Tempting Country: Ruthless Sinners MC

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Tempting Country: Ruthless Sinners MC Page 5

by Wilder, L.

  “Did he know?”

  “There’s no way he could’ve known.” I dropped my hands to my lap and sighed. “I’ve made such a mess of things. I don’t know what I’m going to do.”

  “Nothing. You’re going to do nothing.”


  “You didn’t know who the guy was. You just wanted to let off a little steam, and that’s what you did. Leave it at that.”

  “I wish it was that easy.” I leaned closer to Braylon as I whispered, “The sex with him was unbelievable, like really, really unbelievable, and I can’t even look at him without thinking about it.”

  “Unbelievable? Hmm…” My heart literally stopped beating in my chest at the sound of Country’s voice. “Glad to know you enjoyed it. Maybe we should try again sometime.”

  I whipped around in my seat, and just as I feared, Country was standing in the doorway, smiling like the Cheshire cat. I was completely mortified and wanted to crawl into a hole and die, but sadly, there was literally nowhere for me to hide. I couldn’t let him think that I was talking about him to one of my employees, so I was left with only one choice. I had to lie. “I hate to burst your bubble, but I wasn’t talking about you.”

  “Yeah ... If you say so.” His smirk faded as he said, “The guys wanted me to let you know that we’re heading out for a bit.”

  “Oh, okay. Any idea when you’ll be back?”

  “Can’t say for sure.”

  “But you’ll be back, right?”

  “Yeah.” Country’s tone was soft and reassuring. “We’ll be back.”

  “Okay, I’ll see ya when you get back.”

  He gave me a quick nod, then turned and disappeared down the hallway. I leaned back, making sure he was gone before turning my attention back to Braylon. “How much do you think he heard?”


  “Damn.” I let out a groan. “I just can’t win.”

  “Well, he’s clearly interested in hooking up again.” Braylon shrugged. “So, it isn’t all bad.”

  “You aren’t helping.”

  He chuckled. “I had to try.”

  “Yeah, thanks.” I rolled my eyes, then stood. “Wonder where they ran off to.”

  “I don’t know. If it was me, I’d be checking out the surrounding area, but it’s hard to tell with those guys.”

  “You’re right about that.” I shook my head as I started for the door. “I have a feeling they’re going to give me a run for my money over the next couple of days.”

  “I certainly hope so, or they aren’t the men we thought they were.”

  “Very true.” As I headed down the hall, I shouted, “Let’s hope Riggs was right about them!”

  I left the office and went to start getting dinner prepped for the night. Since the weather was nice and not too cold, I decided to use the picnic area out by the old church to grill burgers. I asked Lumley, one of our workers, to gather some wood for a fire and place it by the pit. Thinking it would be a good place for us to talk, I moved some chairs over and got a cooler of beer, then placed them around the fire pit.

  Even though I had no idea how long they’d be gone, I decided to start on the burgers while Braylon and Lumley got the fire going. As I hoped, the guys returned not long after I’d finished grilling the burgers. They all gathered around and made themselves a plate, then carried them over to the picnic tables. We sat down to eat, and I expected them to start talking, but no one said a word—not to me or each other.

  I wasn’t sure what was wrong. It was a perfect night. It wasn’t too warm. It wasn’t too cold, and the food was really good—even if it was just burgers. I thought maybe one of them would eventually say something, but no such luck. The silence was getting to me, so I tried to open the line of communication. “I was thinking we could use this time to talk a little.”

  None of them said a word. They simply gave each other an odd look, then continued eating. Hoping to get at least one of them to open up, I asked, “So, none of you have any questions about Langford Manor or the products we have to offer?”

  “It’s too soon for questions,” Hawk answered. “We still have a lot to see.”

  “Yes, you definitely do. I was just wondering if there was anything you saw today that ...” None of them seemed to be paying me any attention, so I decided to rip off the bandage and discuss the elephant in the room. “I know the cards are stacked against me here, and I have no one but myself to blame for that. I used my father’s connection to your club to gain access to Menace’s computer, and then I used what I found on the hard drive to lure you into a meet. I’m sure that makes you think I’m not trustworthy, that I broke some unspoken code, but I had my reasons for doing what I did.”

  “Those reasons cost you our trust, and if you don’t have trust, you don’t have anything.”

  “I understand, but I didn’t do anything you wouldn’t have done if you were in my position.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out the flash drive I’d used to access Menace’s hard drive. I put it on the table and slid it over to Hawk as I said, “That being said, here is everything I got from Menace’s laptop ... It’s the only copy.”

  “And you think giving me this makes things right?” Hawk shook his head. “’Cause it doesn’t.”

  “No, I didn’t think it would, but I’m hoping it’ll be a start in making things right.”

  Hawk lifted the flash drive as he asked, “What exactly were you able to find on Menace’s laptop?”


  “That’s not an answer.”

  “I get that you’re concerned I might have something to use against you, but that’s not why I did what I did. I was only looking for things that would help me determine whether or not your club would be the right fit for my business.” Sensing that it wouldn’t help my case, I didn’t want to go into lengthy detail, so I simply told him, “I did that by watching your security footage. I know you have your girls selling coke in your clubs ... I know you’re careful, really careful, and that’s why you’ve done so well with it. I also know you have a secure holding place at a storage lot that’s run by a woman named Ada May. I did a little digging and discovered that you have several other Ruthless Sinners chapters throughout the country—including Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, and North and South Carolina—states where marijuana is entirely illegal. Still, you also have chapters where the legal status is mixed. In other words, you have plenty of options for distribution.”

  “Looks like you’ve done your homework.”

  “Again—I only did what you and your brothers would’ve done if you were in my position.” I took a moment to catch my breath, then added, “Look, I know right now I don’t have your trust, but if you give me a chance, I’ll do whatever it takes to earn it.”

  Hawk nodded, but he didn’t verbally respond. None of them did. They simply sat there in complete and utter silence, making me question whether or not I’d ever be able to regain their trust. We all went back to eating, and just as everyone was about to finish up, Country looked over to me and said, “I have a question.”

  The other brothers looked at him like he’d lost his mind, but he didn’t seem to care. Relieved to have one of them open up a little, I quickly replied, “You can ask me anything.”

  “I’m just curious... You say your stuff is good, but exactly how good is it?”

  “It’s the best around. Seriously, you should try it.” I leaned forward and smiled. “All of you should.”

  Country looked over to Hawk, Rafe, and Menace. When they gave him a nod, he turned back to me and said, “Bring it on.”

  And just like that, our night took a totally different turn.



  When Kiersten said her stuff was the best around, she wasn’t kidding. I hadn’t smoked pot in years, but when I did, I smoked the hell out of it. I acquired the habit when my grandfather got cancer. He’d shared a bit of his medical marijuana with me from time to time, and I liked the feeling. I actually
liked it a little too much, so I knew firsthand Kiersten’s shit was the real deal, and it had me thinking I might pick up the habit again. I’d never felt so mellow—like I was dreaming but I was wide awake.

  Everything had stilled, and for the first time in months, I could sit and breathe without feeling the weight of the world on my shoulders. It was a good feeling—a really good feeling. I looked down at the fire and watched as the flames danced and flickered about, and before I realized what I was doing, I started mumbling the words to the song “Ring of Fire” by Johnny Cash. After a few lines, I looked over to my brothers who were also feeling the effects of Kiersten’s powerful weed. They were all leaning back in their chairs, silently studying the fire like they didn’t have a care in the world.

  I, on the other hand, had a hundred thoughts running through my head which led me to ask, “Y’all ever wonder why Viper doesn’t have an ol’ lady?”

  Each of them shrugged and grumbled, but none gave a real answer. Unable to just let it go, I took another drag, then said, “I mean, I’m no expert, but I wouldn’t think a man like him would have any trouble snagging himself a woman.”

  Still nothing from the guys, so I just kept at it. “Maybe it’s the whole running the club stuff. It’s gotta be tough dealing with all the bullshit, and we don’t make it any easier on the guy.”

  “You seem awfully concerned about Prez and his fucking love life,” Hawk grumbled.

  “Only ’cause I care.” I shrugged. “I mean, come on, Pappa Bear needs love, too.”

  “Don’t gotta worry about Prez, brother.” Menace sounded sure of himself. “If he wanted an ol’ lady, he’d have one.”

  “No doubt,” Hawk mumbled. “Chicks are all over him at the club.”

  Rafe looked down at his joint and studied it for a moment. “I gotta say, this is some pretty good shit right here.”

  “It’s one of our most popular hybrid blends,” Kiersten replied proudly.


  “You’ve got three types of cannabis... sativa, indica, and hybrid, and they each have a different effect.”

  Rafe looked down at his joint with confusion. “Different how?”

  “Sativa is like the Hulk Hogan of pot. It gives you the umph you need to work out and shit, while indica is more chill and mellow like Cheech and Chong,” I explained. “Mix a little Hogan with some Cheech, and you’ve got yourself a hybrid.”

  “This shit must be better than I thought.” Hawk shook his head and laughed. “Country actually sounded like he knows what he’s talking about.”

  “Fuck you, brother.”

  The guys snickered and made their side comments, but Kiersten didn’t join in. Instead, she waited until they grew quiet, then smiled and said, “I’m impressed. Most people don’t know about the different types of weed. Most just want to feel the high and move on.”

  “I learned a thing or two from my grandfather.”

  Maybe it was just the pot talking, but there was something about the way she smiled at me that got me right in the gut. I held her gaze for a moment, soaking her in as long as I could without the others noticing, then quickly turned my attention back to the fire. Damn, it’d been a long time since a woman had gotten to me like she did, and I had no fucking clue what I was going to do about it. For now, I just had to bide my time and pray the feeling would fade.

  I didn’t know how long I was staring at the fire when Rafe, who was feeling all kinds of good, said, “I’m gonna learn to play the guitar. Been wanting to since I was a kid but just kept putting it off. Yep, I’m gonna get me a guitar, and I’m gonna start learning to play.”

  “Hope that doesn’t mean you’re gonna start singing, too,” Hawk grumbled. “Don’t think my ears could take it.”

  “Nah, I’ll leave the singing to Country.”

  “Awe, that outta be good.” Hawk snickered. “You two will drive us to drinking for sure.”

  I nudged him with my elbow. “Isn’t that the point?”

  “You two already drive us all to drinking. Don’t need you adding guitar playing and singing to the mix.”

  “You gotta be kidding me.” Rafe threw up his hands. “We could be the next Willie Nelson and Waylon Jennings or Brooks and Dunn.”

  “Nope. Never gonna happen.”

  “Still gonna get me a guitar,” Rafe argued. “I’m gonna learn to play, and then I’m taking Delilah down to Mexico. We’ll sit on the beach and have a few drinks while I play my gee-tar.”

  “Poor girl doesn’t stand a chance.”

  Like he hadn’t heard Hawk’s last comment, Rafe smiled and started chuckling under his breath. He was clearly hitting that ultimate high when he eased back in his chair and asked, “Hey, what do you call a potato that smokes weed?”

  “No idea.”

  “A baked potato.” Rafe coughed, clearing his throat, then asked, “How do you get a one-armed stoner out of a tree?” Without giving us a chance to answer, Rafe started chuckling and said, “You wave.”

  I immediately thought about that crazy GIF of Tom Hanks on that fishing boat waving like there was no tomorrow. Unable to resist the temptation to join in, Hawk grinned, then said, “You know scientists say marijuana lowers your body temperature, so it’s true. Smoking pot really does make you cool.”

  We all groaned at the cheesiness of the joke, and each gave Hawk a teasing jab. He threw his hands up in the air as he said, “You can’t say I didn’t try.”

  “Wait, wait. I’ve got another one. Weed really isn’t a drug. It’s a plant.” Rafe snickered as he said, “So, Kiersten really isn’t a drug dealer. She’s a florist.”

  “A florist? Really?” Hawk shook his head as he told him, “That one might be the worst yet.”

  “Okay, how about this one? What do stoners do when they get lost?” Rafe giggled under his breath, then answered himself, “They turn down the music so they can see better.”

  “Nope.” Hawk groaned. “Not any better.”

  “I’ve got one.” I looked over to Hawk as I said, “Your mom is like marijuana—everyone does her, but no one admits it.”

  “That’s just wrong.”

  “I’m out on that one.” Menace stood and tossed his empty beer bottle into the trash as he continued, “I’m gonna call it a night.”

  “Seriously?” I fussed. “It’s not even ten o’clock.”

  “I need to call Parker.”

  “Ah, yeah,” Rafe chuckled. “He’s still in that puppy-love stage where he’s gotta check in with his ol’ lady every five minutes.”

  “Might do you good to do the same.”

  “Don’t worry about me, old man. Me and my woman are just fine.”

  “Don’t be too hard on him, brother.” I smiled as I watched the exchange between Rafe and Menace.

  A smirk crossed his face as Rafe poked, “Our boy here is just getting too old to hang with us like he used to.”

  “Not too old, smartass. Just gotta limit my time with you people to small doses.” Menace gave us both a look and said, “It’s the only way I can keep my sanity.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, boss.”

  “Keep running that mouth, brother, and see what it gets ya,” Menace warned as he turned and started back to the guest quarters.

  “After all that, I think I’m gonna call it a night, too,” Hawk announced as he stood up. “And don’t give me any mouth about it either.”

  “Who? Us?”

  “You two need some help.” Hawk shook his head. “Be ready to roll first thing in the morning.”

  “Will do.”

  Before he was out of earshot, Hawk shouted over his shoulder, “Thanks for dinner, Kiersten.”

  “Welcome!” she shouted in return. “Sleep well!”

  Once they both went into the house, Rafe looked over to Kiersten and then to me. I was worried he was going to say something about us hooking up, but instead, he simply stood and said, “I’m starving. Are there any leftovers from dinner?”

There are tons.” Kiersten pointed to the church’s kitchen back door. “It’s all in the fridge.”


  Moments later, Rafe disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Kiersten and me alone by the fire. I was still feeling the effects of the marijuana when I glanced over to her and said, “You know, you did good tonight.”

  “Oh? And how’s that?”

  “By coming clean with the guys.” Even high, I knew better than to say too much. “I think it was a step in the right direction.”

  “I hope so.” She studied me for a moment, then asked, “Was I right when I said I didn’t do anything you and your brothers wouldn’t have done if you were in my shoes?”

  “Can’t say for sure, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility.”

  “I thought so.” She shrugged. “I just hope I didn’t go to all that trouble for nothing.”

  “Only time will tell.” Seeing the worried look in her eyes made me ask, “So what makes a girl like you decide to start up a marijuana farm?”

  “A girl like me?”

  “You’re beautiful and smart with a good head on your shoulders.” Her gorgeous eyes were locked on mine as I continued, “I know your father does well, so it’s not like you’re doing it for the money.”

  “Money has nothing to do with it.” She turned her focus to the fire, and the flames illuminated her face with an angelic glow. Once again, I was mesmerized by how beautiful she was. The tone in her voice changed from light-hearted and free to strained and full of anguish. “I hadn’t planned on doing this. I went to college thinking I would study botany or biochemistry, and I’d make some amazing discovery that would change the world, but I lost interest in saving the world when I discovered what my father was doing.”

  “So, you know?”

  “Not everything, but I know enough.” She brushed her hair out of her face and looked at me. “I’d always thought he was this great man who could do no wrong. I always thought he’d love me and protect me from the evil in the world. Instead, he brought it into our home.”


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