes when you look at mum. And I know it’s in my eyes when I look at River. We would lay our lives down for our women.” Ice ran a finger over his bottom lip, frowning as he thought about his next words.

  “I would have protected Emma and I most probably would’ve been hurt in the process but my first priority would’ve been to protect myself and my club. And my reasoning would have been that to protect her I had to be alive. With River there is no reasoning. She is everything. My life is hers.”

  “Okay, I don’t know about you motherfuckers, but that just fucking freaked me the hell out.” Spider leant forward to stare at Ice. “Who the fuck are you and what have you done with my brother?” He teased.

  His brothers laughed and Ice joined the laughter and shook his head. “Fuck off, Spider.”

  All the laughter disappeared from Spider’s face and he was suddenly very serious. “I have waited years to hear my brother laughing the way he used to. She fucking stole that from us. Stole you from us. We will not allow her to steal one more second of time from you. That is why I agree with Bulldog. You are not going to be in that room. I will do it.”

veryone started arguing about who should and shouldn’t be in the room with the Crow. Hawk’s rings tapping on the table ended the argument.

  “It’s not up to anyone of us who will be in the room. The Crow chooses the brothers and there’s always a reason behind those choices according to Skel. So let’s leave it for now.” He looked around the table. “If no one has any other business I suggest we head to the bar and have a beer.”

  When no one spoke up he slammed the hammer down and ended church.

  Everyone started chatting as they streamed out through the doors, heading towards the bar where Chris was busy setting beers out for everyone. And immediately Ice realised that with all the shit going down he had once again forgotten to speak to Beast. Shit. Watching his brother heading to the bar and joking with Chris and his brothers he decided to leave it for now. There would be time enough later.

  Right now he had to have a quick chat with his dad and maybe a drink before heading back to his woman. The chat was more important than the drink.

  Catching his dad’s eye he tipped his head towards the front door. Bulldog gave him a nod, picked up two beers and headed towards Ice. They silently walked outside and Ice headed around the building towards the back where they would have more privacy. After the family braai where he had met River, DC had benches and picnic tables set up under the trees for anyone who wanted to relax outside. A damned good idea. Ice headed towards one of those tables now. They sat down and Ice was just about to lay his plans out for his dad when he saw Spider and Kid come walking out the back door. They didn’t even pretend to not have followed them outside as they made themselves comfortable at the table.

  “Right, what are we talking about?” His nosy brother wanted to know.

  “You’re a pain in my ass, Spider.” Ice said without really meaning it.

  “Nope, I’m not. That’s Kid’s area of expertise. I’m all about the pussy.” Spider teased until Kid’s fist slammed into his shoulder.


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