Atlantis Riptide: Lost Daughters of Atlantis Book 1

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Atlantis Riptide: Lost Daughters of Atlantis Book 1 Page 1

by Allie Burton

  Atlantis Riptide

  Lost Daughters of Atlantis Book 2

  Allie Burton

  When a girl runs away from the circus…

  For all her sixteen years, Pearl Poseidon has been a fish out of water. A freak on display for her adoptive parents’ profit. Running away from her horrible life, she craves one thing—anonymity. But when she saves a small boy from drowning she exposes herself and her mutant abilities to Chase, a budding investigative reporter.

  Now, he has questions. And so do the police.

  Once Pearl discovers her secret identity, she learns she’s part of a larger war between battling Atlanteans. A battle that will decide who rules the oceans. A battle raging between evil and her true family. Will she find a way to use her powers in time to save a kingdom she never knew existed?

  This is the start of a young adult fantasy action adventure novel series. “Free sweet summer young adult paranormal with death-defying underwater rescues.” Reviewer

  Other books in the Atlantis series: Atlantis Red Tide, Atlantis Rising Tide, Atlantis Tide Breaker, Atlantis Dark Tides, Atlantis Twisting Tides, Atlantis Glacial Tides

  Reviews About Lost Daughters of Atlantis Series

  “I loved this book! I’ve been on a mermaid kick so when I came across this one it peaked my interest, so happy I got it! I cannot wait to pick up the others in the series!!!!!!!”

  – Cupcakes and Books

  “From the start to the finish, the author had me at the edge of my seat. Very captivating, can’t wait to sink my teeth into the remaining books in the series.”

  – Mys Tique

  “Allie Burton has made me realize I might be missing out on something wonderful. Her writing style and take on “teenagers” is refreshing.”

  – Crazi Momma Reads

  Dear Reader:

  I hope you enjoy reading ATLANTIS RIPTIDE! All of the books in the Lost Daughters of Atlantis series stand alone, but they are best appreciated when read in order.

  Sign up for my newsletter to receive a second book as my gift at You’ll also get the latest Allie Burton news, information on contests, and sales. Your email address will never be shared and you can unsubscribe at any time.

  Word of mouth is crucial for any author to succeed. If you enjoy this novel, please consider leaving a review at your place of purchase, even if it’s only a line or two. Your review will make all the difference and is hugely appreciated.

  Thank you so much and happy reading!

  Allie Burton

  [email protected]

  Atlantis Red Tide • Atlantis Rising Tide

  Atlantis Tide Breaker

  Atlantis Dark Tides • Atlantis Twisting Tides

  Atlantis Glacial Tides


  Lost Daughters of Atlantis Book 1

  Copyright © 2013 by Alice Fairbanks-Burton

  All Rights Reserved

  No part of this book may be reproduced, downloaded, transmitted, decompiled, reverse engineered, stored in or introduced to any information storage and retrieval system in any form, whether electronic or mechanical without the author’s written permission. Scanning, uploading or distribution of this book via the Internet or any other means without permission is prohibited.

  Please purchase only authorized electronic versions, and do not participate in, or encourage pirated electronic versions.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  Table of Contents

  Story Description

  Reviews About Lost Daughters of Atlantis Series

  Dear Reader

  The Atlantis Legend Continues…



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  A Note from Allie Burton




  Also by Allie Burton

  About the Author

  Atlantis Riptide

  Lost Daughters of Atlantis Book 1



  Chapter One

  Nix Normal

  I ran away from the circus.

  What a joke. Most teens want to run away to the circus, but not me. No, I could never do anything normal. Not with a name like Pearl of the sea Poseidon.

  And yes, that is my real name. It’s on my birth certificate. Even though the certificate is fake.

  My heart hardened with past pain. I clenched my hands around the broom handle. I continued to sweep the walkway around the fake lagoon at the Kingdom of Atlantis Miniature Golf Course. Instead of focusing on my past, I watched a teen balancing on a two-inch-wide black rail like a tightrope walker, his arms out for balance.

  Trapeze artist or boneheaded boy? Only with hours and hours of training could a trick like that be pulled off.

  I knew. It takes a lot of practice not to die.

  Even though I didn’t want to be noticed, I had to say something. “That’s a twelve foot drop into a shallow pool. You want to crack your head open?”

  The guy, wearing a black hoodie, narrowed his dark eyes. He wavered on the peeling black iron rail that guarded the fake lagoon. “Who are you? The janitor?”

  His group of friends laughed.

  Heat flooded my face and I found it difficult to keep my head up. I remembered all the times kids had made fun of what I did or what I wore. These teens didn’t realize the khaki shorts and T-shirt weren’t the real me. Just a uniform—another costume.

  I ignored their cruel jibes. “Get down.”

  My gaze searched for one of the workers dressed in mermaid costumes. Based on the designer’s idea of the lost island of Atlantis, the course boasted running rivers and a huge waterfall cascading into a murky pool. A cheap plastic statue of the sea god watched over the kingdom.

  Funny, how my name related.

  “Ah.” The hoodie guy glanced at a girl with purple streaks in her hair. “The janitor cares more about me than you do, babe.” He tossed a phone in the air and caught it.

  “My cell.” The girl’s high pitched squeal hurt my ears.

  An obviously-harassed mother squeezed by the little scene, pushing a stroller and dragging a small toddler behind her. The toddler scuffed his feet on the ground and smiled in my direction.

  I smiled back but I didn’t want to seem soft, so I changed my expression to a scowl and glared at hoodie guy. “Get down or I’ll call a securi
ty guard. They’ll kick all of you out of the entire Boardwalk park.”

  “Come on, Joe. Get down.” The busty girl held out her hand to him. “We’re supposed to have fun today.”

  Must be nice to have a fun day where you didn’t have to worry about your next meal, your sleeping arrangements, or if you’d ever be discovered. If only…

  The steel inside me wavered for a second. But just a second.

  “Only cause you asked nicely, babe.” Joe shook his dyed-black bangs before jumping off the rail and onto the path. He wrapped his arm around his babe and then cocked his bushy eyebrows at me. “Janitor-Girl better watch her mouth. I’m not going to be bossed around by a wage slave.”

  The put down should’ve hurt, but I’d been called worse things. Telling a customer where to shove his attitude wouldn’t be smart. I needed this job and didn’t need any extra attention.

  Or questions.

  Joe tossed me a superior smirk before moving on to the next hole. Disaster diverted. I blew out a large breath and returned to sweeping the walkways.

  “Mommy. Look. I’m a big boy.” A bit further up, the sandy-haired toddler stood on a railing of the bridge that arched over the water. Balancing like Joe.

  The mother, holding a dirty diaper, turned toward her older child’s voice. “Brandon, no!”

  The toddler teetered, waving his arms in a lopsided-windmill fashion. His body leaned over the bridge railing toward the water. His sandaled foot slipped and his extra-large eyes widened. He lost his balance, tumbling into a free-fall. He plummeted into the pool below, landing on his back as he hit the water.

  My heart plunged like the boy.

  Water splashed. The mom screamed. The teens, the other families, the entire crowd in Kingdom of Atlantis went silent. People froze like they were watching an action scene in a movie. But this was no movie. No staged accident or stunt.

  I dropped the broom, hopped over the railing, and peered into the dark waters of the fake lagoon. The murky water appeared about six feet deep. My mind trembled with varying scenarios. Diving in could expose my special abilities. Not diving in could lead to the boy’s death.

  No other thought required. I couldn’t risk the child for my selfish reasons. I dove.

  Submerging under the dirty water it should’ve been difficult to see, but I saw clearly in any depth. The icy water would make most people shiver, but the circus owners had loved that they didn’t have to spend money heating the pools because cold water didn’t bother me.

  The boy, on the other hand, would become hypothermic. My talent could save him. If I hurried.

  The narrow pool was for decoration and it wouldn’t take long to cover every inch. My gaze scoured the water as I swam. Clumps of mud gathered at the bottom. Stains lined the walls like a disgusting bath tub. I bet the lagoon had never been cleaned. Sludge dragged my speed, but I still swam faster than the average swimmer.

  Or, not so average.

  I flicked around and spotted Brandon at the bottom. I swam deeper and grabbed hold of him, but his tiny body wouldn’t budge. His stark expression broadcasted his fear and begged for help. His cherubic cheeks puffed with the water already inside. His arms and legs kicked and flayed. He understood the danger.

  So did I. My body shuddered. I ran my finger down his soft cheek. Calm down. I’m here to help.

  He stopped kicking and I pulled harder. His yellow jacket stuck to the bottom of the pool. I pushed the windbreaker aside revealing the filter cover at the bottom.

  The six inch by four inch metal cover was slimy and old and Brandon’s body stuck like glue. Suction pulled at him as the drain sucked water to be recycled in the waterfall flowing at the top of the lagoon. The strong force held the boy in place.

  I reached for the zipper and pulled the tab. Jammed. The zipper was broken and the jacket was too tight to pull over his head.

  The boy reached out and touched my arm. His eyes gleamed with hope. He totally trusted me.

  But time ticked away. I gritted my teeth trying to smile, to show reassurance and confidence. Inside my tummy twisted and my muscles tightened. I needed to hurry.

  His eyelids flickered and rolled backwards. His lids closed. He reached out again and then went limp. His skin was cold to the touch. Way too cold.

  Panic prickled through my veins at the possibility of loss. My chest burned and I found it hard to breathe. Like hyperventilating, but only with water instead of air.

  The concern wasn’t for me. I could stay underwater for indeterminate lengths of time. But the boy, if he didn’t get oxygen soon he’d die.

  My nerves rattled. Indecision wavered like the surface above. No one could see this deep in the dirty pool. No one had jumped in to help. No one would know. I placed my fingers in between the lines of the cover and tugged on the metal. The thick grate bent.

  Another one of my weird powers that had been taken advantage of—super strength underwater.

  “See the strongest girl in the world. See how long she can hold her breath. See her break diving and swimming records.” The master of ceremonies hawked night after night after night. I’d never forget his exploitive voice.

  Shivering at the memory, I jerked myself out of the past and into the present. No time for day-nightmaring.

  I yanked on the metal grate again. The six screws holding the cover in place popped out and sucked into the hole temporarily breaking the suction. I yanked the toddler away, tucking him under my arm like a football. I fought against the current to a position a few feet away but stayed under the water to conceal my next move.

  The kid had been under water too long. If he wasn’t already dead, he’d have substantial brain injuries. I needed to take pro-active action. And fast.

  I settled my mouth over his and breathed into him. His lungs inflated and his heart calmed. Another trick I’d learned in my other life—performing CPR worked better in the water, at least for me.

  He opened his mouth. The boy didn’t choke on the water but inhaled it like air. His eyelids reopened with a new brightness. He didn’t look scared anymore. He was going to be okay, like he’d just fallen in, instead of being underwater for minutes.

  A loud splash sounded a few feet away. A guy with longish-brown hair swam underwater toward us. His shirt and shorts dragged. Panic jolted my core. Had he witnessed my life-saving breath?

  The guy held out his strong hand. He wanted to help pull me up. With Brandon tucked under my arm, I put my hand in his. Together, we kicked to the surface.

  People clapped when we broke through the water. A crowd surrounded the lagoon. I gasped for air, not because I’d been underwater but because the people and the clapping circled me, closed me in.

  My body flushed and grew clammy at the same time. Claustrophobia knotted my stomach. I hated applause directed at me. I’d left that life behind.

  I searched the audience. Fear cascaded down my back like the waterfall behind me. No one here could discover my talents.

  “You okay?” The guy wrapped an arm around the metal ladder built into the side of the lagoon. His wavy brown hair almost covered the concern in his blue eyes.


  “Hand him to me.” His striped manager’s polo shirt was covered in mud and his khaki shorts were half hidden by the dirty water.

  I’d never seen him around Mermaid Beach Boardwalk before. But I’d only worked here a couple of days and it was a big place with hundreds of part-time seasonal employees.

  I handed him my valuable cargo. “Where’s his mother?”

  “Up top. Ambulance is on the way.” His blue gaze pierced me. “Sure you’re okay? You were under for awhile.” His caring attitude threatened my anonymity.

  I nodded and glanced away, avoiding his penetrating stare.

  The guy climbed the ladder and laid the boy on the Astroturf grass near the fake palm trees. He rolled the toddler on his side and cleared his airway of debris. “He’s breathing.”

  Of course he is. The guy didn’t even need
to take any precautions. My breath was a life saving guarantee.

  The mom rushed over to her son’s side.

  I went up the ladder and climbed over the railing. Searching out the mother, I mouthed, “He’s going to be okay.” There was no doubt in my mind. I’d seen it all before.

  Her eyes, bright from tears, sparkled. “Thank you.”

  A gaggle of girls dressed in worker mermaid costumes rushed forward toward the Astroturf where the gorge-guy kneeled by Brandon. The show of concern on their faces appeared genuine, but focused on the guy. Not the small boy.

  “Are you okay?” a red-headed girl who worked the snack shack cooed.

  “You’re a hero,” a bleached blonde mermaid gushed.

  “Save me next time.” A brunette shot him a flirty smile. “I’ll definitely need mouth-to-mouth.”


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