Secret Alpha Wolf (Shifter League Book 2)

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Secret Alpha Wolf (Shifter League Book 2) Page 16

by Leela Ash

  Achilles smiled down at her and closed his eyes, finally at peace for the first time.


  “Vera, come on! We have to salute the sun!” Quinn exclaimed, taking a stance with her arms spread wide to welcome the day. Apollo’s little girl skipped over excitedly before dutifully assuming the pose alongside her.

  Veronica laughed. “She is quite the student it would seem!”

  “I know, I think she takes it more seriously than I do,” Quinn exclaimed happily. “Come on, you too,” she added, encouraging Veronica to also take the stance and share a moment of thankfulness together.

  “Ok, but this is about as bendy as I get right after breakfast,” she said, smiling and joining them for the little ritual. She was surprised at how “right” it felt. After they had been through and accomplished so much it was the perfect expression of all the feelings of gratitude that had been welling up inside of her. They were standing on the lawn of the bed and breakfast, each of them stuffed with delicious food provided by the yoga instructor as a feast to introduce Achilles’ new mate to the rest of the league.

  Apollo had slapped Achilles hard on the back. “You old dog,” he’d said. “I knew you were hiding something!”

  Atlas had been a perfect gentleman and had given her an excited tour of the grounds, showing her their workshops and some of the things Achilles had recently welded. They were impressive, and Atlas was glad to have someone new to talk to. He had certainly hit it off with Lester, who had fully recovered and enjoyed coming out to spend time with the shifters and learn everything he could about them. It was quite comical, at times, to have such a curious human companion; it was something none of them had ever experienced. But they had bonded with Lester like he were one of them. Lester clearly felt the same way.

  Veronica hadn’t expected such a warm welcome. Everyone there had been extremely kind and accepting of her. Achilles had apologized profusely to everyone involved, but they laughed it off. After all, they had gotten exactly the information they’d needed, and now, they were heading off to complete the next step of their mission, whatever it was. Achilles was still reluctant to share all the details in case of another attack.

  In either case, the group was finally happy together. The mystery of the portals had been resolved. Now all they had to do was plan the next steps of their journey to the Wolf home world, where they would surely gain some allies and the strength they needed for the coming battle. The mission thus far had been successful, and everyone had benefitted.

  “Aren’t you glad you have a mate now?” Apollo stated, ruffling the hair on Achilles’ head.

  Achilles grinned. “I am. And I’m glad we have everything secured. Gavin made it pretty clear that the enemies have no idea that we’ve figured out the portals yet. So we’re still at least three steps ahead.”

  “Yes, that’s great news,” Atlas agreed.

  “Hey, enough business talk,” Veronica stated, untangling herself from a particularly challenging looking yoga pose and smiling at her lover. “It’s time to eat.”

  Achilles smiled broadly. If there was one thing he loved almost as much as Veronica, it was a good meal.

  The little makeshift family gathered around together, content in the fact that they had been successful in this leg of their mission. More adventures awaited them, but for now they just enjoyed the bond they had formed and reveled in the peace and security that came with knowing they had each other. Nothing could be better than that.

  The End

  Shifter League will continue…

  Dragon Protector Preview

  Shifters of the Wellsprings

  The Complete 12 Book Collection

  Leela Ash & Tabitha St. George

  Chapter 1

  Golden and mysterious, the coin in Hannah Stiles’ hand hinted that there was hope. That, maybe, just maybe, there was a path out of this disaster.

  From downstairs, she caught snatches of her parents’ hushed debate.

  “…extremely generous offer… we won’t see another like it…”

  “…but we’ll lose everything!”

  “Everything except our son.”

  Silence fell. There was no arguing against that last point. Four months ago, a hit and run driver struck her seventeen-year-old brother Danny as he walked home one evening. Bills mounted. Insurance, that had promised the world, delivered far less protection than they needed. Hannah didn’t know the details. Even though she was six years older than her brother, her parents still treated her like their little princess. They tried to shield her from life’s ugly truths.

  But things had come to a head and there was no hiding now. Her parents owed the hospital $72,300. As much as their small farm made in an entire year! With their savings drained, a ‘savior’ had appeared, a real estate developer who made them a very generous offer for their farm. Enough money to cover their debts and set up somewhere else…

  …if they were willing to abandon their home. A house that had been in the Stiles’ family for centuries. The place where she and her father had grown up. Her parents hated the idea – but there was no other option.

  Except this coin.

  Hannah took a deep, shaky breath and prayed it was as magical as Grandpa had said. “When things are darkest,” he’d told her, “when there’s no hope at all, show this to the Protectors. They are bound by blood and honor to aid us.”

  Unfortunately, he hadn’t told her how to find those ‘Protectors’. His grandfather hadn’t bothered to pass that important detail along. Being a modern girl, Hannah didn’t believe in ancient debts and magic coins. But if this thing had truly been in her family for 300 years, it must be valuable. Maybe valuable enough to save their home. And she had a good idea where to find a ‘Protector’ of her own.


  A quick image search didn’t turn up anything that looked similar. The coin itself didn’t offer many clues about its origin. No date, no sign of what country it came from. One side was blank. On the other, a dragon curled around the edge, circling two words: “Noraste Mel.” Google couldn’t translate that. When she posted on a rare coins forum, no one had ever heard of anything like it.

  Until yesterday, when an email arrived:

  Ms. Stiles,

  I am keenly interested in the coin you describe. If I am right about its origins, it is priceless. Though, surely, its Protector has told you that?

  I need to see the coin to be certain. I will arrange a video conference tomorrow night at 6:00. Do have the coin with you.


  Brandon Lorde

  Two words sent butterflies winging through her stomach. ‘Priceless’ – because that could save them. And ‘Protector’ – a strange echo of her grandpa’s own words. Quickly, she’d agreed to speak to Mr. Lorde tonight.

  Her computer’s clock read 5:58pm. Hannah set the coin down and ran a hand through her long blonde hair. Nervously, she swept a wrinkle out of her sleeve and worried that perhaps jeans and a faded state fair t-shirt weren’t the best choice to impress a stranger.

  Nonsense, she scolded herself. This isn’t a date. He’s interested in your coin, not you.

  The exact moment the clock ticked over to 6:00pm, a soft ping announced that Mr. Lorde wished to begin a video chat.

  Hannah licked her lips and clicked ‘accept’.

  She had expected some little old man surrounded by cats, coins, and dusty antiques. Instead, a Greek god appeared on her screen.

  Black hair, thick and light as a raven’s wings, framed his strong, angular face. Everything about him radiated strength, from his muscular arms to the sharp cut of his jaw and his full, firm lips. And his eyes…!

  They caught her and held her as tightly as a hare in a hawk’s grasp. She had never seen eyes like them before. Rich, sapphire blue. For a moment, she swore there were lights in them, tiny flecks of purest gold that swirled around the pupils’ dark center.

  Hannah’s breath caught in her throat. She simply stared, li
ke a deer in headlights, wishing, once again, that she’d changed clothes after coming in from the barn.

  For a moment, those luscious, mesmerizing eyes scanned her, drinking in every detail of her face, her clothes, her hair. Perhaps it was crazy, but he seemed… eager? Anxious? No, nothing that weak. But clearly, whatever this coin was, it held great importance to him.

  “Ms. Stiles?”

  Even his voice thrilled her, a deep, rich bass that transformed her plain, boring name into something enchanting.

  He cleared his throat. “Ms. Stiles?”

  Oh heavens! He expected an answer? Blood rushed to Hannah’s cheeks as she realized she’d been sitting there staring at him. “Yes? Uh, yes! I’m, uh, Hannah. Hannah Stiles.”

  “Good. Please hold the coin up to your computer’s camera.”

  No small talk? No ‘Hi, how are you, nice to see you?’ For the first time, she felt a twinge of uneasiness, but she ignored it. Of course, he was all business. A wealthy, elegant man like him would never care about a plain farm girl like her. Still blushing, she raised the coin, so he could see it.

  Immediately, he gasped. Some bright emotion lit his azure eyes. Hope? Joy? She couldn’t tell. For one moment, a dazzled smile brightened his face and he began to speak in a deep, musical language.

  What it was, she had no idea. Certainly nothing like her high school Spanish. He fell silent, awaiting an answer. Hannah winced. “I’m sorry. I don’t know that language.”

  At once, clouds of suspicion darkened his handsome face. He repeated the last sentence, his smile fading.

  “Sorry, I really don’t have any idea what you’re saying.”

  “Marakeen?” Those brilliant eyes bored into her now, seeking traps and deceit. “This word means nothing to you?”

  Hannah shook her head. “Is that the name of the coin?”

  His eyes closed, freeing her. Every muscle in his lithe body tensed, as if some fierce battle raged inside him. When he opened his eyes again, they were as cold as glacial ice. Chin raised, he stared through the computer at her with chilly disdain. “So, tell me, where did you steal the coin from?”

  Steal?!? Now her eyes flashed. “Excuse me? How dare you accuse me of theft?”

  “How dare I?” he sneered. “You have no idea what you hold in your hand. Clearly, you are a thief.”

  “This coin has been in my family for hundreds of years!”

  “And yet, you know nothing of the Marakeen?” She glared back at him, unwilling to answer, and he gave a short bark of laughter. “Then let me correct myself. You are not a thief – you are the descendent of thieves.”

  “I think this conversation is over,” Hannah hissed. Gorgeous or not, he didn’t get to sit there and insult her family like that.

  As she reached for the mouse, his lip curled in mockery. “Don’t you want your money, thief’s child?”

  Hannah froze, and now it was her turn to fight back anger.

  Money. That was why she was here. She couldn’t forget that. Couldn’t let her anger… her disappointment, cloud her mind. Yes, her ‘Greek god’ seemed to be more of a devil. Yes, he was arrogant, and dismissive, and…

  She swallowed and scrubbed her eyes, quickly wiping away any trace of the shamed tears his taunts had summoned. None of that mattered. What mattered was that, judging from the luxurious furniture she saw behind him, he was rich. And he wanted her coin.


  His scornful gaze burned through her, hitting her soul like a hammer’s blow. Yet she forced herself to meet it. To lift her chin and defy his unjust accusations. “Yes. $72,300. That’s what this coin will cost you.”

  He didn’t even blink at that crazy price tag. “An oddly specific price.”

  She held her tongue. He didn’t deserve an explanation.

  “Very well.” Clearly, his interest in the subject had died. “$72,300 it is. I will mail you my address. Send the coin to me and I will give you what you want.”

  “I want the money first!” Her lips pinched. “I don’t trust you.”

  “Well, I don’t trust thieves,” he countered, “and I have the money. You will not be paid until the coin is in my possession.”

  As she opened her mouth to argue, he waved dismissively. “We’re done here,” he said, as the video conference ended.

  For a moment, Hannah sat there, shaking with shame and rage. How could someone so heavenly, so gorgeous, be so cruel? What had she done to deserve that kind of treatment?

  By all rights, she ought to be dancing with joy. She’d done it! She’d found the money her family needed to save their land! But all she could think about was his eyes, and the way the hope and joy they held had died. She hadn’t done a thing wrong, and yet here she sat, feeling vaguely guilty. Sure that, somehow, she’d disappointed this stranger.

  Rude stranger, she reminded herself. He was in the wrong, not her.

  A ping announced the arrival of his address. New York City – not so far from her upstate home.

  She stared at it until her mother’s voice called her to dinner. And when she rose, she had a plan.

  Mr. Brandon Lorde of New York City would get his coin alright.

  But not the way he expected.

  Read the Complete 12 Book series here on Amazon…

  About the Author

  Hi! Thanks for stopping by! I love writing steamy tales about Alpha Shifters and the woman they love...or is it crave? ; ) I have always been into all things fantasy and paranormal and enjoy putting all that passion into my stories! When I am not writing I am mostly loving on my pet menagerie - as well as on my very own Alpha : ) ...We split our time between the mountains and the city in the U.S. far northwest...

  I like to believe that if you can imagine it, anything is possible. I think we all can attain that happily ever after and I try to do my little part to encourage people to have understanding and to see the love and value in every person. We are all just doing our best in this big adventure.

  Aside from that, I hope my stories bring a smile, a laugh...and maybe a little mystery and wonder to your day – or night ; ).

  Depending on where you like to hang out, please


  Other Series from Totally Romance

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  Leela Ash

  Banished Dragons Complete Collection

  Shifters of the Wellsprings Complete Collection

  Dragon’s of Kaldernon Complete Collection

  Stonybrooke Shifters Complete Collection

  Oak Mountain Shifters Box Set 1

  Samantha Leal

  Lost Creek Shifters Complete Collection

  Bridge Hollow Shifters Complete Collection

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  Burning Falls Shifters Complete Collection

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