Tempting Country: Ruthless Sinners MC

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Tempting Country: Ruthless Sinners MC Page 10

by Wilder, L.

  “Yeah, me neither, but she did. And she saw me on it.”

  “Sorry, brother. I don’t see the issue here.”

  “Never mind.” I shook my head and grumbled, “It’s not important.”

  “This got something to do with the fact you two got a thing going?”

  “You know about that, huh?”

  “It’s my job to know.” I wasn’t surprised by his response. Shotgun was the club’s enforcer, and it was his job to protect the brothers. To do that, he made it his business to know everything that went on with us, inside the club and out. “Okay, she saw you on the surveillance footage. I figure she saw all of us, so what’s the problem?”

  “She said she didn’t know I was a Sinner when we met at the bar.”

  “Well, she ever given you reason not to believe her?”

  “No, but you gotta admit the whole thing’s a bit of a stretch. I mean, damn, look at the lengths she went to just to meet with us.”

  “Yeah, but she came clean about what she’d found on Menace’s laptop and why she’d done it. So, what reason would she have to lie about knowing who you were in that bar? It’s not like fucking a brother was gonna get her foot in the door. If nothing else, it’d hurt her more than it would help.”

  Shotgun was right. Kiersten didn’t gain any leverage that night. She never asked me anything about the club or my being a Sinner, and I certainly didn’t bring it up. I wasn’t even wearing my cut. “Damn, you’re right.”

  “I usually am.”

  “I’m just not good at this shit.” I felt like a complete asshole. I should’ve stopped for two fucking seconds and thought the whole thing through before storming out of the bar like a fucking two-year-old. I ran my hand down my face and groaned. “I knew I’d fuck it up.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself. We all make mistakes. I certainly made my fair share with Remington.” He tossed his cigarette and ground it into the dirt with his boot. “Just talk to her. I’m sure you two can sort it out.”

  “I showed my ass, brother. Doubt she’s gonna wanna talk to me.”

  “Give her some time. She’ll come around.”

  “Maybe.” I wasn’t quite ready to admit my mistake, so I lifted what was left of my cigarette and asked, “Mind if I have another?”

  When I tossed the butt on the ground, Shotgun handed me another, and I immediately lit it. After taking in a long drag, I leaned my head back against the brick wall and exhaled slowly, letting the smoke billow above us. Shotgun didn’t say a word. He simply stood there with me while I collected my thoughts. Once I was done with my smoke, I tossed the finished cigarette to the ground, then we both started for the back door.

  I’d like to say I was feeling better about things as we headed inside, but I wasn’t. Things were going pretty fucking good with Kiersten, better than I could’ve ever anticipated, and I hated that I might’ve screwed it all up by assuming the worst. I expected to walk in the bar and find her mad as an old wet hen, but that wasn’t the case—far from it. Instead, I found her back over at the table with the girls, and she looked like she was having herself a grand ol’ time. They were all laughing and carrying on even more than they were before and were tossing back what looked to be their third round of tequila shots. I was standing there watching them all wince and groan from the burn of the liquor when Lynch came up behind me and asked, “Where’d you run off to?”

  “Just went to get some air.”

  “Well, your girl was looking for ya.” Lynch snickered as he glanced over at the back table. “And she was pretty pissed you disappeared on her. Was even talking about leaving, but Parker and Marlowe managed to convince her to stay.”

  Even though Kiersten had ridden here with me, I had no doubt she would’ve found a way home if she really wanted to. With that in mind, I replied, “I’ll talk to her.”

  “You better, ’cause I don’t wanna spend the next two weeks up there at her place with you two fussin’ and shit.”

  “We aren’t fussin’. Just a misunderstanding.”

  He cocked his eyebrow. “That’s where the fussin’ starts.”

  “Yeah, well, I’m gonna fix it before the fussin’ ever starts.”

  “Mm-hmm.” He reached over the counter and grabbed us both a cold one from the cooler. As he offered one to me, he suggested, “I’d give those shots a little time to soak in before you try and fix it.”

  “Not a bad idea.”

  I sat down next to him and took a slug of my beer as I glanced back over at Kiersten. She and Parker were leaned in close and whispering to one another. Kiersten’s smile faded, and she started shaking her head. I assumed they were talking about me, but when Kiersten glanced over her shoulder and glared at me, I was certain of it. She held my gaze for several moments, then turned her attention back to Parker. After seeing our little exchange, Lynch leaned over to me and chuckled. “I think she’s gonna need another shot or two.”

  “I think you might be right.”

  I called over to Caitlyn and sent her over to the girls’ table with another round of shots—which they all took without complaint. In fact, they ordered one more round, and it wasn’t long before they all started feeling the effects of the added alcohol. Their laughter became borderline obnoxious and their words even more slurred, but sadly, that fiery look in Kiersten’s eyes remained. The girls were getting a little out of hand, so it was no surprise when the brothers started gathering their women and headed home. Kiersten was still talking with Parker when I walked over to them. “You about ready to call it a night?”

  “Nooo, act-ually, I’m not.” She motioned her hand over to Parker as she said, “We-ee were just about to have an-nother drink.”

  “I think you two have had enough.”

  “Well, nooo-body asked you, sooo ...”

  “He’s right.” Parker slurred as she reached over and placed her hand on Kiersten’s arm. “I’m gonna lose my stomach if I have another shot. Besides, you guys have things to talk about.”

  Parker stood, then immediately started to sway. I quickly reached over and took a hold of her arm, keeping her steady as I quickly scanned the bar for Menace. When I didn’t spot him, I motioned over to Lynch and told him, “Get Menace and let him know I’m taking Parker down to his room.”

  “Sure, man.”

  “You don’t have to take me,” Parker mumbled as she tried to keep her balance. “I can get there on my own.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure you can, but I’m gonna take ya just the same.” I glanced down at Kiersten and ordered, “Stay put until I get back.”

  With a roll of her eyes and a grumble, she replied, “Whatever you say, boss.”

  I shook my head and let out a deep breath as I led Parker out of the bar and down the hall. We hadn’t gotten far when she slurred, “She’s reeal-ly mad at you.”

  “I know.”

  “You hurt her feelings.”

  “I know.”

  “You gotta fix it.”

  “Gonna try.”

  “You better.” Parker glanced up at me with a scornful look. “We like her.”

  “I like her, too.” I opened Menace’s door and helped her over to the bed. Once she was seated, I asked, “You good?”

  “Mm-hmm.” She leaned over and dropped her head down on the pillow. “Thank you, Country.”

  “No problem.”

  When I started for the door, Parker mumbled, “Country?”


  “You’re a really good guy. She’d be lucky to have ya.” She rolled over and curled into the blankets. “Make sure she knows that.”

  I didn’t respond. I simply closed the door and headed back to the bar to find Kiersten. When I walked in, I was surprised to find that she was no longer sitting at the back table. In fact, she wasn’t in the bar at all. Most of the place was already cleared out, so I stepped over to Caitlyn and asked, “You seen Kiersten?”

  “Who?” I gave her a fierce look, and she immediately pointed to the back d
oor. “Oh... I’m pretty sure she went outside.”

  As soon as the words left her mouth, I charged over to the back door and stormed outside. I took a quick look around, but I didn’t see her. Worried something might’ve happened to her, I shouted, “Kiersten!”

  “Stop yelling.” I whipped around and found her sitting on the ground with her back against the brick wall. “I’m right here.”

  “I thought I told you to wait for me inside.”

  “You did.” She looked up at me with determination in her eyes. “But I didn’t listen.”

  “Clearly.” I walked over and sat down next to her. “I need to apologize for earlier.”

  “For which part? The not giving me a chance to explain or for storming off and leaving me?”


  “Hmmm.” Still suffering from the effects of the alcohol, she leaned her head back on the brick wall and closed her eyes. “I didn’t lie about not knowing who you were at that bar, Country.”

  I knew she’d used my road name on purpose. She was trying to make a point, and she did. It was loud and clear. “I fucked up, but in my defense, I told you I would.”

  “Yeah, you did, but I didn’t think it would be so soon.” She slowly turned her head in my direction and squinted at me as she mumbled, “Maybe this isn’t a good idea.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Us.” She closed her eyes and turned away from me as she said, “It was just supposed to be a one-time thing. Maybe we should’ve left it at that.”

  “Maybe so.”

  It could’ve been my pride or the ever-growing knot in my stomach, but I didn’t say anything more. I simply stood, then reached down and lifted Kiersten into my arms. She rested her head on my shoulder as I carried her back inside and down to my room. I placed her down on the bed, then took off her boots and covered her up. As much as I wanted to crawl in next to her, I didn’t. Kiersten needed time to sober up and figure out what she really wanted. I wasn’t going to make the decision harder than it already was, so I walked out of my room and left her there sleeping, hoping by morning, she’d see things differently.

  I’d soon realize that was a mistake.



  There were many reasons why I rarely drank, but mainly it was because of the morning after—the throbbing headache, the queasy stomach, and the foggy haze that took hours to get over. But the absolute worst was remembering all the stupid things I did or said while I was partaking in said drinking and the regret that came with it. Sadly, I wasn’t thinking about that while I was partying with the girls last night. I also wasn’t thinking when I got upset with Grayson and drank even more—much, much more. I hadn’t even opened my eyes the following morning when dread washed over me. My head was pounding, my mouth felt like it was full of cotton, and I thought I would be sick. I cracked my eyes open, just enough to see that it was daylight, and that’s when I realized I was alone in Grayson’s bed.

  I eased up from the bed with a groan, then wiped the sleep from my eyes and groaned even louder. I felt like absolute death and seeing there was no sign of Grayson didn’t make me feel any better. I tossed the covers back and was about to get out of bed when I noticed a bottle of water and two Tylenol sitting on the bedside table. I reached for them both and, after swallowing the pain relievers, forced myself out of bed. In desperate need of a shower, I shuffled into the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and slowly removed my clothes; after checking the temperature, I stepped under the hot spray.

  With my head dipped forward, the warmth cascaded down over my body as I rehashed the night before. I was having such a good time with Grayson, his brothers, and their ol’ ladies. I couldn’t remember enjoying myself more with a group of strangers. They treated me as if I belonged there—like I was one of them. That was why it hurt so much when Grayson thought I’d lied to him and stormed off without giving me a chance to explain. It also stung that he never even tried to convince me I was wrong when I said we’d made a mistake by not ending things after that night in the bar. I knew it was a stupid thing to say. I didn’t really mean it. I was just drunk and being dramatic, but clearly, he found some truth in what I’d said. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have left me in the bed alone—which made me wonder where he’d ended up sleeping last night.

  My mind immediately went to the scantily dressed bartender who was basically throwing herself at him at the party. The thought of him ending up in her bed had my heart hammering in my chest. I quickly finished my shower and got out to dry off. Since I hadn’t packed a bag, I had no choice but to put on my dirty clothes, which didn’t exactly help my state of mind. I towel dried my hair and swished around some mouthwash I found sitting on the countertop and spit it in the sink. Then, I charged out of the bathroom to hunt down Grayson, only to find him standing in the middle of the room with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. “How ya feeling this morning?”

  “I’ve been better. You?”

  “The same.”

  “Hmmm.” I placed my hand on my hip and glared back at him. “So, ah ... where did you end up last night?”

  “You mean after you told me that seeing each other was a mistake?”

  “Oh, so you’re going to play it like that?”

  “I’m not playing anything. I’m not the one who said it.”

  “Just tell me where you were.”

  “Where do you think I was?”

  “I have no idea.” I was acting like a complete ass, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself. “Maybe you were with that hoochie-mama who was hitting on you last night.”

  “Would it bother you if I was?”

  “No,” I lied.

  He cocked his eyebrow. “You sure about that?”

  “Okay, fine!” I threw my hands up in the air. “Yes, it would bother me. I don’t like the idea of you being with someone else.”

  “And why’s that?”

  “Because I want you to be with me, Grayson. Is that what you want to hear?”

  “Yeah, as a matter of fact, it is.”

  “So, were you with her last night or not?”

  “No, Kiersten. I slept on the couch in the family room alone.” He stepped over to me and slipped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. “I have no desire to be with her or anyone else. I only got eyes for one girl, and she’s standing right in front of me.”

  Hearing those words from him hit me hard. Up until that moment, I hadn’t realized just how much he really meant to me. I buried my face in his chest and fought back the tears as my words came out muffled, “I want you, too. More than I realized.”

  “Does that mean you’re done with your little tantrum?”

  “I wasn’t having a tantrum.”

  “Mm-hmm.” Grayson slipped his hand under my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “I fucked up last night. I jumped to conclusions and didn’t hear you out. I won’t make that mistake again.”

  “And I won’t get drunk and say things I don’t mean.”

  “Fair enough.” Mischief danced in his eyes as he teased me. “You really are cute when you get jealous.”

  “Just shut up and kiss me.”

  Without any hesitation, Grayson brought his hand up to the nape of my neck, gently pulling me to him as he lowered his mouth to mine. It is impossible to explain how good it felt to be in his arms again. I was like putty in his hands. His tongue drifted over my bottom lip, and with a slight whimper, I opened my mouth, giving him access to delve deeper. Unconscious of my own movement, I leaned towards him, and in a matter of seconds, we were both lost in the moment. There were no thoughts of our argument the night before or hesitations about the future. I knew I was right where I belonged.

  Our hunger for each other escalated, causing the kiss to become wild and heated. My hands wound around his neck, and my fingers raked through his thick, dark hair as I moaned into his mouth. I was becoming completely lost in the moment when Grayson stepped back and broke our embrace. There was no missing the sex
ual frustration in his voice. “You’re gonna have to stop that shit right now.”


  “Don’t play innocent with me, woman.” He motioned his head towards the door. “The guys are out there waiting for us, and you’re in here trying to take advantage of me.”

  “Taking advantage of you?” Grayson never seemed to disappoint with his crazy sense of humor. I shook my head and giggled. “I’d never dream of doing something so outlandish.”

  “Mm-hmm.” He gave me a playful wink. “Grab your stuff, babe. We need to get going before Viper blows a gasket.”

  “Okay, just give me a minute.” I rushed into the bathroom and quickly combed through my wet hair, then braided it. Once I was done, I ran back out and said, “All set.”

  Grayson took my hand and led me out of the room, then down the hall and out the back door. When we reached the parking lot, Viper and Lynch were already there waiting for us, and from the expression on Viper’s face, he looked eager to go. “You two ready to roll out?”

  “Ready when you are.”

  Viper gave Grayson a nod, and then he and Lynch got on their motorcycles. Grayson gave me my helmet, and once I had it secured, we got on his Harley and followed Viper and Lynch out of the parking lot. Viper immediately sped ahead, making it clear we weren’t out on a leisurely ride, and in what seemed like no time at all, we were pulling into Langford Manor. Grayson quickly parked, and I’d barely gotten off the back of his bike when Viper came over and said, “It’s bigger than I thought.”

  Grayson smiled, and I knew he was itching to say something inappropriate. I gave him a stern look, warning him to keep his thoughts to himself, and then quickly turned to Viper and said, “Well, the entire property is just over eighty acres, but we spend most of our time here focusing on production.”

  “Okay, let’s see it.”

  Viper wanted to jump right in. I shouldn’t have been surprised. He’d been all business from the moment we met, and today was an important step in our partnership. Unfortunately, I was still suffering from my hangover. The Tylenol had done little to help my pounding headache, and my stomach was still doing somersaults. I feared it would get the best of me at times, but I had no choice but to push through and managed to complete the entire tour without actually getting sick. Viper seemed pleased when he came up to me. “I gotta say, you have quite an impressive place here.”


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