Tempting Country: Ruthless Sinners MC

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Tempting Country: Ruthless Sinners MC Page 15

by Wilder, L.

  I’d barely drifted off when I heard someone pounding on my door. It was well after midnight, so I knew something had to be wrong. I shot out of bed and rushed to the door. When I opened it, I found Mia on my front step, looking absolutely panicked. “What’s wrong?”

  “I was, umm... I was with Braylon, and he got some warning or something that there was a fire.”

  “What? Where?”

  “Over at the gym. He went to check it out and told me to come and get you.”

  “Oh shit!”

  I pulled on my boots and rushed out of the house, quickly closing the door behind me. The cold night air was damp from the rain and made me shudder, but thankfully the rain itself had let up. It was barely sprinkling as I ran to the gym to find Braylon. I didn’t bother to stop and see if Mia was following me. I was too worried about everything I’d worked so hard for going up in flames. I charged through the front doors of the gym as I called out, “Braylon!”

  When he didn’t answer, I called out again, “Bray! Where are you?”

  Still no answer. While I didn’t see any flames, I smelled the overwhelming stench of burnt siding. I started searching for the source of the smell when I noticed an orange glow coming from one of the outside windows. I quickly rushed out the back door and over to the side of the building where a small fire was inching across the exterior siding. I was surprised to see that there was a white film covering most of the wall and part of the grass, and then, I spotted the two fire extinguishers. Braylon and Duggar had been there, but I had no idea where they’d gone. I picked up one of the extinguishers and tried to spray it, but it was already empty. I hated there wasn’t more I could do, but I knew it was only a matter of time before the gym’s sprinkler system went off. I was trying to figure out what I should do next when Mia rushed up behind me and asked, “Where’s Bray?”

  “I don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”

  “Well, it looks like he was here.”

  “Yes, but where is he now?” I looked around, and there was no one in sight. Suddenly, the power went out, and the entire place went black. Even though it was no longer storming, I assumed it had something to do with the crazy weather. Maybe a downed tree or a blown breaker. Regardless, I knew it would be only a short amount of time before the generator kicked on. I had an uneasy feeling as I stood there watching the flames continue to inch their way up the building. Trying my best not to panic, I turned to Mia and asked her, “What about Timms or Widow? Any idea where they might be?”

  “I don’t know. I haven’t seen them.”

  I didn’t know what it was, but something was wrong—very, very wrong.

  Unnerved, I rushed to the back doors of the school, but stopped dead in my tracks the second I heard what sounded like gunshots coming from inside. With my heart drumming in my chest, I stood frozen, waiting to see if I heard it again. I turned and searched the grounds for any sign of Braylon or the others. That was when I spotted three figures dressed in all black darting across the back field. I knew then this wasn’t just an accidental fire.

  On the verge of tears, Mia shrieked, “Were those gunshots?”

  “I’m not sure.” Trying to remain calm, I told her, “Go get Reagan. The two of you need to get to your car and go.”

  “But what about Braylon and—”

  “You have to go, Mia. He would want you to be safe.”

  She nodded, then turned and ran towards Reagan’s place. I was considering my next move when I heard another round of shots. I ran up to the back door of the school and tried to peek through the window, but it was too dark to see anything. I had no idea what was going on inside that building. I just knew I had to get to the security button and lock the place down before the other intruders made it inside. Without any further hesitation, I eased the door open and slipped inside. I kicked off my wet boots, then tiptoed down the long, dark hall. I kept my back against the wall and started inching towards the office. I was just about to round the corner when the lights came flickering back on.

  Several more shots were fired. Seconds after, there was a loud thud that sounded like a body hitting the ground. The second I heard a man groan, I knew someone had been shot and had fallen. I opened the large wooden door and peeked my head out, and immediately spotted Braylon on the floor. My heart dropped when I saw he had a bullet wound in his thigh and another in his shoulder. Without thinking, I came out of hiding and started racing over to him but stopped when he held up his hand and scowled. More gunfire erupted, drawing my attention to the end of the hall. Relief washed over me when I spotted Timms, Duggar, Widow, and possibly Jackal. Their backs were to me, making it difficult to figure out who was there, but it was evident they were doing what they could to hold off whoever was attacking us.

  I didn’t move. I just stood there watching them until I heard Braylon whisper, “Kiersten.”

  I quickly turned to look at him and asked, “What should I do?”

  “Lock her down.”

  He used two fingers to motion over to the security button. I nodded, then crouched down, being careful to stay out of the line of fire and scrambled over to the office wall. I knew what would happen when I pushed that button. The panels would come down, and we would be locked inside with our attackers. Hawk had warned us about the possibility of this very thing happening, and we thought we could handle it. At that moment, I wasn’t so sure. Unfortunately, I didn’t have a choice. Pushing that button meant I could keep the other intruders from getting inside with us.

  I reached into the hidden compartment and pressed the button, and within seconds, the metal panels came down over the windows, sealing us in along with our attackers. The commotion down the hall continued as I leaned back against the wall, trying my best not to be seen. The sound of an object sliding across the floor drew my attention to my feet. I looked down and gasped when I saw it was Braylon’s handgun. “You gotta get out of here, Kiersten! Go find a place to hide until we come—”

  “No!” Knowing our intruders were just around the corner, I cried, “You’re hurt, Bray. There’s no way in hell I’m leaving you.”

  “I’m fine. Just a fucking graze.” He motioned his hand towards the small handgun at my feet. “Now, take it and go.”


  “Go, Kiersten!”

  I did as he ordered, then hurried back down the hall and slipped into one of the classrooms with hydroponic feeders. The timer-controlled lights were off, so it was difficult to see as I made my way to the back of the room. I’d always loved being in these rooms. It was always so quiet and serene with all the green plants and warm glow of the lights, and I felt like I’d truly accomplished something when I saw that my plants were growing healthier and hardier than any other on the market. But at that moment, nothing about this room felt comforting or soothing. Instead, all the shadows and strange noises made me feel like I’d stepped into my very own nightmare.

  I slipped under one of the tables and drew my knees up to my chest, trembling as the adrenaline rushed through my veins. As I sat there huddled, I could hear gunfire just outside the door, and I was completely terrified. I had no idea who was doing this until I heard a voice come over the school intercom. Bile rose to my throat as I listened to him say, “Kier-sten. Oh, Kiersten. I know you’re here. I know you can hear me. How does it feel to have your perfect little world shaken to its core? I bet you never thought this day would come, but it did, and it came because of you. You did this, Kiersten. You’re the one who was so fucking hard-headed. You’re the one who made it difficult.”

  It was the same words Drake had said to me the other night at the gas station. I thought it was just an odd coincidence until he continued, “All you had to do was give me a chance and hear me out, but no. You were too fucking good for me...”

  I had no idea how he’d gotten access to the school’s intercom, but I didn’t take it as a good sign. To get there meant he’d gotten past not only Braylon and Timms, but Widow and his prospect Jackal a
s well, and that thought terrified me. I was frozen with fear. All I could do was sit there and listen to Drake’s insanity. “That was a mistake that’s going to cost you dearly.”

  As I sat there in the pitch dark, I thought about everything Drake had just said and was riddled with guilt. I should’ve known that there was a reason why he’d shown up at the Manor looking for me that day. He was getting a lay of the land, which explained how he knew exactly where to find us. He must’ve used the fire as a decoy to lure us away just long enough to get inside. I couldn’t understand how he’d gotten past all the security cameras. Not that it mattered now. He and his people had infiltrated us, and it was my fault. I’d tried to be careful and watch my back, but clearly, I’d failed miserably, and now everyone at the Manor was paying for my mistake. The thought consumed me with regret as I listened to Drake growl, “It’s time to face the music. Come out of hiding, or I’ll put a bullet in your buddy’s head and finish him off.”

  “No! Don’t!” Braylon shouted. “Stay where you are!”

  “Don’t be a stupid bitch. Come out or he’s as good as dead. It’s your choice.”

  “Kiersten, don’t!”

  There was a loud burst of static, and then the microphone clicked off, leaving me spiraling with doubt. I knew I couldn’t sit there and leave someone I cared about to die—even if it meant putting my own life in jeopardy. I took a deep breath, trying my best to calm my racing heart, then forced myself out of my hiding place. With Braylon’s gun in hand, I crept down the dark aisle of the classroom. When I made it to the door, I eased it open and stepped into the hallway. I’d only taken a few steps when I spotted Widow across the hall. His weapon was in his hand, his finger on the trigger, and he had a fierce expression on his face. He saw me but didn’t speak. He simply shook his head, warning me not to go any further.

  I knew he was trying to protect me, but I couldn’t stop. I had to get to Braylon, so I mouthed, “I have to help Braylon.”

  He shook his head once again—more sternly this time, but I didn’t heed his warning. Instead, I continued forward and prayed I could get to Braylon before Drake did something we’d all regret. Cautioning me yet again, Widow hissed, “Goddamn it, Kiersten. Don’t take another step.”

  “I’m sorry, but I have to do something.”

  “Jackal is headed that way. Just go back and hide like Braylon told you!”

  “I’m sorry. I can’t. I just can’t.”

  Without giving him a chance to say anything more, I rounded the corner and continued towards the office with Braylon’s gun at my side, trying my best to conceal it. When I made it up front, Braylon was no longer lying on the floor. All that remained was a small pool of blood, which only added to my terror. I stepped toward the office door and entered, only to find that the room was empty. I knew they’d just been there. They had to be close, so I opened each of the closets and the private bathroom, but there was no sign of Drake or Braylon.

  I stood still, wondering where they might be when Jackal came charging into the room. While he had the same intense expression, he and Widow were polar opposites. Where Widow was older with a beard and a tall, muscular build, Jackal was young and handsome with light golden-blond hair and a slender frame. Without saying a word, he raced toward me and tossed me over his shoulder, then charged out of the room. In a blink, I was face down on the floor, and Jackal was piled on top of me. I had no idea what he was doing until a loud explosion erupted from the office, and debris flew through the air.

  I realized then that Jackal was using his own body as a shield, making sure I wasn’t harmed in the explosion. I lay there for several moments, thinking he’d move once the dust settled. He didn’t. He remained perfectly still even when I whispered, “Jackal ... Jackal?”

  He didn’t respond, so I shifted his weight to my side, then slipped out from underneath him. As soon as I’d gotten to my knees, I spotted the large shard of glass centered like a large knife in his back. I knelt down and gave him a slight shake as I cried, “Jackal? Jackal, are you okay? Please be okay—”

  “Sorry, Kiersten,” Drake sneered. “But I don’t believe he’s gonna answer.”

  I looked behind me and found Drake standing above me with his gun pressed against Braylon’s head. There was another man standing behind them—his weapon was also drawn and pointed directly at me. I looked down the hall, searching frantically for any sign of Widow, Timms, or Duggar. Unfortunately, they were nowhere to be found. I glanced up at Drake and asked, “Why are you doing this?”

  “You left me no choice.”

  “What the hell does that even mean?”

  “For a smart girl, you can be really fucking stupid. Seriously, what did you fucking expect me to do? You came into my territory—the one I’d been running for years, and like it was yours for the taking, you started selling your dope.” His eyes were full of anger as he glared down at me. “I didn’t say a fucking word. I just stood by and let you steal my customers, my money, all because I thought we had something—a connection that could lead to something more. Now, I see that isn’t going to happen.”

  I had no idea he was selling marijuana. Nor did I realize that he knew I was selling it. I was completely stunned by the revelation. I was even more stunned when he shook his head and growled, “We could’ve had it all. We could’ve joined forces. With my goods and yours, we could’ve made this our city. But you were too fucking stubborn. I’m done trying to be the good guy. I’m taking over. This place of yours is going be mine...”



  My mind was racing as we sped towards the Manor. I desperately wanted to know that Kiersten was okay, so I called her phone over and over again. When she still didn’t answer, I tried Braylon, Widow, and Jackal. Again, no answer. I sent them all countless messages, but neither responded. They could’ve been away from their phones or maybe they’d put out the fire and gone back to bed, but I had a bad feeling that wasn’t the case. We’d just made it out of the Nashville city limits when Menace’s phone started to ring. Hawk, Lynch, and I watched as he picked it up and looked down at the screen. Dread washed over me the second I saw the expression on his face. I knew right away something was terribly wrong. He looked over at me and said, “It’s Riggs.”

  He brought the phone up to his ear and answered, “This is Menace.”

  Silence fell over the truck as he paused to listen for a moment, then asked, “Any idea how many there are?”

  Another agonizing pause, then Menace asked, “What do we need to do here?”

  Menace listened for a few more moments, then replied, “We’ll let you know as soon as we get there.”

  As soon as he hung up, Menace turned his attention to us. “It wasn’t just a fire. There are intruders, and the Manor is on lockdown.”

  “What the fuck?” I roared.

  “He just turned on the sprinkler system on at the gym, so the fire shouldn’t be much of an issue. I can’t say the same for the intruders.”

  Hawk sounded equally angered when he asked, “Any idea how the hell this happened?”

  “Can’t say for sure. I’m guessing whoever did this used the storm to their advantage. Hard to see anything with all the wind and rain.”

  “Fuck! Any idea who it might be?”

  “No clue, but it’s pretty clear these guys know what they’re doing. They set the fire as a decoy. Used it to get them away from the school long enough to get inside.”

  “Wait, you said the Manor was on lockdown.”

  “They are.”

  “So, they’re locked inside there with them?”

  “It’s hard to tell. They’ve dismantled the camera feed, but Riggs seems to think there are several still outside.”

  “And Kiersten?”

  “Pretty sure she’s in there with them.”

  “Damn it!” I didn’t realize just how much I cared about Kiersten until her life was in jeopardy. The mere thought of losing her sent me into a spiraling panic. “We gotta
get to her!”

  “I know, brother, and we will. Should be there in less than ten minutes,” Menace tried to assure me. “She’s a smart girl. She can hold on until then.”

  I ran my hand over my face, trying to slow the thoughts racing through my mind. I couldn’t hold back my rage as I growled, “This shit should’ve never happened. Where the hell were Widow and Jackal?”

  “It’s after midnight, brother. I’m sure one or both of them were down for the night. Not sure who was on night duty or why they might’ve been distracted. None of that matters now.” Menace’s cool demeanor remained intact as he said, “Right now, we need to focus on getting there and doing whatever we gotta do to take these motherfuckers down.”

  Hawk took out his phone and called Viper and updated him on what was going down. As expected, Viper told Hawk that he would get some of the other brothers together, and they’d come to give us a hand. I was barely keeping it together as I sat there staring out the window when Lynch reached over and placed his hand on my shoulder. “She’s going to be okay, brother. We’ll make sure of it.”

  I nodded but couldn’t say anything in return. I was too beside myself to speak. I stared out at the road ahead, anxiously counting down the miles as we continued toward the Manor. I was so worked up I felt like I could crawl out of my own skin. I just wanted to get there and make sure Kiersten was okay. When we reached the edge of the property, I noticed two cars—a black BMW and a red Mercedes—parked along the fence row. I’d never seen them before, so I pointed them out to the others. “That’s gotta be them. They must’ve parked here and headed in through the back field.”


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