Secret Alpha Wolf (Shifter League Book 2)

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Secret Alpha Wolf (Shifter League Book 2) Page 11

by Leela Ash

  “But you said, ‘the others that I have seen…’” Veronica was just as perplexed as Achilles at this point.

  “Yes, the other shapeshifters I have seen in my research. You all have such a distinct presence, you know. And some very elaborate texts and writings on how best to guard your thoughts.”

  “Wait, so you are talking about people you never met in person?”

  Lester sighed. “I’m sorry. Everyone thinks I am so insane anyway that I have begun to refer to my books and studies as my only friends. The people who I learn from, I consider comrades and invaluable to my life. It gets a little lonely being the town kook, as I’m sure you can easily imagine.”

  Achilles could. He was a pack animal. He was used to living in Stonybrooke and having all kinds of other wolf shifters there at his disposal to work with. When he had moved to Greenrock, it had been incredibly difficult for him to be away from his pack. But now that he and the other shifters were starting to work better together as a team, it meant they were feeling a little less isolated. Still, the community hadn’t exactly been welcoming of the shifters to their town. Not that Achilles could blame anyone for that. They were different. Unique. And in comparison to the humans, kind of extraordinary.

  Unfortunately, he was well aware of the impact of their looks and charisma, even if they didn’t really fit in around the place. The men were extra jealous of them because they exuded alpha masculinity that often caught the eye of women they felt they had a claim on. Debby nearly falling all over herself to ensure Achilles noticed and remembered her was hardly an isolated incident.

  Usually, he thought it was kind of funny, or even annoying sometimes. But this time, it had made him think. What was so different about Veronica? The other women he had encountered had a tendency toward shameless admiration. They were simply excited to be in the presence of a good-looking man and sought his approval without really questioning who he was and what he wanted with them.

  Veronica, on the other hand, seemed very compelled to get to know as much as she could about him before she could let her guard down, even for a moment. In fact, they had been working together for this long and they still hadn’t even kissed. And he knew she wanted to. He couldn’t keep himself from wanting exactly the same thing. But there they were, as celibate as ever. And why?

  Because of her remarkable self-control. Because she had respect for herself and a real grasp on the situation at hand. Because she was responsible and smart and stronger than her own feelings, even when she couldn’t help but break down a little bit. She was incredible. And soon, he knew, the wolf wasn’t going to let their resistance hold out any longer.

  “I think that is understandable, Lester, considering the circumstances,” Veronica said, letting out a small sigh.

  Lester looked to the young woman earnestly. “And what happened to change your mind, Ronnie? How did you find this remarkable man?”

  Achilles nearly blushed but was too much of a manly, strong, shifter guy to let those types of things affect him. “Remarkable is a bit of an overstatement…”

  “Hush,” Veronica said, holding her hand up to Achilles.

  He clamped his mouth shut and raised his brow at Lester, who chuckled at their dynamic. Guess he could tell who was the boss here, right? “It’s okay, Lester. Actually, we met because we were both on our way to talk to you about some weird things going on.”


  Veronica looked to Achilles, daring curiosity in her features.

  “Actually,” Achilles continued. “I was going to snoop through your things to make sure you didn’t have anything dangerous or telling about the portals.”

  “And I didn’t.”

  “No, maybe not. But there was a book I found…”

  “Ah, I wondered who might have taken that…”

  Achilles looked at Lester with interest.

  “That book is one of the most precious in my collection. Well… it was one of the most precious. I know that, by all rights, it belongs to you now.”

  Achilles was grateful for the man’s understanding and nodded. “I’m sorry I couldn’t just come in and talk to you about it, but as you may understand, this is a very delicate situation we’re dealing with here.”

  “It’s fine! And honestly, I just can’t tell you what it means to me to actually meet you in person. I didn’t think I would live to see the day!”

  Lester was beside himself with joy, and Achilles glanced back to Veronica with a smile. It was kind of nice to see the old man happy.

  “Well, I can assure you that I, and many others like myself, do, in fact, exist,” Achilles stated firmly. “And no matter what people have been telling you, and if they’re questioning your sanity, it only shows their ignorance, not yours.”

  Lester’s face brightened immensely, and Veronica smiled at the men.

  “Tell me, though,” Lester said, his face a bit pensive, “why do you think they want the Serah Stone?”

  Achilles sighed. “That I can’t be certain of…”

  Actually, Achilles was starting to get an idea; it was a long shot, though. If the enemy had been after the Serah Stone, then that meant, maybe the key to activating the portals could be tied to it somehow. If that was the case, then they would have to get the real one from Gavin’s locker.

  “Are you certain there are no Kaw here?” Lester whispered, glancing about in a paranoid manner, his eyes wide with fear. “I don’t want to say anything they might be able to use against us. This is a battle we simply cannot afford to lose!”

  “I agree,” Achilles said. “And I am sure. That’s something else I learned from my source. The one who gave me the herbal remedy for you. He let me know that the Kaw can be detected by a powder on the wind. It’s almost like a mist. If you feel it or find it hanging in the air, then you know they’re around. It’s a biproduct of their bodies reacting to an unfamiliar environment. The longer they are away from their own atmosphere, the more their bodies begin to deteriorate. They can’t be gone long, or they will die, so they know better than to show up and risk undue harm to themselves.”

  “They recruit other creatures to do that for them,” Lester said, nodding knowingly. “I have seen that much for myself.”

  “Yeah,” Achilles said, frowning. The two he had killed must have been working for the Kaw. “Maybe we should go back to Lester’s and have another look around. The Kaw could be waiting there for him to return. He might be safer here until everything is sorted out.”

  Veronica nodded, though he could see there was fear in her eyes. He hated the fact that she was involved in any of this. Why couldn’t he just put everybody in a safe little bubble and keep them there until the danger was all taken care of? Why was it that people were still bound to get hurt?

  “Maybe you should stay here and make sure nothing happens to Lester,” Achilles stated. Veronica frowned.

  “I don’t think I can do that, but it might be safer to let them take him to a facility. If it’s going to be that dangerous, I want him to be as far away from any of these monsters as he can be.”

  “I understand,” Achilles said, nodding slowly. “But what kind of facility are you talking about?”

  Both men were now staring at Veronica with laser vision, and she sighed, shifting uncomfortably back on her heel. “I just think maybe he would be safer.”


  Achilles’ stern voice finally got the answer out of her.

  “The hospital had mentioned something about Lester being in a catatonic state that could have been brought about by psychosis. They wanted to put him in a facility for a while to keep him safe.”

  “Because they think I did this to myself,” Lester said, clearly deflated. “They think that by locking me up and putting me away, they won’t have to deal with the weird old man anymore. Well, I won’t have it!”

  Veronica sighed and looked pleadingly to Achilles. “It’s not like it would be forever.”

  “How do you know that? A
re you his power of attorney? Does he even have one? How do you know for sure they would ever release him?”

  Lester peered at Veronica, waiting for her answer.

  “I don’t,” she finally said. “It isn’t something I want to do, but what else is there to do?”

  “What about a rehabilitation facility?” Lester asked. “I still have to take the time to learn how to use my limbs again. Whatever this thing did to me, it is keeping me from that much, but if I start to show improvements, they might place me there. Then I won’t be a burden on anybody anymore!”

  Veronica sighed. “You aren’t a burden. We just want to find the safest place for you right now.”

  “A rehabilitation center does sound like it’s the best possible option for him, don’t you think?” Achilles asked, searching Veronica’s eyes imploringly.

  “Yes, it does make a certain amount of sense to me,” she agreed. “I just don’t want anyone to get to him.”

  “Nobody will get to him,” Achilles said. “I’ll tell the guys that he was attacked and robbed, and they’ll make sure to keep watch.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Veronica’s brow furrowed. Things between the two of them were still quite the secret. But telling them about Lester wouldn’t change that. He would still be in the clear, and it was coming to the time when he could use their help. It was for the best of the universe, not just his own interests. If he could do anything to help those he was sworn to protect, he would. Even if it cost him.

  “I’m positive. We can still continue to work in secrecy, don’t worry.”

  Veronica nodded, but Achilles could tell there was something troubling her. Maybe she didn’t like to be kept a secret. But the nature of their work together demanded it, for more reason than one. Surely, she understood that well enough not to take it personal.

  “Okay,” she said softly.

  No, there was definitely something on her mind. She was troubled.

  But, for some reason, he couldn’t relate. He was beginning to feel elated. They were still safe. he hadn’t cost them the mission. Earth still had a chance.

  Now, all he had to do was convey what he had learned to the rest of the league. Maybe once that happened, things could begin to relax a bit.

  A nagging twinge of doubt suddenly plagued Achilles. He couldn’t let them know how he had learned of any of this unless he confessed that he and the sheriff had been working together. That he had been sneaking around right under their noses. And working close with authorities that the others had made clear were NOT to be fraternized with. The secrecy he had bred would have to remain for a little while longer.

  That didn’t mean he couldn’t hint toward the truth, though. He’d gotten the book, after all. He could just let them all know he had shamelessly defied his orders once he found out the old man had gone to the hospital. He had found the book and a clue that told him the Serah Stone was the missing link. Once they could bring it to the base, then everything would work out fine. Right?

  He could only hope it would work out that seamlessly. There always seemed to be something that wanted to go wrong, some kind of hitch in his plans, but he wasn’t going to allow that to happen.

  “Okay, Lester, it’s about time for lunch!”

  Achilles clamped his mouth shut as a nurse burst into the hospital room and took in his guests with an air of surprise. Her eyes lingered on Achilles and he cleared his throat, looking toward Veronica curiously to gauge her reaction.

  She seemed just as annoyed this time as she had been the first time, and he couldn’t help but let an evil little simper spread across his face. She caught it immediately and slapped his shoulder lightly. Lester caught the whole exchange and laughed.

  “Oh, by the way, look what I can do,” Lester said to the nurse before Achilles and Veronica took their leave. He held his arm up very slowly and wiggled his index finger at her. “I’m not paralyzed after all. And I am also very much not crazy. I would like to request some physical therapy.”

  “Oh!” The nurse was briefly distracted from Achilles by the sight of Lester’s movement and went closer to him to give him a thorough examination. “It looks like you really have improved since the last time I saw you. This is very good news!”

  Achilles could tell the nurse was faking her demeanor, probably because she knew Veronica was the sheriff and that if she didn’t seem particularly enthusiastic about meeting his demands, she could be considered suspicious. Achilles shook his head. Once people had a label on you like they did on poor old Lester, it was impossible to shake. The nurse wanted to believe he was crazy, so she was disappointed not to see that he was going to be living in a house where crazy was rampant and accepted.

  It was pretty sickening, and Achilles gave Lester a wink. “We’ll have someone by your place to make sure it’s move-in ready by the time you’re able to walk again.” He turned to the nurse, hoping that by appealing to her vanity, she might be more inclined to take care of his friend. “I’m sure the staff here is going to treat you well and with the proper respect,” he said, looking deeply into the nurse’s eye. Her cheeks turned a deep maroon color, and he gave her an encouraging smile before Veronica scoffed and took his arm, leading him once again out the door.


  Veronica and Achilles rode quietly back toward the bed and breakfast, each of them engrossed in their own thoughts. She was really relieved that Lester had made such a fast recovery, but there was something nagging at her. And she had to get to the bottom of it.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to see Lester?” she finally asked, looking dubiously at the silent man sitting beside her. She sighed. This was a conversation they should be having face to face. She caught her opportunity a few moments later when she saw the sign for a state park, and pulled in to park so they could speak properly about what had happened.

  “I didn’t want to tell you in case it didn’t work,” he said quietly. His eyes found hers and their intensity nearly made her heart leap out of her chest. “I didn’t want to look like an idiot who didn’t know how to protect you.”

  “But I know you know how to protect me, and just because you could be wrong about something doesn’t make you an idiot,” she replied. “I don’t think you’re an idiot…”

  Achilles sighed. “It’s just a lot of pressure, you know. There is so much I have to do to make sure things are just right. And the last thing I wanted to do was drag you along with me to see a man you care about as I try a cure that might not work. The disappointment on your face would have been more than I can bear…”

  He trailed off and looked away, clearly deciding he had already said too much. Veronica was touched by the words though, and this seemed to be particularly excruciating for him. He was looking everywhere but at her, and she couldn’t help but laugh softly.

  An impulsive decision to grab his hand seized her, so she quickly found his hand in hers. She gripped it tightly, and he looked at her in a combination of surprise and wonder. He let himself squeeze her hand back, and a surge of energy seemed to travel from him and right to her loins. Why was he so damn good looking? It almost wasn’t fair. How many women did he have to chase away from him on a daily basis?

  He searched her eyes questioningly, but very soon, found that there was a fire in her gaze that hadn’t been there moments before. She could feel his reaction to it; almost see it in the way his back straightened and he clenched his jaw. The animalistic desire they had been trying to deny was impossible to ignore now that they had made physical contact. But since when had handholding led to a sexual encounter? It was innocent enough, wasn’t it? She hadn’t meant to initiate something this intense.

  Veronica pulled her hand away quickly, her heart hammering hard in her chest. She turned the engine of the car off and opened the door, stepping outside and taking a deep breath of fresh air. Achilles soon followed suit, and she was surprised to find that he had rounded the car and was now facing her. She glanced around nervously but already
knew that the park all the way out here was almost never used by any of the citizens of Greenrock. They were safe and secluded here. Nobody would see them together and their secret would remain safe.

  Suddenly, Achilles’ hands were on her again, and he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close to him. A flood of desire overwhelmed her as she did her best to fight it away, but it took very little time for a switch to flip in her mind. There was a part of him that had summoned a part of her that she hadn’t even known was there, and now, they were so close to being intimate that she could almost feel his body against her, uninhibited and raw; the power of their attraction finally taking over their beings and leading them down the path that both of them had known was inevitable since the moment they met.

  Veronica gasped as Achilles leaned down to seize her lips with his own, and they kissed; a hot, passionate, reckless gesture that left her legs feeling like butter. He seemed to sense her sudden weakness and accommodated for it by lifting her up by the waist. He hiked her leg around his waist, and she could feel just how much he wanted her.

  A hot thrill surged through Veronica’s body as the man she had been trying so hard not to want finally gave in to his own wanting. She closed her eyes, overwhelmed by every delicious sensation. His strong hands were rubbing her delicately, stopping over the curves of her breasts to tease her nipples and send another shockwave of pleasure surging through her body.

  His kisses were sweet and sensual, but they had an urgency to them that shocked her body into a more intense longing. The heat within her was building and she found herself unable to restrain herself from letting out a small moan of pleasure.

  He heard this moan and reacted strongly to it, his whole form seeming to grow larger and more domineering, his assertive stance growing only more powerful. He wanted to take her, and she was willing for him to do so. She had never wanted anything more than this in her entire life, and he was right there, willing to distribute whatever pleasures upon her she might want.


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