Sapphire Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 7)

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Sapphire Flame: A Paranormal Romance (The Flame Series Book 7) Page 11

by Caris Roane

  I’m here.

  For a moment, she couldn’t think. Even his telepathic voice had a low rumble that afflicted the back of her knees. She forced herself to take another breath. I need to see you. Um…there’s been a development.

  Same here.

  His response surprised her. Really?

  Yes. I’ve been trying to find out more information about the presence you mentioned. In fact, I’m with a warlock right now who thinks he can help figure this out. Would you be willing to see him? Consult with him? It would mean a certain level of engagement, but he might be able to confirm and perhaps even identify your stalker.

  For a second, she was disappointed, not in seeing someone else as well but that Grant had a specific reason to want to see her as opposed to just wanting to see her. She was being foolish. I’m at Agnes’s chapel in her compound. We’ve still got some time before dawn. Can you come now?

  He wanted you to come to his place.

  She thought for a moment. It’s safe here, Grant. Agnes’s compound is like a fortress.

  You’re right. It is. Let me see if he’s willing to travel.

  She waited as he spoke to the warlock. When he came back on, he said, Neil, the warlock I mentioned, is willing but he doesn’t have a lot of time, so we’ll need to get to it.

  I understand. She didn’t exactly, but she could work with whatever was going on.

  We’ll be there in a few. Also, we’re flying in. It might be best if you let Agnes know we’ve been invited. She knows both of us.

  I’ll alert her. I’m sure there won’t be a problem. But if she has a concern, I’ll get right back to you.

  Okay. We won’t be long.

  Natalie felt Grant disconnect. She realized her heart was pounding in her chest. She’d even broken a sweat. She glanced at the back of her hand and there it was, the beginning of her wolf, a sliver of iridescence in a strip across the back of her right hand.

  She showed it to Talya who seemed surprised. “That’s really something and so beautiful.”

  “I suppose it is.” She forced it away, however. For whatever reason, she didn’t want Grant to see her wolf-sign. The whole thing embarrassed her.

  She contacted Agnes telepathically and received permission for the men to come into the compound and join them at the chapel. Agnes said she would let the guards at the front gate know they were coming.

  Agnes took no chances when it came to her well-protected compound. She had several guards constantly patrolling the area as well as a high-tech electronic surveillance system. A grid covered the cottages that formed a large U-shape at the back of the property so that no one could even fly over without her system being alerted.

  Once Agnes confirmed the guards had been informed, Natalie turned back to Talya and told her what was going on, including that a warlock would be joining them.

  Talya’s auburn brows rose. She was a beautiful woman and getting healthier by the moment. “You say his name is Neil? Is that his last name?”

  Natalie shrugged. “I have no idea. Why?”

  Talya’s lips quirked. “I think the asshole’s name was Neil.”

  “Oh, dear.” But Natalie grinned.

  “I should stop calling him that. After all, it was only his opening lines that made me think bad of him. Like I said, once he got real, that’s when he almost seduced me, though I didn’t tell him that. He has a unique look, too. Wavy black hair, thick to his shoulders. His features are very striking, and he has unusual gray eyes. You’ll have to tell me what you think once he gets here.”

  “I will.” Natalie searched Talya’s face. “He got to you. I mean, he really did.”

  “Yeah. After that initial encounter, I had vivid dreams about him. I even wondered if he’d used a spell on me. But after a while, it all faded. I have thought about him, though. The thing is, I’ll probably excuse myself once they get here. I’d leave now, but I’d like to see Grant again, get a feel for him myself in case you want to talk later. Though I confess I’m a bit used up.”

  Natalie was surprised by her reaction to these relatively innocent comments. What shot through her mind first was that she did not want Talya ‘getting a feel’ for Grant. She knew what Talya meant, but the words themselves conjured very different images.

  She finally said, “I’m not sure what all is going on with me, but it might be best if you kept your distance from the wolf.”

  Again, Talya’s brows rose. She nodded slowly. “I’ll make a point of it.”

  Natalie released a sigh that came out like it was crossing a series of speed bumps. How ridiculous to be so relieved. “Thank you,” was all she could think to say.

  The anticipation of seeing Grant again coupled with the worrisome thought that Neil, the warlock, could discover if she had an invisible entity spying on her, focused her thoughts on what Neil would have to say.

  Her gaze drifted along the back wall of the chapel. There was a beautiful stained-glass window in a long arch over the double doors and walls. Light from the foyer beyond lit it up.

  Natalie was grateful for something to focus on. The scene was a landscape of rolling hills, blue sky, and trees with lots of violet, blue and green hues throughout. It was lovely.

  For a moment, she forgot her worries until of course she heard masculine voices in the foyer and both doors opened.

  The men walked through.

  She heard Talya’s soft gasp and felt her fingers suddenly entwine with Natalie’s.

  Natalie squeezed in response. Odd tears bit her eyes as her gaze settled on Grant. The chapel was small with only a dozen rows of seats and aisles down each side. The distance was no more than thirty feet.

  She couldn’t take her eyes off Grant as he moved to the top of the closest aisle and made his march in her direction. Instinctively, she released Talya’s hand and held out both of hers to him. When he reached her, he took them in his firm grip. His fingers were warm as he nodded to her.

  She had that same, familiar sensation of coming home.

  She released his hands. “You remember Talya.”

  Grant smiled and extended a hand to the fae. She took it which caused Natalie a twinge of jealousy, a sensation she loathed. “How are you doing? You look fantastic. You’ve healed up quickly and I don’t see a single sign of sapphire flame.”

  “I’m feeling incredible given how recently I was in the ER. Emma has an amazing healing gift. Agnes gave me a treatment here as well that helped remove the drug from my system. She’s amazing.”

  “That she is.” Grant then turned slightly in Neil’s direction. “Natalie, you know Neil.”

  “I do.” Natalie shook his hand.

  Neil turned to Talya. “Well, hello there.”

  His obvious interest made Natalie smile.

  “Actually,” Talya said. “Neil and I have met, about a year ago.”

  “That we have.” His lips quirked. “As I recall, I was being an ass.”

  Talya chuckled. “Yes, you were. But your advice was solid. I took it to heart.”

  “Glad to hear it.”

  Natalie saw what Talya meant about Neil being a striking man. It was more than his looks. He had an aura about him, of devastating ease and strength. The only thing that marred his appearance were the shadows beneath his eyes. She wondered if he’d been ill recently.

  A soft growl next to Natalie, brought her attention sharply to Grant. She lifted her brows in question but said nothing.

  Stop looking at him. You’re throwing off lemons and mint.

  You’re jealous. The words came out in the form of a statement she instantly regretted. Yet she knew the same sensation extremely well.

  There’s no point in denying it. I am. Whatever this is between you and me, I’m not handling it well. Neil said he would need to have physical contact with you and it angers my wolf.

  She watched fur appear suddenly on the lines of his cheeks.

  She drew closer to him and slid her hand in his. I understand. I do. Talya mentioned wa
nting to see you again, to ‘get a feel for you’, and I was ready to scratch her eyes out.

  She met his gaze, and his lips curved softly. She had a sudden urge to touch his long braid and run her fingers the length.

  More mint and lemons.

  Yeah, well, you’re smelling like a pile of fresh-cut sawdust yourself.

  He blinked a couple of times then looked away from her.

  She understood and shifted her focus to Talya and Neil who’d been conversing. She heard Neil say, “I’m glad they were both there to get you out of the Graveyard. I can see you’re doing well, though.”

  “I am.” Talya glanced at Natalie. “But I will excuse myself now. My bed is calling for me. I hope to see you again.”

  Neil took her outstretched hand. For a moment, she thought he meant to lift Talya’s fingers to his lips. Instead, he released her hand with, “Sleep well.”

  “Thank you.”

  Talya kissed Natalie on the cheek then thanked Grant once again for risking his life as he had to save her. He nodded as she moved past them both. When she reached the doors and just before she passed through, she took one last look at Neil.

  Natalie was now alone with a wolf and a warlock and with the hope she’d soon discover who had been spying on her.

  Chapter Five

  Grant watched the chapel doors close. The air conditioning switched on at the same time and his nose twitched. His wolf was at the fore. He could have shifted in a split second.

  Neil remained in place, his gaze fixed on Grant. The world of the warlock was very different from Savage. But Neil’s instincts were spot on since he didn’t move a hair’s breadth.

  He felt Natalie squeeze his fingers. What’s going on?

  Her words might as well have been in a foreign language. They didn’t register. He seemed to be having this problem lately with his mind fixed one direction and his wolf another.

  He addressed Neil. “You should tell Natalie what to expect. Let’s start there.”

  Neil shifted his gaze to Natalie. Grant growled and took a step toward Neil.

  Neil backed up and lifted both his hands at the same time.

  Seriously, Grant. What’s going on?

  He heard her this time. I’m not handling this well.

  Handling what?

  He needs to touch you.

  At that, Natalie turned into him and met his gaze. “You won’t even let him within three feet of me. How is he going to touch me?”

  Neil waited. He didn’t try to speak or explain. It was a good thing. Grant had to figure out how to manage his possessive instincts or nothing was going to happen.

  “Fine. I’ll rein it in.”

  Natalie turned back to Neil. “How does this work? I take it you and I need physical connection.”

  “Normally, I hold the client’s hands. This gives me a powerful connection to the space around them. Not all warlocks can do this, but I’m able to sense what spells have been near them, both good and bad.”

  “Okay. I’m more than willing. I want to know if this presence Grant told you about is real or just in my mind and what if anything, he or she intends for me. I guess what I’d like to know first is whether or not invisibility spells even exist.”

  “They do, and they have for many years. But they’re only constructed at the highest levels. Some very powerful witches can create them as well as wizards. The results can be problematic, uneven and unpredictable. In addition, they’re very expensive. Rumors have it that some wizards put a timer on the spells and charge for continuing the magic. The longer a person wishes to remain invisible, the more money they charge.”

  “But you can’t create spells like this.”

  “Not yet. But one day I will.”

  “You’ll be a wizard soon.”

  “I’m in a transition period.”

  “I see,” she said. “I’ve heard it can be painful.”

  “Very. At times.”

  “But not right now?”

  “No, thank God. I couldn’t be here otherwise. But I should add, I don’t have much more time. If you and Grant want to do this, we should do it now.”

  Natalie glanced up at Grant. “I want to. But maybe you should leave the room.”

  He ground his jaw. “The hell I’m going anywhere.”

  “Fine, but you’ll have to let go of my hand.”

  Grant felt as though he was letting go of a lifeline when he unclenched his fingers from around hers.

  Still, Natalie waited, watching him carefully. She reached up and rubbed the tip of her forefinger across he cheek. He’d sprouted fur again. He wasn’t surprised.

  But her touch eased him. He finally met her gaze. She even smiled up at him. “It’s incredibly moving in a way I hadn’t expected. I know your reactions come from your wolf and it moves me. Let me know when we can proceed.”

  Grant forced himself to acquiesce with a nod.

  Natalie responded with a dip of her chin, then once more slowly turned to face Neil. She extended her hands with painful care as though moving in slow-motion.

  But the moment she placed her hands in his, he lost it. He threw his head back and howled, a long, primitive howl as though he’d just been separated from his entire pack.

  Neil didn’t just step backward. He levitated swiftly and flew toward the doors clearly fearing he would need to make a quick escape.

  Natalie threw her arms around Grant’s waist. I’m here. He’s not touching me. I’m here.

  Grant clutched her arms and forced himself to breathe. Fuck. I don’t know what to do.

  I have an idea. She craned her neck to look up at him and meet his gaze.

  At that, he finally looked at her. You do?

  Why don’t you put your arms around me from behind, make a full circle around my waist? That way, you have the greater possession.

  You’re willing to do that?

  Yes, but we need to hurry this along.


  Natalie called to Neil. “Come back. We think we know how we can make this work.”

  As Neil floated once more in their direction, Grant moved in behind Natalie. I apologize for the hard-on.

  No need. I get it. Right now, if you said, ‘I’m coming for you’, I’d say ‘Get here fast’.

  A shudder ran through him as he slid his arms around her waist. He connected his groin to her buttocks and wouldn’t apologize that she’d be able to feel all ten inches of him in a thick, hard erection pressed between her cheeks. We need to talk. Once we’ve got the answer, there are things I need to tell you.

  I think that’s a good idea.

  Neil descended to land in front of Natalie once more.

  You good to go, Grant? she asked.

  I’m good. This works.

  Aloud, Natalie said, “Let’s go for it, Neil. This should take care of the problem.”

  When she held her hands out to Neil this time, Grant’s only response was to tighten his hold on Natalie. She’d been right. His more significant physical connection to her was all he’d needed to satisfy his wolf. He could even feel the fur on his cheeks disappear.

  Neil must have felt confident as well because he took Natalie’s hands. “All you have to do is relax and let me get a sense of you. Try focusing on the last time you felt the person nearby. Closing your eyes might help. Is there only one?”

  “Only one and I think it’s male. I was shopping at the Cathedral in Revel a couple of months ago. I’d just bought some roasted almonds when I felt him nearby. I had the impression he was tall as he stood next to me. I even tried to communicate telepathically but he didn’t respond.”

  “You aren’t mistaken, Natalie. I can feel the spell. It’s powerful and bright, like it’s full of sunlight. That tells me which wizard created it. His signature is light. But I can also feel the presence of the man. It’s time to secure his identity. Are you prepared to know?”

  “I am.”

  The situation helped Grant’s arousal to diminish for which he w
as grateful.

  Neil addressed Grant. “Are you good with this? Because I’m going to invoke a spell of my own. It will pass through Natalie and you’ll probably feel it as well. But it should show us who’s been dogging her heels all this time.”

  “Do it.”

  Grant watched Neil. The warlock, with shadows deepening beneath his eyes, murmured soft words. Each word sent a shock through Natalie and into him. It wasn’t so much painful as disconcerting. His wolf wanted the warlock to stop. But he stayed open in the same way Natalie was open.

  When Neil stopped speaking, it was as though a rush of air moved through his feet, as well as Natalie’s and kept flowing up toward the ceiling. The air above the pews began to spin, a light appeared and in it was the shape of a man.

  Faster the air flowed, the light began to illumine the features. Grant could even see the underground food court where Natalie had bought her almonds.

  He could feel Natalie in that moment, well into the past because of Neil’s spell. Then just like that the man’s features came into view.

  Holy fuck.

  It was Kryder.

  His pack’s alpha.

  The madman of Savage had been tracking Natalie for how long?

  Natalie pulled her hands from Neil and the vision vanished. “It’s Kryder, isn’t it?” she whispered.

  “Jesus,” Neil muttered.

  “All this time?” She turned into Grant and planted her hands on his chest. “All this time? Grant, was he with me in Cave Creek? Did he put the fae serum in the strawberry pie? Why? Why would he do that?”

  It was Neil who answered the question. “It’s the latest trend.” He was sweating and had grown very pale. “To use powerful fae women to fix the future. He intends to use you.”

  Natalie’s voice sounded very small. “He took everything from me. Everything I loved.”

  But Grant barely heard her words. Instead, he was stunned to find two lines angled across Natalie’s cheeks. They were glowing, iridescent, and it was the sign of the wolf. “Natalie, your cheeks.”

  “What?” she looked confused. Tears ran down her face.

  He wanted to comfort her, but in that moment, Neil uttered an anguished cry and collapsed unconscious at their feet.


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