The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension

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The Mullinix Book 1: Ascension Page 34

by Rodney Mountain

  Chapter 32 - In Self Defense…

  Massimaferro walked up to the second floor of the palace, glad to be finished with the load of idiotic cases he had to deal with that day. He now had a new respect for what Insegniferro put up with for so many years. Luckily, he had an excuse to get away from it for a couple hours. His old teacher had sent him word that he was ready for the new students.

  There was a little crowd in one of the rooms just outside the game chamber, so Massimaferro went to see what was going on. A number of the house staff and page boys were watching the results of the simulation, with the pieces being moved on the board as Medoferro and Simon battled each other for domination.

  "Iggy set up a massive battle," Marina told Massy when he came in, "It’s turning out to be a good one, with Simon and Medo having one hell of a strategic matching."

  "Who is winning" Massy asked her.

  "Medo is gaining ground," Marina said, "But Simon has some nasty tricks up his sleeve. If Medo doesn’t handle it correctly Simon could still win this."

  "Let’s hope it is soon," Massimaferro said, watching as someone moved pieces, "I need to get them to their first self defense lesson this afternoon."

  "Iggy put a two hour limit on the game," Marina said, "There’s only twenty minutes left."

  Massimaferro nodded and watched with everyone else the battle between the new people. It was a good one and Medo was doing much the same things he would have in the match. Simon was being a bit more impetuous, but doing well despite it. Massimaferro wondered what the house staff thought of him now that he’d been here a few days.

  "How is Simon fitting in?" Massy asked Marina as they watched the play by play.

  "He is doing well," Marina said, "Randy bugger, he is, but he is respectful and everyone likes him."

  "That’s good," Massy nodded, "I think Medo chose well. Simon is going to be a good rep for him. He’s as outgoing as Medo is quiet."

  "They are two ends of the spectrum," Marina agreed, "But they fit together like a glove."

  "They’ll need to," Massy grinned, "Cause my old teacher is going to be beating on them for a while."

  "I heard stories about him," Marina said, "Doesn’t get along with pretty much anyone, but he will teach you how to defend yourself."

  "If he can’t teach Medo and Simon how to survive an assassin’s attack no one will," Massy said, "That’s if he doesn’t kill them himself in the process."

  "He’s an old man," Marina said, "How much damage can he do?"

  "I went over to talk to him last week," Massy said, raising the sleeve on his shirt and showing Marina the bruises, "That bruise is just one that I got in the workout."

  "I see…" Marina said, shuddering a little.

  "He’s the best there is," Massimaferro told her, "Age isn’t going to change that."

  There was a slight cheer as Simon began to rally, directing his troops into a masterful counterattack on Medoferro’s forces. Unfortunately for Simon’s troops, Medoferro had deliberately held back some of his best forces for just such an eventuality. Simon’s last stand was daring, but when he got closed in from three sides Medoferro’s forces simply overwhelmed him.

  "Looks like it is over," Massimaferro said, "Medoferro is getting good at these."

  "Ought to be interesting to see if he can beat you," Marina grinned, "Word is you are the champ at this."

  "He beat me the first day by co-opting Simon," Massimaferro chuckled, "I’m looking forward to the rematch."

  Medoferro, Simon and Insegniferro walked out of the room laughing and shaking hands. The house staff that had gathered around gave Medo a round of applause and the young man seemed surprised that this many people had taken notice of the game. He bowed sheepishly and looked at the others as the crowd dispersed.

  "Good job," Massy told him, "I caught the last of it."

  "Anything major down there?" Iggy asked him.

  "No," Massy said, "Just got word that my old teacher is ready for Medo and Simon."

  "Ready for us why?" Simon asked, "What’s up?"

  "Oh gods," Medo said, "The self-defense training."

  "You got it," Massy said, "If anything like what happened last week happens again I want you two to be ready. Especially you, Simon, as you’re the one who has to go out into the world."

  "So who is this teacher?" Medo asked him, "Someone we’d have heard of?"

  "Probably not," Massy said, "He’s an old man now, but don’t let that fool you. He can still kick my ass."

  "Why do I not like the sound of that?" Simon asked Medo.

  Neither one liked the sound of it, but they followed Massimaferro dutifully. The three of them went into the old stone structure in the center of the capital city. It was an imposing structure, one that was as old as any of the buildings in Mullinix Centre. Simon had walked by it many times and wondered what it contained. He and Medo were about to find out.

  The old man was sitting in a cross-legged position on the stone floor that made both Medo and Simon hurt just watching. Massimaferro snickered as he watched the display, as he knew the old man had been doing this to intimidate his students for forty years.

  "Teacher," Massimaferro said when the old man looked up, "I present to you the new Mullinix-Apprentice, Medoferro and his personal representative, Simon Sutcliffe."

  The old man stood up and looked at the young men. Neither Simon nor Medo were overly tall, but Medo alone stood about four inches taller than the old man did. He looked the boys over and nodded in a way that showed that he wasn’t particularly impressed.

  "So this is who you’ve chosen, eh?" the old man said, "I guess I can work with them if they’ll listen."

  "I’m sure they’ll learn quickly," Massimaferro chuckled, "Though you might have to belt Simon in the mouth a few times."

  "That’s something I’d like to see," Medo grinned.

  "I’m sure you will see more than you care to," the old man told them, "You have been living that pampered life in the palace. You will not be pampered that way here, I can guarantee you that. My job is to make sure that you know what you need to do to protect yourself from an assassin. Do you know how I am going to do that?"

  Neither Medo nor Simon had a clue, so all they could do is shake their heads meekly. Both of them were highly intimidated by the old man, despite his diminutive stature. He just had an air about him that made it seem like it would be a very bad idea to antagonize him.

  "I’m going to teach you how to think like one," the old man said, "Have either of you been to any sort of training like this before?"

  "I took some when I was younger," Simon said.

  "I’ve never been to any form of training," Medo admitted.

  "This is good," the old man said to Medo, "You will have less to unlearn than your friend will."

  Simon gulped at that, not liking the way that the old man had put it.

  "We shall be starting with the basics," The old man said, "The first of which is balance. I want you two to stand in a position so that you can’t be easily knocked down…"

  This session alone went on for nearly two hours, with the old man knocking them down like they were dominoes each time and giving suggestions. Medo, despite having little regard for physical activities, actually took well to the training. He didn’t like being beat on, but he learned quickly and helped Simon, who was a little slower with it. By the end of the session both boys were able to withstand basic pushes from both Massy, who was taller than both of them, and the old man who was shorter.

  "You two are learning," the old man said, nodding, "I can work with you, but it will take time. How much time is sourpuss going to let me have them for?"

  "Sourpuss?" Simon mouthed to Medo, who shrugged.

  "How much do you need?" Massy asked, shrugging, "I am the Mullinix now. I can overrule Insegniferro if I have to."

  "Six hours a day for the next two weeks then four hours a day for the rest of the month," the old man said, nodd
ing, "At the end of that period I’m going to want them for three straight days for some intensive training."

  "Morning or afternoon?" Massy asked him.

  "Afternoon," the old man said and smiled for the first time, "They are still growing boys. Let them sleep and get a good noontime meal before they get their daily beating. After the intensive training days we’ll decide on what is needed after that. Probably only an hour or two a few times a week, at which point I’ll want you back in as well."

  "They’ll be here," Massy said, "Do you want to do anymore today?"

  "I think I’ve beaten on them enough for one day," the old man said, "Have them here tomorrow and we’ll beat some more sense into them."

  "All right," Massy said to the boys, "Let’s head home."


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